Baltimore County Public Schools Dr. S. Dallas Dance, Superintendent Guide for Parents Eighth Grade GT Language Arts Curriculum Overview Grade 8 Gifted and Talented English is an integrated course that emphasizes an accelerated and enriched program of reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Students will explore these concepts by reading major works of literature, composing a variety of compositions, keeping a sourcebook or journal, researching information about various topics, studying appropriate language skills, and utilizing technology for both information gathering and product production and presentation. The hallmark of the gifted and talented English program is the opportunity for students to demonstrate competence in their studies through a variety of creative processes and products which encourage them to perform as professionals in the field of study. Content Unit 1: The Orator’s Art Concepts: identity, stereotype, change, responsibility Reading: poetry, nonfiction, fiction, persuasion Composing: poetry, speech, fiction, exposition, research Producing: debate, seminar, syncon, speech, memoir, contrast/comparison essay, research, explanatory essay, original presentation Unit 2: The Reader’s Art Concepts: perseverance, loyalty, justice Reading: poetry, exposition, narration, nonfiction, fiction, elements of romantic literature, elements of tragedy, elements of satire Composing: short fiction, essay, research Producing: fiction, comparison/contrast essay, narration, criticism, original presentation Unit 3: The Writer’s Art Concepts: perspective, conflict, humanity (hubris) Reading: poetry, nonfiction, fiction, persuasion Composing: poetry, persuasive essay, research, fiction Producing: narration, poetry, debate, research, fiction, original presentation Unit 4: The Actor’s Art Concepts: power, identity, relationships, perception Reading: nonfiction, fiction, poetry, drama, persuasion Composing: poetry, essays, script, analysis, research Producing: seminar, syncon, research, poetry, contrast/comparison essay, direct and design, persuasive essay, criticism, dramatic performance, original presentation Skills: Teachers introduce, reinforce, and synthesize the following skills in the K-12 English language arts curriculum: Reading Usage Speaking Literary analysis Mechanics Listening Composing Spelling/vocabulary Research Grammar Word processing/technology Composition Portfolio: Students will keep a composition portfolio throughout the year, which will include pieces such as the following: Dialectic journal Memoir journal Poetry comparison essay Original poems Memoir soliloquy Persuasive speech for town meeting Comparison/contrast essay Dickens and contemporary artist Works Cited page Compression poem Original short story Stage interpretation essay: Midsummer’s Night Dream For a more detailed content outline and indicators for this program please see your child’s teacher.