AP BIOLOGY – Course Description


AP BIOLOGY – Course Description

A C Reynolds High School

Martha Cowan

Telephone ACRHS: 298-2500 ext 285 • email: Martha.cowan@bcsemail.org

828-277-8398 (H), 828-775-8398 (C)

Welcome to AP Biology! I am excited that you have enrolled in AP Biology – a challenging course that is designed to be the equivalent of a college introductory biology course. After taking the AP exam you may be permitted to take upper-level biology courses at your university. Other students may fulfill a basic requirement for a laboratory science course and be able to take other courses to in your major. AP Bio includes topics regularly covered in a college biology course for majors. It differs significantly from the usual first high school course in biology with respect to the kind of textbook used, and the range and depth of topics covered, the kind of laboratory work, and the time and effort required of students. The textbook used is used my many universities. AP Bio at ACRHS provides students with the conceptual framework, factual knowledge, and analytical skills necessary to deal critically with the rapidly changing science of biology. Biology is fascinating, constantly changing, and contains secrets for improving our world.

The Course at ACRHS—Because of the scope of the curriculum, some areas are covered in detail and others are skimmed over. Students must assume the responsibility for filling in the gaps with their own reading. They are expected to spend at least an hour a day on this course. The most important difference between the AP course and the first biology course is that students must assume responsibility for their own learning. In addition to reading the text, I encourage study groups and a great deal of time on the internet. As we work together this year, our course goals will be to:

 Develop an understanding and appreciation of the unifying themes that integrate the major topics of biology;

 Expand and apply analytical skills to assess the rapidly changing science of biology especially as it relates to environmental and social concerns;

 Gain laboratory skills and an appreciation of science as a dynamic process through designing, implementing, and interpreting complex labs;

 Communicate effectively with peers and adults through speech, writing, graphics, and presentations;

 Participate actively and work cooperatively with one another in a positive classroom community;

 Take the Advanced Placement Biology exam.

12 Recommended Biology Laboratories

The labs completed in this course are the equivalent of those done by college students.

The 12 labs recommended by the College Board are intended to challenge students’ abilities to understand problems, develop and implement appropriate experimental designs, manipulate data, draw conclusions, think analytically, and develop hypotheses.

One or more of the four mandatory essay questions on the AP Biology Examination each year may reflect the topics and objectives found in the labs. You are expected to write formal laboratory reports on each of the labs.

The AP Biology course is designed to be the equivalent of a year-long college introductory biology course. Enrolling in AP Bio means that you have undertaken a personal responsibility to work hard and manage your time to keep up with a rigorous curriculum. In order to maintain a fun, intellectually stimulating, and balanced year, carefully examine your academic load and outside activities, and make sure that you are willing and prepared to commit AT LEAST one hour per night (more on weekends) to AP

Bio. Your success in (and enjoyment of) this class will directly reflect the amount of energy you invest.


At all times, to contribute positively to the learning environment:

 Respect, listen to, and support each other. Science works best when done collaboratively.

 Come to class on time, prepared to participate, learn, and succeed.

 Exhibit responsible behavior and attention to safety.

 Speak to me in private about grades, course suggestions and concerns.


The following are highly recommended: Completion of Chemistry/Chem Honors and

Honors Biology with minimum grades of B.


Textbook: Biology, 7 th Edition (AP). Campbell, and Reece. San Francisco: Benjamin

Cummings, 2005

 Purchase the Cliffs Notes supplemental AP Bio prep book.

Supplies: Pens or pencils, highlighters or colored pens, colored pencils, a calculator, lined paper, a USB key/flash drive, and a few sheets of graph paper.

Web resources: Our textbook is supplemented by ample online resource including summaries, animations, practice tests, textbook images, lab review, an online textbook, web links, and more.


 All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day of the deadline.

 Homework turned in late will receive a 50% penalty. Late work will not be accepted after two class days.

 Hand in paper copies of assignments. I will not accept emails or electronic copies.

If you need to print an assignment, get here early and go to a computer lab before class.

 Late labs/projects will be penalized at 10 points per day.

 If you know you will be absent ahead of time (i.e. for sports, field trip, club day, college visits, etc.), find out IN ADVANCE what you will miss in class by checking with me and asking for any handouts or due dates

 If absent on the day of a test, a make-up test will be available one to two weeks before the end of the grading period. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the teacher to schedule the make-up exam.

 If you are absent on the day of a lab or activity, see the teacher the day you return for the assignment or alternative. Virtual labs are available on line.

 Your assignments must always be kept in your possession. Copied assignments will be considered academic honesty violations for all participants involved. The acceptable way to help or receive help from another student on an assignment

(including homework and labs) should involve a discussion where no writing takes place followed by time for all participants to work independently on the assignment. I encourage study groups.


 Regular attendance and participation in class are essential for a successful mastery of the sequential concepts that are inherent in a science course. One day builds on the next. Please make every attempt to schedule dentist and college appointments at times that do not conflict with this class (offered first period).

 In the event that a day is missed, students are expected to call a classmate for assignments and class notes. After a student returns from an absence, they have the same number of class meetings as they missed to turn in assignments for full credit. Assignments turned in after that time will receive fewer points.


Students are expected to turn in all assignments. Course grades are determined by the total number of points earned divided by the total number of possible points. The ACRHS grading scale will be followed. Each assignment is weighted as follows:

 Homework 15%

 Lab Reports 20%

 Quizzes 15%

 Tests 50%

Again, welcome to AP Biology. AP courses are very challenging. I will do my best to define the challenges of AP Biology so that you may rise and meet these challenges.

The above document may be subject to modification.

After reviewing the course description and expectations with your parent/guardian, please sign below, cut, and return the bottom portion to me. I will work to respect the guidelines of the course and will commit to taking the AP Biology exam regardless of my grade and interest at the time. Keep the remaining course description for future reference.

