Peer Review in Paediatric Endocrinology Visit Report Centre: Date: Visitors: 1 1. Introduction Brief details of district size, number of hospitals involved, consultant staffing levels, workload and overall provision of paediatric endocrine services. The staffing/workload details should be specific and summarise the total number of consultant hours per week devoted to endocrinology & the numbers of new and review patients seen annually by the unit. Any special demographic characteristics (eg. urban/rural balance, social deprivation etc) should be highlighted. A map of the region would be helpful. 2 2a. List of those interviewed Consultants Specialist Registrars Specialist Endocrine Nurses Management Representatives Secretaries Patients (anonymised details of patient ‘type’ & interview setting) Others 3 2b. List of key individuals in the unit not interviewed Consultants Specialist Registrars Specialist Endocrine Nurses Management Representatives Others 4 3. Departments visited Hospitals Departments visited (eg. PIU, endocrine ward, endocrine outpatient clinic, seminar rooms, biochemistry labs etc) 1. 2. 5 4. Documents reviewed Document Comments Peer Review - Self Assessment Questionnaire Brief description of Endocrine Unit Endocrine Unit Protocols Handbook Patient Information leaflets PIU day case documents Shared Care protocols Hospital Case Notes 6 5. Standards for Endocrine Care Commentary should be provided on each of the Basic Standards for Paediatric Endocrine Care approved by the Clinical Committee of the BSPED in 2011 and the RCPCH specialist services definitions in 2010. The following Reviewer Gradings will be given for each criterion. GRADING OF ENDOCRINE STANDARD GRADING ABBREVIATION (IN REPORT) DEFINITION MET M Evidence or information which shows the criterion is being met EXCEEDED Exc Very good practice UNMET UnM Evidence or information which shows the criterion is not being met NO SUPPORTING EVIDENCE N.S.E No supporting evidence provided by the visited endocrine unit NOT APPLICABLE N/A Criterion not applicable to this endocrine unit 7 Standard 1: Access to Specialised Paediatric Endocrine Services Standard Statement: Waiting times should be as short as possible and tailored to the clinical urgency. A senior endocrine opinion should be provided at the first clinic visit. Availability of endocrine investigations and specialist opinion within an acceptable time. Rationale: All children identified with an Endocrine health disorder need to have access to high quality, evidence based care provided by suitably trained multidisciplinary teams. Essential Criteria 1. Endocrine referrals should be prioritised by a Consultant as soon as possible after receipt2 2. Urgent appointments should be offered as soon as possible and non-urgent appointments within an acceptable timescale3 3. Patients should be seen by a Consultant, SpR or post-MRCP SHO. All new patients seen by trainees should be discussed with a consultant. No new patients should be seen in clinics where a consultant is not in attendance. 4. There should be access to ‘basic’ out-patient measurements & investigations (eg. stadiometer, venepuncture, X-ray) 5. Patients should be investigated & managed according to written protocols and care pathways. Availability of shared care protocols 6. Telephone access to consultant endocrine advice is available for staff in secondary care 24 hours a day Availability of transition clinics for young people with endocrine disorders to transfer to adult care Access to urgent MRI is available and reported on by a paediatric radiologist within 24 hrs Non urgent MRI scans are available and reported on by a paediatric radiologist within 12 weeks 7. 8. 9. Comments Grade 8 10. Radiology services can determine and report bone ages 11. Specialist psychology support should be available for all patients who require it, in particular for those children and young people (and their family) with disorders of sexual development Desirable Criteria 1. Systems for electronic referral should be developed. Electronic booking of out-patient appointments. A system of ‘electronic consultation’ with primary care might obviate the need for some clinic referrals 2. Availability of multidisciplinary clinics and outreach services 3. Availability of specialist gynaecological opinion at lead centre 4. Availability of routine and complex endocrine biochemical investigations 5. Pelvic ultrasound scanning is available and reported on by a paediatric radiologist within 12 weeks 6. Isotope scanning eg thyroid and bone is available at lead centre 7. DXA scans undertaken by staff with expertise in children – reports available within 12 weeks 8. Post-clinic case discussion meetings are commended for both quality assurance & education Referral prioritisation2 Very good practice Acceptable Unacceptable Within 5 working days (WDs) Within 10 WDs Longer than 10 WDs Appointments3 Urgent Within 2 weeks Within 6 weeks Longer than 6 weeks Non-Urgent Within 2 months Need to reflect current government targets here Ditto Attainment on >90% of occasions secures a particular category ‘Hard data’ from Endocrine Unit management are essential to validate the grades awarded Reviewers to shade categories achieved 9 Standard 2: Resources of Specialised Paediatric Endocrine Services Standard Statement: There should be adequate staffing and resources for the appropriate delivery of specialist paediatric endocrine care across the network. Rationale: Paediatric endocrine services are adequately staffed with appropriate multi-disciplinary professionals who are fully equipped to deliver equitable care across the network. These staff are supported by other essential resources to deliver this care safely and effectively.. Essential Criteria Comments Grade 1. There is a fully resourced multidisciplinary team in the lead centre which includes: Paediatric Endocrine Nurses Psychology Clinical Geneticist Paediatric Surgery & Urology Adult Endocrinologist Adolescent Gynaecologist Data Clerk 2. There is co-location with other specialist services which includes: Neurosurgery Oncology Critical Care Cardiology Nephrology 3. High cost therapies should be funded provided they are recommended by a consultant endocrinologist using evidence-based guidelines and shared care protocols 4. Play specialists are available in all appropriate areas of the service 5. Adequate time for all staff to undertake study leave, attendance at MDT meetings, CPD and mandatory training Desirable Criteria 1. An information system should be maintained which contains a minimum dataset of demographic details and endocrine diagnoses 10 2. Mechanisms are in place to allow for year on year growth and service development 3. Turnaround times for the majority of biochemical investigations should be less than 2 weeks 11 Standard 3: Environment and facilities, care of the child and family/patient experience Standard Statement: The environment and facilities should be appropriate for the age and developmental needs of the child. Rationale: All children and young people are cared for in a child friendly environment with suitable facilities and equipment for their age and developmental needs Essential Criteria Comments Grade 1. Patients should be provided with a clear explanation of their condition and any treatment, investigation or procedure proposed, including risks and alternatives, before agreeing on a particular course of action, to enable them to give informed consent1. 2. Where appropriate, patients should be provided with jargon-free and easily understood information materials which reinforce criterion 1. For example, locally produced leaflets on thyroid disorders or pamphlets from patient organisations such as the Child Growth Foundation or the Turner Syndrome Society 3. Families are provided with contact details for appropriate support groups 4.. Facilities for day case endocrine investigations are available at the lead centre 5. Provision of appropriate outpatient and inpatient facilities for adolescents Desirable Criteria 1. Information and support is given to parents and families on how to access funds to travel to and from a specialist centre where necessary 2. Transition pathways are in place to allow for seamless transition to adult services 12 3. When children and young people require two or more specialist services, effort should be made to coordinate care by a key worker 1 This is clearly difficult to assess during a peer review visit, but all PRVs should include some opportunistic interviews with patients in a routine clinic or endocrine investigation unit 13 Standard 4: Communication Standard Statement: There should be prompt transfer of detailed information following out-patient and in-patient endocrine assessments. Rationale: There is effective two-way communication from local to specialist care and back and between professionals and children, young people and their families Comments Essential Criteria 1. Letters should contain a list of principal & other diagnoses, together with a list of recommended medications and their doses 2. Letters should be typed and posted as soon as possible after an episode of endocrine care1 3. Availability of contact telephone numbers for emergency advice Patients and their families and health professionals have access to clear instructions and consultant/specialist nurse advice during routine working hours 4. Grade Desirable Criteria 1. Systems for electronic communication should be developed Patients and families have the opportunity to contribute to a patient satisfaction process 3. Development of the role of the specialist endocrine nurse is invaluable in the provision of endocrine information 4. Guidance should be provided to patients and their families regarding useful and reliable internet websites for provision of endocrine information 5. Creation of a unit website should be considered with appropriate links to national and international organisations Time to Letter Posting1 Very good practice Within 10 working days (WDs) Acceptable Within 15 WDs Unacceptable Longer than 15 WDs 14 Attainment on >90% of occasions secures a particular category Surveys necessary to provide valid data (‘time to typing’ is easy to measure but ‘time to posting’ is more difficult) 15 Standard 5: Clinical Governance, Professional Education and Training and Evidence Base Standard Statement: All staff should be appropriately trained, undertake continuing professional development and deliver evidence based care. Rationale: Endocrine services are staffed with appropriate multi-disciplinary professionals who are fully trained and supported to maintain their continuing professional development. High quality evidence based care is used when available Essential Criteria Comments Grade 1. Evidence of specialist endocrine training and CPD of medical and nursing staff 2. All paediatric endocrine medical and nursing staff should have safeguarding training 3. Endocrine units should undertake regular audit of compliance with pathways and protocols and treatment outcomes 4. Existence of an induction programme for new members of staff 5. Clinical pathways, protocols and guidelines are developed as part of the managed clinical network (MCN) 6. Multi-disciplinary research is an essential component of the MCN Desirable Criteria 1. Consideration should be given to enrolling patients in multicentre studies of clinical effectiveness & safety 2. Participation in national databases should be encouraged1 eg the GH audit and Turner Register 3. Lead centre is an accredited training centre 4. The MCN should produce an annual clinical governance report 1 Patient consent is essential if data are sent outwith the centre . 16 6. Conclusions and Recommendations Major Strengths of the Endocrine Unit and examples of Good Endocrine Practice 17 Points for Consideration Recommendations Main Points Other Points 18 Confidentiality This preliminary report is confidential and those reviewed will have an early opportunity to correct any factual inaccuracies. The final version will go to the BSPED Coordinator for Peer Review and to no other party without the express permission of the consultants reviewed. In turn, those reviewed will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the review process to their reviewers. Signatures First Visitor Name: Signature Date: Second Visitor Name: Signature Date: Record of thanks (to the lead organisers in the centre visited) 19