World Civilization

Mr. Asato
Indigenous People Mid-term Project LibraryQuest
The LibraryQuest is the first step in the Mid-term Project. Your LibraryQuest will be a one-to-two-page typed guide of resources on
your topic. It does not need to include all of the resources that you will ultimately use, but it should be a preliminary guide to
RELEVANT sources on your topic. Refer to the rubric (see other side) in order to earn the best possible grade for this assignment. Each
group member is required to compile his/her own LibaryQuest. This is worth 10% of your Mid-term grade.
PART ONE: Issues & Essential Questions of your topic
Which indigenous group will you be researching?
What issue is your group addressing?
What essential questions are you investigating?
PART TWO: Background information on your topic
1. Use an encyclopedia to find ONE useful article that helps answer one of your questions on your topic.
TYPE: A complete citation, in correct bibliographic format, AND an annotated paragraph (about 2 sentences explaining what kind of
information your resource has that is relevant to your topic, and why you trust the source).
SAMPLE CITATIONS (without Annotation):
2. Use one of the following specialized references to find background information on your indigenous group:
1. Latin America, History and Culture (4 volumes)
2. Africana: The Encyclopedia of the African and African-American Experience (5 vols.)
3. Gale eBooks
TYPE: A complete citation, in correct bibliographic format, and an annotated paragraph.
PART THREE: Books on your topic
1. Use the library online catalog [(school’s website) Click on Quicklinks  Castle Library. The Online Catalog is the first link on the
Castle Library Page] to find ONE book on your indigenous group or indigenous cultures in general for your assigned region. (Some
books are on the Reserve shelf, others are on the regular library shelves.) DO NOT borrow any books. If you find a book on the regular
shelves, please add it to the Reserve shelf.
TYPE: A complete citation, in correct bibliographic format, and an annotated paragraph.
PART FOUR: Magazine article on your topic
1. Use EBSCO to find ONE magazine article on your culture and FREEPAA topics.
To access the EBSCO database, type in EBSCO in the school website’s search box choose the Magazines and Journals link
TYPE: A complete citation, in correct bibliographic format, and an annotated paragraph.
PART FIVE: Web site on your topic
1. Explore the online resources provided on the Mid-term Project Google Site to search the Internet and find a
reputable web site that has information on your topic.
TYPE: A complete citation, in correct bibliographic format, and an annotated paragraph.
PART SIX: Reflection on the research process
TYPE: A reflection on your research process so far. What worked well for you? What problems did you encounter?
What additional information do you still want to find?
Mr. Asato
LibaryQuest Assessment
Total possible points: 60 (10% of Mid-term Project)
Exemplary – 9–10 points
Contains ALL information
asked for in the question
(Indigenous group, Issue,
Essential Questions)
Proficient – 7-8 points
MOST of the information
asked for is present.
(Indigenous group, Issue,
Essential Questions
Developing - 5-6 points
Much of the information
is missing. (Indigenous
group, Issue, Essential
Part 2 –
Has used an encyclopedia
and one of the
specialized reference works
listed. [Contains the 2
citations in correct
bibliographic format, and
annotation paragraph
explains what information
the reference has that is
relevant to your topic.
Has used an encyclopedia
and one of the
specialized reference works
listed. Not all requested
information is present, OR
has NOT used one of the
specified reference works but
HAS answered the question
about another source.
Has NOT used an
encyclopedia and one of the
specialized reference works
listed. And HAS NOT fully
answered the requested
Part 3 –
Book on
your topic
Listed 1 book that
has relevant information
on the topic. [Contains a
complete and accurate
citation for the book.
Annotation paragraph for
explains why the book was
chosen, relevant information,
and how information will be
Listed 1 book that has
relevant information on the
topic. Not all requested
information is present.
Listed book that has relevant
information on the topic.
Much of the requested
information is missing.
Part 4 –
article on
your topic
Listed 1 article that has
relevant information. [Wrote
complete and accurate
citation and annotation
Listed 1 article, but not all
information is present or
Listed 1 article, but much of
requested information is
Part 5 – Web
site on
your topic
Listed 1 web site that has
information on the topic.
[Wrote complete and
accurate citation and
annotation paragraph.]
Listed 1 web site that has
information on the topic.
NOT all requested
information is present.
Listed 1 web site that has
information on the topic.
Much of requested
information is missing.
Part 6 –
on the
research process
Answered fully the following
questions: What worked
well? What problems were
encountered? Where will
you go from here? What
additional information is still
NOT all requested
information is present.
Much of requested
information is missing.
Part 1 –
related to
your topic