Crime and punishment


Crime and punishment

1 Match the verbs and phrases. If necessary use a dictionary to help you. commit e

1 break …

2 get …

3 serve …

4 find …

5 suspect …

6 report … a into trouble b a crime to the police c time in prison d someone of a crime e a crime f someone guilty g the law

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs from Exercise 1.

Matthew was a burglar, but not a good one. He was always

1 ……………… into trouble with the police. In fact he

2 ……………… the law so many times, that whenever someone

3 ……………… a crime, the police always

4 ……………… him. Whenever he appeared in court, Matthew was always

5 ……………… guilty. Over the years he

6 ……………… three years in prison. Then one day his own house was burgled. The thief stole everything.

Matthew found himself at the police station once more, but this time to

7 ……………… a crime. The police were very amused.

Teacher's Resource Book

rob and steal

We use rob and steal to talk about taking things illegally from people. We use steal with things, and rob with people and institutions.

Someone stole her bag in town yesterday.

Oh no! We

’ve been robbed!

The criminals robbed the bank, and then escaped.

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of rob or steal .

1 After months of careful planning, the gang

……………… the jewellery shop.

2 Jill was mugged on her way home from work. The thieves ……………… her handbag and her Rolex watch.

3 Someone’s broken into the house. It looks as if they’ve ……………… the video!

4 Over £100,000 was ……………… from the bank last night.

5 Last Christmas they were ……………… .

Someone broke into their house and took all their presents.

4 Complete the sentences. Use on , in , by , under and against . If necessary, use a dictionary to help you.

1 Writing graffiti on public buildings is

……………… the law.

2 Mark was ……………… trouble with the police for stealing cars. He’d been joyriding with his friends.

3 An innocent man was sent to prison

……………… mistake.

4 Simon didn’t break the window

……………… purpose.

5 The burglar was caught and put

……………… arrest.

The environment

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words from the box. pollute conserve protect destroy recycle support

1 Unless we ……………… endangered species like the Iberian lynx, they will disappear.

2 ……………… bottles and newspapers is a good way of helping the environment.

3 Mike decided to ……………… Friends of the Earth after he had read their leaflet.

4 If we ……………… energy like gas and electricity, we will create less pollution.

5 You shouldn’t use aerosols. They

……………… the ozone layer.

6 Waste from the factory ……………… the river and fields nearby. As a result many wild animals died.

2 Complete the passage with the words from the box. drought environment smoke global protection waves resources pollution

New statistics show that

1 ……………… warming is getting worse. Last year, more than forty countries had very little rain. As a result they suffered from heat

2 ……………… and severe

3 ……………… . In addition, widespread fires caused harmful 4 terrible effects on the

……………… which had

5 ……………… .

Scientists say these problems are the result of the increase in

6 ……………… . Unless people start using natural energy support programmes of


7 ……………… and

……………… and conservation, the situation will not improve.

3 Complete the table with the words and phrases from the box. windy chilly foggy pouring misty freezing warm dull

+ ++ +++ warm hot scorching cool breezy

1 …………… 2 ……………

3 …………… blowing a gale

4 …………… 5 …………… hazy drizzling raining

6 ……………

7 …………… cloudy stormy

4 Complete the sentences with the words in column +++ from Exercise 3.

1 ‘What’s the matter? Didn’t you enjoy your swim in the sea?’

‘No, the water was ……………… !’

2 I don’t think we can take the boat out today.

The wind is ……………… .

3 It was so ……………… that Mark couldn’t see where he was driving.

4 You’d better put on your raincoat and take an umbrella. It’s ……………… outside.

5 Karl trekked through the desert in the

……………… midday sun.

6 The sky looked grey and ……………… , so the backpackers set up camp for the night.

Describing personality

1 Complete the sentences with the words from the box. proud friendly lazy patient cheerful jealous

‘Rob has been very cheerful recently.’

‘Well, he’s got a new girlfriend.’

1 Tim never helps with the housework.

He’s so ……………… !

2 Zoe was ……………… of Linda. She was much prettier than Zoe, and more intelligent, too.

3 Karen rarely gets angry with people. She’s usually ……………… and understanding.

4 Pam is very ……………… . I’m sure you’ll like her when you meet her.

5 The teacher felt very ……………… when all her students passed the exam.

2 Match the words from the box with their opposites in the sentences. If necessary, use a dictionary to help you. confident e

1 cowardly …

2 dim …




light-hearted …

timid …

well-behaved … a Karen is so bossy

. She’s always telling me what to do! b Ian started university a year early. He’s really clever . c The courageous fireman rescued the children from the burning house. d ‘Helen didn’t laugh at my joke. Why is she so serious at the moment?’

‘I think she’s worried about her exams.’ e ‘When I invited Clare to the party she went bright red!’

‘She must be very shy .’ f When Mark ignored his mother, she told him off for being rude .

3 Read the descriptions. Match the people and job adverts.

1 Paul is hard-working and quite bossy. He’d like a job with responsibility. …

2 Tina is practical and reliable. She prefers to work outside and is quite fit. …

3 Rob is friendly and cheerful. He likes working with children. …

4 Phil is patient and sympathetic. He’s a very good listener. …

5 Sue is outgoing and likes organising events.

She enjoys meeting people. …

Wanted … a Dog minder for walks and general animal care.

Tel. 05 467 543. b Part-time tour guide. Write to: Sunny Travel,

63 Boat Street, Oxford. c Assistant manager at All Sports sportswear shop. Need to work long hours. Tel. 0987 6547. d Father Christmas at Selfridges Department

Store. December period only. Contact: Amanda

Smith at Selfridges, Oxford Street, London. e Volunteers for Student Helpline. Interested?

Please contact us on 0978 564 785.
