Cabinet Member Report Date: Subject: 2 May 2007 The creation of two new Pest Control Officer posts for 1 year Summary This report seeks approval to create two additional pest control operative posts in order to maintain the current level of service required under the SLAs with City West. Initially these would be filled using fixed term contracts to reflect the reliance of the posts funding by the continued SLA income It is anticipated that the two posts and ancillary costs can be funded as a result of the projected income being exceeded by as much as £110,000 because of the increased volumes of the work. Recommendations That the Cabinet Member for Community Protection approves the proposal to create two additional pest control operative posts. That the Cabinet Member for Community Protection instructs the Environmental Health Manager, Residential to explore further opportunities to develop the service, namely Introduce SLAs with other Council departments, such as the schools and library services. Respond to requests from private resident’s associations who have previously stated that they would be willing to pay for a service to eradicate rodent pests. Respond to requests and proactively make our service known to commercial and residential companies to carry out treatments in their premises. Page 1 of 9 Cabinet Member Report City of Westminster Cabinet Member: Cabinet Member for Community Protection and Licensing rotection Date: Classification: Title of Report: Report of: Wards involved: Policy context: Financial summary: Report Author: Contact Details: 2 May 2007 For General Release The creation of two new Pest Control Officer posts for 1 year Deputy Director of Community Protection All Wards The Council’s Pest Control Service Revenue: The current Pest Control Service is anticipated to receive an additional £110,000 on its current SLA in 2007/08, which would more than offset the employee and other costs of £90,000. A contribution toward the 2007/08 business plan of £20,000 is anticipated. The net Richard Drew Environmental Health Manager, Residential 020 7641 1768 Page 2 of 9 1 Background Information 1.1 Westminster’s Pest Control service is currently managed by the Pest Control and Mortuary manager supported by the Pest Control and Mortuary Assistant Manager both of whom spend approximately 50% of their time managing the service. They manage 1 technical support officer and 4 pest control officers. 1.2 The work of the team almost wholly consists of responding to requests for treatment and carrying out proactive inspections of City West Homes under Service Level Agreements (SLAs), a brief description is provided in Appendix A. 1.3 No work is carried out in private homes apart from a small service where we will respond to residents complaints when they have a rat inside their house 1.4 Table 1 shows a breakdown of reactive visits over the last three years. Table 1 Pest Bed Bugs Cockroaches Fleas Garden Ants Insects Mice Rats Tropical Ants Wasps 2003/4 95 381 18 246 359 2221 957 599 44 2004/5 300 457 12 122 617 3169 852 460 90 2005/6 625 383 6 113 415 3971 758 388 46 Total number of visits 4920 6079 6705 1.5 It is clear that there has been a dramatic rise in the number of requests for treatment received by the service in the last few years (2002/3 was 3644). The projected 2006/7 figure is 7,140 which continues the upward trend. It should be noted that the most dramatic rise has occurred in respect of mice and bed bug complaints. 1.6 There has not been any increase in the establishment of the service for the last 5 years so the dramatic increase in visits has put the service under considerable strain which is leading to a risk that the Service Level Agreements cannot be maintained. Currently Performance Targets are just being maintained. 1.7 The Department raised the issue of pest control capacity as a risk last summer and is now in a position to provide proposals to consolidate performance, provide resilience to the existing SLA income and consider opportunities for enhancing the service and income opportunities. Page 3 of 9 2 Proposal 2.1 This year the pest control service anticipates income from the City West SLA’s to exceed our projected income targets by as much as £110,000 as a result of the increased volumes. An element of this has been used to offset agency costs of maintaining cover within the service. 2.2 However, this income is at risk in future years if the service is unable to provide the level of service agreed. It is therefore proposed that the service move to create two additional pest control operative posts. 2.3 Initially these would be filled using fixed term contracts to reflect the reliance of the posts funding by the continued SLA income. 2.4 It is anticipated that new 3 year SLA’s will be agreed in 2007/8 providing a sustainable income level with a positive net effect on the cost of the pest control service. 2.5 In addition this would help realise three further opportunities to develop the service, namely Introduce SLAs with other Council departments, such as the schools and library services. Respond to requests from private resident’s associations who have previously stated that they would be willing to pay for a service to eradicate rodent pests. Respond to requests and proactively make our service known to commercial and residential companies to carry out treatments in their premises. 2.6 The latter two opportunities would be supported by the “freedoms to trade” open to the council as an excellent authority. There are legal impediments to making use of these opportunities which are being explored with the legal department. Although it may be possible to set up a “Trading Company” to treat pests in private and commercial properties in Westminster. 3 Financial Implications 3.1 There are current overspends in salaries, transport, and supplies and services budgets of approximately £70,000 as a consequence of increased spend in order to meet the performance targets of the existing SLA. The creation of 2 new posts and an increase in other budgets would mean that future overspends will not occur. 3.2 The full year cost of two Pest Control Officer posts (PRP Range 5.100) will be £68,000. This would secure the ongoing SLA income by providing City West with greater certainty of the department meeting its performance targets and provide a surplus of £20,000 of income against existing budgeted figures. 3.3 Income generated in 2005/06 was £320,697, current income invoiced for in 2006/07 is £301,552, and is projected to be £333,152 for the full year. The current Page 4 of 9 income budget for the City West Homes SLA for 2007/08 is £223,200, thus this could be increased by £110,000 to £333,200 in order to fund the two new posts, increase running budgets, and create the surplus of £20,000. Financial Analysis - 2007/08 2 Pest Control Officers Salary (Range 5.100) Transport Supplies and Services £ 68,000 10,000 12,000 Additional SLA Income -110,000 Net income generated -20,000 4 Legal Implications 4.1 There are no legal implications in the creation of 2 additional pest control officer posts. 4.2 Preliminary legal advice has been sought in respect of charging residential and commercial customers for pest control work. However, the funding of the 2 posts is not dependent on the potential income from this work. 5 Staffing Implications 5.1 Unison consulted and have no issues with the proposals. 6 Business Plan Implications 6.1 There will be a significant risk to the Community Protection’s Business plan if approval for the two additional pest control posts is not authorised. This is because the Pest Control service is already struggling to achieve its targets under its current SLA as there has been a steady increase in service requests over the last 3 years. 7 Outstanding issues 7.1 There are no outstanding issues. 8 Consultation 8.1 The report is not ward specific so ward members have not been consulted. Page 5 of 9 9 Crime and Disorder Act 1998 9.1 There are no Crime and Disorder issues. 10 Health and Safety Issues 10.1 There are no Health and Safety issues. 11 Human Rights Act 1998 11.1 There are no Human Rights issues. 12 Reasons for Decision 12.1 It is recommended that the creation of the two posts is approved in order to maintain the current level of service in the SLAs. If you have any queries about this report or wish to inspect any of the background papers, please contact Richard Drew on 020 7641 1768; email address; fax number 020 7641 1740 Background Papers There were no other documents used or referred to in compiling this report. Page 6 of 9 For completion by Cabinet Member for Community Protection Declaration of Interest: I have no interest to declare in respect of this report Signed ……………………………. Date ……………………………… NAME: I have to declare an interest State nature of interest ……..…………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………….. Signed ……………………………. Date ………………………………… NAME: (N.B: If you have an interest you should seek advice as to whether it is appropriate to make a decision in relation to this matter). For the reasons set out above, I agree the recommendation(s) in the report entitled The creation of two new Pest Control Officer posts for 1 year. Signed ……………………………………………… Cabinet Member for Community Protection Date ………………………………………………… If you have any additional comment which you would want actioned in connection with your decision you should discuss this with the report author and then set out your comment below before the report and this pro-forma is returned to the Secretariat for processing. Page 7 of 9 Additional comment: ………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………………………………………. NOTE: If you do not wish to approve the recommendations, or wish to make an alternative decision, it is important that you consult the report author, the Director of Legal and Administrative Services, the Chief Financial Officer and, if there are staffing implications, the Head of Personnel (or their representatives) so that (1) you can be made aware of any further relevant considerations that you should take into account before making the decision and (2) your reasons for the decision can be properly identified and recorded, as required by law. Note to Cabinet Member: Your decision will now be published and copied to the Members of the relevant Overview & Scrutiny Committee. If the decision falls within the criteria for call-in, it will not be implemented until five working days have elapsed from publication to allow the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to decide whether it wishes to call the matter in. Page 8 of 9 13 APPENDICES 13.1 Appendix 1 - Outline description of City West SLAs Block control treatment for pests The block control programme aims to control cockroaches, tropical ants and mice in 2,419 dwellings in 49 blocks. This results in 4,231 visits. Properties are assessed over the year and if they achieve a 10% or above infestation level the blocks are then included on the pro-active block treatment. Proactive rat baiting programme on estates A new programme has been included to enhance the block control and sewer programme. This is in the form of a baiting programme to bring under control and eradicate surface rat infestations from various housing estates in the City of Westminster Council. This new scheme was piloted in 2004/5 on two estates that resulted in a vast improvement to the treated areas. 2005/6 and covered three estates, Brunel Estate, Grosvenor Estate and Lisson Green Estate. This year’s programme covers ten estates, the three above and Warwick, Church St, Fisherton, Lillestone, Hall Park, Lillington and Longmore. Sewer and drains The service aims for control of rats in Council owned estate sewers, drains and street property drains. A total of 999 manholes are inspected and baited each year. Drainage covers are lifted to enable an approximate length of every 50 metres of drainage to be treated. This programme has enabled Westminster to keep the reports of rats at a constant level and to be able to report a drop in reported infestations from a high of 602 in 1995/6 to 329 in 2003/4. Other years are 269 in 2004/5, 302 in 2005/6 and 198 for April to September 2006. Drainage defects, such as missing rodding eye caps and blocked interceptor chambers are reported to the appropriate estate office. Parks and gardens Currently we carry out inspections and treatment for the control of rats and mice in 31 parks and gardens throughout the City of Westminster. Additional areas may be inspected throughout the period by request from the parks department. Inspections and treatments are carried out monthly or fortnightly which is adjusted according to the need to bring an infestation under control. Innovative baiting methods are used such as using disguised manhole covers and down pipes to place bait in. Pipes and subways The objective of this service is to eradicate rodent infestations occurring in the underground utilities service tunnels. This is to limit damage to electricity, telephone cables etc that may be caused by rodents. It also helps to control surface infestations by baiting these areas which may give harbourage to rodents. Page 9 of 9