237 POSSIBLE TSUNAMI DEPOSITS DISCOVERED ON THE BULGARIAN BLACK SEA COAST AND SOME APPLICATIONS B.K. RANGUELOV Geophysical Institute, BAS. Acad. G.Boncev str. bl.3, Sofia 1113, Bulgaria. Abstract The recently discovered tsunami deposits on the Northern Bulgarian Black Sea coast supports the idea that these shore lines have been flooded by local tsunamis in the past. The dating of the discovered deposits and inclusions in them as well as the levelling of their recent positions show that these deposits have been formed may be during the significant earthquake (M>7.0, approximate coordinates: 28.3E, 43.3N) generated the giant landslide occurred in I-st century BC. The effects of this landslide can be still observed on the seashore. The obtained data combined with others (such as tsunami catalogue for the Black sea, the recurrence graphs, the refraction models, the zoning of the tsunami generating sources and vulnerable areas, etc.) can be useful for the tsunami hazard assessment of the Black sea. This possibility is slightly mentioned using the previous investigations of the author and the results obtained about the newly discovered deposits. 1. Introduction Many new investigations have been performed during the mid 90s of the last century for the tsunami research of the Black Sea region. A lot of new data, maps and interpretations have been made for the tsunami zoning purposes. For the first time tsunami deposits have been discovered in the outcrops located on the northern part of the Bulgarian coast. Different observations have been made. Geodesy positioning according to the recent sea level helps to estimate the supposed tsunami height [1]. A large amount of data has been collected and processed during the performance of the GITEC Project with EU [2]. Calculations and modelling of different parameters of the tsunamis as well the tsunamigenic sources and vulnerable areas locations have been performed [3, 4]. The travel times of the tsunamis from different sources, zones of shadows due to the refraction, tsunami energy distribution according to the geometry of the coast and bottom and other important values have been calculated [5,6]. Many calculations of the probabilistic tsunami risk assessment and the expected negative consequences from the tsunami flooding have been done and the average repeatability estimated for the different time periods and the different run-up’s [7, 8]. New data and interpretations about the fractal properties of the coastal line and the respective observed run-ups have been obtained using the method of fractal analysis as well [9]. All these calculations and models have been verified by the data of observed tsunamis described in old chronics or registered by the recent equipment. Several observed cases A. C. Yalçıner, E. Pelinovsky, C. E. Synolakis, E. Okal (eds.), Submarine Landslides and Tsunamis 237-242. @2003 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in Netherlands 238 support the recognition of the estimated tsunami run-ups [10, 7]. All these data can be combined and used in case of the tsunami hazard assessment of the seashore. 2. Observations The discovery and the observations of the well-preserved possible tsunami deposits have been made during the field expedition - summer time of 1996 [1]. The area under investigations is located on the northern part of the Bulgarian coast near Varna City. The discovery has been made by chance following the digging works of the local house builders. Several points with the visible tsunami deposits have been recognized as the probable sites in a small bay located north of Varna City and south from the most powerful seismic source at the region (fig.1.). Figure 1. Sketch of the location of the tsunami deposits’ sites pointed by vertical crosses and numbered consequently. Site 1 – distance 4 meters from the sea shore line (height – 4.25 meters above the water level); site 2 – 503 meters from the seashore (height – 5.15 meters); site 3 – 1215 meters from the seashore (height – 8.50 meters); site 4 – 204 meters from the seashore (height – 2.75 meters) The layers have been carefully investigated. Usually the deposited sands over the hardcarbonized sandstone compose them. The sands include bigger sandstone pieces (size between 2-3 and 10-15 cm.) brought by the visible lower levels of the beach gravel. Often 239 in this suspected tsunami deposits the shells of different mollusks can be observed. The sites Figure 2. Sketches of the cross-sections of some selected sites (1-4) of fig.1. Stratigraphy and the position of the discovered tsunami layers are presented:1-soil layers; 2 - marine sediments of gravel, sands, some shells of Mollusks and microfossils (tsunami deposits!); 3 - hard rock basement (carbonized sandstone); 4 measuring point above sea level. The thickness is in cm. are well visible, with clear stratification of the layers. At the lower part – gravel with rough sands can be seen followed by the rough grains and the finest fraction over all. At some places the preserved back drive channels of the water can be observed (for example on site 2). The correlation of the positioned level of the deposits can be follow to all sites. The deposits have different thickness according their space position – distance from the recent seashore and the respective heights. The interpolation of the level’s positions performed for the different sites fits very well most of them. This shows that the deposits have not been moved from their original places. Some samples from the located sites have been collected. The sampling points have been positioned by the leveling measurements to the recent water level (fig.2). Photographs have been taken of almost all discovered sites. After the samples have been collected and investigated in the laboratory of Coventry Polytechnic, the microfossil and radiocarbon analysis have been performed. The results show that these deposits can be recognized as a result of the local tsunamis generated by a big earthquake occurred in I-st century BC. This event is famous, with the subsided underwater city of Bizone (old Greek 240 colony) and the heavy very big monolith blocks slide down in the water. They are visible even at the recent seashore. The estimated magnitude is M>7.0 and approximate coordinates – 28.3E, 43.3N [11, 10, 12, 13]. The radiocarbon dating method C14 was performed in the Laboratory of Radioactivity and environment in Sofia, on three samples and gives reasonable dating in average of about 2000 years. The selected samples consist of many fragments and whole shells from the recent Black Sea molluscs. The main species belong to the Cardium edule, Tapes rugatus and Donax julianae [14]. The specimens have been found at almost all localities (No’s 1-3). The results of the special microfossil analysis performed together with the specialists of the Coventry polytechnic show the presence of the skeletons of the microfossils. Skeletons of the microfossils Foraminifera and Ostracoda have been recognised [15]. “The Foraminifera species present were Haynesina depressula, Elphidium williamsoni and Anunonia becarii. These three benthic species in general are tolerant of brackish conditions” [15]. The levelling measurements on the described sites established the tsunami run-ups according to the recent water level reached up to 7-8 meters [7]. The age of the deposits very well coincides with the reported strong earthquake in I-st century BC. These deposits confirmed the described by the old chroniclers large flooding, probably generated by tsunamis [16, 11]. 3. Results and applications The tsunami deposits discovered on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast support the idea of the local flooding generated by tsunamis in the historical times [11]. On the fig.3 the Figure 3. Approximate run-up tsunami heights according the return period for various places (according [17]): J - Japan, H - Hilo bay (Hawaii), SF - San Francisco, M - Mediterranean, BS - Black Sea. The dashed line show the same for the tsunami sources in the aquatory of BS, the solid one - including offshore tsunami sources. The dashed vertical bars show the extreme values observed for a certain period. For the Black Sea, the extreme value is obtained due to the new discovered paleotsunami deposits. The position of the vertical bars is according the appearance of the extreme heights of tsunamis. extreme value has been added on the repeatability graph established earlier [7, 17] for the Black Sea. 241 The data from this graph have been used about the model calculation for the empirical Black Sea tsunami zoning [8]. The results of the investigations of the tsunami deposits and the tsunami hazard for the Bulgarian Black Sea coast are reflected on the created map of the Geological Hazards in Bulgaria (scale 1:500 000) [18]. All tsunami effects on the Bulgarian part of the Black sea coast have been outlined and possible tsunami influence such as generating sources as well as flooding areas from near and far-field tsunami sources are reflected [5]. A selection of some most tsunami vulnerable areas of the coast have been made for target calculations. The tsunami influence due to the refraction is estimated [3]. The results show that the most dangerous for the coastal facilities are the local tsunami sources. The far field sources can produce huge tsunamis, but their energy dissipates in the sea and only the local sources can produce significant influence on the coast [19]. This is due to the specific location of the tsunami generating sources (mostly earthquakes and very rare other generators such as landslides (both - surface and submarine), stonefalls, etc., which can generate tsunamis. On the other hand the geometry of the bottom and the coastal line and the reflections due to those bathimetry peculiarities can create strong auto focusing effects to the local specific sites attacked by the waves [3]. As it was shown in the previous investigations, the tsunami energy is concentrated by the local geometry peculiarities of the coast and the sea bottom [6, 10, 9]. The newest tsunami zoning made by an empirical approach [8] shows the possibility of combined influence - tsunami plus sashes (or meteosurges) which can amplify the tsunami flooding effects. May be the discovered tsunami deposits also reflects such combined influence. The established height from the tsunami deposits position reaches 7-8 meters up and thus provides the data to suggest the big sea surges, which can occur in the Black sea. The newest achievements can help the reliability of the adopted or suggested solutions. Up to now there is no systematic search for similar deposits. They are intended in a near future. It seems very probable that some other promising places (for example near Crimea coasts and near Varna City south coast) also contain tsunami deposits [13]. Several deposits of sapropel breccia have been discovered according the oil prospecting in the regions. Usually they are indicators of the fast and massive flooding. The necessity to try to find them is obvious, for future science investigations. They may help the dating of other local tsunamis as well. Unfortunately the activated landslides on the Bulgarian coast during April 1997 disturbed the observational points and changed dramatically all observed levels of the discovered deposits’ sites. This means that no more real position of the deposits can be recognised [12]. This fact shows that similar investigations must be performed with highest accuracy on the collected data, materials and samples. 4. Conclusions Using new and sophisticated methods of microfossil analysis, precise levelling and radiocarbon dating the new discovered probable tsunami deposits are reported. The age of the deposits estimated by the carbon 14 method correlated with the time consequences of the strongest earthquake and tsunami reported in the I-st century BC. The depth origin of the deposits is confirmed by the microfossil analysis. 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