La comida - Spanish World HK

Spanish World Syllabus for TEENS IGCSE Exam
The following syllabus structures the Spanish course in such a way that students will reach the
required proficiency of the target language (Spanish) after completion of the whole program to
successfully pass IGCSE/GCSE exams.
The program is divided in 3 yearly courses with a significant change after completion of the 3 rd
course, where students, according Cambridge Curriculum, will be able to pass the GCSE and
IGCSE examination.
In order to properly cover all the necessary contents of the GCSE and IGCSE, Cambridge Exam of
Spanish, it is recommended by the official institutions that students get an exposure to the
target language for at least 230-300 hours of lecturing classes. (in addition, homerwork and
review at home is absolutely necessary).
Following this approximate amount of hours it would take around 3 years to cover the whole
content. For the 3rd and final year it is necessary for the student to have 3 hours of Spanish per
After considering all the factors mentioned above, we structure the program as follows:
Hours of exposure
Spanish year 1
Once per Week
Spanish year 2
Once per Week
Spanish year 3
Twice per Week
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
The satisfactory result of our previous students makes us to be positive about the outcome of the
proposed program. After each module the student will be tested. Exams include the following aspects:
speaking, reading, listening and writing. Composition, readings, grammar and vocabulary are included
CONTENTS TO COVER: Classes of 1.5 hours
The number of hours suggested for the first year is around 60, although a higher number might
be advisable.
There will be a test at the end of each module.
Introducing yourself
Counting up to 15. Using the Verb “tener” to give your age
Counting up to 31. Saying when your birthday is
Spanish alphabet. Using indefinite article “un/una”
Talking about the classroom. Understanding the definite article el/la
En el Instituto
 Talking about your school subjects. Using the -ar verb estudiar
 Saying what you do in lessons. Understanding regular -ar, -er and -ir verbs
 Talking about your teachers. Using adjectives that end in -o/-a
 Giving opinions and reasons. Understanding all adjectives agreement
 Talking about snacks. Using the verbs comer and beber
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
Mi Familia
Talking about your brothers and sisters. Using possessive adjectives mi/s, tu/s, su/s
Counting up to 100. Talking about your family
Talking about your pets. Making colors agree with nouns.
Talking about your appearance and character. Using the verb ser
Talking about eyes and hair. Using adjectives after nouns
En casa
Talking about where you live. Recognising all forms of verb vivir
Describing where you live. Using the verb estar for locations
Talking about the rooms in your home. Recognising all forms of -ar and -er verbs
Describing your bedroom. Using prepositions
Talking about activities you do in your bedroom. Using stem-changing verbs
El Tiempo libre
Saying what you do in your free time. Using the verbs salir and hacer
Telling the time. Using the verb ir
Talking about sports. Practising pronunciation
Saying what you like to do. Using me gusta and the infinitive
Saying what you are going to do. Using the verb ir and the infinitive
En la ciudad
Saying what your town is like. Building longer sentences using porque and pero
Asking about places in town. Using hay to say what there is
Making and responding to invitations. Using the verb querer
Talking about the weather. Using cuando to join bits of information
Using two tenses together. Saying what you do in town.
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
La gente
Talking about activities. Expressing opinions using me gusta …
Describing friends using adjectives. Using y, pero, también, nunca
Describing celebrities. Comparing things using más … que
Using reflexive verbs. Using sequencing words.
Understanding nationalities. Writing an extended text.
¿Vamos a salir?
Talking about places in town. Using the near future tense
Practising the present and near future tenses. Using sequencing words
Inviting someone to go out. Adding expression to your spoken Spanish
Making excuses. Using querer and poder
Saying what someone else likes or dislikes. Using phrases with infinitives
Mis vacaciones
Saying where you went on holiday. Saying what it was like
Saying how you travelled. Using the preterite of ser and ir
Saying what you did on holiday. Using the preterite of -ar verbs
Giving more details of your holidays. Expressing opinions about past events
Giving a presentation about holidays. Using the present and the preterite together.
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
The number of hours suggested for the second year is around 70, although a higher number
might be advisable.
There will be a test at the end of each module. The exam includes: speaking, reading, listening
and writing. Composition, grammar and vocabulary will be included too.
MODULES DESCRIPTION: Classes of 1.5 hours
La comida
Talking about mealtimes. Understanding time expressions
Shopping for food. Using high numbers
Eating at a restaurant. Understanding the difference between tú and usted
Talking about a past meal. Using the preterite of -er and -ir verbs
Talking about likes and dislikes. Using past, present and future together
De moda
Talking about clothes. Making colours agree
Talking about school uniform. Using comparative adjectives (más … que)
Choosing an item of clothing. Using superlative adjectives
Talking about a trip to Argentina. Using the present and near future tenses
Saying what you wore to a fancy dress ball. Using past, present and future tenses
Saying what there is to see and do in Barcelona. Justifying your opinions of a place
Talking about different types of shop. Using se puede to say what can be bought there
Asking for and giving directions. Using estar to describe where something is
Describing a holiday in Barcelona. Combining past, present and future tenses
Reading a story set in Barcelona. Writing creatively
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
Los medios de comunicación
Talking about what you use computers for. Practising the present tense
Talking about television programmes. Giving opinions using adjectives
Comparing films. Using the near future tense
Talking about different types of music. Practising the preterite
Describing what a film is about. Using the present tense and preterite together
El instituto
Describing your school. Asking and answering questions
Talking about school subject options. Using a mí, a ti, etc., for emphasis
Giving opinions about teachers. Using superlatives
Talking about school rules. Using se debe and se puede
Talking about after-school clubs. Using three tenses together
La salud
Learning the parts of the body. Using me duele and me duelen
Describing symptoms. Using tener and estar correctly
Talking about healthy and unhealthy food. Using direct object pronouns
Talking about healthy living. Using para to make more complex sentences
Talking about lifestyle changes. Using three tenses together
Ganarse la vida
Talking about earning and spending money. Using third-person verb forms
Talking about what you would like to do. Using me gustaría
Talking about jobs. Using masculine and feminine job titles
Talking about using languages at work. Using three tenses together
Talking about winning the lottery. Using the future tense
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
Learning more about Spanish-speaking countries. Creating a poster about a Spanishspeaking country.
Describing working conditions. Using reflexive verbs
Talking about environmental problems. Using the conditional of deber
Talking about famous people. Using the preterite in the ‘he/she’ form
Talking about fair trade. Using three tenses together.
Mi casa es tu casa
Visiting a Spanish family. Learning about a region of Spain
Asking permission. Using modal verbs
Buying train tickets. Using usted
Learning about Bilbao. Using three tenses together
Writing a letter. Forming complex sentences
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
CONTENTS TO COVER: Classes of 1.5 hours. Two classes per week
The number of hours suggested for the third year is around 100, although a higher number
might be advisable.
There will be a test at the end of each module. The exam includes: speaking, reading, listening
and writing. Composition, grammar and vocabulary will also be included.
MODULES DESCRIPTION: Extract from the Year Syllabus. Not all included.
De vacaciones
Talking about where you went .Using the preterite. Extending sentences with
Talking about holidays and weather. Using irregular verbs in the preterite. Learning
phrases meaning the same thing
Describing accommodation. Using the imperfect tense for description. Giving and
justifying opinions
Talking about holiday activities. Using the imperfect and the preterite together. Learning
question words
Booking a hotel room. Using verbs with usted . Dealing with unpredictable questions
Making complaints in a hotel. Using me hace falta . Joining ideas with connectives
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
De Paseo Por Sevilla
Giving personal information. Using the present tense. Extending sentences with cuando
Talking about means of transport. Using adverbs. Listening for the 24-hour clock
Planning a day out. Using the near future. Understanding questions
Asking for and understanding directions. Using imperatives. Using sequencers
(primero…, después…)
Ordering in a restaurant. Using me gusta + article, como without article. Working with
distractors while listening and reading
Describing a day out. More of the preterite and the imperfect. Recognising and
expressing mixed opinions
Talking about festivals. Understanding three time frames. Using para to extend
A clase
Giving opinions on school subjects. Using me gusta, me encanta, etc… Revising basic
Describing your school routine. Using the present tense with time expressions.
Improving your spoken and written texts.
Describing school uniform and rules. Using phrases followed by an infinitive. Giving and
justifying opinions
Describing teachers. Using comparatives and superlatives. Agreeing and disagreeing.
Describing school pressures and problems. Using quantifiers (muy…, un poco…).
Improving your reading skills.
Describing the schools of the future. Using the future tense. Using questions to form
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email:
Talking about your family. Using possessive adjectives. Saying numbers and dates.
Talking about relationships. Using ser and estar. Talking about the present and the
Talking about daily routine. Using reflexive verbs. Using desde hace (for…).
Talking about chores. Using the present, preterite and imperfect tenses. Using
Describing people’s personalities. Talking about relationships in the past and present.
Making deductions while listening.
Talking about experiences and hopes. Using three time frames. Extending answers
Los Trabajos
Revising jobs and places of work. Revising masculine and feminine nouns. Improving
your pronunciation of cognates
Describing part-time jobs. Using tener que + infinitive. Extending spoken and
written answers.
Describing work experience. Using the preterite and the imperfect. Using adverbs of
time and frequency
Spanish World Hong Kong. Room 404. 4/F. 6 & 8 Pottinger Street. Central. Hong Kong
Tel: +852 2526 9927 Fax: +852 3105 2231 Email: