Troop Historian

Leadership Position Description
Position: Appointed by the Scoutmaster
Term: 12 months
Reports to: Scoutmaster
Role: The Troop Historian keeps a historical record or scrapbook of Troop activities.
Comments: The true value of a good Historian does not show up until years later. The Historian provides
material for displays and presentations of current activities. In addition, the work of the Historian provides
the Troop a link with the past.
Age: 12 or older
Rank: 2nd Class Rank or higher
Experience: none, but interest in photography and PowerPoint presentations is helpful
Attendance: Goal of 50% over the previous 6 months
Training: You must attend the Troop Leadership Training even if you have attended in the past.
Attendance: You are expected to attend 60% of all Troop meetings, outings, and service projects. If your
attendance is low, or if you have three (3) unexcused absences in a row, you can be removed from office.
Effort: When you accept this position, you agree to provide service and leadership to the Troop. You are
expected to give this job your best effort.
Uniform: Set a good example by wearing your uniform correctly. Wear all of the parts of the Troop
uniform, shirt tucked in, with all required badges in their correct locations.
Behavior: Set a good example by living the Scout Oath and Law in your everyday life. Show Scout Spirit
in everything you say and do.
Attendance: Set a good example by being an active Scout. Be on time for meetings and activities. You
must call the Senior Patrol Leader or Scoutmaster if you are not going to be at a meeting or if you have to
miss an outing. You also need to make sure that someone will assume your responsibilities when you are
going to be absent.
- Set a good example for Scouts to follow.
- Keep a journal of Troop events for historical purposes. Include reports of each outing or activity and
document with photographs and maps when possible. This journal should be made available at each
Court of Honor so that Troop members may review it.
Such a journal may be used by Scouts in future years to look back and know what kinds of things the
Troop was doing. It can also be used for recruiting new Scouts.
- Maintain a Troop Photo Album for presentation at Troop events. Keep the album current with pictures
from recent trips. Replace photos of older trips with ones from more recent outings.
- Gather as much history of the Troop as possible, in whatever form is available. Talk to former members
of the Troop and record conversations on tape. Collect pictures and other artifacts when available.
- Take care of Troop trophies, ribbons, and other awards.
Troop Historian
Leadership Card
Name: __________________________
Patrol: __________________________
Job Description: Troop Historian keeps an historical record or scrapbook of troop activities.
Leadership Position Coordinator: Troop Photo Archivist
Duties of Troop Historian:
• Assists Position Coordinator in serving as Troop Photo Archivist
• Solicits pictures of troop events from adults/scouts
• Collects digital files of photos from troop events and achieves them on a catalog of CD’s
• Forwards digital files and/or CD’s to Troop Webmaster for use on Troop website
• Sets a good example
• Enthusiastically wears the Scout uniform correctly
• Lives the Scout Oath and Law
• Shows Scout Spirit
Requirements: All Requirements must be completed to receive FULL Leadership credit, otherwise only
partial credit may be given. See the indicated adult leaders below to initial
Assistant Scoutmaster ______________________
__________ Goal is to attend 60% of troop outings Actual percentage _____
__________ Complete Junior Leadership Training
Assistant Scoutmaster ______________________
_________ Briefed on duties and responsibilities
_________ Collect newspaper articles/pictures of troop activities
_________ Assemble collected digital photos into Troop photo archive
Assistant Scoutmaster ______________________
__________ Keep a log of your experience as historian
__________ All Requirements initialed
This form is due within 60 days following current 6 month leadership period. If this form is completed mid
term to satisfy a rank requirement, it MUST also be completed again at the end of the leadership period to
receive credit for the remainder of the leadership period.
Credit from ___/___/___ to ___/___/___ ___________________________ Date: ___/___/___
Advancement Chair
Name: __________________________ Position: Troop Historian
Patrol: __________________________ Credit from ___/___/___ to ___/___/___