CIPD Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management The

CIPD Postgraduate Diploma in
Human Resource Management
The Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management has been developed in
response to changing expectations and demands on the personnel practitioners working in
increasingly complex, diverse and ever changing work environments. Successful students
who pass all of the modules will gain professional status as a graduate member of the
Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development as well as the conferment of a University
Postgraduate award in Human Resource Management.
The Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Management (PDHRM) is designed for part
time students from a variety of academic disciplines, who wish to begin or develop an
existing career in personnel and development.
Students will develop a progressive understanding of creative and sophisticated
developments in the field of human resource management with the ability to investigate,
analyse and conclude solutions to complex human resource management problems within
real business settings. They will also gain the skills and competencies that will enable them
to engage in continuous professional development through the course and beyond in their
chosen career paths in the field of professional human resource management.
Part-time students will register for the Diploma but may go on to top up their diploma to an
MA. Full-time students register for the MA.
The Modules
In the first year of the diploma, students will study the following modules:
Effective Management & Leadership
Corporate Environment
Managing & Measuring for Results
Learning & Development
Skills for Individual & Organisational Effectiveness 1
In the second year of the diploma students will study:
Employee Resourcing
Employee Relations
Option module 1
Option module 2
Skills for Individual & Organisational Effectiveness 2
Management Research Report
The two option modules will be chosen from:
Reward Management
Advanced Practice & New Directions in Learning
Designing & Delivering Training
Employment Law
Part-time students will be asked to complete a management report based on their experience
within their own organisation and will be required to submit a statement of Continuous
Professional Development with the report.
Skills Residential
Towards the end of June/beginning of July there will be a two day residential. This
essentially focuses on inter-personal skills, using a variety of activities. It is linked to the
Skills 2 module and part of the assessment for the module is done at the residential.
The teaching learning and assessment strategy is based on a threefold pattern of learning,
that is, a taught programme, directed study and independent study. These three elements of
study are combined to give a total number of 100 learning hours - 10 credit level points - per
module or multiple thereof.
We are a CIPD accredited centre, so we set and mark our own examinations and
The overall assessment schedule is as follows:
Semester 1
Effective Management and Leadership; Written in-course assessment
Corporate Environment – One end examination
Managing and Measuring for Results – Written in-course assessment
Employee Resourcing - Closed book exam with seen case study
Skills for Individual & Organisational Effectiveness 1 – Personal Development Portfolio
Semester 2
Learning & Development - Written in-course assessment
Employee Relations – Written in-course assessment
Advanced Practices & New Directions in Learning &
Development (Option) – Closed book exam
Designing & Delivering Learning (Option) - Written in-course assessment
Reward Management (Option) – Closed book exam
Employment Law (Option) – Limited open book exam
Skills for Individual & Organisational Effectiveness 2 –
Personal Development Portfolio
Management Research Report
Within the PDHRM overall, students will be assessed through a combination of in-course
written assignments, personal development portfolios, end examinations, a management
research report and a CPD record. We set our own examination papers and our current
pass rate is approximately 95%.
Entry Requirements
All entrants should have a Bachelor Honours degree or equivalent and/or experience.
Students from any discipline will be considered.
International students will need to meet the University's English Language requirement which
is IELTS 6.0 with no skills below 5.0, or equivalent.
CIPD Exemptions
Applicants seeking prior standing on the basis of a post-graduate qualification must complete
a work-book to demonstrate that they have already met the learning outcomes through a
prior formal, assessed qualification. All possible exemptions are on a module-for-module
basis. Exemptions are only available for modules in the early stages of the program.
The assessment for exemptions involves paying a fee.
Did you know our entry requirements are flexible?
We are firmly committed to widening participation and lifelong learning. Our entry
requirements are flexible, so if you don't have the qualifications required, but do have the
relevant experience and commitment to suceed, you may be considered for a place on your
chosen course.
Career Opportunities
HRM and personnel awards at Leeds Metropolitan University attract students from a wide
range of organisations. Previous students have included HRM managers for leading
companies such as Marks and Spencer and Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc. The course will
enable participants to gain more specialist knowledge of HR and personnel issues.
Don't forget, during your time at Leeds Met you'll have access to the Leeds Met Careers
Service. Our team of qualified and experienced careers advisors will be happy to advise you
about any aspect of your future career. Our team can help you to plan ahead, make the right
career choices, prepare the perfect CV and find the latest job vacancies.
Our team offers:
daily drop-in service for advice or a quick CV check
one-to-one in-depth guidance
one-to-one career coaching
interactive careers workshops
careers advice by e-mail.
Find out more at
Mode of Study/Course Length
Normally, a part-time student will complete the diploma over four semesters, amounting to 2
years. The diploma begins with a skills induction focused on IT and study skills.
The course will be delivered on an afternoon and evening basis. The majority of modules will
be taught in three hour blocks, though the two Skills modules will use workshops and
sequential study. There will also be a 2 day residential in June or July.
This course commences in September only and currently runs on Tuesdays 1.00pm to
Course fees for the first year of the course in 2010/11:
Year 1 £28.00 per credit point (Home/EU) or £48.61 per credit point (International non-EU)
These costs include examination and assessment fees. There are 50 credit points in the first
year of this course and 70 credit points in the second year.
Please see information below regarding ELQ as this could affect your fees
Equivalent or Lower Qualifications (ELQ)
From 2008/09, the government no longer provides funding to support Universities teaching
United Kingdom and European Union students who are studying for an award which is of an
equal or lower level than their existing qualifications. For example, an applicant wishing to
study a degree who already has a degree is regarded as studying for an ELQ and the
University would not receive funding for this student. As a result we have introduced a new
set of fees for students registering from 2010-11 who are studying for an ELQ.
For more information please go to on our
If you have a query regarding the level of your previous qualifications please contact our
Central Admissions team on 0113 812 3159.
If you believe you will be applying for a course that is equal or lower than a previous
qualification and would like to find out the fees for this course please contact our Fees team
on 0113 812 4935.
Additional Costs
CIPD membership fees - please check cost at
Residential for PDHRM
approximately £300
Course Admissions Tutor
Nehal Mahtab
Tel: 0113 812 7535
How To Apply:
Please contact Student Recruitment & Admissions Team for an Application form
Student Recruitment & Admissions
Faculty of Business & Law
Leeds Metropolitan University
Old School Board
Calverley Street
Leeds, LS1 3ED
Tel: 0113 812 6127
Part-Time Diploma in HRM - Route Structure
Year 1
Year 2
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 1
Semester 2
(10 credits)
(10 credits)
(10 credits)
(10 credits)
Option 1
Option 2
(10 credits)
(10 credits)
(10 credits)
EFFECTIVENESS 1 (10 credits)
EFFECTIVENESS 2 (10 credits)
(20 credits)
EMPLOYMENT LAW (10 credits)
Options will run subject to availability and viable student
numbers in either or both semesters. This may vary year on