Changing Text Appearance

Changing Text Appearance
To get started with the tutorial;
Open MS Word. Create a new word
processing file by clicking File, then
From this initial menu, you can choose
to create a variety of items, from a new
document or web page to a memo or
fax. Under the “ General” tab,
choose “ Blank Document,” then
click “ OK.”
Change text appearance:
Writers change the text to have certain text
stand out. A document can have the same feature or
different features for different purposes.
To apply a change to text:
1. Select (highlight) the text you want to change
2. Choose what you want from the different menus.
You can use either of two methods to do this:
a. From the pull down menu on the tool bar, select another font.
b. Under the Format menu, select Font. The following
window appears:
Changing the Font – each font has a particular appearance, for
example: Book Antiqua, Arial Black and Lucida Sans. Click on
the Font menu on the menu bar. MS Word provides examples of
each font. You may want to highlight a group of words and change the font to see how it
affects different letters and readability.
1. In Practice Lesson #1, go to the TEXT FONT CHOICES and double click to
select "Arial Black"
Abadi MT
Courier New
News Gothic MT
Arial Black
Lucinda Sans
Book Antiqua
Lucinda Sans Unicode
Century Gothic
MS Sans Serif
2. From a Font menu select: Arial Black.
3. Re-check the font menu; the selected font is highlighted.
4. Compare the choices available in your font menu and delete the font choices in
TEXT FONT CHOICES that are not available.
5. To the TEXT FONT CHOICES box, add any names of fonts, available on your
computer, which you would like to use.
6. For each font name on your list, change it to the matching font.
7. When completed, the beginning of your list will look like this:
Abadi MT
Arial Black
Book Antiqua
Century Gothic
**NOTE: "Serif" fonts have small "tails" on the letters such as on Times New
Roman. They may be easier to read by some students with learning disabilities
because they connect the letters into a word "shape". "Sans Serif" are fonts
without tails (such as Arial Unicode MS, used in this document) that may be
easier to read by some students with visual impairments.
Also, consider selecting a cursive/script font (e.g. ABCCursive) or a font that
includes primary lines (e.g. ABCPrint). You can also download fonts from the Internet.
Students like their finished paper to look as much like the other students’
papers as
Font Size Choices
Writers often increase the text size to have certain text stand out or to make the text
easier to read. Click on the Size menu on the Menu Bar or in the Format/font window
for choices. You are going to learn to select text and choose a size.
1. In Lesson #1, scroll down the FONT SIZE CHOICES and drag to select 9- Point.
2. From the Size menu select 9- Point. The text you selected will be displayed at 9Point.
3. Re-check the Size menu; the selected size is highlighted.
4. Continue to drag to select the size choices listed in the document and change
them to their real font size.
5. For the last size choice, 72- Point, drag to select it, and type 72 into the size box.
6. Experiment by entering different text sizes and observing the changes on the
7. When you are done the beginning of your list will look something like this:
10- Point
12- Point
14- Point
Font Style Choices
There are a number of style choices available on the tool bar or in the
Format/Font window. Any of these styles can be applied to text within the same
1. In Lesson #1, go to the FONT STYLE CHOICES and double click to select the
word "Bold"
Plain text
Strike Through
Double Strike Through
2. From a Style menu select: Bold
3. Re-check the font menu; the style that is selected is highlighted.
4. Continue to select the style choices listed in the document and select the
matching style for each name on your list. Notice that the tool bar offers bold,
italic and underline options only. You will need to open the Format/Font window
for more options.
5. Now apply two styles at the same time. Select the word "Plain" and apply Bold
and Emboss.
6. Open the format/fonts window to select "Text Effects.” Experiment with some of
the animation effects in the example window. These can really catch your
7. When you are done the beginning of your list will look something like this:
Plain text
Changing the Text Color
Changing the text color may help students emphasize different
words or just make writing and reading easier to see and
understand. To print with colors you need a color printer. The
color tool button is located on the Menu Bar or is an option in
the format/font window.
1. In Text Lesson #1, scroll down to TEXT COLOR CHOICES. Select the word
2. On the Menu Bar select the arrow next to the "Text Color" icon. A 256 color
display will appear. Click on the color yellow.
3. Continue selecting Text Color choices and experimenting with different colors.