Oceans 11 – Dalesandro Assignment #11 – Deep Sea Eyes Value: 10 points Instuctions: Read the attached article and answer the questions in full sentences. 1) a) What kind of fish was studied according to the article? b) Where does this fish live? 2) How many different fish were examined? What did Dr. de Busserolles notice when her team examined the fish? 3) What connection did Dr. de Busserolles suspect she would find during the examination of the fish? 4) What did the study actually find? Why was this “contrary to their expectations”? 5) What is the next step in this research, according to Dr. de Busserolles? 6) List one possible explanation for her findings that Dr. de Busserolles thinks she might be able to confirm in the future. 7) What other visual parameter does she intend to investigate? 8) Look at the picture of the two lanternfish at the end of the article. What do you notice? Can you come up with any possible explanations for the differences in the fish? [3 pts.] Evolution Trumps Ecology In Deep-Sea Fish Eyes From ScienceNet Australia, Sunday, April 14, 2013. An investigation by University of Western Australia scientists into factors which affect eye size in lanternfish, a deep-sea species, has found that eye size varies based on the individual fish’s evolutionary status, rather than ecological pressures. The study found there was great diversity in eye size among lanternfish at all taxonomic levels including the subfamily, tribes, and genus. Researchers at the UWA Oceans Institute studied how types of lanternfish (Myctophidae) have visually adapted to navigating the ocean’s mesopelagic zone (200m-1000m) where sunlight diminishes exponentially with depth. The mesopelagic region or Twilight Zone has the greatest density of bioluminescent emissions, or light emitted by the animals themselves, which they use to interact with prey and predators. They examined 237 members of the lanternfish family spanning 61 different species, with eye and lens diameters ranging from 0.6 mm to 11.0 mm, and were collected from research cruises in different parts of the world including in the Coral Sea. UWA researcher Dr. Fannie de Busserolles says while in the field she had noticed significant differences in eye size compared to body size between different lanternfish species and wanted to investigate the difference. “Knowing that a larger eye will be more sensitive we thought there might be a connection between the amount of light present in the environment and the relative eye size of a species,” she says. “We hypothesised that species with a deeper distribution in the mesopelagic zone and/or a reduction of bioluminescent emissions will have smaller eyes, and that ecological factors rather than the evolutionary history of the family will drive the evolution of their visual system.” The study found there was great diversity in eye size among lanternfish at all taxonomic levels including the subfamily, tribes and genus. But contrary to their expectations the team did not find a link between the eye size and the depth/luminous tissue patterns on the fish identified. “A strong phylogenetic signal was observed for the eye size variable suggesting that this characteristic may be mainly influenced by the evolutionary history of the family instead of the ecological factors as we expected,” de Busserolles says. She says the next step will involve closely examining the visual system of different species of lanternfish as eye size is only one parameter involved in assessing a species’ visual capabilities. “It is possible that small eyes possess other visual adaptations that will enhance the sensitivity of the eye and potentially make them as efficient as larger eyes,” de Busserolles says. “We will then look at several other visual parameters, especially the photoreceptors in the lanternfish’s retina, to test these new ideas.” Difference in eye size compared to body size in two species of lanternfish.