“The Resurrection” A Project to Do Produce “The Resurrection” as a program. Assign the parts of the story to various students. You will need a small choir to sing and do some of the choral speaking parts. Narrator 1: The night of the first day of the week went slowly by. Narrator 2: Christ was still sleeping in His tomb. Narrator 1: The great stone was in place over the entrance, anchored with ropes and sealed with the Roman seal.. Narrator 2: One hundred guards kept a faithful watch. Soldier 1: (yawning) Did you ever notice that the darkest part of the night comes just before dawn? Soldier 2: Yes. (stretching) And . . . the longest. Soldier 3: It must be some kind of insanity. Think of those priests demanding a military guard by the tomb of a dead person. Soldier 2: And we know He is dead. We saw Him die. Soldier 1: But we aren’t enough. There must be ropes anchored in solid rock and pulled across to keep the stone in place. Somebody’s crazy! Soldier 3: Does someone think that stone is going someplace? I wish those priests would come see how many of them it would take to move that hunk of rock – anywhere! Solder 2: Did he say He would come back to life the third day? Soldier 1: Guess so. Well, this is the third day. If we can just stay awake until daybreak, the day guard will come and we’ll be through with the whole affair. Soldier 2: (pauses and sighs) So - - how do you suggest we stay awake? Soldier 3: Let’s cast lots to see who (voices fade) goes to get wine for our--------- Narrator 1: (breaking in after Soldier 3 suggests casting lots) Meanwhile, the disciples were spending the longest weekend of their lives. Narrator 2: Now several of Jesus’ followers were walking through the darkness to His tomb. Narrator 1: The Sabbath had started too soon on Friday for them to complete preparation of Jesus’ body for burial. Narrator 2: They came from different directions to the tomb. Joanna came, and so did Mary, the mother of James. Mary: It is difficult to see the way. Joanna: Look, Mary, - isn’t there a tinge of light in the east? Mary: Oh, good. When we get there, we’ll have daylight to work by. Joanna: The road to the garden is this way. Mary: You’re right. I would have gone right past. Joanna: Mary, how will we get the stone away? Mary: I’m wondering that myself. Someone will help, surely. Maybe the gardener. Joanna: This time of day? I don’t think one person could – oh, no use worrying. Mary: Joanna, I keep being reminded of things Jesus said. Like just now when I pushed the vine out of the way, I could remember His words. Narrator 3: “I am the vine, you are the branches.” Joanna: Oh, Mary, I can’t bear it! Remember when He called Lazarus from the tomb? I keep thinking, how could Jesus possibly die after what He told Martha. Narrator 3: “I am . . . the life.” Narrator 1: Besides the soldiers and the women making their way to the tomb, there were invisible observers in the area. Narrator 2: Thousands of evil angels kept guard. Their leader hoped that in some way they might keep the Son of God forever imprisoned in that tomb. Narrator 1: Hosts of unfallen angels were nearby, too, joyfully expecting to welcome back the Lord of life and glory. Narrator 2: And then, there was a great earthquake, as an angel of God descended from heaven. Narrator 1: This one was visible. His face shone as lightning, his clothes as snow dazzling in sunlight. Soldier 2: (gasps) Soldier 1: Help! Soldier 3: The gods have come down! Angel: Son of God, come forth! Your Father calls You! Soldier 3: He did come to life! Soldier 1: He doesn’t look the same. Soldier 2: He did rise! The gods protect me! Jesus: I am the resurrection, and the life! Mary: (covering her eyes) Oh! Joanna: What’s happening? Mary: (uncovering her face) It was as if the sun came up all in one burst. Joanna: (puzzled) But it wasn’t the sun. It’s just getting light. Mary: I know. Joanna: It was coming from . . . right where we’re going. Mary: I think so, too. Joanna: Should we go on? Mary: Oh, I - - yes. Let’s go. Joanna: Good thing it’s getting light - - the earthquake threw rocks all over the path. Soldier 1: (trembling) Let’s go tell Pilate. Soldier 3: Do you think Pilate is going to believe this? Soldier 1: (excited) He has to believe us! Otherwise, how will it look? We were guarding - - and the tomb is empty. Soldier 3: You’re right! Get up, Antonio! Soldier 2: (weakly) All right. Let’s go. Mary: We’re very close now. I think the tomb is - - Joanna! Joanna: Yes, Mary? . . . The stone! It’s rolled away! Mary: There’s light all around the tomb. Joanna: Come on. We’ll go carefully. But remember, this is what we came for. Now we can get in. Mary: Yes. . . (quietly) He’s not here. Joanna: Mary, are you sure? Mary: Let’s just think a minute. What should we do? Joanna: We can go tell the - - - Mary: (frightened) Sh-h-h! Look! Joanna: (also seeing the angel) Oh, Mary quick! Come--- Angel: (breaking in very kindly) Don’t be afraid! You seek Jesus, who was crucified, don’t you? He’s not here. He has risen, as He said He would. Come, you can see where He lay. The grave clothes, neatly folded - - - Mary: Just like Jesus. Joanna: Then He’s alive! Our Lord’s alive! Angel: That’s right. He wants you to go quickly to tell His disciples that He has risen from the dead. Joanna: He is risen. He is risen! Mary: The Savior is living! He’s not dead! Joanna: (to the angel) Thank you, sir. Mary: Joanna, put down the spices! Joanna: Why, Mary? Mary: We don’t need them. Joanna: Oh, of course! Let’s go now to tell the others. Mary: (thoughtfully) He did tell us, didn’t He? That He must die and rise again. Narrator 3: Peace be with you. Mary: It’s Jesus! Oh, Lord, You’re not dead! Narrator 3: I was dead, but, behold, I am alive forevermore, and I Have the keys of death and the grave. Be not afraid! Angel Voices: O death, where is your sting? Answering Angel Voices: O grave, where is your victory? Narrator 1: Mountains piled upon mountains could not have kept Him in that tomb. Angel: You have overcome Satan and the powers of darkness. Answering Angel Voices: You have swallowed up death in victory! Joanna: And to think, He did all that - - - Mary: . . . for you . . . for me. Choir: Singing, “Were You There When He Rose Up From the Tomb?”