Suggested List of Colleges to Look at for Specific Majors

Suggested List of Colleges to Look at for Specific Majors
Note: In the arts, often your teachers will have knowledge of specific strengths of schools that offer many
areas under one umbrella (e.g. Visual and Performing Arts might be the major, but photography might be
your interest). Be sure to consult with teachers for college ideas. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive
and colleges will be added as we learn more about their programs.
Ohio State University, Kent State University, Baldwin-Wallace
College, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of IllinoisChampaign/Urbana, University of Texas-Austin, University of
Pennsylvania, Brigham-Young University (UT), Boston College
(MA), Elon University (NC), Clemson University (SC), DePaul
University (IL)
American University (DC), Penn State-University Park (PA)
Actuarial Science
Otterbein, Ohio State University, Ohio University, Penn State
(PA), University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana, Ball State (IN),
Drake University (IA), University of Wisconsin-Madison, Temple
University (PA), Georgia State, Maryville University of Saint
Louis (MO), Bradley University (IL), University of Pennsylvania,
Valparaiso University (IN)
Kent State University, Marietta College, Youngstown State
University, University of Illinois-CU, Syracuse University (NY)
Aeronautics & Aviation -
Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Univ. (FL & AZ), US Air Force
Academy (CO), MIT (MA), Georgia Institute of Technology,
Purdue University (IN), California Institute of Technology,
University of Michigan, Case Western Reserve University, Ohio
State University, University of Cincinnati, Rice University
(TX), California Polytechnic State Univ.-San Luis Obispo (CA)
African Studies
Ohio University, Oberlin College (OH), University of Richmond
(VA), Yale University (CT), University of Kansas (KS), Howard
University (DC)
Agriculture & related
Ohio State University-Agricultural Technical Institute, Iowa State
University, Kansas State University, University of Nebraska,
Colorado State University, University of Illinois-CU, Texas A & M
Iowa State University (IA), Green Mountain College (VT),
Louisiana State University (LA), University of Wyoming (WY)
Air Traffic Control
Purdue University (IN), Embry-Riddle (FL), Arizona State
University, University of North Dakota, Jacksonville University
(FL), Kent State University (OH)
American Government -
see Political Science
Miami International University of Art & Design (FL), Academy of
Art University (CA), Rochester Institute of Technology (NY),
Savannah College of Art and Design (GA), California Institute of
the Arts (CalArts) (CA), Carnegie-Mellon University (PA),
Sheridan (Ontario)
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University,
Harvard (MA), University of Chicago (IL), University of Michigan,
Dartmouth University (NH), Stanford (CA), Yale (CT), Brown
(RI), Cornell (NY), Duke University (NC), Harvard (MA), Illinois
Wesleyan University, Oberlin (OH), University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Cleveland State University (OH), University of
Cincinnati (OH), Ohio State University (OH)
Applied Economics
University of Minnesota (MN), University of Rhode Island (RI),
Montclair University (NJ); also see Economics
Applied Math
Case Western Reserve University, Kent State University,
Princeton University (NJ), Harvard (MA), California Institute of
Technology, Yale University (CT), Carnegie-Mellon University
(PA), Brown University (RI), University of Washington (WA),
Ohio Wesleyan University, Iowa State University
College of Wooster (OH), Boston University (MA), University of
California-LA, Yale University (CT), University of MissouriColumbia, Washington University in St. Louis (MO), Bryn Mawr
College (PA), Brown University (RI), William & Mary (VA),
University of West Florida-Archeology Institute (FL)
Georgetown University (DC), Ohio State University, University of
Utah, University of Texas-Austin, University of Michigan
University of Cincinnati, Kent State University, Ohio State
University, Academy of Art University (CA), Carnegie Mellon
University (PA), Cornell University (NY), California Polytechnic
State University-San Luis Obispo, Virginia Polytechnic Institute &
State University, University of Texas-Austin, Kansas State
University, University of Oregon, University of Southern
California, Rice University (TX), Rhode Island School of Design
(RI), Princeton (NJ), Yale (CT), Arizona State University,
University of California-Berkeley, LA, Georgia Institute of
Technology, University of Illinois-CU, MIT (MA), University of
Michigan, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY), University of
North Carolina-Charlotte, University of Pennsylvania, Texas A &
M, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Syracuse University (NY)
Art (Commercial)
Rhode Island School of Design (RI), Savannah College of Art &
Design (GA), Parsons-The New School for Design (NY),
Cleveland Institute of Art, Kent State University, Pratt Institute
Art History
Bowdoin College (ME), Brown University (RI), College of the
Ozarks (MO), Columbia (NY), Dartmouth (NH), Harvard
University (MA), Middlebury College (VT), Ponoma (CA),
Princeton University (NJ), Stanford (CA), Ohio State University,
Ohio University
Art Therapy
Capital University (OH), Lesley University (MA), College of New
Rochelle (NY), Mount Mary College (WI), University of
Wisconsin-Superior, DePaul University (IL)
Artificial Intelligence
see mechanical engineering and computer science programs;
Stanford University (CA), University of Massachusetts-Amherst
(MA), University of Washington (WA), University of CaliforniaBerkley, Carnegie Mellon University (PA), MIT (MA)
Asian Studies
Ohio University (OH), University of California-Berkeley (CA),
Michigan State University (MI), University of Washington (WA)
California Institute of Technology, Case Western Reserve
University, Boston University (MA), University of Chicago (IL),
Cornell (NY), Ohio State University, Ohio University, University
of Massachusetts-Amherst, University of Virginia , Penn State
Ohio University, California Institute of Technology, Michigan
State University, Princeton (NJ), New Mexico Institute of Mining
and Technology, Rice University (TX), University of WisconsinMadison
Athletic Training
Baldwin-Wallace College, Mount Union College (OH), Ohio
State University, Miami University (ask coaches for advice and
look at schools with large athletic programs)
Atmospheric Science -
Ohio State University (OH), University of California-Davis (CA),
United States Air Force Academy (CO), Florida State University
(FL), University of Illinois-CU (IL), University of Michigan (MI),
Saint Louis University (MO), University of Missouri-Columbia
(MO), University of Nevada-Reno (NV), Cornell University (NY),
University of North Dakota (ND), Penn State-University Park
(PA), Texas A & M, University of Utah (UT), University of
Wisconsin-Madison (WI)
Atomic/Molecular Physics –
Harvard (MA), College of Wooster (OH), San Diego State
University (CA), Texas A & M-Commerce (TX), Brown University
Kent State University (OH), Ohio University (OH), University of
Cincinnati (OH), Gallaudet University (DC)
Miami University, Auburn (AL), University of Arizona, UCLA,
Indiana University-Bloomington, University of Maine, University
of Montana, University of New Hampshire, Cornell (NY),
University of Rochester (NY)
Behavioral Sciences
Wright State University (OH), University of Kansas, CarnegieMellon University (PA), University of North Texas, University of
Houston-Clear Lake
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University,
University of California-LA, Berkeley, San Diego, California
Institute of Technology, Wright State (OH), Harvard University
(MA), Reed College (OR), Swarthmore (PA)
Ohio State University, Bowling Green University (OH), Kent
State University, University of Akron, University of Cincinnati,
University of Dayton, University of Toledo, Stanford (CA),
Harvard (MA), MIT (MA), University of California-Berkeley,
California Institute of Technology, Johns Hopkins University
(MD), Washington University at St. Louis (MO), Princeton
University (NJ)
West Virginia University (WV), Davenport University (MI),
University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (MN), Cornell University
(NY), Carnegie Mellon University (PA), La Sierra University (CA),
Rutgers (NJ), North Carolina State University (NC), George
Mason University (VA), University of Wisconsin (Madison)
Miami University-Oxford (OH), Johns Hopkins University (MD),
SUNY-Buffalo (NY), Brandeis University (MA), Brown University
Kent State University, Ursuline College (OH), University of
Central Florida, University of Illinois-CU, Worcester Polytechnic
Institute (MA), University of Maryland-Baltimore Co.
Ohio State University, Ohio University, Miami University, Kent
State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Michigan
State University, North Dakota State University, University of
California-Riverside, Purdue (IN), University of Maine
Broadcast Journalism -
Ohio University (OH), Kent State University (OH), University of
Missouri-Columbia (MO), Northwestern University (IL), University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Maryland-College
Park, Lyndon State College (VT), University of Florida, University
of Montana, Columbia (NY), Arizona State (AZ), Syracuse (NY),
University of Georgia
University of Pennsylvania, MIT (MA), University of MichiganAnn Arbor, Miami University (OH), New York University,
University of Virginia, Carnegie-Mellon University (PA), Ohio
State University
Business Analytics
University of Tennessee (TN), Rutgers Business School (NJ),
Old Dominion (VA); Note: this field is closely related to Data
Science—look for colleges with strong programs in computer
science and statistics
Casino & Resort Management - University of Southern Mississippi, Lake Michigan College (MI),
Niagara County Community College (NY), Olympic College
(WA), Florida Gulf Coast University, Rochester Institute of
Technology (NY), Methodist University (NC), Sierra Nevada
College (NV), Concord University (WV), Lakeland College (WI),
Coastal Carolina University (SC); Note: Check out specific
programs—some emphasize Casino Management and other
Resort; some lead to certificates while others a Bachelor’s
Degree; also see: Tourism
Alfred University-New York State College of Ceramics, Rhode
Island School of Design, California College of the Arts, University
of Washington, Ohio State University, Ohio University, School of
the Art Institute of Chicago
MIT (MA), California Institute of Technology, University of
California-Berkeley, Ohio State University, Cleveland State
University, University of Toledo, Kent State University (OH),
Miami University (OH), University of Cincinnati, Harvard (MA),
Stanford (CA), University of Illinois-CU, University of WisconsinMadison, Columbia (NY), Cornell (NY), Northwestern (IL)
Child Psychology
Bowling Green State University, Loyola University-Chicago (IL),
University of Maryland-Baltimore Co., Tufts University (MA),
Northern Michigan University, Cornell University (NY)
Ohio State University, Stanford (CA), University of CaliforniaBerkeley, University of Hawaii-Manoa, University of MinnesotaTC, Washington University in St. Louis, Middlebury College (VT),
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cinematography and
Film/video production -
Ohio University, Bowling Green State University (OH), California
Institute of the Arts, Florida State University, University of
California-Santa Barbara, Bard College (NY), New York
University, California State University-Long Beach, Emerson
College (MA), Savannah College of Art & Design (GA),
University of Chicago (IL)
Miami University (OH), Ohio State University, University of
Cincinnati, Yale (CT), Harvard (MA), Brown (RI), University of
NC-Chapel Hill (NC)
Clothing studies
Fashion Institute of Technology (NY), University of North
Carolina-Greensboro, Iowa State University, University of
California-Davis, Florida State University, Ohio State University,
also see Fashion Design
Cloud Computing
see Computer Science and Information Technology programs
Cognitive Science
Case Western Reserve University, Johns Hopkins University
(MD), MIT (MA), Brown University (RI), University of TexasDallas
Baylor College (TX), Arizona State University, Ohio University,
Denison University, Kent State University, Bradley University
(IL), University of Northern Iowa, Loyola University (LA),
Michigan State University (MI), New York University (NY),
Syracuse University (NY), University of Iowa (IA), University of
Texas-Austin, Southern Illinois University, University of IllinoisCU; Also see: New Media
Computational Biology-
Case Western (OH), Colby College (ME), Harvey Mudd College
(CA); Stanford University (CA); Note: some schools may call this
major Biomedical Computation
Computer Forensics-
Defiance College (OH), Tiffin University (OH), Potomac College
(DC), Champlain College (VT); University of Maryland-University
College (MD), Rochester Institute of Technology (NY), Dakota
State University (SD), University of Texas-San Antonio; also see
Computer Science &Cybersecurity
Computer Game Design-
University of Southern California (CA), University of Utah (Salt
Lake City), George Mason University (VA), Rochester Institute
Of Technology (NY), Becker College (MA), Drexel University
(PA), DigiPen Institute of Technology (WA), Cleveland Institute
of Art (OH), Full Sail University (FL), Worchester Polytechnic
Institute (MA); note: skills in animation, audio design,
programming and production management are important; also
see Computer Science schools
Computer Graphics
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY), DePaul University (IL),
Pratt Institute (NY), Art Institute of Michigan (MI), Indiana
Wesleyan University (IN), Purdue University (IN), University of
California-Irvine (CA), Art Institute of California (CA)
Computer Science
Carnegie-Mellon University (PA), MIT (MA), Stanford University
(CA), University of California-Berkeley, University of IllinoisChampaign-Urbana, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN),
University of Waterloo (Canada), California Institute of
Technology, Franklin W. Olin College of Engineering, University
of Washington, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
Conservation (Biology)-
Muskingum University (OH), San Jose State Univ. (CA),
University of Missouri – Columbia (MO)
Construction Management -
Purdue University (IN), Stark State College of Technology (OH),
Clemson (SC), Colorado State, Pittsburgh State University (PA),
Michigan State University
Creative Writing
University of Iowa, Oberlin College (OH), University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Wisconsin, Brown University
(RI), Carnegie Mellon University (PA), Columbia University (NY),
Kenyon College (OH), Johns Hopkins University (MD), Vassar
College (NY), Bard College (NY)
Criminal Justice/Law Enforcement
University of Findlay (OH), Ohio Northern, Ashland University
(OH), Tiffin University (OH), Youngstown State University (OH),
Kent State (OH), Note: contact local law enforcement officers for
additional suggestions
Kent State University, Ohio State University, Ohio University,
American University (DC), North Carolina State University,
Quinnipiac University (CT), University of Maryland-CP, University
of Miami (FL), University of Utah (UT), University of MarylandCollege Park, University at Albany (NY), University of Cincinnati,
Florida State University, University of Missouri-St. Louis; Ohio
Northern University; Lake Erie College (OH), Mercyhurst (PA);
also ask local law enforcement agencies
Not a major per sec, but look at programs strong in Computer
Science, Programming, Code-breaking and Mathematics
Culinary Arts
Johnson & Wales, Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts, The
Culinary Institute of America, The French Culinary Institute (NY),
Saint Louis University, Kendall College, California School of
Culinary Arts, New England Culinary Institute, Newbury College,
Orlando Culinary Academy
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, University of MarylandCP, University of Washington, University of Texas-San Antonio,
University of Pittsburgh (PA), Syracuse University (NY),
Mississippi State (MS), University of Tulsa (OK), Dartmouth
College (NH), Carnegie Mellon (PA); Dakota State UniversityMadison (SD), Naval Postgraduate School (CA), Northeastern
University (MA), University of Maryland-Baltimore (MD),
Polytechnic Institute of New York University (NY); Note: also
known as Information Assurance
The Julliard School (NY), New York University, University of
Miami (FL), Temple (PA), Ohio State University, Texas Women’s
University, University of Akron, Columbia College (Chicago, IL),
University of Utah, Texas Christian University
Database Design/Data
Science/Data management -
College of Charleston (SC), Rochester Institute of Technology
(NY); University of Tennessee-Knoxville (TN); Rutgers Business
School (NY); University of Iowa (IA), Old Dominion University
(VA); Note: this is a growing field—look for strong computer
science programs as well as Business Analytics as well as
schools that might offer concentrations in this area under the
Computer Science umbrella
this is a professional degree which is typically begun with
previous college experience
Development Economics -
Penn State-all locations (PA), UCLA, Vanderbilt University (TN),
University of Vermont
Case Western Reserve University, University of Illinois-Chicago
Digital Arts
Cleveland Institute of Art (OH), University of Toledo (OH), Pratt
Institute (NY), University of Central Florida (FL), Syracuse
University (NY)
Ashland Theological Seminary (OH), Methodist Theological
School in Ohio (OH), St. Mary Seminary (OH), United
Theological Seminary (OH); talk with local pastor/priest/minister
for recommendations
see theatre/musical theatre programs
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Maryland Institute College
of Art, Cleveland Institute of Art, Academy of Art University (CA),
Georgia State University, University of Iowa, School of the
Museum of Fine Arts (MA), Ohio State University
McKinley College (on-line), East Carolina University (NC),
Western Michigan University, DePaul University (IL), Seattle
University (WA), Florida Institute of Technology, Tiffin University
(OH), University of Akron (OH), Creighton University (NE),
Northcentral University (AZ), University of Pennsylvania (PA),
Ohio State University, University of Arizona, University of
California-Irvine, Santa Barbara, Riverside; University of
Connecticut, University of Georgia, Tulane (LA), University of
Maine, University of Maryland-College Park, University of
Michigan, University of Minnesota-TC, Princeton (NJ), Cornell
(NY), Rice University (TX), University of Washington
MIT (MA), Harvard (MA), University of Chicago (IL), Stanford
(CA), Princeton (NJ), University of Pennsylvania, Northwestern
University (IL), University of Cincinnati, Miami University (OH),
University of California-Berkeley
Note: look for schools with strong math programs
Ohio State University, Baldwin-Wallace College, Bowling Green
State University (OH), Ashland University, Miami University
(OH), Xavier College (OH), Cornell College (NY), Columbia
University (NY), University of Northern Iowa
Emergency Management -
Virginia Commonwealth University, Northcentral University (AZ),
Arkansas Tech University, Tiffin University (OH), North Dakota
State University, American Public University System (WV)
Engineering (Aeronautical)-
Embry Riddle (FL, AZ), US Air Force Academy (CO), University
of Dayton (OH), University of Cincinnati (OH), Case Western
Reserve University, California Polytechnic St. University-San
Luis Obispo, MIT (MA), Georgia Institute of Technology
(GA), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Purdue University (IN),
California Institute of Technology, Rice University (TX), RoseHulman Institute of Technology (IN)
Engineering (Automotive) -
Central Michigan University (MI), Ferris State University (MI),
Also see programs in electrical and mechanical engineering;
hint: look at cities with automotive manufacturing facilities
Engineering (Biomedical)–
Johns Hopkins University (MD), Case Western Reserve
University, Duke University (NC), MIT (MA), Georgia Institute of
Technology, University of California-San Diego, Northwestern
University (IL); Bucknell (PA), Purdue (IN), University of Akron
(OH), University of Toledo (OH), University of Michigan, Stanford
University (CA), University of Pennsylvania (PA); University of
Engineering (Chemical) -
MIT (MA), California Institute of Technology, University of
California-Berkeley, Stanford University (CA), Case Western
Reserve University, Ohio State University, Rose-Hulman Institute
of Technology (IN), Bucknell University (PA), University of
Minnesota-TC, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ohio
University, University of Akron, University of Cincinnati,
University of Texas-Austin
Engineering (Civil)
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN), University of IllinoisCU, University of California-Berkeley, Georgia Institute of
Technology, University of Akron, Case Western Reserve
University, Cleveland State University, Ohio State University,
University of Cincinnati (OH), Purdue University (IN), University
of Texas-Austin, U.S. Military Academy (NY), U.S. Air Force
Academy (CO), California Polytechnic State Univ.-San Luis
Engineering (Electrical) -
Ohio State, University of Akron, University of Dayton,
University of Cincinnati, MIT (MA), Franklin W. Olin College
(MA), University of Illinois-CU (IL), Purdue University (IN), RoseHulman Institute of Technology (IN), California Institute of
Technology (CA), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY),
Colorado School of Mines (CO), Worchester Polytechnic Institute
(MA), Stanford University (CA), Georgia Institute of Technology
(GA), Carnegie-Mellon (PA), Cornell University (NY), Princeton
University (NJ); also see schools strong in computer science
Engineering (Environmental) – Stanford (CA), University of California-Berkeley, California
Institute of Technology, MIT (MA), University of Texas-Austin,
University of Illinois-CU, Carnegie-Mellon University (PA), Lehigh
University (PA), Drexel University (PA), University of Central
Florida, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY)
Engineering (Geotechnical) - University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana (IL), University of
California-Berkeley (CA), University of Texas-Austin (TX), Texas
A & M (TX), University of Washington (WA), University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, Purdue University (ID), Virginia Polytechnic
Institute (VA)
Engineering (Industrial) -
Ohio State University, Arizona State University, University of
Southern California, Florida State University, Georgia Institute of
Technology, University of Illinois-CU, Purdue University (IN),
Iowa State University, University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Texas
Tech University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Penn State
(PA), Stanford University (CA), Virginia Tech
Engineering (Materials) -
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University, MIT
(MA), University of Illinois-CU, Northwestern University (IL),
University of California-Santa Barbara, Berkeley, Stanford (CA),
University of Florida, University of Michigan, Cornell (NY), Penn
State (PA), California Institute of Technology (CA), Penn State
(PA), University of Michigan
Engineering (Mechanical) –
Case Western Reserve University, University of Akron, Ohio
State University, University of Cincinnati, Cleveland State
University, MIT (MA), California Institute of Technology, Stanford
(CA), University of California-Berkeley, University of MichiganAnn Arbor, Georgia Institute of Technology, Purdue (IN),
University of Illinois-CU, Princeton University (NJ), Cornell (NY),
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN), Frank W. Olin College
of Engineering (MA), Carnegie-Mellon (PA)
Engineering (Metallurgical) - University of Cincinnati, Columbia (NY), Colorado School of
Mines, University of Illinois-UC, University of Utah, University of
Nevada, University of Alabama
Engineering (Nuclear) -
University of Illinois-CU,, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY),
Purdue University (IN), University of California-Berkeley,
University of Tennessee-Knoxville (TN), Texas A & M, MIT (MA),
Penn State-UP (PA), University of Wisconsin-Madison,
University of Michigan (MI)
Engineering (Petroleum)-
Marietta College (OH), Texas A & M, Texas Tech University,
University of Texas-Austin, Stanford (CA), University of Southern
California, Colorado School of Mines (CO), Louisiana State
University (LA), University of Missouri, University of Oklahoma,
University of Tulsa, Penn State (PA), West Virginia University,
University of Wyoming. University of Alaska-Fairbanks (AK),
University of Kansas (KS), New Mexico Institute of Mining &
Technology (NM)
Engineering (Polymer/Plastics) - University of Akron, Case Western Reserve University,
University of Illinois-CU, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
(MA), Lehigh University (PA), Wayne State (MI), Auburn (AL)
Engineering (Software)-
Carnegie-Mellon University (PA), University of Illinois-CU, MIT
(MA), University of Texas-Dallas, Rochester Institute of
Technology (NY), Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology (IN),
California Institute of Technology, University of Washington,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Stanford (CA); also see
schools strong in computer science
Engineering (Welding) -
Ohio State University (OH),see community colleges for
certification programs
Bard College (NY), Bennington College (VT), Middlebury College
(VT), Kenyon College (OH), Reed College (OR), Swarthmore
College (PA), Amherst College (MA), Colgate University (NY),
Oberlin College, Denison University, Colby College (ME),
Columbia University (NY), Brown University (RI)
Iowa State University, Ohio State University, Oklahoma State
University, Auburn University (AL), University of California-Davis,
Riverside, University of Georgia, University of Illinois-CU,
Michigan State University, Cornell University (NY), Oregon State
University, Washington State University
Entrepreneurial Studies -
Babson College (MA), University of Pennsylvania, Indiana
University-Bloomington, University of Southern California, MIT
(MA), Xavier University (OH), Stanford University (CA),
University of Houston (TX), Syracuse University (NY), Baylor
University (TX), Miami University (OH)
Environmental Design -
Ohio State University, Bowling Green State University (OH),
Prescott College (AZ), Montana State University-Bozeman,
North Carolina State University, Yale (CT), Cornell (NY),
Carnegie-Mellon (PA), University of Minnesota (MN), Michigan
State-East Lansing (MI), University of Texas-Austin (TX)
Environmental Health -
Ohio University, Bowling Green State University, University of
Washington, Goddard College (VT), East Tennessee State
University, Oregon State University, East Carolina University
(NC), Colorado State University, Stanford (CA), University of
California-Berkeley (CA), Johns Hopkins University (MD)
Environmental Studies -
Middlebury College (VT), College of the Atlantic (ME), Northland
College (WI), SUNY-Syracuse (NY), Cornell University (NY),
Duke University (NC), Yale University (CT), Arizona State
University, Miami University (OH), Cleveland State University
(OH), Youngstown State University (OH)
Equestrian Studies
Otterbein College (OH), University of Louisville (KY), Johnson &
Wales, Colorado State, Findlay(OH), Lake Erie College
(Painesville, OH), Meredith Manor International Equestrian
Center (WV), Ellsworth Community College (IA), Black Hawk
College(IL), University of New Hampshire (NH), Olds College
(Canada), Sweet Briar (VA)
University of Maryland-College Park (also check larger
universities where several classes are taught, but a degree may
not be offered)
Fashion Design
Kent State University (OH), Pratt Institute (NY), State University
of New York-Fashion Institute of Technology, Parsons New
School for Design (NY), Ursuline College (OH), Academy of Art
University (CA), University of Cincinnati, Virginia Marti College of
Art and Design (OH)
Fashion Merchandising -
Kent State University (OH), Ohio State University, Bowling
Green State University, Ursuline College (OH), Laboratory
Institute of Merchandising (NY), Parsons The New School for
Design (NY), State University of NY-Buffalo, Oneonta, Fashion
Institute of Design and Merchandising (CA), Fashion Institute of
Technology (NY)
Fiber Arts
Cranbrook Academy of Art (MI), School of the Art Institute of
Chicago (IL), California College of the Arts, Rhode Island School
of Design, University of Washington, Bowling Green, Cleveland
Institute of the Arts
Film Studies
University of California-Santa Barbara, Berkeley, Los Angeles,
University of Southern California, Vanderbilt University (TN),
University of Chicago (IL), New York University (NY), Cornell
University (NY), Columbia University (NY), Bowling Green State
University (OH); also see cinematography
University of Cincinnati (OH), Youngstown State University (OH),
Ohio State University, Cleveland State University (OH),
University of Pennsylvania (PA), University of Illinois-Chicago, UC; New York University (NY), Michigan State University,
University of Texas-San Antonio
Fire Science/Firefighting -
Columbia Southern University (AL), Grand Canyon University
(AZ), University of New Haven (CT), Florida State-Jacksonville,
University of Maryland-UC, Madonna University (MI); many
colleges do not offer a Bachelor’s degree but rather offer
certification programs (in Ohio, see Cincinnati State Technical
and Community College, Hocking College, Columbus State
Community College, Owens Community College-Toledo, Stark
State College of Technology)
Food Science
Ohio State University, University of Arkansas, University of
California-Davis, University of Florida, University of Georgia,
University of Illinois-CU, Purdue University, Kansas State
University, University of Maryland-College Park, Cornell
University (NY), Texas A & M, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Food Technology
Ohio State University, University of Illinois-CU, Brigham Young
University (UT), Inter American University of Puerto Rico (PR)
Foreign Languages
Indiana University-Bloomington (IN), University of MinnesotaTwin Cities (MN), Middlebury College (VT) and the University of
Washington have excellent language offerings. Ask your
teacher for specific languages; larger universities have the ability
to offer more languages
Forensic Science
University of Central Florida, Ohio Northern University, Loyola
University (IL), Pace University (NY), Seattle University (WA),
University of Mississippi, University of North Dakota, West
Virginia University, Pennsylvania State University, Texas A & M,
Columbia (NY), SUNY-John Jay College of Criminal Justice
(NY), Saint Louis University (MO), Tiffin University (OH)
Ohio State University, Northern Arizona State University,
California Polytechnic State University-San Luis Obispo,
University of Florida, University of Idaho, Humboldt State
University (CA), Purdue University (IN), University of Maine,
University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Michigan State University,
University of Minnesota-TC, State University of New YorkCollege of Environmental Science & Forestry (NY), University of
Franchise Operations French
Ashland University (OH)
Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, Wellesley College
(MA), Fordham University (NY), New York University, Brown
(RI), Boston College (MA), Middlebury College (VT), Indiana
Ohio Wesleyan, University of New Hampshire, North Carolina
State University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of
Georgia, Iowa State University, University of California-Davis,
Ohio State University, Carnegie Mellon University (PA), Cornell
University (NY), Harvard (MA), Case Western Reserve
University, MIT (MA), California Institute of Technology,
University of California-San Francisco, Berkeley; Washington
University at St. Louis (MO), Johns Hopkins University (MD),
Yale University (CT)
Case Western Reserve University, Kent State University, Miami
University, University of Cincinnati, Ohio State University,
California Institute of Technology, Boston University, MIT (MA),
University of California-all sites
Geophysics/seismology -
California Institute of Technology, Stanford (CA), UCLA,
University of Nevada-Reno, Ohio State University, St. Louis
University (MO), Colorado School of Mines, University of Utah
Ohio State University, Bowling Green State University (OH),
Kent State University, University of Toledo, Middlebury College
(VT), University of Minnesota-TC, Indiana UniversityBloomington, University of Connecticut, Yale (CT), New York
University, Brown (RI)
Miami University (OH), University of North Texas, University of
South Florida, University of Southern California
Rhode Island School of Design, Alfred University-New York
State College of Ceramics, Rochester Institute of Technology,
California College of the Arts, Virginia Commonwealth University,
Ohio State University
Global Studies
Baldwin-Wallace College, Wittenberg University (OH), University
of Dayton (OH), University of Pennsylvania, Michigan State
University, University of Oregon, Brandeis University (MA),
Sonoma University (CA)
Golf Management
University of Central Florida, Methodist University (NC),
University of Wisconsin-Stout, Queens University of Charlotte
(NC), Ferris State University (MI), College of the Desert (CA),
University of Maryland-Eastern Shore, Ohio State University,
Penn State, Michigan State
Graphic Design
Rhode Island School of Design (RI), Ohio University, University
of Akron, Arizona State University, Syracuse University (NY),
Savannah College of Art & Design (GA), Brooks Institute (CA),
Cranbrook Academy of Art (MI), Yale (CT), Virginia
Commonwealth University, Carnegie-Mellon University (PA),
Maryland Institute College of Art, California College of the Arts
Hazardous Materials Technology - University of Findlay (OH)
Health Informatics
College of St. Scholastica-Duluth (MN), University of
Washington, Temple (PA), University of Illinois-Chicago, Weber
State University (UT); Note: also see Information Management
Health Services Administration - Ohio University, University of Cincinnati, University of
Michigan, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of
Pennsylvania, Northwestern University (IL), University of
Minnesota-TC, University of Washington; also see Public Health
Historic Preservation -
Ursuline College (OH), University of Delaware, Delaware State
University, Savannah College of Art and Design (GA), Roger
Williams University (RI), College of Charleston (SC), University
of Mary Washington (VA)
Miami University (OH), Ohio State University, Kenyon College,
Oberlin College, Case Western University, Bowdoin College
(ME), Brown University (RI), Colgate University (NY), Columbia
University (NY), Princeton University (NJ), Tulane University
(LA), Washington and Lee University (VA), College of William &
Mary (VA)
Homeopathic Medicine-
Goddard College (VT), Minneapolis Community and Technical
College (MN)
Homeland Security
Tiffin University (OH), Northcentral University (AZ), Tulane
University (LA); Eastern Kentucky University (KY), Texas A & M,
Florida International University, Monmouth University (NJ),
Endicott College (MA), Marian University (WI), Virginia
Commonwealth University (VA) Note also consult with local law
Horticultural Science/
Ohio State University (Agricultural Technical Institute), Iowa
State University, Colorado State University, University of Florida,
University of Illinois-CU, Purdue (IN), Kansas State University,
Michigan State University, Cornell University (NY), Oregon State
University, Penn State-UP (PA), Texas A & M, Washington State
University, University of Wisconsin-Madison, University of
Hotel Management/Hospitality Administration - Cornell University (NY), Ohio State University,
University of Akron, Florida State University (FL), University of
Nevada-LV, University of South Florida
Human Resources
Baldwin-Wallace College, Ohio State University, University of
Akron, University of Toledo, Xavier University (OH), University of
Pennsylvania, Purdue (IN), University of Iowa, Michigan State
University, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Loyola (IL), Pitzer
College (CA), Penn State University (PA)
New York University, Goddard College (VT), Marshall University
(WV), San Francisco State University (CA), Harvard University
(MA), University of Oxford (UK), University of California
Berkeley, Yale (CT), University of Cambridge (UK)
Industrial Design
Ohio State University, Auburn University (AL), Georgia Institute
of Technology, University of Illinois-Chicago, Rochester Institute
of Technology (NY), North Carolina State University, Clemson
(SC), University of Washington, Art Center College of DesignPasadena (CA), Rhode Island School of Design, CarnegieMellon University (PA), Pratt Institute (NY), University of
Cincinnati, Virginia Tech, Cleveland Institute of Art (OH)
Information Systems -
The Ohio State University, Marietta College (OH), University of
Toledo (OH), Wright State University (OH), MIT-Sloan (MA),
University of Minnesota-TC, University of Arizona, Carnegie
Mellon University (PA), University of Pennsylvania-Wharton,
University of California-Berkeley, University of North CarolinaKenan-Flager, Murray State University (KY), University of
Maryland-Baltimore Co., College Park, New Jersey Institute of
Technology, Syracuse University (NY), Drexel University (PA),
Penn State-University Park(PA), Dakota State University (SD),
University of North Texas, University of Washington (WA)
Information Technology -
Ohio University, University of Toledo (OH), Arkansas Tech
University, Golden Gate University (CA), Colorado Technical
University, Illinois Institute of Technology, Towson University
(MD), Oakland University (MI), Capella University (MN), Cornell
University (NY), Rochester Institute of Technology (NY),
University of Washington (WA)
Ohio State University, Bowling Green State University, Florida
State University, Georgia State University, University of IllinoisCU, University of Pennsylvania
Interior Design
Ohio State University, College of Mount St. Joseph (OH), Florida
State University, Rhode Island School of Design, University of
Texas-Austin, University of Alabama, University of North
Carolina-Greensboro, Colorado State University, Pratt Institute
(NY), University of Cincinnati (OH), New York School of Interior
International Business -
Baldwin-Wallace College, University of Akron, University of
Toledo, University of Cincinnati, University of Pennsylvania,
University of Michigan- Flint, James Madison University (VA),
Northcentral University (AZ), George Washington University
(DC), Loyola University-Chicago, Valparaiso University (IN)
International Relations -
Ohio State University, Georgetown University (DC), George
Washington University (DC), American University (DC), Harvard
College (MA), Johns Hopkins University (MD), New York
University, Stanford University (CA), Yale University (CT),
Syracuse University (NY), University of South Carolina, Old
Dominion University (VA), University of Virginia (VA), University
of Pennsylvania, Mercyhurst (PA)
University of Texas-Austin, University of Utah, University of
Maryland-College Park
Ohio State University, Middlebury College (VT), Brown University
(RI), Johns Hopkins (MD), Indiana University-Bloomington,
Princeton (NJ), New York University, University of Connecticut
Ohio State University, Stanford (CA), University of CaliforniaBerkeley, University of Hawaii-Manoa, University of MinnesotaTC, Washington University in St. Louis (MO), Middlebury College
(VT), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jazz Studies
Bowling Green State University, Tri-C (OH), Oberlin College,
University of Southern California, University of Miami (FL), New
England Conservatory of Music (MA), Eastman School of Music
of the University of Rochester (NY), Juilliard School (NY)
Ohio University, Northwestern University (IL), University of
Wisconsin, University of Missouri-Columbia (MO), Columbia
University (NY), Indiana University, University of Florida,
University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill (NC), Indiana University;
Also see: New Media
Columbia University (NY), University of Washington
Labor/Industrial Relations -
Cleveland State University, University of Minnesota-TC, RutgersNew Brunswick (NJ)
Landscape Architecture -
Ohio State University, University of Southern California,
University of Florida, University of Georgia, Iowa State
University, Cornell University (NY), North Carolina State
University, Texas A & M
Laser/optical engineering-
University of Rochester (NY), Cincinnati State Technical &
Community College (OH)
Ohio State University, Bryn Mawr College (PA), Indiana
University-Bloomington, University of Minnesota-TC, Fordham
University (NY), Catholic University of America (DC)
Law Enforcement
see Criminology and Criminal Justice Studies
Library Science
Kent State University, University of Illinois-CU, University of
North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Syracuse University (NY), University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor, State University of New Jersey-Rutgers
(NJ), University of Texas-Austin, University of Washington,
Indiana University-Bloomington, Drexel (PA), Simmons College
(MA), University of Maryland-College Park, University of
Pittsburgh (PA)
Larger schools will offer more languages. Also see: specific
Foreign Languages and consult with foreign language teachers
Strong schools offering several languages: Middlebury College
(VT), Indiana University-Bloomington (IN), University of
Minnesota-TC (MN)
Ohio State University, University of Arizona, Stanford,
University of California-all sites, University of Pittsburgh (PA),
New York University, Indiana University-Bloomington, University
of Minnesota-TC, Yale University (CT), MIT (MA)
Carnegie-Mellon University, University of Pennsylvania
Management Information
Kent State University, University of Illinois-CU, University of
Missouri-St. Louis, Temple University (PA), University of North
Texas, MIT (MA), University of Pennsylvania, University of
California-Berkeley, University of North Carolina-CH, University
of Texas-Austin; also see Information Systems
Northwestern (IL), University of Pennsylvania, Duke (NC),
Harvard (MA), University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Cleveland State
University, Kent State University, University of Akron, University
of Toledo, Xavier University (OH)
Marine Biology
Stanford (CA), University of California-Santa Cruz, Florida State
University, University of Miami, University of Hawaii, University of
Marine Engineering/
Naval Architecture
Webb Institute (NY), U.S. Coast Guard Academy (CT), U.S.
Naval Academy (MD), University of New Orleans (LA), University
of Michigan, U.S. Merchant Marine Academy (NY)
Harvard University (MA), Princeton University (NJ), Duke
University (NC), MIT (MA), University of Chicago (IL), California
Institute of Technology, Stanford University (CA), Cornell
University (NY), Reed College (OR), University of Waterloo
(Canada), Ohio State University, University of Dayton (OH),
Case Western Reserve University (OH)
Medical Technology
Ohio State University, Miami University, University of MichiganFlint, Purdue (IN)
Medieval & Renaissance
Metals/Jewelry Design -
Ohio State University, Ohio Wesleyan University, University of
Toledo, Yale University (CT), University of Notre Dame (IN),
Southern Methodist University (TX)
State University of New York-New Paltz, Rhode Island School of
Design, California College of the Arts, University of WisconsinMadison, Temple University (PA), Rochester Institute of
Technology, University of Kansas, Bowling Green State
University, Cleveland Institute of Art
(also see Atmospheric science), Ohio University, Ohio State
University, Florida State University, University of Oklahoma,
University of Utah, University of Hawaii, University of WisconsinMadison, University of Washington, Texas A & M University,
North Carolina State University, Cornell (NY), University of
Michigan, University of Illinois-CU
Ohio University, Ohio State University, University of Georgia,
Iowa State University, Kansas State University, Michigan State
University, University of Rhode Island, Clemson (SC), Texas
A & M, Oklahoma State University, University of Oklahoma
Mining & Mineral
University of Nevada, University of Utah, Virginia Polytechnic
Institute and State University, West Virginia University, Columbia
(NY), University of Missouri, University of Kentucky, Colorado
School of Mines, University of Arizona
Molecular Biology
Ohio Northern University, University of California-Santa Barbara,
Yale (CT), University of Idaho, Purdue (IN), University of Maine,
Johns Hopkins University, Boston University (MA), Michigan
State University, Princeton (NJ), State University of New YorkAlbany, Lehigh University (PA), Brown University (RI), Vanderbilt
(TN), Brigham Young (UT), University of Vermont, Marquette
University (WI), University of Wisconsin-Madison
Museum Studies
Carnegie Mellon University (PA), Rochester Institute of
Technology (NY), Rensselaer Institute of Technology, UCLA,
University of Southern California, New York University
Baylor (TX), University of Idaho (most schools offer a Master’s
degree in this field, with the undergraduate work focusing in art
history or a specialty field)
There are many areas of music: instrumental, voice, jazz,
composition, music technology, etc. Probably the best source of
information are your music teachers. Some colleges that are
known for overall strong music programs include:
Baldwin-Wallace College, Capital University (OH), Cleveland
Institute of Music, Ohio State University, University of
Cincinnati, Bowling Green State University (OH), Oberlin College
(OH), Boston University (MA), Carnegie Mellon University (PA),
Eastman School of Music (NY), Florida State University, Ithaca
College (NY), The Juilliard School of Music (NY), New England
Conservatory (MA), San Francisco Conservatory of Music (CA),
Temple University (PA), University of Rochester (NY),
California Institute of the Arts, University of Southern California,
Boston University, Oberlin College
Music Composition
Cleveland Institute of Music, Ohio State University, University of
Cincinnati, Baldwin-Wallace College, Eastman School of Music
(NY), The Juilliard School of Music (NY), New England
Conservatory (MA), Manhattan School of Music (NY), University
of Rochester, Temple University, California Institute of the Arts,
University of Southern California, Berklee College of Music (MA),
Boston University, Oberlin College, Capital University (OH)
Music Merchandising -
Capital University (OH), Loyola (LA), Pepperdine (CA), Full Sail
(FL), Wayne State (NE), University of Miami (FL)
Music Technology
Capital University (OH), University of Miami-Frost School of
Music (FL), DePaul (IL), University of Oregon, CalArts CA),
Syracuse-Bandier Program (NY), Middle Tennessee State
University, Duquesne (PA), Johns Hopkins-Peabody (MD), New
York University, McGill (Canada)
Musical Theater
Baldwin-Wallace College, Heidelberg University (OH), Ithaca
College (NY), Florida State University, Emerson College (MA),
Yale University (CT), New York University, Northwestern
University (IL), University of California-Los Angeles, San Diego
University of Cincinnati-Cincinnati College Conservatory of
Music, Carnegie-Mellon University (PA), Boston Conservatory
(MA), University of California-Irvine, University of Michigan,
University of Oklahoma, Tisch (NY), Augsburg (MN),
Georgetown (DC), Mason Gross School of Arts-Rutgers (NJ),
Syracuse (NY) Elon (NC) Note: Many schools have an audition
process; check web sites
Music Therapy
Baldwin-Wallace College, Cleveland State University, College of
Wooster, Ohio University, University of Dayton (OH), Arizona
State University, University of the Pacific (CA), Colorado State
University, Florida State University, University of Miami (FL),
Georgia College and State University, St. Mary-of-the-Woods
College (IN), University of Kansas, Loyola (LA), East Carolina
University (NC), Temple University (PA), Southern Methodist
University (TX)
University of San Diego (CA), SUNY (Albany, NY), Drexel
University (PA), Louisiana Tech (LA), University of Central
Natural Resources &
Naturopathic medicine -
Ohio State University, University of Arizona, University of
Connecticut, University of Idaho, University of Illinois-CU,
Indiana University-Bloomington, University of Maine, University
of Minnesota-TC, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, UNLV,
Duke (NC), Penn State-UP (PA), Texas A & M, University of
Goddard College (VT), University of Bridgeport (CT), Bastyr
University (WA), Turabo University (PR), National University
of Health Sciences (IL)
Harvard College (MA), UCLA, Yale (CT), Purdue (IN), University
of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Pittsburgh (PA),
Marquette University (WI)
University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, University of
California-Riverside, San Diego, Davis; University of Southern
California, University of Illinois-Chicago, Tulane University (LA),
Brandeis University (MA), Boston University (MA), MIT (MA),
University of Michigan, Cornell (NY), Brown University (RI)
Brigham Young University (UT), Washington State University
New media
MIT (MA), Alma College (MI), University of Southern California,
Wellesley College (MA), University of Minnesota, Syracuse
University (NY); Note: Colleges are now altering traditional
majors, such as journalism or communications in an effort to
adapt to the new social media available—look for lots of changes
in these traditional programs; also see Social Media
Nonprofit/public organization management –
Case Western Reserve University, Arizona State University, St.
Mary-of-the-Woods College (IN), College of Notre Dame of
Maryland, Cleary University (MI), Duquesne University (PA), Our
Lady of the Lake University-San Antonio (TX), Indiana
University-Bloomington, Syracuse (NY), Purdue (IN), Harvard
(MA), University of Washington, University of Minnesota-TC,
University of Southern California, Johns Hopkins University
(MD), New York University, University of Utah
St. Olaf College (MN), University of Washington, Pacific
Lutheran University (WA)
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University,
University of Washington, University of California-SF, University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of Pennsylvania, University of
North Carolina, Johns Hopkins University (MD), Walsh University
(OH), University of Akron (OH), Ohio University; Note: Talk with
nurses/doctors at local hospitals
Nutrition Sciences
Ohio State University, Case Western Reserve University,
University of Arizona, Howard University (DC), Purdue (IN),
Boston University (MA), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities,
University of Missouri-Columbia, University of North CarolinaGreensboro
Occupational health/
Industrial Hygiene
Occupational Therapy -
Ohio University, University of Findlay, Purdue (IN), Oakland
University (MI), Illinois State University
University of Toledo, Ohio State University, Thomas Jefferson
University-College of Health Professions (PA), Misericordia
University (PA), Saint Louis University (MO), University of
Southern California, University of Illinois-Chicago, Colorado
State University, University of Kansas Medical Center, New York
University, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Virginia
Commonwealth University
Florida Institute of Technology, University of Miami (FL),
University of Rhode Island, Louisiana State University and
Agricultural & Mechanical College, University of Maine,
University of Southern Mississippi, Old Dominion (VA), University
of Washington
Operations Management -
University of Cincinnati, University of Pennsylvania, Clemson
(SC), University of Houston (TX)
this is a choice after medical school
Ohio State University, Illinois College of Optometry, Indiana
University (also see the Association of Schools and Colleges of
Cleveland Institute of Art, Art Academy of Cincinnati, School of
the Art Institute of Chicago (IL), Rhode Island School of Design,
Virginia Commonwealth University, Savannah College of Art and
Design (GA), Academy of Art University (CA), San Francisco Art
Institute (CA), Maryland Institute College of Art, School of the
Museum of Fine Arts (MA)
Northern Arizona University, Bowling Green State University
Paper Technology
Miami University (OH), North Carolina State University,
University of Idaho, Georgia Institute of Technology, Western
Michigan University
Parks, Recreation
& Leisure Studies
Bowling Green State University, University of Toledo, Arizona
State University, University of Illinois-CU, Texas A & M, North
Carolina State University, New York University, Colorado State
Peace and Conflict Studies - Kent State University, Ohio State University, Gettysburg College
(PA), George Mason University (VA), Goddard College (VT),
Hamline University (MN), Salisbury University (MD), California
State University-Dominguez Hills
Ohio Northern University, University of Toledo, Ohio State
University, University of Cincinnati, University of California-SF,
University of Texas-Austin, University of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill, Purdue University (IN), University of Arizona, University of
Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of Minnesota-TC
Harvard College (MA), Columbia University (NY), Bard College
(MA), Princeton University (NJ), University of Chicago (IL), Yale
University (CT), Bowling Green State University (OH), Ohio State
University, University of Cincinnati
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY), The Art Institute of
Chicago (IL), Cleveland Institute of Art, Ohio University,
Columbus College of Art and Design (OH), Bard College (NY),
Bennington College (VT), Drexel University (PA), Corcoran
College of Art & Design (DC), Hofstra University (NY), School of
Visual Arts (NY)
Physical Education
Ohio State University, University of Pittsburgh, Cleveland State
University, Ohio University, University of Dayton, University of
Findlay, University of Toledo, Indiana University-Bloomington
Physical Therapy
Cleveland State University, University of Toledo, Saint Louis
University (MO), Drexel University (PA), Temple University (PA),
Central Michigan University, University of Indianapolis (IN),
State University of New York-Stony Brook, Mercy College (NY),
University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, Boston University (MA)
California Institute of Technology, MIT (MA), Stanford (CA), Ohio
State University, Harvard (MA), Princeton (NJ), University of
California-Berkeley, Cornell (NY), University of Chicago (IL),
University of Illinois-CU, University of California-Santa Barbara,
Columbia (NY), University of Texas-Austin
Juilliard School (NY), University of Southern California, Florida
State University, University of Miami, Northwestern University
(IL), University of Kansas, Johns Hopkins University-Peabody
Conservatory of Music (MD), Boston University (MA), Eastman
School of Music of the University of Rochester, University of
Cincinnati (OH), University of Washington
Planetary Sciences
California Institute of Technology, Iowa State University,
Washington University in St. Louis (MO), Dartmouth College
Plant Genetics
Purdue University (IN)
Plant Molecular Biology -
University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana
Plant Sciences
Ohio State University, University of Arizona, University of
Delaware, University of Idaho, University of Maine, University of
Massachusetts-Amherst, Montana State University-Bozeman,
Cornell University (NY), Clemson (SC),
University of Illinois-Chicago, University of Pittsburgh, University
of Wisconsin-Madison
Political Science
Georgetown University (DC), Yale University (CT), Harvard
College (MA), Columbia University (NY), Amherst College (MA),
Reed College (WA), American University (DC), George
Washington University (DC), Howard University (DC), George
Mason University (VA), Kenyon College, Miami University (OH),
University of Akron (OH), Carleton College (MN), Macalester
College (MN), Bowdoin College ME), Reed College (WA)
Ohio State University, Yale University (CT), University of IllinoisCU, Indiana University-Bloomington, University of
Massachusetts-Dartmouth, University of North Carolina-Chapel
Hill, Brown (RI), University of Texas-Austin, University of
Ohio State University, University of Maryland-Baltimore, Harvard,
University of Texas-San Antonio, University of Michigan,
University of North Carolina, American University (DC), Oberlin
College (OH), Kent State University (OH); (also ask your dentist)
This is generally a two-year program from which a student can
then select a specific engineering field for a major. Some
smaller colleges offer pre-engineering programs where there is a
cooperative agreement with a nearby college that specializes in
Harvard College (MA), Yale University (CT), Columbia University
(NY), Georgetown University (DC), Boston University (MA),
Princeton University (NJ), Cornell University (NY), University of
Chicago (IL), Duke University (NC), New York University,
University of California-LA, Berkeley, Wesleyan University (CT) ,
Ohio Wesleyan University, Otterbein College (OH), Oberlin
College (OH) (also ask your local bar association members)
Johns Hopkins University (MD), Case Western Reserve
University, California Institute of Technology, Cornell University
(NY), Duke University (NC), Harvard College (MA), MIT (MA),
Tufts University (MA), University of California-LA, Berkeley,
Carnegie-Mellon University (PA), Washington University at St.
Louis (MO), Ohio State University, University of Michigan, Yale
University (CT), Pepperdine University (CA), Brandeis University
(MA), Vanderbilt (TN), University of Cincinnati (Connections
program), University of Rochester (NY), NEOMED (OH) (tips:
look for schools where there are medical facilities close by
and/or dual degree programs)
Ohio State University, Auburn University (AL), Cornell University
(NY), Colorado State University, Iowa State University, Kansas
State University, Purdue University (IN), University of WisconsinMadison, University of Maryland-CP (MD), Michigan State
University, North Carolina State University, Texas A & M
University, University of Pennsylvania, Michigan State University
Ohio State University, Ohio University, University of WisconsinMadison, Rhode Island School of Design, University of Iowa,
School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL), Savannah College of
Art & Design (GA)
Case Western Reserve University, Miami University (OH), Ohio
State University, University of Cincinnati, University of Toledo,
University of California-LA, Berkeley, University of WisconsinMadison, Indiana University-Bloomington, University of
Minnesota-TC, University of Washington, Yale University (CT),
University of Illinois-CU, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill,
University of Pennsylvania, Duke (NC)
Public Health
Ohio State University, University of Washington, East Tennessee
State University, Tulane (LA), San Diego State, University of
Southern California, Wayne State University (MI), SUNY-Albany
(NY), Saint Louis University (MO), University of MassachusettsAmherst (MA), University of Arizona (AZ)
Public Administration -
Bowling Green University (OH), Wright State University (OH),
Ohio State University, Indiana University-Bloomington, Auburn
University (AL), University of Southern California, University of
La Verne (CA), University of Central Florida, University of
Kansas, Western Michigan University, Princeton (NJ), New York
University, Syracuse University (NY), University of Texas-Dallas
Public Policy Analysis -
George Washington University (DC), University of Chicago (IL),
University of Michigan, Duke University (NC), University of
Pennsylvania, University of Rhode Island
Public Health
Johns Hopkins University (MD), University of Washington,
University of Southern California, Southern Connecticut State
University, Indiana University/Purdue University, Minnesota
State University-Mankato, University of Southern Mississippi,
East Tennessee State University, Columbia University (NY),
Temple (PA), Brown University (RI), University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Irvine, George Washington University (DC), University
of Arizona (AZ), University of Colorado (CO), University of
Massachusetts-Amherst (MA), Saint Louis University (MO), also
know—many top schools offer Master’s and Doctorial programs
in Public Health
Public Relations
University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas-Austin,
University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Ohio State
Ohio University, Northwestern University (IL), Bowling Green
State University (OH), University of Southern California,
University of Illinois-CU, University of Missouri-Columbia, Boston
University (MA), University of Oklahoma-Norman, University of
Miami (FL), Hofstra University (NY), Kent State University, New
York University, University of Texas-Austin; also see Broadcast
Recording Arts
Cleveland Institute of Music, Ithaca College (NY), Capital
University (OH) Music Media or Music Technology, School of the
Art Institute of Chicago, Loyola Marymount University (CA), State
University of New York-Fredonia
Goddard College (VT)
Ohio Dominican University (OH), Xavier University (OH), The
Catholic University of America (DC), College of William & Mary
(VA), Duquesne University (PA), Oral Roberts University (OK),
Texas Christian University, University of Notre Dame (IN),
Ursuline College (OH)
Retail Management
Ohio University, Bowling Green State University (OH),
Youngstown State University (OH), Fashion Institute of Design
and Merchandising-LA (CA), Central Michigan University,
Patricia Stevens College (MO, Anderson University (SC),
Longwood University (VA)
Worcester Polytechnic Institute (MA), University of CaliforniaSanta Cruz, Carnegie Mellon University (PA); Franklin W. Olin
College (MA), Lawrence Technological University (MI), Also
see: Engineering (Mechanical, Electrical & Software)
Romance Languages -
University of Wisconsin-Madison, Vanderbilt (TN), University of
Oregon, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Harvard (MA),
University of Georgia, UCLA
Ohio State University, University of Chicago (IL), University of
Michigan, Bryn Mawr College (PA), University of Pennsylvania,
Middlebury College (VT), University of Washington
Indian Languages
Harvard (MA), University of Iowa, Bard College (NY)
Scandinavian languages –
University of Washington, University of California-Berkeley,
University of Chicago (IL), University of Minnesota-TC,
Concordia College (MN)
Virginia Commonwealth University, Rhode Island School of
Design, School of the Art Institute of Chicago (IL), Maryland
Institute College of Art, Temple University (PA), California
College of the Arts
Security/Loss Prevention -
Youngstown State University (OH), St. Petersburg College (FL),
Eastern Kentucky University, Northern Michigan University
University of Pennsylvania, University of Texas-Austin
Semitic Languages
Sign Language
Gallaudet University (DC), Kent State University, Columbia
College-Chicago (IL), Rochester Institute of Technology (NY)
Slavic Languages
University of Virginia, University of California-Berkeley, LA,
Northwestern (IL), Indiana University-Bloomington, University of
Kansas, Harvard (MA), Princeton (NJ), University of North
Carolina-Chapel Hill, University of Pittsburgh (PA), Brown (RI)
Social Media
Newberry College (SC), Drury University-Springfield (MO),
Emerson College (MA), Harvard (MA), University of Kentucky,
Stanford (CA), New York University, American (DC), Johns
Hopkins (MD), Carnegie-Mellon (PA)
Ohio State University, Miami University, University of CaliforniaBerkeley, LA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Princeton (NJ),
University of Chicago (IL), Columbia (NY), Harvard (MA),
Stanford (CA), Duke (NC), Cornell (NY)
Social Media
Newberry College (SC), DePaul University (IL), Stanford
University (CA), Harvard University (MA), Drury University (MO),
Carnegie Mellon University (PA); Note: Major may not be called
Social Media but Digital Media, etc.
Social Work
Case Western Reserve University, Ohio State University, Ohio
University, Washington University in St. Louis (MO), University
of Michigan-Ann Arbor, Columbia University (NY), University of
Chicago (IL), University of Washington, University of TexasAustin, University of Iowa, University of Southern California
South Asian Languages -
Dartmouth (NH), University of Washington, University of
Missouri-Columbia, University of Chicago (IL)
Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati, University of
Minnesota-TC, Middlebury College (VT), Indiana UniversityBloomington, Stanford (CA), University of Houston (TX), Florida
State University
Spanish/Iberian Studies -
University of Cincinnati, Bard College (NY), Vanderbilt
Speech Pathology
Case Western Reserve University, University of Iowa, University
of Wisconsin-Madison, Northwestern University (IL), Purdue
University (IN), University of Washington, Ohio State University,
Ohio University, University of Texas-Austin, University of Kansas
Sports Communication -
Ithaca College (NY), Bradley University (IL), Albertus Magnus
College (MA), University of Evansville (IN), University of
Nebraska-Kearney, Ashland University (OH), Oklahoma State
Sports Management
Ohio State University, Florida State University, United States
Sports Academy (AL), University of Illinois-CU, University of
Michigan, University of South Carolina, University of Iowa,
University of Miami
Sports Medicine
see pre-med programs
Case Western Reserve University (OH), University of CaliforniaBerkeley, Davis, LA, Riverside, Harvard (MA), University of
Maryland-Baltimore, University of Chicago (IL), Carnegie-Mellon
University (PA), North Carolina State University (also see math
Baldwin-Wallace College, Miami University-Oxford (OH), Arizona
State University, Illinois State University, MIT (MA), University of
California-Berkeley, College of the Atlantic (ME), Middlebury
(VT), Oberlin, Harvard (MA), University of Wisconsin-Madison
(WI), Arizona State (AZ), Penn State (PA), University of
Kentucky, Unity College (ME); University of South Dakota,
Cornell University (NY), Oregon State University-Cascades
(OR); Aquinas College MI), SUNY-Stony Brook (NY), Note:
Check out degrees with specialized programs or concentrations
such as Sustainable Energy; many schools are adding this as a
new major
Technical Writing
Bowling Green State University, University of Arkansas-Little
Rock, Michigan State University, Carnegie Mellon University
(PA), Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, Texas Tech
University, Mount Mary College (WI), Ohio Northern University
Textile Sciences/
Michigan State University, Philadelphia University (PA),
Auburn University (AL), Georgia Institute of Technology,
University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, North Carolina State
Baldwin-Wallace College, Marietta College (OH), Emerson
College MA), New York University, Florida State University, New
York University, Yale University (CT), Northwestern University
(IL), Oberlin College, University of Southern California, West
Virginia University, Amherst College (MA), Auburn University
(AL), Bowling Green State University (OH), University of
Minnesota-TC, Ohio State University, University of Cincinnati
Note: Some programs are stronger in some things (e.g. acting)
than others. Most programs have an audition process for acting
(also see Musical Theatre). Look at the program course
offerings and faculty numbers to determine the richness of the
University of Akron (OH), Youngstown State University (OH),
Mansfield University of Pennsylvania (PA), Rochester Institute of
Technology (NY), Johnson & Wales University-Providence (RI),
Arizona State University (AZ), University of Hawaii-Manoa,
Purdue University (IN), New York Institute of Technology,
University of South Carolina-Columbia, (SC), Texas A & M,
University of Texas-San Antonio
Penn State (PA), University of Maryland, Colorado State,
University of Minnesota, St. John’s University (NY), Clemson
(SC), Texas A & M, University of Nebraska
University of Michigan, University of Texas-Austin, University of
Utah, University of Washington
Urban Studies/Planning -
Cleveland State University, University of Illinois-Chicago,
University of New Orleans, Portland State University (OR),
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
University of Washington
Veterinary Tech
Columbus State Community College (OH), Stautzenberger
College-Brecksville (OH)
Video Game Design
DigiPen Institute of Technology (WA), Carnegie-Mellon
University (PA), DePaul University (IL), Shawnee State
University (OH), Edison State Community College (OH),
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY), Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MA), University of Washington (WA), University
of Southern California, Drexel University (PA), Becker College
(MA), Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (NY), Worcester
Polytechnic Institute (MA), Art Institute of Vancouver (BC)
Ohio State University, Case Western (OH), University of TexasHouston, University of Chicago (IL)
Virtual Currency
We’re not there yet, but check out Economics, Finance and ECommerce
Baldwin-Wallace College, Cleveland Institute of Music,
University of Cincinnati, University of Southern California,
Florida State University, University of Miami, Northwestern
University, Johns Hopkins University-Peabody Conservatory of
Music, New England Conservatory of Music (MA), Eastman
School of Music of the University of Rochester (NY), University
of Washington, San Francisco Conservatory of Music, The
Juilliard School (NY)
Water Resource
University of Arizona, University of Idaho, University of IllinoisCU, University of Nevada-Reno
Web Page Design
Mount Union College (OH), DePaul University (IL), Full Sail
University (FL), University of Phoenix (AZ), Westwood College of
Technology (CA), Santa Clara University (CA), Art Institute of
Colorado, Art Institute of Atlanta (GA), Illinois Institute of
Technology, Polytechnic Institute of New York University,
Rochester Institute of Technology (NY), Drexel University (PA),
Duquesne University (PA); several schools offer certification
programs rather than Bachelor’s degrees
Wildlife and
Wilderness Management -
University of Idaho, Colorado State University, University of
Illinois-UC, Purdue (IN), Michigan State University, University of
Missouri-Columbia, University of Montana, Oregon State
University, South Dakota State University, Texas A & M, Texas
Tech, Utah State University, Brigham Young (UT)
Ohio University, Miami University (OH), Auburn University (AL),
Colorado State University, Southern Illinois UniversityCarbondale, University of Maine, Michigan State University,
University of Montana, University of New Hampshire, North
Carolina State University, Oklahoma State University, University
of Oklahoma, Oregon State University, University of Rhode
Island, Clemson University (SC), Texas A & M, University of
List compiled by Karen Rohde, Coordinator for Gifted Services, ESL & Testing for the Berea City School
District in Ohio. Please forward recommendations to: (Note: This list is updated
frequently. Last update: July 2, 2014). This list is meant to be used for only educational purposes.