Training Code of Practice

Tasmania Fire Service
Training Code of Practice
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Effective Date: 4th January 2004
Review Date: July 2005
Tasmania Fire Service
Training Code of Practice
Client selection, enrolment and induction/orientation procedures;
Course information, including content and vocational outcomes;
Fees and charges, including refund policy and exemptions (where applicable);
Provision for language, literacy and numeracy assessments;
Client support, including any external support the RTO has arranged for clients;
Flexible learning and assessment procedures;
Welfare and guidance services;
Appeals, complaints and grievance procedures;
Disciplinary procedures;
Staff responsibilities for access and equity;
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) arrangements.
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Effective Date: 4th January 2004
Review Date: July 2005
Tasmania Fire Service
Training Code of Practice
This document deals with the attainment and recognition of competency using the Australian Fire
Competencies, the Public Safety Training Package and other nationally accredited courses. It
outlines learning and assessment strategies and administrative procedures that apply to all training
and assessment provided by the Tasmania Fire Service.
Governing Bodies
National training standards have been determined by the Australian National Training Authority
(ANTA). The Tasmania Fire service is a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) and is audited by
the Tasmanian Qualifications Authority (TQA) to ensure compliance with these national standards.
Client selection, enrolment and induction/orientation procedures;
The Tasmania Fire Service (TFS) is committed to maintaining a high standard in the delivery of
vocational education and training and other services to its employees and commercial/industrial
clients. TFS is an equal opportunity employer and will abide by anti-discrimination legislation and
policies. TFS will maintain a tobacco-smoke free working environment.
Career Firefighter recruitment and development
The process for recruitment of trainees will be merit based and underpinned by the ‘Firefighter
Recruitment Guidelines’ developed by the Australasian Fire Authorities Council (AFAC). The
Tasmania Fire Service will ensure that trainee selection decisions comply with equal opportunity
legislation and are conducted at all times in an ethical and responsible manner. Upon
commencement of employment, recruits undergo a thorough induction into the training facility and
workplace. Further recruitment information may be obtained from the following link.
Professional development of staff members is an integral part of the organisation’s operations.
Emphasis is placed on the competency maintenance of all staff, both permanent and volunteer.
Every effort is made to access and provide appropriate professional development for each
individual in each year. Skills maintenance activities are conducted on a regular basis either inhouse or by the use of outside providers.
The majority of career firefighter training is conducted on shift and is managed by the relevant Shift
Managers under direction from the District Officer Development and Learning. Before career
personnel are selected to attend a training course where positions are limited expressions of interest
are requested from suitable qualified personnel. outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Policies,
Instructions & SOPs\Chief Officer's Administrative Instructions\~98-5Selection for Training.doc Permanent
employees are selected for their current capabilities, qualifications, experience and level of
expertise. Promotional development of personnel is provided through personal development plans
and a final assessment block.
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Training\Career Staff Training\General\~SSO Assessment Block
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Training\Career Staff Training\General\~LFFtr Assessment Block
Prior to the commencement of a training program, trainees will be provided with information
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Review Date: July 2005
program commencement/ conclusion date(s) and time(s)
program prerequisites and any other special instructions.
competencies/outcomes to be achieved;
details of certification to be issued on completion or partial completion of the course;
assessment procedures;
arrangements for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)/Recognition of
Competence(RCC); and
 a grievance/appeal procedure.
Volunteer Firefighter
Each volunteer Brigade Chief is responsible for the skills development of their brigade members
and makes selection of course participants based on personal and brigade needs. The management
of volunteer training for each district is a function of the District Officer. outlook:\\Public Folders\All
Public Folders\Training\Volunteer Training\~Volunteer Training Program Nomination Form
All course participants are provided with induction into the training facility prior to commencement
of the course.
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Review Date: July 2005
Course information, including content and vocational outcomes;
The Tasmania Fire Service provides training within the scope listed on the National Training
Information Service web site:
Further information on courses and training facilities can be obtained at the following web link
or details for AFC modules are available at outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Training\Career
Staff Training\Aust Fire Curriculum . Competency Standards for the Public Safety Training Package
may be obtained from the following link outlook://Public Folders/All Public Folders/Training/Public Safety
Training Package. In addition to this, trainees will be provided with other resources and materials
necessary to facilitate learning.
The volunteer course guide provides information on regularly available courses and is distributed to
each brigade. The guide provides details on outcomes, assessment. prerequisites, certification, times
and duration. The guide can also be viewed via outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public
Folders\Training\Volunteer Training\~Volunteer Course Guide.doc or may be requested as hard copy via the
TFS Web Site.
Detail on courses offered to commercial clients can be obtained from TasFire Training Consultants.
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Effective Date: 4th January 2004
Review Date: July 2005
Fees and charges, including refund policy and exemptions
Training Services only serves internal clients and thus applies no fees or charges. Personnel
incurring costs from self instigated external studies are entitled to apply for reimbursement.
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Policies, Instructions & SOPs\Chief Officer's Administrative
Instructions\~00-1 Reimbursement of Course Fees & Study Assistance.doc
For commercial clients fees and charges will be clearly identified at the time of quotation and
remain valid for six months. Clients have the option to pre-pay or be invoiced for services received.
The Tasmania Fire Service undertakes to safeguard any funds pre-paid by commercial clients and
guarantees a refund in full if it cancels or discontinues a course.
Should a client withdraw from training at short notice prior to or during a program that client may
receive a full or partial refund of fees less any costs already incurred by Tasmania Fire Service.
Details of this refund policy are provided to commercial/industrial clients at the time programs are
Provision for language, literacy and numeracy assessments
In the Tasmania Fire Service there is, due to the nature of some of the work to be performed, a
requirement for the majority of people to meet the physical and medical requirements for
recruitment into career and volunteer brigades for operational firefighters. However, to encourage
participation in the industry by all members of the community, special needs may be addressed in
relation to those units, which can accommodate special needs.
In the formulation of units of competency within the Public Safety Training Package, care has been
taken to ensure that exaggerated requirements for language, literacy and numeracy skills do not bar
access to learning or assessment. Assessors will exercise flexibility in making appropriate
modifications to facilitate opportunities for people with disabilities, those people from culturally
and linguistically diverse backgrounds or persons with speech disabilities. Oral assessments or other
arrangements can be made on request.
Client support, including any external support the RTO has arranged for
Client Feedback
All participants enrolling in programs and courses will be encouraged to provide the TFS with
feedback in relation to course delivery, assessment procedures, relevance and outcomes. Evaluation
forms are provided in the Volunteer Course Workbooks and the Skills Development Record Book
which candidates are encouraged to complete. The information received will be included in future
training and assessment activities and will be shared with relevant trainers and assessors for their
individual development.
Course resource materials are provided to all participants and further information can be obtained
through the TFS library. Mentors are utilised as part of the TFS development support to personnel.
The TFS have a partnership with TAFE Tasmania who through agreement provide theory based
Australian Fire Competencies that are nationally accredited.
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Review Date: July 2005
Flexible learning and assessment procedures;
Training delivery
Firefighters ideally receive training on station however centralised training courses are provided as
the need arises. Learning materials are held in fire station libraries in public folders and are
available for individual use and reference. All training is conducted by trainers who themselves are
competent in the training being delivered and hold as a minimum BSZ404A- Train Small Groups.
Training is otherwise provided through a mentor or coaching system with a peer and is arranged
through the individual’s supervisor. Personal Development Plans are developed for career personnel
by Development and Learning. Volunteer firefighter training is negotiated between Brigade Chiefs
and District staff to formulate Personal Development Plans for Volunteer firefighters. Training is
conducted through a combination of centralised and decentralised locations, depending on the
course. Training is delivered by Training Officers, Field Officers or Volunteer Training Instructors
qualified in BSZ404A Train Small Groups.
Ways to achieve competence
A candidate wishing to be assessed in any competence should approach an assessor in the first
instance. The assessor will identify if the candidate requires training, should be immediately
assessed or should apply for recognition. Should a candidate require assessment it is the
responsibility of the workplace assessor to request the appropriate documentation, maintain
document security and facilitate the assessment.
This flow chart illustrates the pathways to competency achievement.
Interview with
Appeal Process
Record Outcomes –
On-going competency maintenance and
assessment to ensure currency of
competency in the workplace
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Review Date: July 2005
Flow Chart on The Training and Assessment Process
Discuss training requirements with Brigade Chief/First Officer.
Personal Development Plan
Brigade Chief /First Officer
Nominates course particpants and confirms with District Staff
Attend Training
Non Accredited Training
(TFS Course)
Attend Training
Nationally Accredited
Public Safety Training Package
Certificate Issued
Not Yet Competent at
End of Course
Mentored on Station
Additional Training
Competency Maintenance
Assessment completed
during training course
Assessment conducted
during training course
Statement of Attainment
Provisionally Qualified Issued Skills
Development Record Book
Competency Maintenance
Practice skills and record in Skills
Development Record Book
Return Skills Development Record
Book to Training Services
Validation of Skills Development
Record Book by Training Services
Issue Statement of Attainment
Competency Maintenance
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Effective Date:
Review Date:
15 July 2004
July 2005
About trainers and assessors
Trainer and assessor roles can stand-alone or a trainer may also be an assessor and fulfil both roles at the same
time. The Tasmania Fire Service encourages assessors and trainers to specialise in the fields they are required to
operate in. Staff achieve national accreditation in these roles through the Tasmania Fire Service as a Registered
Training Organisation (RTO). The TFS aims to ensure valid and reliable assessment against industry
competency standards.
The role of an assessor is to identity training needs and gather appropriate evidence directly from a candidate
using an approved assessment instrument. Assessors are used in the processes of initial qualification, reaccreditation and competency maintenance. Assessors must use a common instrument developed by Training
Services, unpublished and held in a secure location.
Assessments must only be conducted by holders of the units from Certificate IV in Workplace Assessment and
Training. BSZ401A Plan Assessment, BSZ402A Conduct Assessment and BSZ403A Review Assessment.
Assessors should have significant experience and be competent in the competency being assessed. Should this
not be possible a competent person/workplace expert must be used by the assessor as a reference. Further
information may be obtained about Training and Assessment with the Public Safety Training Package via
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Training\Public Safety Training Package\~Training and Assessment
with the PSTP.doc
All assessors are to abide by the National Assessment Principals.
All learning and assessment strategies are validated by Training Officers during group workshops/meetings.
Quality Assurance Processes for the Tasmania Fire Service learning and assessment strategies are managed by
the Training Managers Group as per the Quality Assurance Document.
Accurate personal training records for all staff are kept by the Tasmania Fire Service and are maintained by
each brigade centre and Training Services.
Recording Systems include:
 -Personal training files
 -Assessment activity archives
 -A secure computerised database with an approved back-up facility.
These records can be accessed by using the “Request for Training Information form” outlook:\\Public Folders\All
Public Folders\Training\Career Staff Training\General\~Request for Training Information - Internal or through an E-mail
to Training Services. Shift supervisors, District Officers, Brigade Chiefs or Divisional Heads naturally have
access on request to the training records of staff they are responsible for. Individuals may request their own
training records. Workplace trainers and assessors can request information about pre-requisites achieved by
The latest versions of assessment packages are held centrally on computer and are released upon request to
workplace assessors only. Assessments are available to assessors through their Shift Manager with
authorisation to access electronic assessments on the Intranet.
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July 2005
VII. Welfare and guidance services;
Committees involved with training
The following committees have been formed to provide support and guidance to the Tasmania Fire Service to
determine the processes and methods used in the delivery of training and assessment.
Career Path Working Parties
The role of Career Path Working Parties is to discuss staff training issues and stream of competencies required
for area specific work functions and refer unresolved or common issues to the Career Training Advisory
Career Training Advisory Committee (CTAC)
The role of this committee is to discuss and resolve training and assessment issues affecting career staff.
Unresolved issues and strategic recommendations are referred to the District Officer for Development and
Volunteer Training Advisory Committee (VTAC)
The role of this committee is to discuss and resolve training and assessment issues affecting volunteer
firefighters and officers. Unresolved issues and strategic recommendations are referred to the District Officer
Training Services.
The TFS publicises the organisations commitment to providing continuing development and implementation of
effective training and development systems and a nationally recognised OH&S management system under key
result area 2 – Supporting Our People in the Corporate Plan.
All career staff are encouraged to design personal development plans. Assistance is available through the
District Officer Development and Learning and a list of validators and assessors can be viewed in public
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Training\Career Staff Training\General\~List of TFS Assessors
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Training\Career Staff Training\General\~List of TFS Validators
Counselling Services
The TFS also provides counseling, support and assistance to employees through an outside provider ITIM
(Interchurch Trade And Industry Mission) Australia Ltd for personal, financial or other problems that may or
may not be work related.
Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) is provided to all fire service personnel confronted with
unforeseen trauma within the workplace.
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July 2005
VIII. Appeals, complaints and grievance procedures;
Rights of Appeal
The Tasmania Fire Service recognises that candidates have rights of appeal should they be aggrieved with a
training or assessment outcome. Appeal rights for recognition are contained within the Tasmania Fire Service
Folders/Training/Recogintion- RPL/~Recognition Policy and Proceedures.doc
Training and Assessment Appeal Process
 Candidates will be encouraged to raise and resolve issues of concern without fear of prejudice or reprisal.
The Tasmania Fire Service is required to instigate a fair and ethical procedure for dealing with candidate
grievances and complaints. The appeal procedure is detailed below:
 In the first instance, candidates who feel aggrieved will be encouraged to approach the trainer or assessor
responsible for the activity concerned and attempt to resolve the grievance.
 If the grievance cannot be resolved in this way, the candidate may appeal to the District Officer, Training
Services Cambridge who will hear the grievance and facilitate negotiations for a solution acceptable to the
parties to the grievance. This process will be confirmed in writing within 30 days of the District Officer
being formally notified of the grievance in writing.
 Should the issue still not be resolved the matter is then referred to the Brigade Chief / Regional Officer. The
Brigade Chief / Regional Officer will after reviewing the process, all available information and in
consultation with the relevant District Officer, will either uphold or dismiss the appeal. That decision will
be confirmed in writing within 30 days of the Brigade Chief / Regional Officer being formally notified of
the grievance in writing. Commercial Clients – Further attempts to resolve the issue should be directed to
the Manager TasFire Training.
 If the grievance still remains unresolved the person concerned has a further right of appeal through the
Tasmanian State Training Authority. (TASTA).
Course Evaluation
Any complaints, minor grievances, client feedback (positive or negative), or suggestions for improvement
identified by staff during the organising, facilitating or delivery of a course training and assessment or
identified through course/workshop evaluation forms and training reports are to be addressed as soon as
possible by that staff member.
All identified issues either verbal or written are to be documented and filed on the “Training Grievances” file
located at Cambridge. The outcome of the matter will also be recorded in the file. Any information from this
process that is required to be discussed / shared with other staff members can be done so through email or
raised at Training Officer Meetings.
Grievance Procedures
All formal grievances are to be addressed and processed as outlined in the “Tasmania Fire Service Resolution
Process” document.
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July 2005
Disciplinary procedures;
Should participants present for a training course without the appropriate personal protective equipment or don’t
have the required prerequisites for the training course, trainers will attempt to provide a solution to the
situation. If a compromise cannot be reached then the participant will not be eligible to participate in the
training course.
Discipline of TFS employees is governed by the State Service Act 2000 Code of Conduct. Minor breaches are
dealt with through the chain of command.
Disciplinary procedures are outlined in the State Service Commissioner’s Directions 5.1-2001
(Procedures for Investigation & Determination of Alleged Breach of the Code of Conduct).
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Corporate Information\acts & Regulations\~State Service Commissioner's
outlook:\\Public Folders\All Public Folders\Policies, Instructions & SOPs\Chief Officer's Administrative
Instructions\~01-3 Copyright.doc
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July 2005
Staff responsibilities for access and equity;
The Tasmania Fire Service agrees to operate in accordance with all relevant Commonwealth and State
legislative and regulatory requirements. Tasmania Fire Service personnel are bound by the requirements of
Commonwealth and State legislation and regulations including but not limited to:
State Service Act 200
State Service Regulations 2001
Racial Discrimination Act 1975
Sex Discrimination Act 1984
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
Anti Discrimination Act 1998
Racial Hatred Amendment 1995
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986
The Tasmania Fire Service has implemented the following Policy Statements: Policy number 3/94 – Rehabilitation and Return to Work
 Policy number 4/94 – Sexual Harassment Policy
This information is available to all employees on request through regional centers. Copies of the Fire Service
Act and Regulations are held on fire stations. Other legislation is accessed through the organisation’s public
folders computer facility or the internet via Commonwealth or State legislation access points.
The Tasmania Fire Service is committed to access and equity principles and processes. The Tasmania Fire
Service is an Equal Opportunity employer and conforms to Freedom of Information legislation. The Tasmania
Fire Service values the diversity in it’s employees and the community whilst at all times meeting our safety
obligations for employees and volunteers to being able to undertake the inherent requirements of the job.
Managers and supervisors in the Tasmania Fire Service are responsible for ensuring that TFS workplaces are
free from harassment and discrimination. Employees and volunteers are made aware of their responsibilities in
this regard through training, education and information dissemination. Members who believe they have been
harassed or discriminated against have access to a grievance procedure.
All TFS clients have access to the programs but may need to meet certain criteria or pre-requisites. Fire fighting
personnel are made aware of access and equity in training through TAFE Tasmania, supervisors, assessors and
Training Officers who actively discuss such issues in the workplace and are a constant reference point open to
trainees. Information on such issues is disseminated throughout the organisation by way of
curriculum/qualification charts displayed in all centres, the ‘Fireground’ a quarterly publication, direct
correspondence, TAFE bulletins. Information is obtained via Public Folders facility (where Training is
specifically identified) or directly contacting Training Services by e-mail or telephone.
The TFS aims to ensure valid, reliable flexible and fair assessment against industry competency standards. All
assessment activities undertaken incorporate the National Assessment Principles and recognition pathways.
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July 2005
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) arrangements.
Recognition of Prior Learning assessments shall be conducted by a qualified workplace assessors with
qualifications in Certificate IV Assessment and Workplace Training. The assessors should hold competence in
the area being assessed or alternatively use a competent person/workplace expert as a reference during the
recognition process. The assessors role is to oversee the process to determine an individuals level of
competence from a range of evidence provided by a candidate pertaining to their work, life experiences, formal
qualifications and/or previous study. Recognition applications are assessed in accordance with the Tasmania
Fire Services Recognition Policy and Procedures document. outlook://Public Folders/All Public
Folders/Training/Recogintion- RPL/~Recognition Policy and Proceedures.doc
Often similar formal
qualifications within and across industry are identified. This simplifies the recognition process and allows for
direct credit transfer (CT) from one qualification to another and eliminates the need for an interview or other
evidence gathering. Protocol for direct credit transfer and mutual recognition are detailed in the Tasmania Fire
Service Recognition Policy and Procedures document.
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July 2005
Australasian Fire Authorities Council
Australian Fire Curriculum
Australian National Training Authority
Australian Qualifications Framework
Australian Recognition Framework
Credit Transfer
Career Training Advisory Committee
Industry Training Advisory Body
Leading Firefighter
Occupational Health and Safety
Office of Post-Compulsory Education and Training (Tasmania)
Recognition of Current Competencies
Recognition of Prior Learning
Registered Training Organisation
Senior Station Officer
State Training Authority
Tasmanian Accreditation and Recognition Committee
Tasmanian State Training Authority
Tasmania Fire Service
Volunteer Training Advisory Committee
Tasmanian Qualifications Authority
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July 2005