House Hunters Architectural Photography Scavenger Hunt PROJECT TITLE: ARCHITECTURAL SCAVENGER HUNT COURSE: INTERIOR DESIGN TOPIC: Architectural Styles TOTAL DURATION: 6 HOURS CONTENT STANDARD: 1. Compare historical architectural details to current housing and interior design trends. PRIMARY CONCERN: How do today’s homes reflect historical and contemporary architectural styles and features? MATERIALS/EQUIPMENT AND TECHNOLOGY RESOURCES: References Architecture Handouts and Illustrations Video on American Housing Styles Cameras Poster Supplies Power Point Presentation on Architecture PROCEDURES/ACTIVITIES/EXPERIENCES: In groups of three to five, students will be assigned a neighborhood and will find houses which represent specific architectural styles and features. Each group will make at least 20-25 pictures of selected styles and features. After the pictures are developed, the students will make a poster which identifies the architectural features and styles. 1. In small groups students research, summarize, and present to the class specific architectural styles of American housing from 17th century to present. 2 hours 2. Students sketch selected architectural features. 2o minutes. 3. Students view video “American Architecture” and complete Name That Style Quiz. 40 minutes. 4. Students watch power point presentation on styles and features of architecture. 30 minutes 5. Teacher gives directions for project with time for questions and review. 20 minutes 6. In groups students go into community and take pictures of homes which illustrate specific architectural styles and features. 50 minutes 7. Groups make a poster using pictures from photography scavenger hunt which identifies at least 25 different items from given list. 55 minutes. ASSESSMENT: Notebook Check on class questions and illustrations Name That Style Activity ( Student checked) Scavenger Hunt Poster ( Teacher-developed Rubric) INTEGRATED CURRICULUM: History – Relate historical events to the development of housing styles ARCHITECTURAL FEATURES ARCHITECTURAL STYLES PICTURE WINDOW BAY WINDOW DORMER WINDOW SHED DORMER FANLIGHT GABLE ROOM GAMBREL ROOF HIP ROOF PALLADIAN WINDOW PEDIMENT BROKEN PEDIMENT SIDELIGHTS STUCCO TURRET CORNICE COLONIAL REVIVAL QUEEN ANNE/VICTORIAN NEO-ECLECTIC/TRADITIONAL CAPE COD CLASSICAL GREEK REVIVAL BUNGALOW DUTCH COLONIAL REVIVAL PRAIRIE STYLE GEORGIAN RANCH BASEMENT RANCHER TRI-LEVEL OR SPLIT LEVEL SPAINISH OR MISSION STYLE TUDOR CONTEMPORARY OR INTERNATIONAL ENGLISH SALTBOX ITALIANATE GOTHIC ADAM FRENCH A-FRAME GARRISON COUNTRY FARMHOUSE TRANSOM GINGERBREAD PILASTERS MANSARD ROOF COLUMNS WIDOW’S WALK FLAT ROOF PORTIC0 SYMMETRICAL BALANCE CORNER QUOINS KEYSTONES KEYSTONE LINTELS FANLIGHT WINDOW OR HALF ROUND WINDOW CASEMENT WINDOWS MUNTINS DIAMOND MUNTINS HALF ROUND WINDOW LOUVERS BALCONY OTHER STYLES AND FEATURES MAY BE INCLUDED WHICH AREN’T ON THE LIST – 1 BONUS POINT WILL BE ADDED FOR EVERY ITEM OVER 25. Dr. Janis Simpson Grissom HS 256-428-8000