Career Development/Special Populations Coordinators Northeast Region Spring Meeting—April 11, 2011 Minutes The Northeast Region CDC/SPC group met on April 11, 2011, at the Ed Tech Center in Washington. The meeting was called to order by Jack Guard, Interim Chair, who announced his upcoming retirement. The group thanked Jack for his willingness to lead the group as Interim Chair this year. It was decided that elections for officers for the 2011-12 school year should be held at that time. The officers for the 2011-2012 year are as follows: Stacy Gerard--President Kristy Christenbury--Treasurer Emily Duke—Secretary There was some discussion as to whether to keep the group as it is—combined CDC and SPC; or, to separate into two groups--CDC and SPC. Since the majority of the group function as both CDC/SPC, it was decided that the group would remain combined. Darlene Moss, Northeast Regional Coordinator, introduced Beaufort County Schools CTE Director, Christy Harris, who made a presentation entitled “Business Partnerships that Work”. She discussed the “usual” as well as the “unusual” partnerships that Beaufort Co. Schools’ CTE has with other departments, agencies, organizations, and businesses. She talked specifically about the partnership that BCS has with Impressions Marketing Group. The partnership began with a request by their plant manager for BCS’ assistance in getting workers. This successful partnership has been a good way to get other businesses interested in partnering with CTE. Our group then traveled to Impressions Marketing Group, where we toured the facility and heard more about the partnership from Randy Roark, Plant Manager. When the meeting resumed, Marchelle Horner, the new CDC consultant at NCDPI, shared information regarding the role of the CDC in a school. She encouraged us to be visible in our schools and asked us to e-mail her our “Best Practices” so she can share with others. She is working on a “CDC version” of the Guide to the Special Population’s Challenge Handbook, recently sent out by Bill Hatch. She is developing a similar guide which would outline all the duties that CDC’s perform. She is in the process of updating the NCDPI CTE webpage. She stressed that CDC’s/SPC’s should be evaluated using the CDC/SPC evaluations and NOT a teacher or counselor evaluation instrument. She also discussed the following: Electronic CDP+’s were discussed; this document should be readily available if audited CDC/SPC Licensure Requirements—it has been discovered that some people aren’t licensed for both CDC and SPC jobs, but they should be. She directed us to DPI’s website to find out how to get SPC certification. She announced dates for the next CDF classes: one starts June 14th/15th with graduation July 28th; then another class begins Sept 7th/ 8th, with graduation December 7th. Summer Conference—set for July 24-28 in Greensboro— planning committee is in place, but she welcomes suggestions from CDC’s/SPC’s. Career Clusters—broad grouping of occupations with a common set of knowledge & skills; discussed the difference in Career Pathways & FRC—there are 9 different classifications and it all depends on the MATH. She will send these to Stacy to post. Please contact her for assistance when needed. Her contact information is as follows: ; (919) 807-3937 Next on the agenda, William Paramore from Miller- Motte College spoke to the group about the Personality Profile they offer ( ). The college pays for the cost ($60) for students to take the profile. He is available for class presentations as well. The group discussed the October/April time frame for meetings and whether it needed to be changed. It was decided that the October/April meeting schedule seems to work well for the group so no change was made. The next meeting is tentatively set for October 10, 2011 in Halifax County. Details will be forthcoming. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. Attendees: Marchelle Horner NCDPI Cindy Bell Edgecombe Co. Virginia Kinnaird Elizabeth CityPasquotank Beverly Harrison Edenton Chowan Emily Duke Pitt Co. Susan Mendell Pitt Co. Anna Short Roanoke Rapids Woodson Hunter Hertford Co. Karen Molloy Edenton-Chowan Linda Wiggins Weldon City Angie Jenkins Northampton Co. Jennifer Hill Gates Co. Stacy Gerard Beaufort Co. Jack Guard Currituck Co. Darlene Moss NCDPI