Faculty approval process for new courses and units & changes to existing courses and units The following pro formas are referred to in the table below For courses: Course Development Software (CDS), including the Proposal Template and the Costing Model For units: Faculty Unit pro forma, and Technology Impact Statement All proposals require completion of a Library Impact Statement Changes that are not submitted in the appropriate form will be returned to the instigator New Course D:\533551492.doc 2/16/16 New unit Major change to course Major change to unit http://www.adm.monash.edu/unisec/res/cds/index.html http://www.med.monash.edu.au/committees/ugrad/docs/new_subj_proforma_150102.doc http://www.lib.monash.edu.au//forms/impact.doc Minor change to course Minor change to unit Honours Program Definition A change that triggers one (or more) of the six criteria set by University Education Committee as requiring the use of the Course Development Software (CDS)- outlined below A major change to an existing unit includes: Subjectively, a major change is when the course is significantly changing its focus, targeting a different group of students or being revised for accreditation purposes. If in doubt, consult the Associate Dean (Teaching) More than 20% change to the assessment – eg. an OSCE worth 20% is introduced with resulting reduction in the value of other components of assessment. More than 20% change to the content Change to the year level of offering Extension to a new campus Criteria 1. Cross-faculty ventures, or any courses that may impact on other faculties 2. Cross-institutional ventures or those involving other external partners 3. Courses that are to be offered outside Australia 4. Courses involving a new form of University award not currently conferred by Monash 5. Courses that may have a major impact on a particular campus 6. Course structures different from those usually applying for the type of award (for example, masters courses that need to be included in the schedule of exceptions) (This includes creation of a “tagged” coursework award title) Other relevant criteria: D:\533551492.doc 2/16/16 There is significant change to the objectives of the course More than 25% of the core units are changing sequence, being added or deleted, or changing content The course is to be disestablished Change to a different method of delivery Change to the credit point value of a unit Any change which does not fall into the category Major Change to Course Any change not covered under Major change to existing unit. Again, if in doubt consult Subjectively, a minor change with the Associate Dean is when the course is (Teaching) undergoing re-organisation, perhaps as a result of evaluation feedback or when a course has been recently introduced and fine-tuning is required. This includes: Addition or deletion of core units (amounting to less than 25%) Changes to sequences of units (involving less than 25% of units) Changes to prerequisites within sequences A change that results in changes to the Handbook entry, other than changes to the unit summary (see major change to unit). The University regards Honours programs as “undergraduate”, therefore, they will ultimately be approved by FUEC. Reporting/ Documentation requirement Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of Course Development SoftwareCDS/CUPID templates Library Impact Statement Technology Impact Statement Approval by FUEC, Faculty Board and Sign off by Dean and Sign off by the DVC, Academic and Planning D:\533551492.doc 2/16/16 Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on unit pro forma Library Impact statement Technolog y Impact Statement Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on CDS pro forma, Library Impact Statement, Technology Impact Statement Approval by FUEC, Faculty Board and Sign off by Dean and Sign off by the DVC, Academic and Planning Memorandum to FUEC setting out The current and proposed details of course structure Rationale for the change Transition arrangements Implications Alternatively, the CDS may be used but in this situation sign-off by the Dean and DVC will not be required. Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on unit pro forma Library Impact statement Technology Impact Statement Memorandum to FUEC indicating: The nature of the change The rationale for the change Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on unit pro forma Library Impact statement Technology Impact Statement A memorandum to FUEC indicating: The nature of the change The rationale for the change Library Impact Statement in case of changes to prescribed textbooks or recommended reading Technology Impact Statement in case of changes to assessment, teaching method or mode of delivery If several small changes are proposed it may be more convenient to complete a new unit proposal (as for New Unit) Applications for approval of Honour’s programs should be sent to both the Research Degrees Committee (Chair Rod Devenish) and to FUEC. Research Degrees Committee will evaluate the “research” aspect of the program and FUEC will evaluate the “educational” value of the program. FUEC will seek advice from Research Degrees Committee before approving the program APPROVAL PROCESS New Course New U/G Unit* Obtain approval of Faculty Executive Major change to course Major change to unit Minor change to course Minor change to unit Honours Program Course Submit memo as above and supporting documentation to Secretary. OR CDS Submit Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on unit pro forma/CDS, Library Impact statement Technology Impact Statement to Secretary Obtain approval of Faculty Executive Obtain approval of Curriculum or Course Management Committee Proposer submits two copies (one hard, one electronic) of Course Development SoftwareCDS/CUPID templates and Library Impact Statement to Secretary. Submit Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on unit pro forma, Library Impact statement and Technolog y Impact Statement to Secretary. Documentation should include unit pro formas for all year one units and outline for all subsequent units. Submit Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on CDS pro forma, Library Impact Statement and Technology Impact Statement to Secretary. Submit Two copies (one hard, one electronic) of proposal on unit pro forma Library Impact statement Technology Impact Statement to Secretary. Submit memo as above to Secretary Library Impact Statement in case of changes to prescribed textbooks or recommended reading Technology Impact Statement in case of changes to assessment, teaching method or mode of delivery Secretary distributes to ADT and three evaluators If several small changes are proposed it may be more convenient to complete a new unit proposal (as for New Unit) AD(T) and Secretary check documentation Secretary distributes to ADT and three evaluators Evaluators return reports to Secretary Evaluators return reports to Secretary Secretary requests amendments by course proposer, Secretary requests amendments by course proposer, amended version returned to Secretary and checked by Secretary amended version returned to Secretary and checked by Secretary Proposal submitted to Faculty Undergraduate Education Committee. Approval may be made subject to further amendments Secretary requests further amendments from proposer (if required); receives amended version Proposal submitted to Faculty Board for ratification Approval is complete when signed by the Dean and the DVC (Academic & Planning) Approval is complete when signed by the Dean and the DVC (Academic & Planning If identified as one of the six special categories, forwarded to University Education Committee New research or postgraduate coursework units will be approved by the Research Degrees or Postgraduate Coursework Degrees committees. All proposals approved by FUEC, RDC & PCDC are reported biannually to the central Education Committee. D:\533551492.doc 2/16/16 Proposal submitted to Faculty Undergraduate Education Committee. Approval may be made subject to further amendments Secretary requests further amendments from proposer (if required); receives amended version