MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE 6th Grade Theme: CHANGE UNIT 6-IIIa Unit Question: What Do Changes Inside Earth Communicate? Focus Question: What Causes Major Geological Events? Key Concepts Plate tectonics, lithospheric plates, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, crust, E.SE.06.51 Explain plate tectonic movement and how the lithospheric plates mantle, core, convecting mantle, geological events, seismic waves, epicenter, move centimeters each year.(1) E.SE.06.52 Demonstrate how major geological events (earthquakes, volcanic convection, conduction, Pangaea, continental drift, compression, tension , density eruptions, mountain building) result from these plate motions.(1) E.ES.06.53 Describe layers of the Earth as a lithosphere (crust and upper mantle), convecting mantle, and dense metallic core. ( 1) Cross Curricular Connections: ELA: Writing Explanations; Math Calculations Career Pathways : Geologist F1-F3 January-February Weeks 13-18 GLCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level TEACHING OBJECTIVES AND RESOURCES 1. Determine prior knowledge/student understanding of GLCE. (Pre-Assessment Item(s)) 2. Describe layers of the Earth as a lithosphere, convecting mantle, and dense metallic core. Text: Prentice Hall: Inside Earth pp. 6-13, Lab Zone Discovery Activity p.6, Lab Zone Skills Activity p.11 All in One Teaching Resource: p. 50 Earth’s Interior Review and Reinforce. Website: Links on the structure of Earth: www.Scilinks.org Web code: scn-1011 Transparency: F2 3. Identify what causes convection currents in the Earth’s mantle. Text: Prentice Hall: Inside Earth pp.14-17, Lab Zone Skills Lab p.37, Lab Zone Discovery Activity p.14, Lab Zone Teacher Demo p.15. All in One Teaching Resources: Prentice Hall: Inside Earth: Section Summary p.54, Guided Reading p.56-57,Enrich p.59, Skills Lab Modeling Convection Currents p.84-85. Website: Convection Currents: www.PHSchool.com Web code : cfd-101 Transparency F4 4. Explain the theory of plate tectonics. Text: Prentice Hall: Inside Earth pp. 32-36, p. 33, Lab Zone Teacher Demo p. 33. Website: Continental Drift : www.scilinks.org Web code: scn-1013 All in One Teaching Resources: Prentice Hall: Inside Earth: Review and Reinforce p.64. Transparency F10 Video: Video Explorations- Plate Lab Zone Skills Activity Tectonics, field trip 5. Demonstrating how major geological events result from these plate motions. Text: Prentice Hall : Inside Earth p.44-51, Lab Zone Discovery Activity p.44 All in one teaching resource: Section Summary p.78, Guided Reading p.79-81, Review and Reinforce p.82, Mapping a Future World Laboratory investigations pp. 90-94. 6. Identifying how volcanoes change the Earth’s surface. Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth pp.82-86, Lab Zone Discovery Activity p.82, Lab Zone Try This Activity p.85. All in One Teaching Resources: Prentice Hall: Inside Earth: Enrich p.83.Review and Reinforce p.188, Review and reinforce p.215. Website: More on volcanoes: www.PHSchool.com Web code: cfd-1031. Transparency F30 SAMPLE BELLWORK / DO NOW Identify the different layers of the Earth. Prentice Hall inside Earth p. 6 Complete Interpreting Diagrams on p. 10, Math Analyzing Data p.12, Applying Concepts p.17, Predicting p.33, Math Skills p.35, Target Reading Skill p.82, Key terms p.86. SAMPLE ASSESSMENTS Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth: Section 1 assessment p.13 Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth: Section 2 Assessment p.17 CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal, exam view) Create a concept map of the different layers of the Earth. Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth: Writing in Science p.57 Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth: All in one teaching resource Chapter Test p.98-101. Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth: p.79 Standardized Test Prep Text: Prentice Hall Inside Earth: p.78 Checking Concepts MIDDLE SCHOOL SCIENCE INSTRUCTIONAL GUIDE 6th Grade Theme: CHANGE UNIT 6-IIIb Unit Question: What Can Changes Inside Earth Communicate? Focus Question: How Do Rocks and Minerals Provide Evidence about Earth’s History? Key Concepts: fossils, environment, rocks, rock layers, evidence, relative E.ST.06.31 Explain how rocks and fossils are used to understand the age and dating , erosion, mold, cast, petrified fossil, carbon film, trace fossil, paleontologist, evolution, extinction, era, geologic time scale geological history of the earth (timelines and relative dating, rock layers).(1) E.ST.06.41 Explain how Earth processes (erosion, mountain building, and glacier movement) are used for the measurement of geological time through observing rock layers.(1) E.ST.06.42 Describe how fossils provide important evidence of how life and environmental conditions have changed.( 1) Cross Curricular Connections: GLCE and Depth of Knowledge (DOK) Level ELA: Writing Explanations Career Pathways : Paleontologist January-February Weeks 13-18 7. TEACHING OBJECTIVES AND RESOURCES Explain how rocks and fossils are used to understand the age and geological history of the Earth. Text: Earth’s Changing Surface pp. 110-116 ,Lab Zone Discovery Activity p.110, All in One Teaching Resource pp. 244-246 Transparency G34, G38. Website: Links on fossils www.SciLinks.org Web code: scn-0741 8. Describe how scientists use rock layers to determine the relative age of rocks. Text: Prentice Hall Earth’s Changing Surface, pp. 117-122, Lab Zone Build Inquiry p.120 All in one teaching resource, pp.250-253, Section Summary p.250, Skills Lab p. 256-257. Transparency G35, G36, G37, G38. Science Explorer Video Explorations: A Trip through Geologic Time. Lab Activity Video/DVD, Finding Clues to Rock Layers. 9. Describe what you can learn from radioactive dating. Text: Prentice Hall Earth’s Changing Surface, pp.123-129. All in One Teaching Resource Section Summary p.259, Guided Reading and Study p.260-262, Review and Reinforce p. 263. 10. 11. Describe the use of fossil as evidence to support hypotheses about how life began on Earth. Text: Prentice Hall Earth’s Changing Surface, pp. 134-145. Transparency G47. Lab Activity Video/DVD, As Time Goes By. Determine mastery of GLCE (post assessment item(s)). SAMPLE BELLWORK/ DO NOW Create a flow chart that identifies how an organism can become a fossil. Text: Earth’s Changing Surface Inferring p.114 How do scientists know that different kinds of plants and animals lived in Earth’s past? What is a fossil? How can it be helpful to scientists? What does the term “relative” mean? What does it mean to be radioactive? Sample Multiple Choice Question: Geologists found rocks that contain parts of animals which lived in the sea. They were found in layers of the Earth beneath dry land. What does this tells them about the geological history of the area? A. The land was once covered by water. B. The land was once filled with land animals. C. The land was once very rocky. D. The land was once very dry. How does looking beneath Earth’s surface tell us information about life and environmental conditions have changed at a given location? Show two pictures of surface changes underneath the earth then state what these tell us. SAMPLE ASSESSMENTS Create a Foldable, or Graphic Organizer, or Thinking Map that will illustrate how fossils relative date organisms. CPS (quick 5 question review, T/F, multiple choice, verbal, exam view) Text: Prentice Hall Earth’s Changing Surface, Chapter test pp.149-151. All In One Teaching Resource Earth Changing Surface : Performance Assessment p.295-297