Table 1 Identification and Assessment of Places of Natural Heritage Significance: within the South-east Queensland bioregion State Forest Areas Draft List March 1998 Legend: Value: Res Draft Report T threshold Ref B Rating: - Research Site All sites listed in this Teaching Site were classified above Reference Site Benchmark Site Universities: 1 QUT GU UQ ANU UNE - Queensland University of Technology Griffith University University of Queensland Australian National University University of New England - Araucarian mesophyll vine forest Closed notophyll vine forest Semi evergreen vine forest Notophyll vine forest Open forest Tall open forest Wet sclerophyll forest Dry sclerophyll forest Semi evergreen vine thicket Araucarian notophyll vine forest Dry notophyll vine forest Mesophyll vine forest Rainforest Semi evergreen vine thicket Lowland mesophyll vine forest Vegetation: AMVF CNVF SEVF NVF OF TOF WSF DSF SEVT ANVF DNVF MVF RF SEVT LMVF No 2 Reserve Name TARGINIE SF 137FTY 1552 3 CALLIOPE SF 365FTY 1160 4 AUCKLAND SF 281FTY 980 5 EAST STOWE SF 150FTY 832 8 O’CONNELL SF 373FTY 999 9 O’CONNELL SF 471FTY 863 10 EURIMBULA TR 102FTY 1450 12 EURIMBULA TR 166FTY 1452 13 EURIMBULA TR 77FTY 1449 DAN DAN SF 53FTY 1192 WIETALABA SF 583FTY 1595 11 16 LOTPLAN Site Description Xanthorrhoea latifolia with Acacia leiocalyx and Jacksonia spp. Xanthorrhoea latifolia with Acacia leiocalyx and Jacksonia spp. Xanthorrhoea latifolia with Acacia leiocalyx and Jacksonia spp. Dan Dan scrub Scientific Reserve Talkinberan Creek - Qld Herbarium research site Norm Gibson Scrub Scientific Area (proposed, contains Araucarian microphyll vineforest, RTS include Oldenlandia spp. Rhodamnia spp. Cayratia sapronaria, Graptophyllum spinigerum, Backhousia kingii 2 Value Ma Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res Ref Res T Ref B Res Ref B 2Q 5Q 2Q 5Q 8Q 1Q at le at le at le refe Gar 4Q Scie Res bota 17 KROOMBIT TOPS SF 316FTY 1328 19 22 25 GYMPIE POLMAILY BOMPA SF 700FTY 1634 SF 645FTY 1289 SF 121FTY 1365 No Reserve Name BULBURIN _ GRANITE CREEK 28 mon Pop Mo pop Res dete 18 at le at le nee 1Q Koolkoorum Scrub SA54 (980ha)AMVF, ANVF, semi evergreen vine thicket, 6 RTS recorded (DoE spp list), dry scrub, Res Ref B Site Description Value Ma SF 391FTY 1007 Boobook SA74 (5395ha), CNVF (4150ha), open forest (1290ha), Spp of note:Argyrodendron spp., Araucaria cunninghamii, E. citriodora, E. crebra, E. terecticornis and R/T fauna. Scientific Area (5.4ha) Fauna & Flora Protection Area (4.8ha), 12 3000ha of rainforest, dry scrub, woodland natural scrub Granite Creek Scrub, New England Blackbutt Forests, Dawes Range A significant stand of New England blackbutt southerly examples of such a forest Boyne Logging Area Mount Molangul-Bonilla: a rugged mountain range covered in Eucalypt forest. Pristine example of tall forest of E. montivaga and heathland. Res Ref T B som An than ID Res Mu site dry 6Q Res Ref Res Ref Mt. Fort William FPAPD9.2 (310ha), AMVF, Res SNVF, dry sclerophyll forest, rainforest refugia area B represents rare and threatened fauna and flora at or near their distribution limits Kalpowar Queen FPA88 (33ha), AMVF, dry sclerophyll open forest, Spp of note: Black Breasted Button Quail, Notelaea johnsonii, Planchonella spp. 3Q SA27: ANVF, MVF, USF vine thickets, Spp of Note, Agathis robusta, E. montivaga spp., Powerful Owl Pro plan 4Q topo 1Q LOTPLAN 29 DAWES TR 353FTY 628 30 LITTABELLA SF 898FTY 1636 32 NEW CANNINDAH SF 695FTY 1570 36 WOOwOON GA SF 287TFY 1015 39 YANDARAN SF 723FTY 1394 No Reserve Name WOOMBALI 47 Large stands of Sydney Blue Gum, Notophyll vine Res forest and wet sclerophyll forest, RTS in area include Ref Kroombit Tinker Frog, Cascade Tree Frog B Beech SA47 (350ha), Kroombit Tops SA48 (920ha) notophyll vine forest and hardwood forest LOTPLAN SF 54FTY 1683 Res Ref Res Ref 7Q Mt Kal the Site Description Value Ma Bania SAPD9.4, (3148ha) notophyll vine forest (including ANVF), open forest eucalypt forest and undisturbed sub-tropical rainforest, Spp of note: Araucaria cunninghamii, Argyrodendron Res B area SEQ 3 trifoliolatum, and a host of Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds and Mammals uncommon to the area 49 WONBAH SF 381FTY 954 50 BINGERA SF 840FTY 1633 51 CORDALBA SF 832FTY 1631 54 BANIA SF 370FTY 486 57 MT. PERRY TR 157FTY 1077 58 BOOYAL SF1068FTY 1285 60 ST. MARY’S SF 57FTY 1288 64 GOOD NIGHT SCRUB No Reserve Name 66 GOOD NIGHT SCRUB SF 169FTY 1702 LOTPLAN SF 169FTY 1702 68 WONGAI SF1294FTY 1705 79 DEGILBO TR 580FTY 1444 85 TUAN 86 BOOMPA SF 915FTY 1696 SF 550FTY 1402 SA28 (386ha), local complex wallum vegetation, Spp of note: Syncarpia glomulifera Goodwood SAPD9.1 (370ha), open forest, woodland, Spp of note: E. hallii, M. cheelii. Res Ref Res Ref B Zillmans SA62 (2.7ha), Res Cordalba SA: only known stand of Alectryon Ref ramiflorus (36 in total), Araucarian mycrophyll vine B forest, open forest, dry sclerophyll forest. Branch Creek FPA74 (64ha) MtMary Smokes FPA75 (18ha) Res Ref Scientific Area 55: (120ha) Second largest sample of Res Eucalyptus virens in Australia, also E. rhombica and B other R/T plant spp. Open dry sclerophyll forest Res Ref Open eucalypt forest, RTS include Yellow Bellied Res Glider B Protected area 58, Myrtle Creek FPA (38ha), RTS, Agathis robusta. Communities of rainforest, spotted gum forest, heathlands and cypress pine. Undiscribed species of Quassia. Mt. Benarige - remnant Fraser Island vegetation on ridges Good Nigh Scrub SA50: (230ha), MVF, large natural Hoop Pine Areas, A. cunninghamii Site Description FPAPD9.106, (39ha) Araucaria cunninghamii and undisturbed Hoop Pine scrub Res Ref B Value Res Ref B Saltwater Creek SA60, (470ha): restricted Res distribution of Melaleuca cheeli, Casuarina glauca, Ref and E. citriodora rainforest, woodland, open forest B and heathland Lanthall’s Scrub SA58: (72ha), rarely encountered vegetation communities of Acacia baceri, Arytera mycrophylla, Agathis robusta. Northern limit of distribution of eucalyptus spp and communities such as Rose Gum fringing forest. Small patches of Araucarian rainforest with distinct Res species population. eg. Corynocarpus repestris. Ref Cowra SA13 (3320ha): RTS include Ground Parrot, Res Yellow Tuffed Honeyeater, Boronia rivularis, open B forest & woodland (eucalypt), woodland paperbark, heathland. Big Angle SA12 (410ha): open forest FPA No1 Cowra L.A FPA112 (98ha) Melaleuca SA11 (346.2ha) Res Ref 4 at le SA2 soil Goo (Go 11 Q Res Zill Ale 11 Q At l 2Q Stu Mo Fire Are fore 5Q Ma Are fore 6Q Rad Tre 25 Q 4Q SA1 plan Res dete 1 re 87 CHER BOURG SF 12FTY 323 88 MARY BOROUGH SF 57FTY 1519 91 WOOCOO SF 38FTY 1396 96 GLENBAR SF 50FTY 1641 No Reserve Name BAN BAN 104 107 BAUPLE 108 LOTPLAN SF 958FTY 1578 SF 529FTY 1257 109 TOOLARA SF1004FTY 1659 112 BINJOUR SF1072FTY 1564 114 GRONGAH SF 67FTY 1173 115 MUDLO SF 940FTY 1161 116 DAISY HILL SF 215FTY 717 117 MARODIAN SF 632FTY 625 No Reserve Name Res B SA55 (120ha), second largest example known of Res Eucalyptus virens in Australia, open dry sclerophyll Ref forest. E. virens usually occurs west of the Dividing B Range and some extensive stands of veg. have recently been located by the Qld Herbarium. Stoney Range SA73 (243ha), Spp of note: Giant Res Ironwood, AMVF, open forest, dry sclerophyll forest Ref Maryborough SA73 Res Ref Site Description Value SF 259FTY 1508 GLENBAR 120 TUAN FPR3 Cherbourg vegetation - dry sclerophyll forest (7-8ha) SF 915FTY 1696 LOTPLAN open eucalypt forest, site of long term forest experimentation. Spp of note: Yellow tufted Honeyeater, Yellow Bellied Glider, Black Chinned Honeyeater. Dogrell’s Tree FPA93 (15ha), closed forest, stands of White Beech The Lagoons SA26 (670ha) James Ray’s Boronia SA3 (1.3ha), area contains a series of unique waterholes and their ecosystems, Spp of note: Quasia bidwilli, rare understorey spp., open forest Shrubland Fontainea Scrub Scientific Area, open eucalypt forest, forest areas contain patches of semi-evergreen vine thickets, RTS recorded Boonara Ck. FPA PD 13.14 Dry sclerophyll forest, native grasses and riparian vegetation FPA15 (180ha) large stand of Araucarian rainforest., AMVF, ANVF Rainforest communities State Forest Park State Forest Park (435ha), Old growth E. fibrosa, Corymbia watsoniana, woodlands. 2 re 1Q 2Q Ma Res Ref 3Q Res B use rese stud rese Res dete 1Q Res Ref Res B FPA and SA2 Res B thre Res Ref B area con 5Q Res pro Res Ref B Res Ref B 6Q DoE Large stands of Araucarian rainforest, Spp of Note include the Pebble Mound Mouse FPAPD8.3 and FPA No1 Coera LA (98ha): Wildflower habitat, area representative of native vegetation types and major soil groups in Cowra LA, sclerophyll forest, woodlands, heathlands, Macrozamia panliguilielmi habitat Site Description Value 5 Are that 2Q Fau natu Tria Ma 123 WOMALAH SF 451FTY 1597 Wallum vegetation Experimental plot Maryborough/Cooloola Road id by FAU for thresholding for scientific areas FPAPD 6.12 (298ha) Res B 129 KILKIVAN TR 26FTY 250 133 WOROON SF 254FTY 1533 Woroon SA70 (57ha), Open forest, dry sclerophyll Res on edges, SEVT, Spp of note: Doryopteris concolor, B Sacrochilus dilatatus, Atalya multiflora Con 140 NANGUR SF 74FTY 460 Monotypic genus of skink in vine thicket and Res Araucarian rainforest, only found here and Oakview B SF. SF 220FTY 457 Mt. Clara FPA113, open forest and Araucarian Res Rainforest. B Monotypic genus of skink, only other known area of dist. is Nangur SF Rainforest, open forest Res Qld Res 12/9 rese gen (QL pur Qld kno 146 OAKVIEW 155 BELLTHORPE 157 WRATTENS No Reserve Name GYMPIE 159 SF 572FTY 346 SF 639FTY 902 LOTPLAN SF 393FTY 1146 Res B ong stru FAU NP Wrattens FPA50 (33.7ha), CNUF, open and tall open Res forest T Stoney Creek FPAPD6.16 B Lookout FPA51 (6.5ha), Stands of Picaween Palms along creek Barambah Env. Educ. Centre (80ha), Araucarian vine forest, stands of blue gum and grey gum, RTS include Black Breasted Button Quali, Yellow Bellied Glider Mynyea Ck. SA68 (3.2ha), CNVF (used to be ANVF before logging), Manumbar Scrub SA69 (201ha), AMVF, WSF, DSF, Spp of note: Giant ironwood Bar for Site Description Value Ma Cooman Tableland Rainforest, open forest. Mt Mother SA65 (380ha), vine forest, open forest. FPAPD5.1 (14.9ha) Rock Pool State Forest Park 16 (60ha), Maddin’s Road, rainforest, wet sclerophyll forest Res T Nat Mu Edu cen Gia pop Koa Are E. g Scie Bird 170 AMAMOOR SF 435FTY 1390 Big Woodland SA61 (290ha), RF, OF, TOF, TEWANTIN SF 959FTY 1295 Tewantin SA37 (260ha), open forest, swamp, Spp of Res note: E. conglomerata,, large areas of heathland 176 AMAMOOR SF 435FTY 1390 Cedar Grove Forest Park, rainforest to open forest Res Big Woodland SA61 (290ha), rainforest, open and B tall open forest, RTS include Choricarpa T subargentea, Giant Ironwood area of significance for research on reptiles monotypic genus of skink only known from here and 175 6 Res SAP sub SA fore very Bird rang Flen Exc 181 IMBIL SF 256FTY 1190 185 IMBIL SF 135FTY 1638 No SA7 rare Bill plot brea Res T B Stu dist Ero Pre Mo Imb 188 SF1239FTY 1255 Gheerulla Falls FPA96 (100ha) Res Rocky Creek FPA128) 15ha) T Araucarian vine forest, endemic to BlackallB Conondale Ranges. Old growth wet sclerophyll with rainforest (pristine) understorey RTS include Marbled Frogmouth, Fig parrot, last sighting of R. silias, a gastric breeding frog Mapelton Forest Drive SFP (19ha) rainforest along watercourses and some ridges, along creek banks riverine rainforest with eucalypt overstorey and small patches of palms Pro Mt. Roc Res dete Ma 189 YABBA SF 467FTY 1505 Res 200 JIMNA SF 207FTY 1211 Foxlowe FPA 72 (20ha), Notophyll vine forest, area Res dominated by Hoop Pine and Bunya Pine Forests T Yabba FPA108 (23ha) B Araucarian rainforest consisting of rainforest species with hoop pine and bunya pine emergent trees and hoop pine plantations SF 274FTY 1680 Sclerophyll and rainforest areas, recovery of rainforest from logging 1982-88, regeneration of wet sclerophyll terminated in 1989. Significant stands of old growth wet sclerophyll forests, Wildlife include spiny lobster, sooty owl, marbled frogmouth Summer Creek Falls FPA5 (103ha) BS101 (37.5ha) FPAPD6.9 (9.3ha) SA56 (350ha), area converted to NP (11/96) Pine Plots id by FAU thresholding scientific category Con 198 DoE FPA Res dete Tea Cre rain use Flen Exc Stu DPI Scie Res Res dete refe Mt DoE teac Ter area cree CONON DALE/ IMBIL Site Description Res B Reserve Name Kenilworth 202 LOTPLAN Nangur SF (QLD Museum) Mitchell Ck SA76 (200ha), NVF, ANVF, CNVF, open forest, shrubland, Spp of note: Choricarpia subargentea Mt. Kandanga SA77 (41ha), open forest, tall open forest, simple notophyll vine forest, Spp of note: Brunoniella spiciflora, Marsdenia coron. Mt. Traverse, rainforest. Stirling Crossing: open forest, remnant rainforest. FPA2 Imbil Bellbird habitat, (9.3ha), creek beds & flats with dry sclerophyll forest RTS - Manorina melanophrys Fig Trees FPA22 (7ha) Western Creek FPA4 (17ha) FPAPD6.8 (970ha) Charlie Morland SFP (55ha) Imbil Forest Drive SFP (28ha) Value 7 Res Ref T B Ma No Reserve Name 204 EAST NANANGO LOTPLAN Site Description Value Ma SF 618FTY 1626 Scientific Area 16 (28ha), good representation of original Araucarian vine forest State Forest Park 7 (2.3ha) Res littl 209 CONONDALE SF 792FTY 1681 SA 1 and SA 2 Res FAU NPA 215 JIMNA SF 792FTY 1681 FPAPD6.77 (1ha) Rockmann logging area, wet and dry sclerophyll forest Sunday Creek Env. Educ. Centre: Rer T B Con pair EEC for 216 BENARKIN SF 283FTY 1651 O’Possum SA17 (57ha) AMVF open forest, RTS: Res Homalium alnifolium .B State Forest Park 3 (2.1ha) Jaromeo Forest Drive 3 (40ha) FPA 111 (1.8ha) State Forest Park 6 (2.1ha) SA42, (210ha) Round Scrub SA: open forest of AMVF, rare occurrence of hoop pine & bottle trees, Xylosma terrae Emu Ck SFP (16ha) Nat Com FPAPD13.47 (1.2ha) Res Dry vine forest with wetter sclerophyll forest B bordered by wet sclerophyll forest. RTS include orchid spp, Sarchochilus australis, Carlia pectoralis SA15 (13ha), AMVF, open forest rese UQ long natu Site Description Ma 218 YARRAMAN No Reserve Name 219 BEERWAH SF 289FTY 1640 LOTPLAN SF 561FTY 1655 Value Native forests, wallum heathland and pine Res plantations T Beerwah SA1 (620ha), open forest, heathland, B woodland, RTS include E. conglomerata, E. curtisii Spp researched include Beeping froglet, Clicking Froglet, Cooloola Sedgefrog, Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog, Wallum Froglet and Wallum Sedgefrog Jowarra Rest FPA20, Spp of note: Richmond Birdwing Butterfly, Elf Skink, complex notophyll vine forest, Soils Reference Area SA59 (62ha), retention of e. conglomerata, tall open forest, open forest, woodland Bluegum SA24 (29ha), end. E. conglomerata, 8 Em Ma und Res Ret of t spe Res Old 225 BELLTHORPE 226 DURUNDUR 228 BEERWAH 229 BELLTHORPE 231 PIDNA No Reserve Name 232 YARRAMAN SF 832FTY 1616 Shrubland, open forest, heathland, unique veg association due to fire exclusion Wet sclerophyll forest dominated by E. pilularis, riparian rainforest in pristine catchment area, eucalypt woodlands. Scientific Area 52. Scientific Area 43 (150ha) AMVF, low open forest, stands of Baileys Cypress & Mugga Ironbark Soils reference area 5A (62ha) tall open forest and woodlands, wet & dry heathlands and sedge communities, RTS include Eucalyptus conglomerata, Xeromys myodis, Phaius tancarvilliae, area is rich in heathland species including the Wallum Froglet State Forest Park 4 (70ha) Booroobin FPA56 (170ha), closed forest, open forest SA43 (150ha) Hoop pine, rare sample of Bailey’s Cypress and Mugga Ironbark Res Stu in w Con Qld natu Res T B Res Bee nati Res Res FPA Stu 196 Site Description Value Ma SF 289FTY 1640 Natural forest remnants within SF areas. Dry vineforest mixed with wetter subtropical rainforest, bordered by wet sclerophyll forest. Contains rare orchid spp: Sarcochilus Dilatatus and S. australis, possibly also S. weinthali. Res B curr enc clea Bill plot brea 4 re surv part DoE Res SF 341FTY 1716 SF 561FTY 1655 SF 177FTY 1694 SF 379FTY 1601 LOTPLAN Res Ref Fire 233 PEACHESTER SF 313FTY 1182 Wet sclerophyll forest Res 236 BEERWAH SF 611FTY 1687 Saltwater Ck. SA11 (57ha), mangrove communities, sedgeland, open forest Remnant forest areas within Hoop pine Plantations, Habitat for Black Breasted Button Quail Tunbubudla FPA8 (the Twins) (450ha) Mt. Beerburrum FPA (1975ha), ranging from Tall open forest to closed forest and swamp areas Tibberoowuccum FPA9 (53ha), open forest, closed forest, swamp areas. Rare spp such as Lepto. luehmannii, L. oresphilum. Res 237 GOOGA SF 257FTY 1509 Res BEERWAH SF 589FTY 1657 242 KILCOY SF 637FTY 1613 SAPD3.6, large patch of well developed Choricarpia Res subargentea in association with closed forest associations 243 MOUNT MEE SF 893FTY 1532 Wallum vegetation, stands of scribbly gums, Yellow Res Bellied Glider habitat T Subtropical and dry rainforest, scribbly gum open forest, a palm grove, wet sclerophyll forest and plantation areas area Flen Exc Res dete 245 MOUNT BINGA SF 258FTY 1479 Tahran Overhang FPA104 (4.5ha), AMVF, dry Res sclerophyll forest, RTS: Black breasted button Quail FPA78 (5ha), Closed forest, open forest, Woodland, Res areas of unlogged Hoop Pine Research permit granted to take restricted wildlife/ pro 250 ST.JOHN SF 809FTY 1630 9 Res B pro 241 rest Pro Hoo plants No 258 Reserve Name MT.GLORIOUS 261 BUNYA VILLE LOTPLAN SF1355FTY 1526 SF 69FTY 1719 265 SAMFORD SF 309FTY 1307 266 HELIDON HILLS SF 616FTY 1512 268 SAMFORD SF1355FTY 1526 269 ENOGGERA SF 309FTY 1307 No Site Description Value Ma SAPD34: open forest, best representation of a unique vegetative/ geological feature. Mt. Glorious FPA54 (90ha) Mt.Nebo FPA64 (65ha): wet sclerophyll forest, rainforest in virgin condition, area adjacent to Mt. Glorious Range Rd. Brisbane Forest Park, grass skink, Lampropholis delicata Mt. Glorious SA (40ha), open forest, unique vegetative/geological feature, Spp of note: Banksia spinulosa Used for education for last 20 years, forest contains habitat of the R/T powerful owl Bunyaville SA (139ha), tall open forest, Spp of note: E. henryi, E. fibrosa Jolly’s Lookout FPA61 (95ha), open forest, scattered Hoop Pine Sclerophyll forest dissected by sandstone gorges Helidon Hills SA64 (360ha), open forest, Spp include Crevillea singuliflora, other R/T species. part of mountains to mangrove concept Res T Ref B Sur Are Res Ref T Res Mo ove Sf6 4Q adja Res Ref DoE 2Q Res T SA2, (60ha) closest remaining stand of hoop pine to Res Brisbane, ANVF. also contains Giant Ironwood and other R/T rainforest species in the vicinity of Enoggera Army Barracks, Spp found include Powerful owl, Elf Skink, Camp Mountain SFP (24ha) Res Cam Site Res 274 MOGGILL SF 494FTY 1309 276 DAISY HILL SF 215FTY 821 Fauna survey in 1979, grass skink Lampropholis delicata Res 280 TAMBORINE SF 326FTY 1287 Res 281 GOOMBURRA SF 750FTY 1605 Cedar Creek Area, grass skink Lampropholis delicata sightings of Coxens Fig Parrot here (Ian Gynther DoE). Experimental plot id by FAU for thresholding. Planted late 60’s hoop, radiata, bunya pine and other species Site Description Reserve Name 282 NERANG LOTPLAN SF 571FTY 1609 297 AUSTINVILLE SF 344FTY 1562 299 GAMBUBAL SF 661FTY 1187 Cam Use Inte Par DoE Res Qld Res B Gra Stu DoE DoE Value Ma Dry forest, vine forest, wildlife includes Glossy Res Black Cockatoo, agile and golden swamp wallabies, B gliders, reptiles and amphibians SAPD3.1, Nerang SA57 (240ha), drier notophyll vine forest with Araucarian emergence, open forest, Spp of note: Cassia marksiana FPAPD7.64 (2ha) Res Bald Mountain SA71 (97ha), Tall open forest, closed Res forest, wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest. Spp T include Pseudomis oralis, biggest Hastings River B mouse population in Aust. 10 Res Res Res Ant Nat Res Res GU Rai Ong Res RTS 316 317 300 TEVIOT Western Walk (BFP?) IMBIL SF 283FTY 1067 SF678 Scientific Area BALD, natural grassland, similar to Bunya Mountain Round Scrub SA42 (210ha), open forest Res Walking track between Joiners Ridge road and Main T Road to Lawnton Road Bushnell SA42 (42ha), Araucarian notophyll vine Res forest and complex notophyll vine forest on granodirite 11 SA very ID Table 2 Identification and Assessment of Places of Natural Heritage Significance: within the South-east Queensland bioregion National Parks, Conservation Parks and other protected and unprotected Areas Draft List March 1998 12 Legend: Value: Res T Ref Draft Report B threshold Rating: - Research Site Teaching Site Reference Site Benchmark Site All sites listed in this were classified above Universities: QUT GU UQ ANU UNE - Queensland University of Technology Griffith University University of Queensland Australian National University University of New England - Araucarian mesophyll vine forest Closed notophyll vine forest Semi evergreen vine forest Notophyll vine forest Open forest Tall open forest Wet sclerophyll forest Dry sclerophyll forest Semi evergreen vine thicket Araucarian notophyll vine forest Dry notophyll vine forest Mesophyll vine forest Rainforest Semi evergreen vine thicket Lowland mesophyll vine forest Vegetation: AMVF CNVF SEVF NVF OF TOF WSF DSF SEVT ANVF DNVF MVF RF SEVT LMVF No. Area ID Gazetted Name Site Description Values National Parks 1 23 Mount Bauple NP (Scienti fic) Mt Bauple NP (Scientific) contains a large area of rainforest with remnant hoop pines(Araucaria cunninghamii). It provides wildlife habitat especially for birds. Mt Bauple National Park (Scientific) contains flora which is either rare, threatened, endemic, or whose location is distributionally significant. Res T B Licence to collect plants and soil research issued to UQ. Gene pool for Macadamia integr Maryborough CCW A,B 3 184 Castle Tower NP Castle Tower NP contains Mt Castletower, an Res T Ref 13 impressive granite outcrop and Mt Stanley which encompasses a diverse range of habitats and vegetation types. The Park contains flora which is either rare, threatened, endemic, or whose location is distributionally significant. 9 reference sites Qld Herbarium Castletower, 1 on Mt. Stanley Permit to collect issued to private by QDoE A,B 4 267 Kroombit Tops NP Kroombit Tops NP contains scenic gorge country with diverse vegetation including stands of hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii) and piccabeen palms (Archontophoenix cunninghamii). Res B 8 QLD Herbarium reference sites permits issued for research purpo private interests; joint ANU/ QLD Museum to collect frogs; UQ to c flies A,B 5 541 Wild Cattle Island NP Wild Cattle Island NP lies south east of Gladstone and contains extensive areas of mangrove wetland and eucalypt woodland with some vine forest components. Part of Rundle Range Ref Vegetation Surveys and Maps pr DoE A,B No. 6 8 9 Area ID 14 320 338 Gazetted Name Site Description Values Coalstoun Lakes NP NP is of geological signif. containing two volcanic craters. Mount LeBrun which contains the craters is a local prominent landmark. Aboriginal sites within the Park have significance to the local Aboriginal people. Coalstoun Lakes CP contains flora which is either rare, threatened, endemic, or whose location is distributionally significant. It also has value as wildlife habitat. Res B see description 1970’s research by Chris Bell: po cores and age dating Palynology Botany The Park contains coastal dune systems, wetlands and poorly drained coastal plains and imposing bluffs and granite tors., complex patterns of vegetation communities associated with the soil depth and drainage in the area including significant areas of coastal lowland rainforest and wallum heath. Spp of note: marine turtle nesting, (loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) and leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coracea); habitat for emus and seabirds; flora and fauna which is either rare, threatened, endemic, Park is believed to contain site of Aboriginal cultural significance and significant for European history. . NP lies south of Miriam Vale and contains Mt Colosseum. It has substantial stands of dry rainforest with remnant hoop pines (Araucaria cunninghamii ). NP has some Aboriginal significance. The Park contains flora which is either rare, threatened, endemic, or whose location is distributionally significant. Res T Ref 8 QLD herbarium reference sites Permit to collect for scientific pu issued to private interest for unkn collections. Eurimbula NP Mount Colosseum NP B Miriamvale CCW A,B Res permit for scientific purposes issu private interest for unknown coll More info from John McCabe Herbarium reference site? 14 10 373 Deepwater NP Previously known as Discovery Coast NP, Eurimbula, Round Hill and Rodds Peninsula. Res T Ref 7 QLD Herbarium reference sites permit for scientific purposes issu private interest for unknown coll A,B No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 11 Area ID 401 Littabella NP Res Ref 2 QLD Herbarium reference sites permit for scientific purposes issu private interest for unknown coll B1 12 4 Fairlies Knob NP NP contains a wide diversity of vegetation communities including lowland wallum heath, open eucalypt/banksia woodland and rainforest. Spp of note: flora which is either rare, threatened, endemic or whose location is distributionally significant; the most northern limit of Melaleuca cheeli, Olax retusa . NP comprises a representative sample of AMVF which remains in the Brooweena / Aramara area. Patches of Giant Ironwood in vicinity NP contains beach ridge land systems; wetlands, poorly drained coastal plains; and seasonal freshwater lakes. The Park has complex vegetation communities associated with soil depth and drainage. Wildlife include; wallum heath; melaleuca and eucalypt woodlands; coastal mixed forests which include Bribie Island cypress; Goodwood Gum and other plants endemic to the Wide-Bay region. Spp of note:birds including the ground parrot) and eastern grass owl, park contains sites of Aboriginal historical significance. T Ref B 21 reference sites for QLD Herba here (7 in Woodgate section, 8 in section) 716 Burrum Coast NP 13 B B1 Maryborough CCW Dave McFarlands ground parrot A,B1 14 152 Mount Walsh NP NP lies south of Biggenden and covers mountainous terrain that has significant wilderness value. It also has scenic qualities with prominent cliff faces. The Park contains a diverse range of vegetation types including montane heath and flora which is either rare, threatened, endemic, or whose location is distributionally significant. Res Ref 2 QLD Herbarium reference sites Research permits issued to UQ fo collection of soil samples and to lodgement of insects with the UQ QLD museum Bundaberg CCW More info: Peter Young, Paul Fo No. Area ID 238 Gazetted Name Site Description Values Great Sandy NP Great Sandy NP, lot 16 on plan NPW451, County of Fraser Noosa River NP, 1161 on plan FTY733 County of March Cooloola NP, 1238 on plan NPW412, County of March Noosa River NP, on plan RA3536 Res T Ref B 8 QLD Herbarium reference sites Rainbow Beach Information Cen Fraser Island Primary school level: Ranger led undergraduate students from QU 16 15 Woody & Little Woody Is NP, lot 1072 on plan NPW7, County of March Include area to south in significant area permits issued to UQ, Qld Museu ANIC to research vertebrates, invertebrates, insects and amphib orchids, birds to private interest; 27 detailed DNR yield plots acro Island nutrient processes and fore processes Post grad UQ, GU, UNE Peter Stanton’s reference sites 18 8 Eudlo Creek NP (three small parks) NP protects representative examples of paperbark, Melaleuca quinquenervia and piccabeen, Archontophoenix cunninghamiana forests and coastal lowland rainforest. Only conserved stand of Austromyrtus spp in the Blackall Range. The Park provides water catchment protection to Eudlo Creek. Res B 19 173 Glasshouse Mountains NP This NP consists of a group of dome-shaped hills and conical peaks that represent a significant landmark in SEQ The peaks provide `islands' of natural habitat for flora and fauna in a surrounding landscape predominantly modified for pine plantations. Aboriginal occupation of the area has been documented and several shell middens and cultural sites occur within the Park. Many Rare and threatened plant spp. Res T Research permits issued to privat for orchids; National Herbarium herbarium parrot pea; private inte geological samples Qld Herbarium research site. DoE monitoring site for vulnerab spp. More info UQ and geoheritage st hypothesis about formation A-E No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 22 Area ID 16 Noosa NP The NP conserves a regionally significant portion of natural coastal vegetation. It protects threatened plant communities including remnant patches of coastal lowland rainforest, strand and beach ridge vegetation, eucalypt open forest, and areas of wet and dry heath and sedgelands, all of which have extremely limited distribution and are poorly conserved south of the Noosa River. RTS include; the vulnerable red goshawk and beach stone-curlew rare eastern curlew, ground parrot and little tern, many bird species protected under intern. migratory bird agreements Vegetated parabolic dunes Res T Ref B Information display and ranger le sessions for school groups Research permits issued for scien purposes: plants and soils to UQ; to private interest; non-targeted p lodge with University of Adelaid pea to National Herbarium NSW herbarium; mosquitoes Noosa Co Blue rock warbler QUT Management plan 23 13 Mount Pinbarren NP NP is an isolated conical knoll of volcanic origin rising above a generally flat, cleared landscape, conserves seasonally dry low araucarian notophyll vine forest, araucarian microphyll vine forest and semi-evergreen vine thicket vegetation communities which differ from the remnants of eucalypt forest in the surrounding landscape. Spp of note:the vulnerable Floydia praealta, Macadamia ternifolia and Baloghia mamorata. Rare and threatened plant spp. Ref Ground parrot habitat monitoring Nutrient impact assessment 16 24 150 Kondalilla NP NP conserves regionally significant samples of a northern warm sub-tropical rainforest with plant species not found in more southern warm sub-tropical rainforests. It conserves large areas of remnant rainforest and tall open forest vegetation. Spp of note: the pouched frog (Assa darlingtoni), giant barred frog (Mixophyes iteratus), green thighed frog (Litoria brevipalmata), elf skink ,QLD lungfish (Neoceratodus forsteri), and the freshwater crayfish (Euastacus hystricosus). Res T B DoE staff conducted holiday acti Research permit issued for scient purposes to private interest for ge samples Frog research Nambour CCW More info: Greg Czechura, Glenn No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 25 Area ID 181 Mooloolah River NP Res Ref 2 QLD Herbarium reference sites Permit issued to collect for scien purposes to UQ for plants and so DoE fire monitoring sites Nambour CCW Research by Sunshine Coast Uni 26 332 Conondale NP (2 parts) This NP protects low heath, noted for wildflower displays, melaleuca swampland and fringing mangrove areas which are poorly conserved along the Sunshine coast. Low heath and associated vegetation provides habitat for the rare ground parrot (Pezoporus wallicus wallicus)and frog spp. The Park conserves a small stand of the endangered swamp stringybark (Eucalyptus conglomerata) in a very restricted range and other R/T plant spp. Wet eucalypt and sub-tropical rainforests are the main vegetation types. SA 55 of SF57 converted to NP 8/11/96. Sig stand of old growth wet sclerophyll forest habitat of rare and unusual wildlife ie. giant spiny lobster, sooty owl, marbled frogmouth etc. Isolated colony of rufous scrub bird (Gympie and District Field Nats Club)., eastern bristlebird habitat with 3 breeding pairs (Nambour CCW) Scientific Huts ID by Forest Assessment Unit for thresholding under scientific areas. 27 246 Mapleton Falls NP No. 29 Area ID 596 Gazetted Name Mount Coolum NP NP conserves regionally significant samples of northern warm sub-tropical rainforest containing plant species not found in the Scenic Rim warm sub-tropical rainforests. The Park conserves remnant rainforest and tall open forest vegetation once common along the Blackall Range. Wildlife of conservation significance include; the poorly known giant barred frog, and green-thighed frog, the endangered gastric brooding frog and poorly known southern day frog, This small Park protects many rare and threatened plants with restricted distributions. Site Description High diversity of plant communities and species. Rare and threatened plants, coastal montane heath. Peregrine falcons. Type locality of Bertya sharpeena. Res T B Permits issued to UQ for epiphyt plant collection for USA & QLD herbarium; plants/soil UQ; cicad museum; birds private interest; fr ANU and QLD museum; bats ,Q museum; flies UQ, QUT. frog research site (Harry Hines D research, freshwater crayfish; sm mammals Joss Bently GU (Fire/l Marbled frogmouth research Bill MacDonald QLD Herbarium).. Home range of plumed frogmout Foresry) Bill MacDonald permanent plots Conondales. Black breasted butto research. Mike Olsen (GU) 1 hec permanent biodiversity plot T interp sheet community: many tourist buses v primary school level: ranger led s through parks for school groups. Nambour CCW Values Res T Ref 2 QLD herbarium reference sites undergraduate students biology Q 17 DoE 2 drought reference sites DoE fire monitoring sites Comprehensive Qld naturalists re (1987) Res T Ref 30 686 Triunia NP Head of Maroochy River, rainforest and eucalypt forest. New 18hectareas plants: Triunia robusta, 12 R/T species. 31 581 Venman Bushland NP NP consists of open forest communities grading between Eucalyptus, Angophora, and Melaleuca forests. vegetation types are relatively wide spread and common they have becoming restricted and isolated in a regional context. Koala habitat. Res T interp sheet WPSQ Simon Baltais DoE Koala survey site DoE fire monitoring 33 721 D'Aguilar NP (part of Brisbane Forest Park) NP conserves the best examples of the complex notophyll vine forest found on the D'Aguilar Range, significant because of it's variation in species composition from complex notophyll vine forests elsewhere in the region. It contains a number of species of conservation significance including; (a) a vulnerable plant, Cyperus semifertilis; (c) the endangered Mount Glorious torrent frog, Taudactylus diurnis. D'Aguilar NP is a regionally significant recreational and educational venue. ResT Ref B community education via the Go Ian Gynther (DoE) & (UQ) ranger led sessions Interpretative at Jolly’s Lookout. BFP ranger l education program taught 10662 1997 research of bat activity by Ian Gy (DoE) and Les Hall (UQ), glider Comparative studies throughout by undergrad.and post grad. stud QUT; GU: padymelons at forest (Mike Olsen, GU) Research permits to provide base information issued to UQ for epi plants/soil; ANU and QLD Muse frogs; More Info: Greg Czechura, No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 35 Area ID 489 Nicoll Scrub NP NP is the only substantial area of rainforest remaining in the middle and lower Currumbin Creek valley The Park has a high plant diversity, containing five distinct types of rainforest. Wildlife of conservation significance include; the endangered plants, Austromyrtus fragrantissima and Randia moorei; vulnerable plants, Macadamia integrifolia M.tetraphylla, Syzygium moorei. Ref 36 151 Burleigh Head NP NP conserves natural landforms and a variety of coastal vegetation types most of which have been cleared locally and regionally. It provides a refuge for wildlife no longer common on the Gold Coast, including RTS: Randia moorei; three vulnerable plants, Cryptocarya foetida, Endiandra hayesii and Tinospora tinosporoides. Aboriginal associations include shell middens . Coastal headland of vine forest. Res T Ref B Research permit issued to GU fo Australian Bush Turkey. Darryl Jones (GU) postgrad. rese ecology and behaviour of Austra Turkeys. Bernie Cooke QUT padymelons unique example of eucalypt fores to coast Nerang CCW 18 D1, E1 37 1 Tamborine NP Tamborine NP conserves areas of remnant vegetation no longer present elsewhere in the local region which contribute greatly to the character of the mountain. Wildlife of conservation significance includes; (a) shining burrawang (Lepidozamia peroffskyana) a plant of local significance; (b) several endangered, vulnerable or rare plants; (c) rare animals with habitat largely confined to the remnant vegetation. Tambourine Mt. represents the most northerly remnant of the Mt Warning shield volcano and contains unusual geological features. First national Park in QLD at Witches Falls in 1908. Res T Ref B ranger led sessions through rainfo including: MacDonald Section: P Grove Section, The Knoll Sectio Witches Falls. Research permit issued to private for grasskink to lodge with QLD UQ: plants/soil Post grad. research site: Darryl Jo Griffith Uni in North Tamborine (adjacent to Joalah section) to stu ecology and behaviour of Austra turkeys. No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 38 Area ID 59 Springbrook NP (3sections Springbrook Plat., Natural Bridge & Mount Cougal) Spp of Note include; end., vulnerable or rare plants two of which occur only on Springbrook Plateau; R/T animal spp. Plateau receives the highest annual rainfall in Queensland south of the Tropic of Capricorn and this contributes to several unique vegetation types escarpment. Natural Bridge cave supports a colony of glow worms even during dry periods when other populations do not survive. Antarctic beech forest. Res T B Curriculum-based rainforest prog Research permits issued to UQ fo epiphytes/soil; plant lodgement i and QLD herbarium; UQ plants/s Gold Coast reptiles/amphibians; glowworms; ANU and QLD Mus frogs Insect survey by Geoff Monteith Museum. DoE fire monitoring site 39 7 Lamington NP (2 sections: Binna Burra and Green Mountains) Lamington NP conserves the largest area of warm subtropical rainforest in south-east Queensland as well as significant areas of undisturbed hoop pine forest (Araucaria cunninghamii). The mountainous landscape represents the events of volcanic activity and weathering processes which have shaped the region over the past 23 million years. Wildlife of conservation significance includes; (a) locally unique sub-coastal population of scribbly gum (Eucalyptus racemosa); (b) many endangered, vulnerable or rare plants; (c) several mammals which depend on the large size of this Park to maintain viable populations; (d) insects with links to early Gondwanic origin. The southern portion of Lamington National Park comprises a significant area of relatively undisturbed land and now provides relatively high wilderness values. The main feature of Lamington NP is its diversity. The park has five forms of rainforest as well as open forest, woodland and heath communities. Lamington NP is a migration route and stopover for many bird species. Res T B Env. Education Centre at Laming Undergraduate students visit this fieldtrips (UQ, GU ) Research permits issued to UQ, Q Museum, Qld Herbarium, GU Go to research epiphytes/soil; UQ pl private interest: orchids; insects l Italy and QLD museum; GU Gol amphibians/reptiles; tea tree Sou Cross Uni Lismore; frogs ANU a Museum; private interest bats lod Museum; moths, sawflies and lea at ANIC, QLD Museum and UQ Bill MacDonald & Peter Bostock Herbarium Hastings River Mouse research I Gynther DoE Joe Connell research sites: longe continuously monitored rainfores (47years) in the world. 1 hectare biodiversity plot GU. Storm rege sites UQ. Brisbane CCW 19 No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 40 Area ID 154 Mount Barney NP (part of the Scenic Rim national park system) (Mt. Maroon; Mt. May; Mt. Ballow) Moogerrah. Park contains some of the highest peaks and most rugged mountain terrain in SEQ. Significant proportion of the unmodified natural vegetation remaining in SEQ (closed, open forest, shrubland, rock pavement plant communities, part of the Scenic Rim national park system. Over 50 R./T plant spp are found in the park, including 4 vulnerable spp, Eucalyptus michaeliana, Clematis fawcettii, Euphrasia bella and Pterostylis bicornis. 3 plant species occur only within the park, the Mount Barney bush pea , the Mount Maroon wattle and a species of hakea This Park comprises a significant part of the remaining habitat of several species of birds and mammals and contains at least ten species which are rare, threatened or of biogeographic significance, including the endangered Eastern bristlebird, the endangered Coxen's fig parrot, . The park is one of few large natural montane areas almost entirely free of roads and constructed tracks in SEQ. Res T B Research permit issued to private for orchids; plant lodgement in U QLD Herbarium; Southern Cross tree; ANU and QLD Museum fro flies. UQ research on Nothofagus spp Olsen). Georesources interp: shield volca preceded Mount Warning: focal (papers published) (Errol Stock) North and west most population Nothofagus (Mike Olsen). Extensive flora survey undertake 1985-86 for management plannin 41 156 Moogara Peaks NP (Mounts Edward, French, Grevillea and Moon) consists of four separate naturally vegetated peaks, Mounts Edward, French, Grevillea and Moon providing a natural setting of remnant vegetation in a landscape essentially cleared of native vegetation. contains the endangered plant, Marsden coronate; vulnerable plant species, Thorite racemosa, Choricarpia subargentia, Melaleuca groveana and Thesium australe; the black-breasted button-quail (Turnix melanogaster) and brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata) who's regional populations are very significant. Mount French is recognised as a rockclimbing site of national significance. Res T B interp sheet permits to collect for scientific pu issued to UQ flies; private interes spp Mount French- Coxen’s fig parro (Ian Gynther DoE). DoE drought reference sites. Extensive flora survey undertake 1985-86 for management plannin No. Area ID 6 Gazetted Name Site Description Values Main Range NP (four sections: Mt. Mistake, Cunningham’s Gap including Spicer’s Gap, Mt. Roberts, Queen Mary Falls). Main Range NP contains some of the highest peaks and most rugged mountain terrain in S-Qld. The Park's rocks and landscapes provide regionally significant examples of geological and landforming processes. It contains a significant proportion of the unmodified natural vegetation remaining in SEQ and forms an integral part of the an ares known as the Scenic Rim. A number of species of conservation significance include: several endangered and many vulnerable plants; (b) the endangered Eastern bristlebird, Dasyornis brachypterus; (c) habitat for the endangered Coxen's fig parrot, Cyclopsitta diopthalma coxenii. (d) silvertop stringybark (Eucalyptus laevopinia) and beard-heath (Leucopogon lanceolatus), spp limited in their distribution. (e) the T Res Ref primary school level: ranger led s in the Cunningham’s Gap section Uniting Church school group: Es 4500 to 5000 students visit the pa nature studies Research permits issued to UQ epiphytes/soil; plant lodgement U QLD Herbarium; private interest southern Cross Uni Lismore tea t Coxen’s fig parrot research (Ian G DoE). Flay’s barred frog research site (S Finlayson NP ranger in charge su 42 20 brush-tailed rock wallaby (Petrogale penicillata), Albert lyrebird (Menura alberti). contains substantial areas of hoop pine, Araucaria cunninghamii complex microphyll/notophyll closed forest. Wildlife of conservation significance include the rare plants, Millettia australis and Solanum callium. conserves regionally significant freshwater wetlands once widespread but cleared extensively for urban development or pine plantations. Melaleuca wetlands in the Park represent some of the only areas left of substantial size in SEQ. Wildlife include: small pockets of swamp oak woodland (local cons. sign.) endangered regent honeyeater an island population of emus The freshwater wetlands have valuable catchment functions. Sites of Aboriginal and Post settlement heritage sign. Rare Christmas bells and other R/T plant spp. Harry Hines DoE) Coxen’s double eyed fig parrot c found any on park. Greg Czechura Frog site? ANU frog research Extensive flora survey undertake 1985-86 for management plannin Res B permits to collect for scientific pu issued to ANU and QLD Museum Marc Hero, Paul Forster research T Res B Bribie Island area of focus for undergraduate research and field (QUT) Research permits issued to Natio Herbarium and QLD herbarium for Parrot pea Dillwyn UQ frogs; UQ flies island area focus of research on r fish (QUT) GU geology/soils (Bill Ward ex. Doe fire monitoring site. Values 44 303 Mount Chinghee NP 45 713 Bribie Island NP No. Gazetted Name Site Description 46 Area ID 185 Blue Lake NP contains freshwater swamps, beach ridges and examples of both water table and perched lakes. Vegetation includes tall open eucalypt forest and woodland, sedgelands, mallee shrubland, closed heath and open heath vegetation communities. Wildlife includes (a) an endangered ground orchid, Phaius tancarvilleae; (b) two rare fauna species, the Cooloola spotted frog (Litoria cooloolensis) and the little bittern (Ixobrychus minutus dubuis); (c) the golden swamp wallaby (Wallabia bicolor welsbyi) restricted to North and South Stradbroke Islands. Res B permits to collect for scientific pu issued to UQ plant/soils. GU limnology (A. Arthington), geomorphology (E. Stock). 47 208 Moreton Island NP encompasses the majority of Moreton Island, one of five large sand islands in SEQ, undisturbed examples of geomorphic features demonstrating the formation and degradation of sand island and dune processes. It conserves extensive stands of many coastal lowland vegetation types including heath, sedgelands and paper bark forests. The lakes contain many species of high conservation value including aquatic invertebrates fish and frogs. Other wildlife includes the vulnerable beach thick-knee (Burhinus neglectus neglectus) and the rare little tern (Sterna albifrons sinensis). It has a high cultural value. Res T Ref B 14 QLD Herbarium reference site interp sheet Research permits issued to UQ p UQ flies identified by Jeanette Covacevich Museum) as of significance for n history. regeneration research along creek camping grounds (Alistair Melze Errol Stock Geology, soils. Undergraduate and postgraduate GU. 48 11 Ravensbourne NP contains remnant closed-forest and tall open blackbutt (Eucalyptus pilularis) forest with a rainforest understorey, provides wildlife habitats which were formerly more widely distributed in the district. Wildlife includes: (a) the rare black-breasted button quail (Turnix melanogaster), the sooty owl (Tyto tenebricosa); (b) two Res T B Amaroo Env. Education Centre (Department of Education facility school programs in and around Ravensbourne NP. Used by University of Southern Q 21 No. species of cave-dwelling bats breed in the Park, the eastern horseshoe bat (Rhinolophus megaphyllus) and the common bent-winged bat (Miniopterus schreibersii). study purposes (Crows Nest CCW Gazetted Name Site Description Values 49 Area ID 161 The Palms NP Res 50 2 Bunya Mountains NP The Palms NP contains a remnant of closed-forest vegetation occurring on a natural spring in an otherwise dry, open-forest and farming area. Wildlife of conservation significance includes: (a) several rare bird species NP contains nationally significant areas of relict Araucarian notophyll vine forest dominated by emergent bunya pines), Araucarian microphyll vine forest dominated by hoop pines and dry softwood 'bottle-tree' scrub dominated by Backhousia augustifolia and Brachychiton rupestris. Representative samples of a relict tussock grassland community occur on the upper slopes of range. These communities are relic and are the only significant examples remaining in SEQ & midnorthern NSW. The vine forest communities are also of biogeographical importance as they occur at the western extremity of their geographical range. (2) Nine species of endangered, vulnerable or rare vascular plants have been recorded. (3) Several rare vertebrate animals are recorded. (4) The Bunya Mountains ringtail possum) is endemic to the area. (5) significant associations with Aboriginal cultural history, was used for major tribal gatherings. Cattle Creek caves bat breeding place 51 210 Crows Nest NP contains small areas of rainforest in sheltered valleys and open eucalypt forest on the more exposed sites, contains the shrub Phebalium obtusifolium; rare orchid, Sarcochilus dilatatus, eight other species with restricted or disjunct distributions occur in the Park, The rugged topography of the park with its granite, basalt and sandstone outcrops and permanent waterholes provides a diversity of habitats for animals. The sandstone cliffs provide breeding and roosting sites for the peregrine falcon. The brush-tailed rock-wallaby occurs commonly in granite boulder areas. Res T interp sheet Gazetted Name Site Description Values Tarong NP bat cave (Kingaroy CCW) semi-deciduous micophyll vine thicket Kingaroy CCW Paul Forster site? Park contains areas of semi-evergreen vine thicket (dry rainforest) and eucalyptus woodland. The park contains flora and fauna which is either rare, threatened, endemic, or whose location is distributionally significant. The park contains valuable wildlife habitat including habitat suitable for koalas and brush-tailed wallabies and habitat for a wide variety of birds .The park is a popular Res Murgon CCW Murgon Fossil site outside CP Patrick Couper / Jeanette Covace QLD Museum new species of ski No. 52 67 Area ID 728 491 Conservation Parks Boat Mountain CP Res T B World Heritage area Ranger led programs Tertiary level: honours projects i in rainforest areas (UQ David La Research permits issued to UQ epiphytes/soil; plant collections f private interest plants; insects lod Italy and QLD Museum; national Herbarium and QLD Herbarium pea; bunya and hoop pine weevil Museum UQ moths, sawflies and UQ flies vegetation diversity research, tea QUT students. Used for under and post grad res (Peter Bostock QLD Herbarium) Research on spiders in vine thick Museum) More info: Peter Young, Paul Fo permit to collect for scientific pu issued for plant lodgement in US QLD Herbarium; UQ for flies Perseverance section site of new mouse research by Steve Van Dy Museum) Crows Nest CCW 22 destination for sightseers providing panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from a number of lookouts. Park lies in the mouth of the Burnett River and conserves mangroves at the mouth of the river. It has value as a habitat for native fauna. Park is Australia's most important mainland turtle rookery and is of international significance as it contains the largest rookery in the South Pacific Region for loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta), an endangered species. Park provides outstanding opportunities to view female sea-turtles leaving the ocean to nest in the foredunes and hatchlings emerging from the nests. Melaleuca dealbata on Pasturage reserve nearby (Bundaberg CCW) 69 278 Barubbra Island CP Ref Peter Young? BPA Report: good geomorpholo Res T Ref internationally significant turtle r visited by many tourists. 4 QLD herbarium reference sites Research permit issued to private research into turtle habits (Col Li DoE) coxens fig parrot research at Moo (Ian Gynther DoE) 72 405 Mon Repos CP 75 438 Tinana Creek CP Park contains undisturbed riverine rainforest which is now rare in the Maryborough/ Gympie area. Wildlife of conservation significance include the king parrot ( Alisterus scapularis). Riparian and rainforest, bangalow palms (Wide Bay/Burnett Conservation Council Inc.). No. Gazetted Name Site Description 77 Area ID 593 Vernon CP Park and is an area of natural vegetation that includes wallum heath and freshwater lagoons. The Park provides wildlife habitat especially for migratory waterbirds. The park has some European historical significance being a stop off point for teamsters travelling from Childers to Hervey Bay. Ref 1 QLD Herbarium reference site 89 431 Palmview CP Palmview CP is situated on poorly drained land with predominantly tall forest, Melaleuca swamp (E. conglomerata), heath and sedge vegetation types while open forest and palm gully assemblages are found on the well-drained sites. Other R/T plant spp. Res Species lists 90 279 Currimundi Lake CP Currimundi Lake CP conserves remnant coastal heath and beach ridge vegetation and associated littoral rainforest once common along the Sunshine Coast. The coastal heath provides spectacular wildflower displays and a seasonal abundance of nectar for local and migratory birds. Aboriginal shell middens are located in the park. Res GU Allocasuarina emuina resear DoE fire monitoring site 94 559 Mount Eerwah CP Mount Eerwah, comprising two steep peaks of volcanic origin, differs in geologic origin from that of most other Sunshine Coast peaks. It conserves forests assemblages typical of the Nambour-Gympie area. The occurrence of these rainforest remnants, which are distinct from areas further south, is limited and they are poorly conserved. Majority is sub-tropical NRF, eucalypt forest with E. nicrocorys, E. intermedia. The plant Planchonella Res Ref Philip Sharpe compiled compreh Species list. Res T Ref Wide Bay/Burnett Conservation Inc. Relatively undisturbed with and threatened species and a dive and fauna regionally rare ecosyst Mary River cod, lungfish and RA Stewart Bunn (GU) research on M River cod. Values 23 eerwah, is considered to be endangered and the type location for the species is Mount Eerwah Conservation Park. Southern limit for Eleagnus triflora. No. Gazetted Name Site Description Values 97 Area ID 703 Maroochy River CP Res Ref Maroochy wetlands sanctuary as educational facility. Fish habitat, habitat in melaleuca forest , casu mangroves. Maroochy wetlands 1 QLD Herbarium reference site 103 710 White Rock CP Park comprises Goat Island and Channel Island both of which form part of the Maroochy Wetland Reserve. The Park conserves small areas of littoral rainforest and sedgeland, once a common feature of the Maroochy landscape and vegetation types are not well represented in the protected area estate. The saltmarsh areas within the Park form important feeding and roosting sites for waterbirds and waders. CP is located in subcoastal SEQ and consists of two areas of open forest considered poorly represented in the protected area estate. The park supports a community of paperbark, usually associated with swampy areas along coastal estuarine environments.Wildlife of conservation significance include; plunkett mallee and broad leaved spotted gum species limited in their distribution; Hibiscus splendens although common in coastal districts is only found from a few sites in the West Moreton Region including a substantial population in the park; the Powerful Owl 105 245 Cressbrook CP Remnant Paul Forster site? 108 708 Toohey Forest CP Park conserves remnant Araucarian notophyll/microphyll closed forest in a landscape predominantly cleared for agricultural purposes. Wildlife of conservation significance includes the vulnerable Gymnema (Gymnema micradenium); and the rare Sarcochilus dilatatus. Park conserves low open eucalypt forest types with a grass understorey. The Park provides a natural setting and wildlife refuge in a landscape largely cleared for urban development. Wildlife of conservation significance include Eucalyptus planchoniana, an uncommon species poorly conserved on mainland SEQ, and dense patches of tree ferns. No. Area ID 527 Gazetted Name Site Description Serpentine Creek CP including Carbrook Wetlands Serpent Creek CP has a diverse range of vegetation communities including saltwater mangrove areas, Melaleuca forests on low lying creek flats and open forests on the surrounding gently sloping ridges. The area is an important habitat for waterbirds including migratory species. Wildlife of conservation significance include Planchons stringy bark)a species with limited distribution. Some historical value. 110 Ref Part of the area covered by the si community fauna survey conduct WPSQ for Ipswich City Council Reference site (Mike Olsen) Greenbank to Flinders Peak vege study. Res T Ref Forest area identified by BCC as significance within green plan. U under-grad and post-grad student much accumulative information c (Carla Catterall GU.) Research p issued to private interest for birds noisy miners; QLD museum for grassskink; GU amphibians, bird mammals, reptiles; UQ Zoology frogs Values Res T B (WPSQ Simon Baltais) Margaret Greenway (GU) researc area 24 112 704 Native Dog Creek CP, including Carbrook Wetlands Native Dog CP consists of two small reserves located on low lying creek lines surrounded by gently rising ridges. The park is dominated by paperbark Melaleuca quinquenervia forests. More than 95 percent of the area once covered by these forests has been cleared. This small isolate contributes to a larger conservation plan for paperbark wetlands. Res T B (WPSQ Simon Baltais) Margaret Greenway (GU) researc area 124 432 Plunkett CP Plunkett CP conserves open forest and contains species not well represented in the protected area estate. rare species, sandstone outcrops, caves (Nerang CCW). Type locality for E. curtisii. Res T Ref Nerang CCW QLD Herbarium/ Paul Grimshaw 129 502 Coombabah Lake CP Coombabah Lake CP conserves part of a tidal estuarine system adjacent to the urban environment of the Gold Coast. The area contains a range of vegetation types including mangrove, saltmarsh and woodland communities poorly represented in mainland reserves. Ref 1 QLD Herbarium reference site DoE monitoring site No. Area ID Gazetted Name Site Description Values 200 Crown Land / Freehold/ other Nth Stradbroke Island (Crown land, mining and special lease areas) Coastal dune and mangrove systems. Cypress Forests (Callitris columellaris, C. rhomboidea) contain rare fern Thelypteus confluens, and other R/T plant species. Wetlands and lakes, frontal dune communities, high dune systems and mangroves. Res T Ref B 13 QLD Herbarium reference si Tertiary level: botany students f QUT, fauna survey, Honours research by UQ Research station on the island. Postgraduate research on bird sp Bernie Cooke) QLD Herbarium, QLD museum GU, USQ, research over many p the island ( Alistair Melzer, UQ, research on and fire. Orchid research (QLD Herbarium) Geology/ soils GU (Errol Stock R1781 Point Lookout 1/2 hectar reference sites, 201 Boondall Wetlands Melaleuca wetlands, mangrove communities Ref T 1 QLD herbarium reference site AMCS data Eddie Hergel? 220 Butterfly Habitat ToowoombaKarara Rd, Place contains remnant, mature stands of Bull Oak. Other vegetation includes Blue Gum, Dogwood spp., White Cyprus Pine and Allocasuarina trees, some over ResTB 25 257 No. 264 Area ID Leyburn 200 years old. Wildlife includes the rare Jewel Butterfly (hypochrysops piceatus), Ogyris Ianthis, O. Aeneone are found in this area. Area also supports 101 sp. of Diptera of which only half are known Area of Woongarra scrub largest remaining area of Woongarra scrub within Bundaberg city in large area of open forest with Eucalyptus moluccana, E. tereticornis Gazetted Name Site Description Heron Island Pisonia forest. (Pisonia grandis) Portion 238, Cornubia 60 ha of high conservation bushland in Logan City. Part of the Koala Coast that links to Venmans NP, Neville Lauwrie Reserve and Daisy Hill SF. West Mt. Cotton Rd. (eastern side) Melaleuca nodosa shrubland, low closed forest. Ref Bundaberg CCW Values Res T B Good representation of Pisonia NW of Masthead (Carla Cattera Hulsmann G.U.). Research of marine & terrestrial by GU & UQ. Jirro Kikkawa longest running r here. Res T Margaret Greenway GU, Res T Margaret Greenway GU, 26