Farm Booklet - Model Answer Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Male Female Cocks Hens Stallion Mare Bull Cow Drake Duck Dog Bitch Boar Sow Ram Ewe 1. A cock and a hen 2. A ram and a ewe 3. A bull and a cow 4. A billy-goat and a nanny-goat 5. A dog and a bitch 6. A stallion and a mare 7. A boar and a sow Baby Chicks Foal Calf Duckling Puppy Piglet Lamb Noise Chirp Neighs Low Quack Bark Grunts Bleats horse foal sheep lamb fowl chicken cow calf pigs piglet ducks ducklings dog puppies cat kitten 1. They spent their holiday on their grandfathers farm. 2. The milkman milks the cows. 3. It is not easy to milk a cow. 4. Grandmother feeds the chickens and collects eggs from the nests. 5. They got up at 6 o’ clock each morning. Page 7 Noises: 1. croaks 2. lows 3. meows 4. barks 5. squeaks 6. quacks 7. grunts 8. hisses 9. bleats 10. buzzes 11. crows Page 8 1. sheep 2. horse 3. pig 4. horse 5. cow 6. sheep 7. bee 8. horse Page 9 Across: 3. anthill 5. hole 6. nest 8. eyrie 11. burrow 12. sty 13. den Plurals: Cat cats Ant ants Calf calves Puppy puppies Potato potatoes Horse horses Fish fish Cattle cattle Sheep sheep Monkey monkeys Down: 1. barn 2. kennel 4. lair 5. hive 7. stable 9. fold 10. pond Page 10 Page 11 Across: 1. son 3. father 5. prince 7. man 8. widow 11. sir 12. actor 13. hero 14. host 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Down: 1. sister 2. nephew 4. aunt 6. king 9. witch 10. wife grandmother brother parents wife aunt king queen husband wife cock hen horse mare him her Page 12 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. John fell and he began to cry. It is late and I am sleepy. Tom is my friend and Sipho is my friend. I am young but she is old. The cat has four legs but the bird has two legs. 1. 2. 3. 4. was were were was 5. 6. 7. 8. were were were was Page 13 Page 14 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. My Uncle Tom lives on a farm near Winterton. Did John clean his nails ? Mary did not eat her breakfast. I am not feeling very well. Sandile and Tristan are friends. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. an an a a an NOUNS Hen Farm Friends Dog Cat Duck Seeds Ground Wheat Mill Flour Sack bread VERBS Lived Found Plant Barked Purred Quacked Planted Grown Asked Help Cut Take Ground Brought Bake Finished Eat Ate ADJECTIVES Little Lazy Sleepy Noisy Yellow Heavy tired Page 16 Page 17 Order of sentences: 3. Cut the wheat from the plants 7. Enjoy eating the bread 5. Ground the wheat into flour 2. Let the seeds grow 1. Plant the seeds 4. Take the wheat to the mill 6. Use the flour to make bread 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. honk lows chatter brays quack neighs croaks barks 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. cub kids piglets ducklings kittens cubs calf joey Page 18 A herd of cattle A gaggle of geese A swarm of ants An army of ants An orchard of fruit trees A brood of chickens A flock of birds A litter of puppies A swarm of bees A batch of bread A bunch of flowers A troop of monkeys A set of tools A flock of sheep A herd of horses Page 19 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Cow Hen Dog Duck Goose Sheep Pig Cat lion horse goat kennel hive web nest burrow Calf Chick Puppy Duckling Gosling Lamb Piglet Kitten cub Foal kid Lows Cheep Barks Quack Hiss or honk bleats Grunts Meows Roars Neighs Bleats Page 21 Word: Keen Odour Aroma Decayed Abode Plunderers Plunged Furiously Troublesome Repulse Fond Definition: Unusually sensitive Smell A smell that is nice Rotting A place to live To rob openly and by force Quickly forced Angrily Giving trouble To protect yourself To like very much 1. Bears have an excellent sense of smell and hearing. 2. These senses help them because they cannot see very well, they are very short-sighted. 3. An odour of something sweet blew towards Mishook. The aroma of honey. 4. The bees were living in an old decayed tree trunk. 5. The bees defended their honey by stinging the bears. 6. The bear’s thick fur protects them so that they do not get stung. 7. Mishook was stung on his nose by one of the bees. 8. He beat the bee off with his paws. Page 22 Tiger Tigress Cub Billy-Goat Nanny-Goat Kid Buck Doe Fawn King Queen Prince/Princess Pg. 22 cntd… Father Bull Boar Lion Rooster Stallion Gander Drake Ram Page 24 D5 tractor B4 wheat H6 cattle 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. C2 D2 2 A5 A6 B5 B6 H3 G2 F2 A3 B3 B4 Mother Cow Sow lioness Hen Mare Goose Duck Ewe Young Calf Piglet Cub Chick Foal Gosling Duckling Lamb B1 tree F2 farm dam F6 cattle