University Travel Scholarships Application Form

Queen’s University Belfast
Emily Sarah Montgomery Travel Scholarship (ESM)
Sir Thomas Dixon Travel Scholarship (STD)
First Trust Travel Scholarship (FT)
Application Form
Please read the attached Notes of Guidance carefully before completing this form, as the regulations
for each travel scholarship are different. This single form can be used to apply for more than one
travel scholarship. Please note that your application may not be considered if the information given is
incomplete or incorrect. The completed form should be returned by email, via your Head of
School, to, by 4.00pm on Thursday 28, January 2016 - the same
closing date is in use for each travel scholarship.
Application forms must be typed or word-processed and submitted in electronic format
Please ensure that Sections A – E are completed in full and that sufficient time is provided for
Section F to be completed by your School in advance of the deadline for submission.
Section A (all applicants)
Student Number:
Email address:
Status: (please tick)
full-time  part-time 
undergrad. 
taught postgrad. 
research postgrad. 
Which Travel Scholarship(s) are you applying for? (NB See Regulations on eligibility and
notes of guidance on each Travel Scholarship. Students can apply to more than one fund but
no student may hold more than one Travel Scholarship.)
Emily Sarah Montgomery
Sir Thomas Dixon
First Trust
(Note: Only one First Trust Travel Scholarship is available, whereas multiple STD and ESM awards will
be available, so students are advised to apply for more than just the single First Trust award .)
Section B (for undergraduate applicants only)
Your course of study and marks for last two semesters (if applicable):
Present year
(module no. and mark)
Please give details of the funding for your studies (e.g.any grants, students loans etc)
Section C (for postgraduate applicants only)
Your primary degree and other qualifications already obtained:
Date awarded
Your current study:
Research area/name of
FT/PT/ writing-up
Present year
(e.g. 2nd)
How is your postgraduate study financed? (eg. DEL/self/other - please specify)
(a) Does the award cover tuition fees? Yes/No
(b) Do you receive a maintenance grant? Yes/No
completion date
If you have answered “yes” to (b) what is the annual value of the grant?
Applicants for University Travel Scholarships are normally expected to approach their funding
body for a contribution towards the cost of the proposed trip. Have you done so?
If you have not applied to your funding body, please say why:
How much of a contribution do you hope to receive from your funding body? Was your
application to your funding body successful?
(If you have applied to your funding body, as soon as you are notified of the outcome, you should send a copy of the letter to
Academic Affairs. It will not be possible to finally decide on your application for a travel scholarship until this is done.)
Section D (for all applicants)
Destination and short description of the purpose of the travel you propose to undertake:
Dates and expected duration of proposed trip (number of days):
NB. See notes of guidance.
Detailed breakdown of all travel costs which you expect to incur (do not include subsistence
If you are attending a conference, how much is the registration fee?
Are you making a presentation at the conference?
University awards or prizes currently or previously held:
Travel grants or scholarships previously held:
Have you approached your School or any other organisation (other than your funding body, if
applicable) for assistance with the cost of the trip?
If so, please give details and indicate the outcome, if known.
Details of any personal contribution which you can make to the cost of the trip:
Section E (for all applicants) - use extra sheet if necessary:
Please consult the attached Notes of Guidance and explain below why you feel you should
receive an award from the particular Fund(s) you have applied to, with particular reference
to the terms of the Fund. You may use another page if necessary. NB: The Scholarships
and Awards Group will judge applications on the basis of academic merit and on how well the
case is made under the following headings:
Sir Thomas Dixon Travel Scholarship (Explain why you feel you should receive an
STD award, and in particular, how your trip will involve the pursuit of cultural activities
Emily Sarah Montgomery Travel Scholarship (for research or further education
outside Ireland)
First Trust Travel Scholarship (extend educational experience, outside British Isles)
NB: Only one First Trust award is available so applicants are advised to apply for
other awards for which they are eligible.
Signature .............................................................................. Date.............................................
University Travel Scholarships
Section F (for all applicants) To be completed by Head of School*
Name of applicant ........................................................................................................................
School/Institute ............................................................................................................................
The benefit to be derived from the
proposed visit is:
Very considerable
This student is academically
(see Note 9 in Guidance for
academic ranking system):
Very good
Below average
Please comment on the academic standing of the student and the merits of the proposed trip:
If the applicant does not receive a travel award and is unable to make this trip, what would be the
effect on the student’s course of study? (Note: In the past, when funds available have been insufficient to cover all
applications, the Scholarships and Awards Group has applied the principle that travel which can be foreseen to be a crucial and
integral part of a PhD project should be funded primarily by the School/Institute.)
Please give details of any contribution which the School is prepared to make to the cost of the trip:
Signature ............................................................................
Date ..................................................
Name ..................................................................................
Position ..............................................
*You may nominate a supervisor or other member of staff who is familiar with the work of the applicant
to complete this form, but the Head of School should then countersign it.
University Travel Scholarships: Notes of Guidance
Note 1:
Emily Sarah Montgomery, Sir Thomas Dixon and First Trust Awards cover all travel costs up to
their respective maximum values of £650, £600 and £650 respectively. Awards will also
include a contribution towards subsistence, calculated at £20 per day, but again this will
be subject to these maximum values.
Awards will not cover conference fees or
accommodation costs..
Note 2:
The information contained in this form is fed into a database compiled by Academic Affairs
to facilitate the Travel Scholarships exercise. A summary table and copies of each form are
circulated to members of the Scholarships and Awards Group, but copies are destroyed
after the meeting, apart from one set held in the office for approx. three years. Unless you
indicate otherwise, the University assumes that you consent to have your details processed
in this way.
Note 3:
Preference will be given to applicants who have not previously received a travel scholarship,
although applications from students who have had awards before will be considered.
Students should not normally be awarded more than £650 in total, although it may be
spread over a number of trips.
Note 4:
Applications from students undertaking fieldwork will not be considered unless a special
case is made.
Note 5:
Preference will be given to students without alternative sources of funding for their travel.
Note 6:
The Scholarships and Awards Group will meet in March 2016 to consider the Travel
Scholarships applications. All applicants, both successful and unsuccessful, will be notified
of the outcome of the scholarships subsequent to the meeting.
Note 7:
Regrettably it is not possible to approve advance payment of any funding awarded under
these scholarships. Payment of the award will only be released on production of travel
Note 8: One of the conditions of a Travel Scholarship award is that recipients must supply a report of
their trip to Academic Affairs within four weeks of their return. A selection of travel reports
may be used as publicity material; however the relevant authors will be contacted in advance
for express written permission.
Note 9: The following academic ranking system should be applied in Section F:
Top 10% of cohort as ‘Outstanding’.
The next 25% of cohort as ‘Very good’.
The next 25% of cohort as ‘Good’.
The next 20% of cohort as ‘Average’.
Bottom 20% of cohort as ‘Below average’.
The onus is on the applicant to ensure that the Head of School has forwarded the
application form, with completed report form, by email to Academic Affairs
( before the deadline. If in doubt, check with your School.
Emily Sarah Montgomery Travel Scholarships
Regulations: These scholarships were instituted in 1961 under a bequest of Miss Emily Sarah
Montgomery. One or more scholarships are awarded annually to students of Queen’s
University, who are enrolled as students for approved courses of study in this University, for the
purpose of travel outside Ireland in connection with a programme of research or further
education approved by the Academic Council. The value and tenure of the scholarship shall be
such as is approved by the Academic Council in each case. The scholarships are tenable with
any other award (other than a travelling scholarship or travel grant) of this or any other
University. The maximum value of a grant from the fund is £650.
Note: Preference will be given to students presenting papers or posters at conferences - if
details of these are not given, it will be assumed that the student is not presenting. If
funding is approved for conference attendance, this is dependent on the abstract(s) being
Additional Guidance: The fund will cover the travel costs involved in attending conferences, but
it will not pay conference registration fees nor accommodation costs. (A contribution towards
subsistence, calculated at £20 per day will be included subject to maximum values)
Sir Thomas Dixon Travelling Scholarships
Regulations: These Scholarships were founded by Edith, Lady Dixon, DBE, in 1962 in memory
of her husband Sir Thomas Dixon, Bart.
One or more travelling scholarships may be awarded each year to undergraduate and
postgraduate students of Queens University intending to pursue cultural activities abroad.
The scholarships will be awarded by Academic Affairs on the recommendation of the
Scholarships and Awards Group. The value of the scholarships and the conditions under
which they are to be held will be approved in each case by the Academic Council.
The holder of a scholarship will be required to furnish a report to the Scholarships and
Awards Group, Academic Affairs on the activities engaged in during the tenure of the
Application forms for the scholarships may be obtained from Academic Affairs or on the
website and should be returned no later than
the specified closing date. Each application should state clearly the place or places
abroad which applicants wish to visit and the activities in which they propose to engage.
Note: Applicants must explain how their trip will involve the pursuit of “cultural activities
abroad”, although this phrase is interpreted in the broader sense in recognition of the
fact that travel broadens the horizons and facilitates personal development.
Additional Guidance: The fund will cover the travel costs involved in pursuing cultural activities
abroad, but it will not pay accommodation costs. (A contribution towards subsistence,
calculated at £20 per day will be included subject to maximum values).
First Trust Travel Scholarship
Regulations: This Scholarship was established in 1982 through a donation by the Trustee Savings
Bank of Northern Ireland to the Development Appeal.
One Scholarship of up to £650 may be awarded annually to an undergraduate student or graduate of
Queen’s for the purpose of travel outside the British Isles in connection with a programme planned to
extend their educational experience. The value and tenure of the award and the conditions under
which it may be held will be approved by Academic Affairs on the recommendation of the
Scholarships and Awards Group. The award is not tenable with any other Travel Scholarship or
travel grant. The holder of the Scholarship will be required to furnish a report to the Group on the
completion of the programme.
Note: Only one First Trust award is available, so applicants are advised to apply for other awards for
which they are eligible.
Additional Guidance: The fund will cover travel costs involved in travelling outside the British Isles,
but it will not pay conference registration fees nor accommodation costs. (A contribution towards
subsistence, calculated at £20 per day will be included subject to maximum values).