Teacher notes

Learning Objectives
To introduce new words and phrases by using the 3 main learning styles: visual, auditory and
Differentiation for varying abilities within games: levels of difficulty.
Differentiation for varying abilities within tasks, past and future tense phrases available.
Motivating boys by using element of competition.
Certain games make pupils more aware of spelling and accents.
Having fun and learning at the same time.
There is a grid “ngfl checklist”, which provides a visual overview of all the activities availaable.
Instructions for Task magic games
Text match 15 different games available
Drag and match
Good for visual and kinaesthetic learners, matching up the French and English meanings.
3 in a row
Again matching up the French and English meanings, this time for 2 players. Element of
Against the clock
Again matching up the French and English meanings, this time for one player at a time but
against the clock.
Pelmanism 1 player
Matching the correct pairs of meanings. Improves memory skills.
Pelmanism 2 players
Matching the correct pairs of meanings. Improves memory skills and has the element of
True or false
Using the same vocabulary again, this time 2 phrases are shown and the pupils have to decide if
the true meaning is being shown. Their score is updated each time there is a correct match.
Because it gives multiple choice answers, this exercise is particularly useful for introducing new
words and phrases as a whole class exercise. It encourages them to use prior knowledge,
recognition of cognates, problem solving and process of elimination.
The pupils have to zap the correct meaning before it reaches the bottom of the screen. Their
score is shown and the difficulty level can be set to make the phrases appear more quickly or
more slowly.
This is really good for the kinaesthetic learners, as they have to use different keys to move
the word towards the correct meaning and avoid the monsters, all against the clock. Again their
score is displayed, so they can try again to improve it.
This is also really good for the kinaesthetic learners, as they have to use different keys to turn
the dial towards the correct meaning, all against the clock. Again their score is displayed, so
they can try again to improve it.
Tower block
4 multiple choice answers this time, for each correct answer a storey is added to the tower
block and it crumbles when a wrong match is entered.
This is a good game for visual and kinaesthetic learners and encourages them to think quickly.
This is more suited for the less able as they only need to type in the English meanings of the
French phrases.
Another game for 2 players or 2 teams. It encourages them to think quickly and the difficulty
levels shorten the thinking time.
Jumbled words
A simple word game putting the French and English words in the correct order.
Picture match 15 different games available
Click and match
Good for visual and kinaesthetic learners, matching up the French meanings with the pictures.
3 in a row
Again matching up the French meanings and pictures, this time for 2 players. Element of
Against the clock
Again matching up the French meanings and pictures, this time for one player at a time but
against the clock.
Pelmanism 1 player
Matching the correct pairs. Improves memory skills.
Pelmanism 2 players
Matching the correct pairs. Improves memory skills and has the element of competition.
True or false
Using the same vocabulary again, this time a phrase and a picture are shown and the pupil s have
to decide if the true meaning is being shown. Their score is updated each time there is a
correct match.
Because it gives multiple choice answers, this exercise is particularly useful for introducing new
words and phrases as a whole class exercise. It encourages them to use prior knowledge,
recognition of cognates, problem solving and process of elimination.
The pupils have to zap the correct meaning before the picture reaches the bottom of the
screen. Their score is shown and the difficulty level can be set to make the pictures appear
more quickly or more slowly.
This is really good for the kinaesthetic learners as they have to use different keys to move the
picture towards the correct meaning and avoid the monsters, all against the clock. Again their
score is displayed, so they can try again to improve it.
This is also really good for the kinaesthetic learners as they have to use different keys to turn
the dial towards the correct meaning, all against the clock. Again their score is displayed, so
they can try again to improve it.
Tower block
4 multiple choice answers this time, for each correct answer a storey is added to the tower
block and it crumbles when a wrong match is entered.
This is a good game for visual and kinaesthetic learners and encourages them to think quickly.
They only need to type in the French phrases, but it does give an audible warning when they
make a mistake and it makes them use accents.
Another game for 2 players or 2 teams. It encourages them to think quickly and the difficulty
levels shorten the thinking time.
Mix + gap 11 games available
Tile 3x3
The complete text is split up into 8 sections and these are jumbled up. Pupils need to rebuild
the text in the correct order by moving the chunks of text around the board. One space is left
empty to allow movement. The check button allows them to see how well they are doing.
Tile 4x4
The complete text is split up into 15 sections and these are jumbled up. Pupils need to rebuild
the text in the correct order by moving the chunks of text around the board. One space is left
empty to allow movement. This is more difficult than the Tile 3x3. The check button allows
them to see how well they are doing.
Tile 5x5
The complete text is split up into 24 sections and these are jumbled up. Pupils need to rebuild
the text in the correct order by moving the chunks of text around the board. One space is left
empty to allow movement. This is more difficult than the Tile 4x4. The check button allows
them to see how well they are doing.
1 in 3
Rebuild the text by choosing the next part from the 3 components.
Gap fill
The text is printed out with gaps; the missing words are below the text. Pupils can type in the
missing word or drag it from the list beneath.
Text mix
All the words in the text are jumbled up and pupils need to rebuild it by dragging the words to
the top box. There is a check button which allows them to see how well they are doing. This is a
very difficult exercise.
Next letter (whole alphabet)
Pupils need to type in the letters of the entire text. The whole alphabet is to be used.
Next letter (vowels + W and Y)
Pupils need to type in the letters of the entire text. Only the vowels, W and Y are missing this
Tower block
4 multiple choice answers, for each correct answer a storey is added to the tower block and it
crumbles when a wrong match is entered.
The entire text appears with no spaces between the words, pupils need to click the cursor
where they think there should be a space. A box at the top tells them how they are doing.
Next word
The text is rebuilt by choosing the correct word from a choice of 10. A percentage icon at the
top tells them how they are doing.
Pic-Sound match
Click and match
Good for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners, matching up the French sounds with the
3 in a row
Again matching up the French sounds and pictures, this time for 2 players. Element of
Against the clock
Again matching up the French sounds and pictures, this time for one player at a time but
against the clock.
Pelmanism 1 player
Matching the correct pairs. Improves memory skills.
Pelmanism 2 players
Matching the correct pairs. Improves memory skills and has the element of competition.
True or false
Using the same vocabulary again, this time a sound and a picture are shown and the pupils have
to decide if the true meaning is being shown. Their score is updated each time there is a
correct match.
Because it gives multiple choice answers, this exercise is particularly useful for introducing new
words and phrases as a whole class exercise. It encourages them to use prior knowledge,
recognition of cognates, problem solving and process of elimination.
Tower block
4 multiple choice answers this time, for each correct answer a storey is added to the tower
block and it crumbles when a wrong match is entered.
This is a good game for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners and encourages them to think
Another game for 2 players or 2 teams. It encourages them to think quickly and the difficulty
levels shorten the thinking time.
Sound match
Drag and match
Good for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners, matching up the French sounds with the
English phrases.
3 in a row
Again matching up the French sounds and English phrases, this time for 2 players. Element of
Against the clock
Again matching up the French sounds and English phrases, this time for one player at a time but
against the clock.
Pelmanism 1 player
Matching the correct pairs. Improves memory skills.
Pelmanism 2 players
Matching the correct pairs. Improves memory skills and has the element of competition.
True or false
Using the same vocabulary again, this time a sound and an English phrase are shown and the
pupils have to decide if the true meaning is being shown. Their score is updated each time there
is a correct match.
Because it gives multiple choice answers, this exercise is particularly useful for introducing new
words and phrases as a whole class exercise. It encourages them to use prior knowledge,
recognition of cognates, problem solving and process of elimination.
Tower block
4 multiple choice answers this time, for each correct answer a storey is added to the tower
block and it crumbles when a wrong match is entered.
This is a good game for visual, auditory and kinaesthetic learners and encourages them to think
They only need to type in the English phrases, but it does give an audible warning when they
make a mistake
Another game for 2 players or 2 teams. It encourages them to think quickly and the difficulty
levels shorten the thinking time.
Jumbled words
They play the sound and have to reassemble the English phrases.