UNION SWCD/NRCS MARYSVILLE F.O. ANNUAL PLAN OF OPERATIONS FOR 2015 GOALS FOR 2015 1. Promote and assist with implementation of agricultural conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs). 2. Promote importance of and perform continued maintenance on Union County maintained ditches and tile for the Union County Ditch Maintenance Program. 3. Promote and assist with implementation of urban conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs). 4. Promote and implement wildlife conservation and wildlife management in Union County. 5. Promote and encourage hunting, fishing, and outdoor education in Union County. 6. Promote importance of water quality and soil health issues in Union County. 7. Provide and promote conservation education opportunities. 8. Market Union SWCD, USDA-NRCS and ODNR-DOW and services they can provide. 9. Pursue continuing education opportunities for supervisors and office staff. 10. Apply for and obtain grants to help with promotion of conservation in Union County. 11. Provide variety of conservation products to Union County residents. GOAL 1: Promote and assist with implementation of agricultural conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs). Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Local Work Group for Farm Bill Programs SWCD, NRCS OSU Extension, FSA, County Commissioners Continuous 2. Promote BMPs, through Programs -EQIP, CRP, CSP, WRP, WHIP, CREP 3rd party vendors Continuous 3. Wildlife Wetland Habitats- Attend to Brent Nickel establishment, management & maintenance Robin Sweeney, Office Staff Continuous 4. New Pond Site Evaluations Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous 5. Design conservation practices/encourage installation of conservation practices Mark Watkins, Brent Nickel, Kaylee Port Robin Sweeney, Office Staff Continuous 6. Research funding for logjam removal Office Staff Supervisors Ongoing 7. Inspection of Arno Renner, Erna Bailey, and Don & Marge Bailey Agriculture Easements held by ODA Mark Watkins Office Staff Annually 8. Representation on Land Heritage Trust of Union County Terri Gravatt Mark Watkins Monthly 9. Work cooperatively with NWSG Establishment Vendors. Brent Nickel, Robin Sweeney Office Staff Continuous 10. 862 Mid-Contract Management & Re-Enrollment Inspections, Assessments & Recommendations Brent Nickel, Robin Sweeney USDA-FSA Office Staff Pheasants Forever ODNR Continuous SWCD, NRCS, Local Work Group 11. Address/Assist Union County Property Owners with drainage complaints Bob Scheiderer Mark Watkins Kaylee Port Office Staff Continuous GOAL 2: Promote importance of and perform continued maintenance for the Union County Ditch Maintenance Program. Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Organization and implementation of Union Bob Scheiderer County landowner ditch petition projects (1515 6131) Office Staff, UCE Staff Commissioners/Supervisors Continuous 2. Manage the maintenance program of current maintained ditches. Bob Scheiderer Office Staff Continuous 3. Provide engineering and design for proposed petition ditch projects. Mark Watkins Bob Scheiderer Continuous 4. Maintain bookkeeping to track petition ditch Terri Gravatt accounts. Bob Scheiderer Continuous 5. Manage the construction/inspections of new petition ditch projects. Bob Scheiderer Office Staff Continuous 6. Maintain historical records pertaining to County petition ditch projects. Bob Scheiderer Office Staff Continuous GOAL 3: Promote and assist with implementation of urban conservation Best Management Practices (BMPs). Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. SWCD input on proposed changes to subdivision regulations Bob Scheiderer Kaylee Port, Robin Sweeney Continuous 2. Drainage/Soils Information-In relation to building permits septic/wells Bob Scheiderer, Kaylee Port Health Department, Office Staff Continuous 3. Check outlets for drainage with Health Department Bob Scheiderer, Kaylee Port Office Staff Continuous 4. Encourage Township Trustees to consider drainage before issuing zoning permits for development. Bob Scheiderer, Kaylee Port Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous 5. Promote BMPs for urban sites. SWCD/NRCS Office Staff/Supervisors Continuous 6. Address/Assist Union County Property Owners with drainage complaints Bob Scheiderer Mark Watkins Kaylee Port Office Staff Continuous GOAL 4: Promote and implement wildlife conservation and wildlife management in Union County. Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Promoting, implementing, monitoring and maintaining contact with conservation practice sites. Brent Nickel Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous 2. Respond to wildlife damage complaints Offer human-wildlife conflict resolutions Brent Nickel Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous 3. Wildlife Management, Monitoring & Recommendations Brent Nickel Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous Office Staff July 1 Pond Visits & Pond Fish Kill Investigations Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous 6. Conduct conservation practice evaluations Brent Nickel as needed - with written recommendations Office Staff Continuous 4. Annual Wildlife Specialist Report to ODNR DOW 5. Brent Nickel 7. Attend ODNR DOW District 1 Meetings, Trainings and Events Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous 8. Wildlife Management Ordinance Execution – City of Marysville Brent Nickel; Josh Shields, DOW City of Marysville Office Staff Continuous 9. Attend Monthly Union County Pheasant Forever Meeting to answer questions and promote proper conservation/habitat practice establishment and maintenance Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous GOAL 5: Promote and encourage hunting, fishing, and outdoor education in Union County. Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Develop Wildlife Conservation Education, Brent Nickel Fishing, Hunting, and Outdoor programs to promote future generations of hunters, fishermen/women and outdoor enthusiasts. Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous 2. Organize and promote National Hunting and Fishing Day Event at Heart Of Ohio Fishing Club Brent Nickel: Josh Shields, DOW John Carl, Office Staff September 26 3. Secure funding to promote and hold Outdoor Education/ Fishing Days throughout the county at Twp. and local parks as requested Brent Nickel: Josh Shields, DOW Office Staff Continuous GOAL 6: Promote importance of water quality in Union County Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Produce and implement watershed restoration strategies. Kaylee Port Steering Committee, Office Staff, Board Continuous 2. Secure funding to promote and implement Conservation and urban BMPs. (i.e. innovative projects such as natural channel design projects, tile stops, wetlands for municipal waste, etc.) Kaylee Port Office Staff, Board Continuous 3. Develop promotional stormwater education materials (i.e. brochures, maps, placemats) Kaylee Port Office Staff, Board Continuous Office Staff Spring/Summer Kaylee Port Office Staff Continuous Kaylee Port Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous 4. Implement and facilitate educational Kaylee Port events dealing with water quality protection (i.e. fresh water studies with Bunsold students, groundwater protection watershed tours, canoe floats, storm drain marking, stream monitoring, etc.). 5. Assist the City of Marysville in meeting MS4 requirements such as sediment and erosion control plan review, construction site review, IDDE monitoring, education/outreach, etc. 6. Promote water quality and watershed conservation. 7. Investigate Pollution Complaints Mark Watkins, Robin Sweeney Alternates: Bob Scheiderer, Terri Gravatt Office Staff, ODNR, ODA Continuous GOAL7: Provide and promote conservation education opportunities (Page 1 of 2). Action Items 1. Conservation Tillage Breakfasts Responsibility Who Will Help Hardin/Logan/Union SWCDs, OSU Exten. Local Ag Businesses Mark Watkins/Terri Gravatt 2. Area IV Envirothon Coaching – Union County Teams When Jan/Feb 2015 Office Staff Spring 3. Science Fair Judging- Union County Office Staff Supervisors Annual 4. Union County FFA Wildlife Judging Teams - Provide information as requested. Brent Nickel Office Staff, Supervisors Annual 5. Soil Stewardship Week – Provide NACD Terri Gravatt Soil and Water Stewardship Materials and speakers free of charge to churches/schools if funding allows as requested. Office Staff, Supervisors Annual 6. Area IV Envirothon - Promote/encourage participation by Union County Schools Kaylee Port Office Staff May 7. Legislator/Local Official Tour Office Staff Supervisors Bi-Annually 8. Indoor Pond Clinic w/OSU Extension Brent Nickel, OSU Extension Office Staff March Office Staff As Needed 9. Conservation Education Workshops 10. John Rockenbaugh Memorial Conservation Scholarship Rockenbaugh Committee Board: Matt Staley Staff: Terri Gravatt, Brent Nickel High School Guidance Counselors Annually 11. Offer (3)FFA Camp Freshmen Scholarships – Union County students Education Committee Office Staff, Supervisors May GOAL 7: Provide and promote Conservation Education activities (Page 2 of 2). Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When Education Committee Office Staff May 13. Offer (2) Don Cook Memorial 4-H Camp Education Committee, Cook Family Scholarships – Co-sponsor w/Cook family Office Staff, Supervisors May 14. 2015 Cover Crop Field Day Supervisors, Local Ag businesses TBD 12. Offer (1) Forestry Camp Scholarship -Union County students NRCS/SWCD Staff GOAL 8: Market importance of Union SWCD and USDA-NRCS to Union County residents. Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Newspaper Articles Office Staff Supervisors Continuous 2. Internet Web Page Brent Nickel Terri Gravatt Continuous 3. Newsletter (4 issues)-2 print/2 digital only 3a. “Wild About Wildlife” newsletter section 3b. “Up The Creek” newsletter section Kaylee Port Brent Nickel Kaylee Port Office Staff Office Staff Office Staff Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly 4. Unmanned Fair Booths/Displays for Wildlife and Conservation Information Office Staff Supervisors Annually Office Staff, Supervisors Annually 5. Union SWCD Wildlife Habitat Stewardship Brent Nickel Award 6. Union SWCD Cooperator of Year Award 7. “Ohio Woodland Journal” – provide to Fairbanks, Marysville and North Union High School libraries Supervisors/Office Staff Annually Supervisors Office Staff Quarterly 8. SWCD Annual Report – publish in Union SWCD newsletter Terri Gravatt Supervisors January 9. Ditch Maintenance Information Bob Scheiderer Office Staff Continuous 10. Provide displays/display board(s) for local events to promote SWCD/NRCS Programs. Kaylee Port/Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous GOAL 9: Pursue continuing education opportunities for supervisors and office staff. (Page 1 of 2) Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Attend OFSWCD Annual Meeting SWCD Supervisors/Staff OFSWCD/OASWCDE February 22-24, 2015 2. Attend NACD Annual Meeting SWCD Supervisors/Staff NACD February 1-4, 2015 3. Attend NACD North Central Regional Mtg. SWCD Board NACD July 4. Attend Area IV Supervisor and Employee Meeting SWCD Supervisors/Staff OFSWCD/Area IV Directors December 5. Attend Budget Meeting(s) with County Commissioners SWCD Supervisors Terri Gravatt As needed 6. Board Meetings SWCD Supervisors/Terri Gravatt SWCD/NRCS/ODNR Staff Monthly 2nd Thursday 7. Attend Summer Supervisor School SWCD Supervisors/Staff OFSWCD/ODNR July 8. Plan and Hold Annual Meeting Terri Gravatt, Supervisors Office Staff August 9. Attend ODNR Division of Wildlife Diversity Conf. ODNR -DOW Brent Nickel ODNR March 10. Keep spray license certification Bob Scheiderer OSU Extension Every 3 yrs. 11. Garmin Units – training use NRCS, SWCD NRCS/ODNR As Offered 12. Rover Unit – training, use NRCS, SWCD NRCS/ODNR As Offered 13. Attend SWCD Wildlife Specialist Training Brent Nickel ODNR-DOW Continuous 14. Attend Technician Development Program NRCS/ODNR Continuous Kaylee Port, Office Staff GOAL 9: Action Items 15. Pursue continuing education opportunities for supervisors and office staff. (Page 2 of 2) Responsibility Attend Union County Ag Association Mtgs. Bob Scheiderer Who Will Help When Office Staff/Supervisors Continuous GOAL 10: Apply for and obtain grants to help with promotion of conservation in Union County. Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Pursue grants from ODNR, EPA, Forestry, and Wildlife to promote BMP’s. Office Staff Supervisors Continuous 2. Pursue grants from Top of Ohio RC&D Brent Nickel, Kaylee Port Office Staff, Supervisors Continuous GOAL 11: Provide variety of conservation products to Union County residents. Action Items Responsibility Who Will Help When 1. Tree Seedling and Related Items Sale Terri Gravatt, Brent Nickel Office Staff April 18 2. Fish Fingerling Sale Terri Gravatt Office Staff October 13 3. Miscellaneous Item Sales Terri Gravatt Office Staff Continuous 4. Dry hydrants – info on ordering Mark Watkins Working w/ local fire departments Continuous 5. Straw Blower Rental Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous 6. Drill Rental Brent Nickel Office Staff As Needed 7. Tree Planter Rental Brent Nickel Office Staff March-Nov. 8. Tree Puller Rental Brent Nickel Office Staff Continuous