Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection

Guidance Document for
Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection
Accessing Application through TEASE
1. The Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection may only be accessed
through the Accountability TEASE Application. The TEASE logon screen is located at It is not necessary to access the survey if
there are no residential care and treatment facilities within the geographic boundaries or
jurisdiction of your district or charter.
Note: LEAs that do not have a TEASE username or password OR
LEAs that have a TEASE username but do not have access to the Accountability
application in their profile should visit the TEASE Applications Reference Page at
2. Once authenticated through TEASE, select ACCT - Accountability from the list of
available TEASE applications.
3. From the Accountability homepage, select the AYP link located in the navigation section
at the top of the page.
Guidance Document for Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection
4. From the AYP homepage, locate the section entitled “Residential Care and Treatment
Facilities Data Collection”, and follow the link to the application.
Completing the Data Collection
Contact Information
Complete the Contact Information page and click the ‘Save contact information and go to data
collection’ button.
Data Collection
The data collection is organized into four sections, which are listed below. The first section
requests information about the presence of residential care and treatment facilities within the
boundaries or jurisdiction of the local education agency. The other sections request data related
to specific instructional arrangements and facilities, including the number of students with
disabilities affiliated with a given facility who are coded to a specified instructional arrangement.
Students coded to these instructional arrangements generally reside in residential care and
treatment facilities. For additional information on instructional arrangement definitions and
requirements, please review Section IV of the 2004-2005 Student Attendance Accounting
Handbook available at:
Sections of Data Collection:
Initial Question
Hospital Class
State School for Persons with Mental Retardation
Residential Care and Treatment Facility
Guidance Document for Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection
Initial Question –
”Does your LEA have a residential care and treatment facility within its
geographic boundaries?”
Tip: If the answer is “no” to this question, you are not required to complete the survey. To
exit the survey, click No in response to the question then click ‘Submit Data to TEA’ at the
bottom of the survey.
Hospital Class (02)
1. Student Data
 1a – This is a read-only field reflecting the number of students receiving special
education and related services in the Hospital Class instructional arrangement as
reported in PEIMS Fall Snapshot, submission 1, of the 2004-2005 school year.
 Tip: This field cannot be edited. Any corrections or updates to this
number must be entered in 1b.
1b – Total number of students who currently are receiving special education and
related services in this instructional arrangement. This number should reflect the
number of students receiving services in a classroom at a treatment facility and
should equal the sum of the total number of students receiving services for each
corresponding facility.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value.
2. Facility Data
Complete the information pertaining to each facility in which students reside.
(a)-(d) – Provide the name of the facility, the name and title of a contact person at
the facility, and a phone number where the contact may be reached.
(e) – Total number of students from your district who reside in the facility and
who receive special education and related services in the instructional setting
described above.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value. The sum of this field across all
facilities should equal 1b.
(f) – Total number of all students (this total would include every child in the
facility whether they have a disability or not) who reside in the facility.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value and should be equal to or
greater than the value entered in (e).
(g) – Average number of days students reside in facility.
 Tip: The average number of days students reside in a facility must
be provided if there is a number greater than zero (0) in (f). This
field should reflect the average number of days when feasible.
However, month and year values will be accepted. When indicating
month and/or year values, please annotate the response with
“months” or “years” after the numeric entry.
To add information regarding additional facilities, click the ‘Add Another Facility’
button. The page will generate additional input fields for the next facility.
Guidance Document for Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection
State Schools for Persons with Mental Retardation (30)
1. Student Data
 1a – Total number of students receiving special education and related services in
the State School instructional arrangement as reported in PEIMS Fall Snapshot,
submission 1, of the 2004-2005 school year.
 Tip: This field cannot be edited. Any corrections or updates to this
number must be entered in 1b.
1b – Total number of students who currently are receiving special education and
related services in this instructional arrangement. This number should reflect the
total number of students receiving services at a state school location and should
equal the sum of the total number of students receiving services for each
corresponding facility.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value.
2. Facility Data
Complete the information pertaining to each facility in which students reside.
(a)-(d) – Provide the name of the facility, the name and title of a contact person at
the facility, and a phone number where the contact may be reached.
(e) – Total number of students from your district who reside in the facility and
who receive special education and related services in the instructional setting
described above.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value. The sum of this field across
facilities should equal 1b.
(f) – Total number of all students who reside in the facility.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value and should be equal to or
greater than the value entered in (e).
(g) – Average number of days students reside in facility.
 Tip: The average number of days students reside in a facility must
be provided if there is a number greater than zero (0) in (f). This
field should reflect the average number of days when feasible.
However, month and year values will be accepted. When indicating
month and/or year values, please annotate the response with
“months” or “years” after the numeric entry.
Although it is not anticipated that data for additional facilities will need to be
entered, the user may click the ‘Add Another Facility’ button, and the page will
generate additional input fields for the next facility.
Residential Care and Treatment Facility (81 – 89)
1. Student Data
 1a – Total number of students receiving special education and related services
who are coded to the Residential Care and Treatment Facility (RCF) instructional
arrangement as reported in PEIMS Fall Snapshot, submission 1, of the 20042005 school year.
 Tip: This field cannot be edited. Any corrections or updates to this
number must be entered in 1b.
Guidance Document for Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection
1b – Total number of students who currently are receiving special education and
related services and who are coded to this instructional arrangement.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value.
1c – Total number of students who are coded to the RCF instructional
arrangement who reside in single-family foster care.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value.
1d – Total number of students in box (1.b) minus total number of students in box
(1.c). This number should equal the sum of the total number of students
receiving services for each corresponding facility entered.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value that should reflect the total
number of students coded to the RCF instructional setting who do
not reside in single-family foster care.
1e – Total number of students who are coded to this instructional arrangement
who are educated in a school district setting only with other students who reside
in a residential facility.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value.
2. Facility Data
Complete the information pertaining to each facility in which students reside.
(a)-(d) – Provide the name of the facility, the name and title of a contact person at
the facility, and a phone number where the contact may be reached.
(e) – Indicate whether an LEA campus/classroom is located at the site of the
RCF by selecting the “yes” or “no” button.
 Tip: The answer should be “yes” if an LEA campus/classroom is
located in the same general physical or geographic location as the
residential care and treatment facility.
(f)–(n) – Total number of students from your district who reside in the facility and
who receive special education and related services as described in the probe.
 Tip: These should be numeric values. The sum of these fields
across facilities should equal 1d.
(o) – Total number of all students (this total would include every child in the
facility whether they have a disability or not) who reside in the facility.
 Tip: This should be a numeric value and should be equal to or
greater than the sum of the values entered in (f) – (n).
(p) – Average number of days students reside in facility.
 Tip: The average number of days students reside in a facility must
be provided if there is a number greater than zero (0) in (o). This
field should reflect the average number of days when feasible.
However, month and/or year values will be accepted. When
indicating month and year values, please annotate the response
with “months” or “years” after the numeric entry.
To add information regarding additional facilities, click the ‘Add Another Facility’
button. The page will generate additional input fields for the next facility.
Guidance Document for Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection
Save/Submit Data Collection
Save Data – Clicking the ‘Save Data’ button will save the entered data to a database and will
allow the user to return to the data collection to correct and/or finish the collection. The final
submission date for the collection is September 15, 2005. Any information entered into the
system as of this date will be considered final.
Submit Data to TEA – Clicking the ‘Submit Data to TEA’ will save the entered data to a database
and will indicate to the TEA that the data collection is complete. The district or charter no longer
will be allowed to save any additional information.
Guidance Document for Residential Care and Treatment Facility Data Collection