Humanities and Sciences Senate Meeting Minutes

Humanities and Sciences Senate Meeting Minutes
April 25, 2003
Present: Rick Anderson, Cynthia Baldessare-Henderson, Cory Brown, William
Kolberg, Julio Lopez-Arias, Patrick Meister, Joseph Miller, Teresa Moore, Bruce North,
Tom Pfaff, Nancy Ramage, Diane Schwartz, Hugh Stephenson, Michael Trotti, Zenon
Meeting called to order at 4:10.
The Senate welcomes a new member to the Senate, Tom Pfaff to fill a vacant
Science/Math seat. Sabbatino Maglione and Hugh Stephenson will return as incumbents
to fill Humanities and Social Sciences seats respectively.
Approval of minutes:
March 28, 2003 – Approved as amended; 6 yeah and 2 abstentions
Election of Officers for 2003-2004
Current Officers:
President: Diane Schwartz, Vice President: Michael Trotti, Secretary: Cynthia
Baldessare-Henderson, At large (2): Teresa Moore and Joseph Miller
New officers:
President: Joseph Miller elected by acclamation
Vice President: Michael Trotti elected by acclamation
Secretary: Patrick Meister elected by acclamation
At Large: William Kolberg elected by acclamation
At Large: Hugh Stephenson elected by acclamation
Senate representation needed for upcoming events: May 8 a retirement party co-hosted
by Faculty Senate, Joseph Miller will attend and represent the senate. Chair meetings, on
May 14 there will be an all day Chair meeting, Joseph Miller will attend on behalf of the
Senate. In August the Faculty Forum welcomes new faculty, Joseph Miller will attend on
the behalf of the Senate.
Michael Trotti will put out another ballot for 2 vacant seats on the Senate. Names put
forward are Jason Hamilton (At Large) and Hugh Stephenson (Social Sciences).
Old Business:
Letter on Emeritus Status: The letter was delivered at a previously scheduled meeting
between the dean and executive committee. It appeared on the agenda for the Chair’s
meeting but due to lack of time was not discussed. The chairs all have copies of the letter
and has been placed on the agenda for the May 14th agenda. Joseph Miller will attend
and check with Howard for approval to have Rick Anderson accompany him.
Letter on Workload: The letter is being forwarded to the Dean, Provost, and Faculty
New Business:
1) Reactions to the “Gentle Reminder” regarding faculty freedom of discussing political
issues in the classroom was minimal. Michael Trotti did hear some negative comments
from faculty members. Unfortunately due to the current change in political situations this
topic is not as heated as it was a month ago.
2) Bill Kolberg would like the senate to look into the salary increment/merit accounting
system. He states that there is no way to validate the percentage of increment and/or
merit I or II, if awarded, from that of last years base salary. Diane Schwartz will email
the members of a written motion that was approved with a 13 yeah votes and 1
3) Bill Kolberg wanted the senate to put the self-evaluation form on the agenda in the
next school year. He and some members of his department have issues about the
implication of signing the yearly review form.
4) Agenda items for next year: accepting applications on line, affirmative action
authority, by-laws should be revisited, what happened to equity pay, what’s the progress
of the master plan, a yearly/semester newsletter.
5) Motion: The Executive Committee should continue to meet with the Dean between
scheduled Senate meetings. 13 yeahs.
Meeting dates for the 2003-2004 year will be scheduled and emailed to members.
Adjourned at 5:25
Submitted by Diana Lotito