Invited Presentations - University of Manitoba

Michelle Alfa
Environmental Services: The Front Line in the Battle of Bugs. Presented at Patient Safety Forum: Canada’s
Forum on Patient Safety & Quality Improvement. Toronto, ON. April 30, 2009.
The Who, When and Why of Isolation Precautions. Presented via Webinar for Webber Training Inc. December
18, 2008.
Water for the Reprocessing of Medical Devices: Key Aspects of TIR34. Presented with Dr. Steve Goldstein via
Webinar TIR 34 for AAMI . October 16, 2008.
Clostridium difficile: Unique Nosocomial Model. Presented via Webinar for CHICA. Montreal, Quebec. September
25, 2008.
Environmental Cleaning: MRSA. Presented via Webinar for CHICA. September 16, 2008.
The A0 Concept for Steam Sterilization. Presented at CSA meeting. Halifax, NS. July 28, 2008.
Fred Aoki
Knowledge of Pharmacokinetics and Clinical Effects of Neuraminidase Inhibitors for Seasonal Influenza can be
Translated to Pandemic Influenza. Medical, Scientific and Historical Lessons from the Great Avian (H1N1)
“Spanish” Influenza Pandemic of 1918: The 90th Anniversary. November 10, 2008. The Imperial War Museum,
London, U.K.
Harvey Artsob
Scientific activities at the National Microbiology Laboratory: Addressing infectious disease threats at home and
abroad. Manitoba Science Academy, July 21, Pinawa, Manitoba, 2008.
Case Study: West Nile Virus. Taking an integrated national public health approach to an emerging infectious
disease in Canada. APEC Health Working Group Workshop ‘One Health - Moving from Concept to Practice’,
August 13-15, Lima, Peru, 2008.
Historical aspects of eastern and western equine encephalitis virus activity in Canada. National Meeting on West
Nile Virus and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic Diseases. January 21-22, Ottawa, Ontario, 2009.
Zoonotic disease activities at the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory and the potential for collaborative
projects in Kenya. Annual Review Meeting of the University of Nairobi STD/AIDS collaborative group. January 2630, Nairobi, Kenya, 2009.
Blake Ball
Identification of Differentially expresses proteins in the Cervical Mucosa. Invited Talk: NIH Workshop-Evaluation
of Cellular Mucosal Immunity June 15-16, 2009 Potomac MD.
HIV/TB co-infection: A growing public health issue. Invited Talk: Public Health Agency of Canada Research
Forum. Winnipeg, Manitoba March 17-18, 2009.
Correlates of protection against HIV: Systems biology approaches to study HIV exposed, yet uninfected subjects
Invited Talk: Research in progress seminar Chinese CDC, Beijing China, February 20, 2009.
Correlates of protection against HIV: What can we learn from exposed, yet uninfected subjects? Invited Talk:
First annual Chinese HIV vaccine Meeting, Beijing China February 21, 2009.
Immunity not Luck: Comprehensive studies of mechanisms of HIV resistance in highly exposed uninfected
women. Invited Talk: The 5th Key Symposium, mucosal immunity and novel hiv-vaccine concepts, Stockholm
Sweden, September 11 – 13, 2008.
Correlates of protection against HIV: What can we learn from exposed, yet uninfected subjects? Invited Talk:
CAPT Network Steering Committee Meeting Entebbe, Uganda, January 23, 2009.
Natural Models of susceptibility to HIV Infection. The Pumwani CSW cohort. University of Nairobi Collaborative
Centre for Research and Training in HIV/AIDS/STIs Annual Scientific Review and Planning meeting. Nairobi
Kenya, January 26-30th, 2009.
Marissa Becker
Cultures in the Emergency Room. City Wide Emergency Rounds. May 13, 2009.
HIV Overview. Physician Assistant Program. June 8, 2009.
Kathryn Bernard
Reference Services, Health Care delivery in Canada, a brief overview and Mini briefing on creating a national
culture collection for Canada. Presentation Oct 23 2008 for Russian scientists from Obolensk, Russia
Corynebacterium species and Coryneforms: no longer conumdrums. Southern California ASM (SCASM) 72 nd
annual meeting, Nov. 14 2008 La Jolla California.
Becoming Leaders: a workshop for women in the federal Science and Technology community. Nov. 26 2008 at
NRC Institute, Winnipeg MB. [to comment on lengthy career to women who are early on in their careers].
James Blanchard
August, 2008: “Program Science and the National Collaborating Centre for Infectious Diseases”. National
Collaborating Centres for Public Health Summer Institute on Knowledge Translation. Kelowna, Canada.
November, 2008: “The Importance of Knowledge Synthesis and Knowledge Exchange in STD Prevention”. EGE
University, Kusadasi, Turkey.
Stephanie Booth
Invited seminar DPZ (German Primate Centre), University of Gottingen, Germany “Identification of Gene
Regulatory Circuits in Neurons Microdissected from Prion-Infected Mouse Brain” 2009.
Seminar PrioNet, Edmonton “Temporal changes in gene expression in micro-dissected degenerating neurons of
the hippocampus and cerebellum in mouse scrapie” 2009.
Seminar Neuroprion, Madrid, Spain “Identification of Neuron-specific gene Regulatory Circuits Involved in PrionInduced Neurodegeneration” 2008.
Timothy Booth
Structural Molecular Insights into SARS Coronavirus Cellular Attachment, Entry and Morphogenesis. Thursday,
18th June, 36th Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, 16-19 June
Overview of Pandemic Research at the PHAC National Microbiology Laboratory. Invited presentation. Canadian
Pandemic Preparedness Meeting: from Discovery to Frontlines. Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 6 th, 2008.
Roles of Canadian Laboratories in Pandemic Influenza Preparedness. APHL/CPHLN Cross Border Influenza
Summit, Renaissance Hotel at the Rogers Centre Toronto, Ontario, September 16-17, 2008.
Emerging respiratory viruses: SARS, influenza and pandemics. University of Winnipeg Lecture Series, October 16,
Eric Bow
Jan 29-Feb 2, 2009
64th Annual Conference of Association of Physicians of India (APICON-2009)
India Expo Centre, Greater Noida, New Delhi, India
 Guest Lecture: “Systemic Fungal Infections: Recent Concepts in Treatment”
 Guest Panelist, Case-Based Discussion: “New Perspectives, New Strategies: Systemic
Fungal Infections”
 Teaching medical students at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS), New
Delhi, India
March 6, 2009
19th Focus on Fungal Infections (FOFI) Conference,
Fort Myers, Florida
Presentation: Aspergillosis in neutropenic patients
May 5, 2009
Haematology/Oncology Regional Grand Rounds, Section of
Haematology/Oncology, UofM and Department of Medical Oncology and Haematology,
CancerCare Manitoba.
Presentation: “Flu Wars, Preparing for the Unpredictable, Episode VI”
June 18-20, 2009
26th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection / AMMI Canada /
CACMID Annual Conference, Toronto, ON
1. AMMI Symposium on Preventing Infection in Patients Receiving Exogenous
Presentation: “Reduction of the Risks and Consequences of Invasive Fungal Infection in
Acute Leukaemia or Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant: Prevention or Pre-emption,
Value Added or Value Squandered?”
2. Satellite Symposium: The Evidence for Combination antifungal therapy – Wishful
Thinking vs. Prudent Practice. A Pros & Cons Debate. (Dr. Bow, Moderator)
3. Satellite Symposium: Fungal infections in patients with hematological malignancies.
How good are we at early diagnosis, treatment, and ultimately saving lives?
Presentation: “Risk Stratification: Insights into treatment strategy”
David Butler-Jones
National Meeting on Promotion and Prevention, Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico July 5, 2008.
AIDS 2008 Conference: Co-Infection Satellite Session Mexico City. August 6, 2008.
IFA 9th Global Conference on Ageing - Creating an Enabling Environment – A Public Health Perspective
September 6, 8:40AM, Montréal.
Regina Chamber of Commerce - Sept 18, 2008.
83rd Regular Meeting of the Inter-American Children’s Institute (IIN) Directing Council, October 16, 2008.
Symposium on Chronic Disease and Aging, November 6, 2008, Montreal.
Global Indigenous STOP-TB Expert Meeting November 13, 2008 Toronto.
2008 Immunization Conference November 30, 2008 Toronto, Ontario.
Policy Research Initiative 4th Annual Symposium of the Population, Work and Family Policy Research
Collaboration December 10, 2008.
Public Health Association of BC AGM Workshop - Responding to Health Inequities – The Role of Public Health –
Vancouver, BC, December, 2008.
Agri- food Innovation Forum, Toronto, February 11, 2009.
Policy Think Tank on the Public Health Perspective on Emotional Maltreatment in Early Childhood, March 12,
2009, Ottawa.
Expert Consultation: “One World One Health – From Ideas to Action.” March 16, 2009, Winnipeg.
Taming of the Queue VI: “Mitigating demand through primary prevention” March 27, 2009, Ottawa.
Harvard University Club of Ottawa: Insights into Cutting-Edge Research in Disease Prevention and Nutrition
March 31, 2009.
Barrie Oncology Conference, May 8, 2009, Barrie ON.
Risk Tolerance & Pro-active Risk Management in the Public Sector, hosted by the Financial Management Institute
of Canada, June 1, 2009, Regina.
CPHA Annual Conference, June 7, 2009 Winnipeg.
Kevin Coombs
Quantitative proteomics to measure host protein responses in virus-infected cells. Canadian Proteome Society,
Winnipeg, October 15, 2008.
Global quantitative and functional analyses of virus-host interaction. Public Health Agency of Canada, Winnipeg,
March 17, 2009.
Maryanne Crockett
CaNTRIP: the development of a Canadian research network for immigrant health and travel-related illnesses.
Manitoba Institute of Child Health Research Day, University of Manitoba, Oct. 2, 2008.
Hot Topics in Pediatric Infectious Diseases. Pediatric CME, University of Manitoba, Oct. 9, 2008.
Beware Rufus, Boots, and Spot! Pet-associated Infections. Bug Day 2008, University of Manitoba, Oct. 21, 2008.
Immigrant and Travel Health in Children: What do we know and what should we be doing? Pediatric Grand
Rounds, University of Manitoba, March 19, 2009.
Michael Drebot
West Nile Virus Load and Variant Characterization in Canadian Blood Donors, Patient Sera, and Mosquito Pools
Collected During the 2006-07 Seasons. National Meeting on West Nile virus and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic
Diseases. Jan 21-22, Ottawa, Ontario.
An Overview of California Serogroup Virus Diagnostics and Surveillance in Canada in 2008. National Meeting on
West Nile virus and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic Diseases. Jan 21-22, Ottawa, Ontario.
John Embil
A View from the Trenches: Cases in Infectious Diseases. Friday @ Noon 2008-2009 Video Conference Session.
Continuing Medical Education for the University of Manitoba, Rural and Remote Physicians. Winnipeg, Manitoba,
September 29, 2008,
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and Clostridium difficile: Global Issues of Emerging and Reemerging
Diseases University of Winnipeg Over 55 Course. October 9, 2008.
Infection Control: Why We Do What We Do! Medical Grand Rounds, Universtiy of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba
October 21, 2008.
Workshop: Guidelines for the Prevention of Endocarditis: Have They Gone too Far? Canadian Cardiovascular
Congress. Toronto, Ontario, October 27, 2008.
A View from the Trenches: Infectious Diseases Case Histories in Otolaryngology. Otolaryngology Grand Rounds,
University of Manitoba. November 26, 2008.
Never a Dull Moment: Case Histories in Infectious Diseases. Universtiy of Manitoba Continuing Medical
Education Program for Family Physicians. Boundary Trails Hospital, Steinbach, Manitoba. March 12, 2009.
Antibiotics and the Vascular Surgeon: Current Status. Winnipeg Vascular and Endovascular Continuing Medical
Education Symposium. The Fairmont, Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba , April 25, 2009.
Never a Dull Moment. Infection Prevention and Control National Emergency Nurses Affiliation, 2009 National
Conference. Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 25, 2009.
Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus – Treatment or Not? 51st Annual Scientific Assembly and Business
Meeting Family Medicine Issues and Updates 2009. Manitoba College of Family Physicians. Winnipeg, Manitoba,
May 2, 2009.
Hot Topics – A Year in Review. Community Hospital Infection Control Association – 2009 Education Conference.
St. John’s, Newfoundland, May 13, 2009.
Connecting the Dots: The Diabetic Foot in Clinical Practice. Pedorthic Association of Canada. Winnipeg,
Manitoba, June 6, 2009.
Joanne Embree
Re-emerging pathogens in the acute care setting. CPS-Lifelong learning in Paediatrics – Winter 2009 Course,
Banff Canada, March 13, 2009.
Antiviral agents other than retrovirals. CPS-Lifelong learning in Paediatrics – Winter 2009 Course, Banff Canada,
March 14, 2009.
Update on vaccines. CPS-Lifelong learning in Paediatrics – Winter 2009 Course, Banff Canada, March 15, 2009.
Infections and the Environment – HIV as an example. Children’s Hospital 100th year Centenary Symposium.
Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 6, 2009.
H1N1 Experience in Manitoba, 86th Annual Conference Canadian Paediatric Society, Ottawa, Ontario, June 23-26,
Margaret Fast
NCCID HIV/STBBI Knowledge Synthesis & Exchange Follow-up Forum: Designing Comprehensive Prevention
Programs. Vancouver, BC. March 12,13 , 2009.
NCCID Northern Knowledge Exchange Forum: Whitehorse, YT. March 26,27 2009.
CPHA Infectious Disease Cluster – Winnipeg. MB. June 8, 2009.
Heinrich Feldmann
Function of Ebola Virus Glycoproteins in Pathogenesis and Immune Response. University of Montana, Division of
Biological Science. Montana Biotechnology Center. Missoula, Montana, USA (2009).
Ebola and Marburg Viruses: Epidemiology, Ecology and Host Adaptation. Zoonoses: Diseases from nature. Yale
School of Public Health. New Haven, CT, USA (2009).
Vaccines to Combat Viral hemorrhagic Fevers. Vaccines for Emerging and Reemerging Infectious Diseases.
Jefferson Vaccine Center, second annual retreat, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA (2009).
Pre- and Post-Exposure Vaccination for Viral hemorrhagic Fevers. Immunology and Pathogenesis of Viral
hemorrhagic Fevers. Emory Vacine Center, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2009).
Ebola Virus in Rodent Models: Adaptation, Persistence, reactivation. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
Division of Viral and Rickettsial Diseases, Seminar series. Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2009).
Overview of RML Integrated Research Facility. Systems Virology Kickoff Meeting, Seattle, Washington, USA
Overview of RML Integrated Research Facility. NIAID South Africa Delegation Visit, Johannesburg, South Africa
Ebola virus in rodent models: Adaptation, Persitence, Reactivation. NIAID South Africa Delegation Visit,
Johannesburg, South Africa (2009).
Bunyaviridae. University of Lyon, Lyon, France (2009).
Viral Hemorrhagic Fevers – Vaccines. Amercian Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene (ASTMH), Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, Louisana, USA.
In vivo disease modeling of high containment pathogens. Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA
Ebola virus in rodent models: adaptation, persistence, reactivation. USAMRIID, Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland,
USA (2008).
Exotic viral infections: preparedness and response. Global Health Lecture Series, The Institute of Medicine and
Humanities, St. Patreick Hospital and Health Sciences Center, Missoula, Montana, USA (2008).
Ebola and Marburg viruses: immunopathology and immunoprotection. CYTOKINES 2008, 7 th Joint Meeting of the
ICS and ISICR, Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2008).
Filoviruses: ecology and countermeasures. XIVth International Congress of Virology, Istanbul, Turkey (2008).
Lethal infection of macaques by 1918 influenza virus. “Severe Viral Infections”, International Shock Congress,
Cologne, Germany (2008).
From theory to practice: working in outbreak situations. Training Course on Microbiological and Epidemiological
Aspects of Outbreak Investigations, ECDC/RIVM Joint Training Course, Bilthoven, The Netherlands (2008).
Replicating vector protects against lethal filovirus and arenavirus challenge. 4 th Canadian Gene Therapy and
Vaccines Symposium. Montreal, Quebec, Canada (2008).
The role of field diagnostics in outbreak investigations. 4th International Symposium on Filoviruses – Filoviruses:
Cellular Systems and Ecosystems Study Towards Outbreak Assessment, Libreville, Gabon (2008).
Emergency vaccines to combat viral hemorrhagic fevers. Vaccine & Gene Therapy Institute (VGTI), Portland,
Oregon, USA (2008).
The diagnostic response to rare viral infections. European Society for Clincial Virology (ESCV), 2008 Annual
Meeting, Saariselkä, Lapland, Finland (2008).
The role of filovirus (Ebola. Marburg) glycoproteins in pathogenesis and immunity. “Evolving Pathogens – Current
Infectious Diseases – Molecular Principles in Pathogenesis and Immunity”, BMFZ Meeting, Duesseldorf, Germany
Keith Fowke
Manitoba HIV Clinical Group. The immunobiology of HIV infection: from Manitoba to Kenya and back again.
March 2, 2009. Winnipeg, Manitoba.
“HIV Basic Science Research in the Prairies”, invited speaker at the HIV Research in the Prairies Mixer concurrent
with the Annual Canadian Association of HIV Research (CHAR) Conference, April 25 th 2009, Vancouver. BC.
“A collaborative approach to research: experience in HIV" Invited speaker to Canadian Society of Nuclear
Medicine Annual Meeting, May 8, 2009, Winnipeg, MB.
“Can an HIV Vaccine be a reality?” Canadian Science Fair. May 11, 2009 University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.
“Understanding the mechanisms of natural resistance to HIV infection” May 20, 2009. Global Public Health Week.
Centre for Global Public Health, University of Manitoba May 20-21.
Lawrence Gelmon
Summary of Univ. Manitoba activities in Kenya – given at Global Health Conference, Univ. Manitoba, May 2009.
Matthew Gilmour
Canadian Field Epidemiology Program. “Use of the laboratory during Outbreak Investigations”. Ottawa, ON.
September 9th, 2008.
Wellcome Trust Sanger Genome Sequencing Institute. “Applied Research for Response to Bacterial Outbreaks and
Preparedness for Biothreat Agents”. Hinxton, Cambridgeshire, UK. November 11, 2008.
Morag Graham
Hepatology Research Rounds, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB, Dec 12, 2008:
“Host genomics of Hepatitis C antiviral treatment response” (Invited Oral Presentation).
Greg Hammond
The ABC’s of New Vaccine Program Planning in Canada – the HPV Vaccine Story. Presented at the 8th Canadian
Immunization Conference, Toronto, ON, Dec 1, 2008.
New Vaccine Policy and Program Development. Satellite Symposium on The Vaccine Pipeline, organized by the
International centre for Infectious Diseases, held in conjunction with the Canadian Public Health Association
meeting, Winnipeg, June 7, 2009.
Public Health Priorities for New Vaccines. Satellite Symposium, organized by PREVENT, and held in conjunction
with the Canadian Public Health Association meeting, Winnipeg, June 8, 2009.
Kent HayGlass
U Guelph, AAI, AAAAI, NIH, Seattle, UWO, U Sask
Daryl Hoban
Nov 12/08 – Invited speaker – Wyeth Critical Care Symposium – Toronto, ON
Nov 21/08 – Invited speaker – Merck Frosst – Toronto, ON
Nov 25-26/08 – Invited speaking tour – Wyeth – Toronto, ON
Jan 28/09 – Invited speaker – Academic Half Day – Winnipeg, MB
Jan 28/09 – Invited speaker – Abbott - Four Rivers Medical Clinic, Winnipeg, MB
Mar 12/09 – Invited speaker – Abbott – Four Rivers Medical Clinic, Winnipeg, MB
Apr 13/09 – Invited speaker – Abbott – Steinbach Medical Clinic, Steinbach, MB
Alan Jackson
Rabies. Presented at Neuroscience Rounds at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba on October 24,
Rabies. Presented at the Community Medicine Residency Program Rounds at the University of Manitoba in
Winnipeg, Manitoba on November 7, 2008.
Rabies. Presented at the Infectious Diseases / Medical Microbiology Academic Half Day at the University of
Manitoba in Winnipeg, Manitoba on January 7, 2009.
Rabies. Presented at the course on Infections of the Nervous System at the American Academy of Neurology
Annual Meeting in Seattle, WA on April 26, 2009.
Steven J.M. Jones (B.C.)
University of Calgary, Clark H. Smith Brain Tumour Centre, Calgary, Alberta. April 2009. Invited Speaker. Title:
Massively parallel sequencing approaches for cancer research.
Simon Fraser University, Department of Biosciences, Evolutionary Genetics, Vancouver, BC. April 2009. Invited
Speaker. Title: Applications for massively parallel DNA sequencing technology.
Simon Fraser University, Medicinal Chemistry, Vancouver, BC. Jan. 2009. Invited Lecturer. Title: Genomics, Virtual
Screening and Drug Discovery.
Simon Fraser University, Cancer Molecular Mechanisms, Vancouver, BC. Nov. 2008. Invited Lecturer. Title:
Reading the Genome.
Uppsala University, Uppsala Sweden. Oct. 2008. Invited Lecturer. Title: Using ChIP-Seq to Understand Gene
Regulatory Control.
Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre Symposium, Melbourne, Australia. Oct. 2008. Invited Speaker. Title: Histone
Modification and Genetic Regulatory Control.
Joshua Kimani
Benefit Sharing with Developing Countries: - Johannesburg SA 30-31 October 2008. How should human sample
donors in developing countries be compensated for their donation? The Doctors' Perspective .
African Society of Human Genetics (AfSHG) meeting: March 13-15, 2009. Biological samples repositories in Africa
for “Human Origins, Genetic Diversity and Health”.
Thomas Klonisch
AACR Meeting, Denver, Colorado, 2009: Thyroid cancer and telomeres.
RELAXIN 2008, 5th International Conference on Relaxin and related peptide hormones. Hawaii, USA, 2008. Chair
Tumorbiology Session and Invited Speaker.
David Knox
Oxidative Stress and Prion Pathogenesis, 6th Meeting of the Canadian Oxidative Stress Consortium, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, May, 2009.
Presentation to the Chief Provincial Veterinarian of Alberta on the status of live animal testing for BSE, Edmonton,
Alberta, May 2009.
Validation and Biochemical Characterization of a Urine-based BSE Biomarker. From Baden to Banff. April 2009.
Characterization of a BSE Biomarker. The third annual PrP Canada conference. Edmonton, Alberta. March 2009.
The identification of disease-Induced biomarkers in the urine of BSE infected cattle. 2-D DIGE User Group
Meeting, Chapel Hill, North Carolina, November 2008.
The identification of disease-Induced biomarkers in the urine of BSE infected cattle. Canadian Proteome Society,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 2008.
The identification of biomarkers in the urine of BSE infected cattle. NeuroPrion, Madrid, Spain, October 2008.
Darwyn Kobasa
Pandemic influenza virus pathogenesis and strategies for rapid development of conventional vaccines, Visiting
Cuban Delegation, National Microbiology Laboratory, October 10, 2008.
Reverse Engineering of Flu: Studies on the Pathogenesis of the 1918 Virus. Canadian Pandemic Preparedness
Meeting, CIHR, Winnipeg, MB, November 6, 2008.
Role of the 1918 influenza virus hemagglutinin in pathogenesis. Rocky Mountain Laboratories, Hamilton Montana.
December 1, 2008.
Denis Krause
Krause, Denis O. 2009. “Does an E. coli cause IBD” GI Forum: Inflammatory Bowel Disease” Winnipeg, Canada,
June 12.
Krause, Denis O. 2009. “Microbiology of the rumen” 1st International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk
Quality, Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China, May 4-6.
Plaizier, J. C., Khafipour, E., Li, S., and Krause, D. O. 2009. “Rumen acidosis and its effects on milk production”
1st International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality, Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China, May 4-6.
Krause, Denis O. 2009. “Nutrition and Gut Health Interactions” Manitoba Agriculture and Rural Initiatives, Smart
Park Lobby Ballroom, Winnipeg, May 29.
Krause, Denis O. 2009. “Update on approaches and technology in characterizing the microbiome” IBD 2009:
Emerging research frontiers on the path to a cure, Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of Canada, Metropolitan Hotel,
Toronto, April 23-25.
Krause, Denis O. 2009. “The human gut microbiome and the possibility that the cause of IBD lies within” From
Bedside to Bench: The role of anti-TNFs in the management of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases,
Sheraton Gateway Hotel, Toronto, April 17-18.
Krause, Denis O. 2008. “Probiotics in the Pig Gut” 2nd Beneficial Microbes Conference, American Society of
Microbiology, Grand Hyatt, Mission Bay, San Diego, October 14.
Krause, Denis O. 2008. “Microbial Ecology of Groundwater under Manure Amended Fields” International
Symposium for Microbial Ecology, Cairns, Australia, August 20.
Anand Kumar
ICU Management of Gram Positive Septicemia . 4th International Symposium on Resistant Gram-Positive
Infections. State University of New York (Buffalo, NY) July 10, 2008.
Infections in AIDS, Transplant Patients and Other Immunocompromised Hosts. Society of Critical Care Medicine
Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Course. (Chicago, IL) August 7, 2008.
Multi-resistant Infections. Society of Critical Care Medicine Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Course.
(Chicago, IL) August 7, 2008.
Speed is Life: Comparison of Antimicrobial and Non-antimicrobial Therapies Impact on Outcome of Septic Shock.
Combined Medical Grand Rounds. St. Luke’s Hospital, University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. (Milwaukee, WI)
September 4, 2008.
Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database. Surgical
Grand Rounds, Vancouver General Hospital (Vancouver, BC) September 17, 2008.
Speed is Life: Comparison of Antimicrobial and Non-antimicrobial Therapies Impact on Outcome of Septic Shock.
Medical Grand Rounds, St. Paul’s Hospital (Vancouver, BC) September 17, 2008.
Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database. City Wide
ID Continuing Education Lecture (Vancouver, BC) September 17, 2008.
Optimizing Antimicrobial Therapy in Sepsis and Septic Shock. Speed is Life. 6th International Conference on
Intensive Care (Quito, Ecuador) Sept 25, 2008.
Myocardial Depression in Sepsis and Septic Shock. 6th International Conference on Intensive Care (Quito,
Ecuador) Sept 25, 2008.
Optimizing Antimicrobial Therapy in Sepsis and Septic Shock. Intensifying Therapy. 6th International Conference
on Intensive Care (Quito, Ecuador) Sept 25, 2008.
Debate: Unilateral With-holding and Withdrawing: Can it ever be done? An intensivist’s perspective. The Grey
Matter Symposium in conjunction with Canadian Critical Care Forum Annual Meeting 2008. (Toronto, Canada)
Nov 10, 2008.
Why Delays of Antimicrobials Matter in Septic Shock. Canadian Critical Care Forum Annual Meeting 2008.
(Toronto, Canada) Nov 11, 2008.
Antibiotic Resistance in the ICU: How We Got Here and Where Are We Going? Multispecialty Grand Rounds. Altru
Medical Center, University of North Dakota (Grand Forks, ND) Jan 7, 2009.
Lessons from the Manitoba Septic Shock Database: Local Epidemiologic and Treatment Trends. Medical Grand
Rounds. Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba (Winnipeg, MB) Jan 27, 2009.
An Alternate Injury Paradigm for Sepsis and Septic Shock and its Implications for Antimicrobial Therapy. Society
of Critical Care Medicine Annual Refresher Course (Nashville, TN) Jan 31, 2009.
Monotherapy vs Combination Antimicrobial Therapy of Sepsis and Septic Shock: Combination Therapy Yields
Improved Outcome. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Scientific Symposium (Nashville, TN) Feb 3, 2009.
Speed is Life: Optimizing Antimicrobial Management of Septic Shock. Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual
Scientific Symposium (Nashville, TN) Feb 4, 2009.
Optimizing Outcomes: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database.
Academy of Infection Management Symposium. Metropole Hotel (London, England) March 16, 2009.
Optimizing Outcomes: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database.
University of Wales Hospital (Cardiff, England) March 17, 2009.
Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database.
Southampton Hospital (Southampton, England) March 17, 2009.
Combination Therapy: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database.
Western General Hospital (Edinburgh, England) March 18, 2009.
Optimizing Outcomes: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database.
University of Manchester University, Wythenshaw Hospital (Manchester, England) March 19, 2009.
Septic Shock: Optimizing Source Control. Surgical Grand Rounds, Health Sciences Centre, University of Manitoba
(Winnipeg, MB) April 2, 2008.
Optimizing Therapy of Life-Threatening Candida Infections. Astellas Advisory Meeting (Montreal, QC) April 17,
Getting it Right, Right Now. Optimizing Outcome in Septic Shock. McGill Critical Care Symposium (Montreal, QC)
April 24, 2008.
Preventing ICU Infections. McGill Critical Care Symposium (Montreal, QC) April 24, 2008.
Septic Shock: Manitoba Epidemiologic and Treatment Trends. Edge of Excellence Conference (Winnipeg, MB)
May 11, 2009.
Optimizing Antimicrobial Therapy in Septic Shock: Code Sepsis: Sepsis syndromes and life-saving therapies.
American Society of Microbiology 109th General Meeting (Philadelphia, PA) May 20, 2009.
Philippe Lagacé-Wiens
Tuberculosis – Clinical and infection control aspects. Presented at the CHICA-Manitoba Retreat Day on November
7, 2008.
Clinical cases in Laboratory Medicine. Presented at the National Canadian Society for Medical Laboratory Science
meeting on October 29, 2008.
Central Line Infections. Presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Vascular Access Association
Winnipeg Chapter on May 6, 2009.
Bugs with Good Press Agents. Presented at the CHICA annual national meeting.
Parasite Primer. Invited Guest Lecturer to the Red River College on June 2, 2009.
Cases in Tropical Medicine. Invited Saint-Boniface Grand Rounds Speaker on June 4, 2009.
Altitude and Travel. Presented to the Manitoba Travel Medicine Network Annual Conference on April 24, 2009.
Post-Travel Case Scenarios – When to Panic, When to Refer and When to Reassure. Presented to the Manitoba
Travel Medicine Network Annual Conference on April 24, 2009.
Chester Morris
National Department of Health South Africa, HIV prevention task force, invited speaker overview of evidence
based prevention interventions.
Stephen Moses
Invited speaker, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, U.K., June 26, 2009. “Scaling up a
focused HIV prevention for female sex workers and MSM in Karnataka, south India: evaluating outputs,
outcomes and impact”.
Invited Oral Session Chair, Eighteenth Biennial Meeting of the International Society for STD Research (ISSTDR),
London, U.K., June 28 – July 1, 2009. “Male Circumcision”.
Michael Mulvey
Invited Speaker. CA-MRSA: Canadian Aspects. 4th International Symposium on Resistant Gram-Positive Infections
(RGP-4), Buffalo, NY, July 10, 2008.
Invited Speaker. State of the Nation: The Reality about Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Canada. University of
Manitoba Bug Day, October 21, 2008.
Grand Rounds, CA-MRSA: A Tail of Two Strains. University of Manitoba, December 9, 2008.
Invited Speaker Livestock-associated MRSA: How concerned should we be? National Meeting on West Nile virus
and Other Non-Enteric Zoonotic Diseases. January 21 & 22, 2009. Ottawa, ON.
Invited Speaker. State of the Nation: MRSA and Clostridium difficile in Canada. Community and Hospital Infection
Control Association (CHICA) Canada Atlantic regional meeting. February 20, 2009.
Speaker and session organizer. Two Community-Associated MRSA Strains Circulating in Canada: Will a Dominant
Strain Emerge? Public Health Agency of Canada Research Forum. March 17, 2009.
Invited Speaker. Antmicrobial Resistance Surveillance Activities in Canada. The Canadian Committee on
Antimicrobial Resistance Surveillance (CCAR), National Consensus Meeting. March 30, 2009.
Invited Speaker. The Molecular Epidemiology of Two Emerging Superbugs in Canada: Toxigenic Clostridium
difficile and Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus. U of M, Microbiology, March 31,
Invited Speaker. Multi-drug Resistant Plasmids. European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
(ESCMID). Helsinki, Finland. May 17, 2009.
Invited Speaker. Anitimicrobial Resistance in Canada: Studies from Farm to Fork and from the Environment to the
Hospital. Antimicrobial Resistance in Agriculture and the Environment (ARAE). Tours, France. June 1, 2009.
Lai-King Ng
Title: PulseNet Canada. Mekong Basin Disease Surveillance (MBDS) Regional Forum. Phnom Penh, Cambodia Aug
25-27, 2008.
Title: CA-MRSA: An Emerging Issue. PAHO Annual Meeting of Microbial Resistance Surveillance and Monitoring
Network. San Salvador, El Salvador. Aug 20-22, 2008.
Title: Laboratory Preparedness for Emerging Bacterial Pathogens. Latin American Congress of Microbiology
Quito, Ecuador. Oct 15-18, 2008.
Title: Integrated Surveillance of Food-borne pathogens in Humans, Food and Environment. XI Encontro Nacional
de Microbiologia Ambiental. Fortaleza, Brazil. Nov 4-7, 2008.
Title: WHO Global Salm-Surv. Shenzhen Centre for Disease Control and Prevention. Shenzhen, Guangdong,
China. Nov 15 - Dec 9, 2008.
Title: Using Molecular Sub-type in Outbreak Investigations. WHO Global Salm-Surv Workshop on Foodborne
Pathogens and Disease Surveillance, Antimicrobial Resistance in Foodborne Pathogens in Southeast Asia.
Bangkok, Thailand. 24 Mar 2009 – 4 Apr 2009.
Wassay Niazi
PHAC presentation on public health problems in Afghanistan.
Presentation on Book with Wings to Medical students at University of Calgary Sep 2009.
Lindsay Nicolle
CME Session. Urology Rounds: Problem UTI’s: An Approach to Management, Winnipeg October 29, 2008.
Invited speaker. Urinary Infection in the Elderly: When does it matter? Geriatric Nephrology Workshop,
American Society of Nephrology Renal Week 2008; Philadelphia, November 5, 2008.
Guest speaker. The Reality of Public Reporting of Healthcare-Associated Infections. CNISP: Public Health
Agency of Canada. Canadian Nosocomial Infection Surveillance Program, Toronto, November 17, 2008.
Visiting Professor: Section of Infectious Diseases and Geriatrics, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Yale University
School of Medicine. Talks: “Problem UTI’s: An Approach to Management and “Challenges in Nursing Home
Infections: Microbiology Conundrums”. New Haven, Connecticut, December 2 - 3, 2008.
Keynote Speaker. Infections in the elderly: Today’s new challenge. 2 nd AMIT Congress: Topics in Infectious
and Tropical Diseases, Milan, Italy, March 12, 2009.
19th Annual Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America Meeting, San Diego, March 20 – 22, 2009.
- Moderator: New Developments Addressing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections, March 21 st.
- Moderator: Infections in Long Term Care Settings: Free Papers, March 21st.
Speaker: Meeting Northern Challenges, and Practical Actions for Effective and Efficient Communicable Disease
Practice. Perspectives: Pragmatic infection control and prevention practices: Perspectives from institutions and
the community. Whitehorse, March 26, 2009.
26th International Congress of Chemotherapy and Infection/AMMI Canada/CACMID Annual Conference, Toronto
June 18 – 26, 2009. Moderator: Complicated/Nosocomial urinary tract infections in Urology, June 18. Speaker:
Meet the Professor. Urinary tract infection: What is next? June 19.
Invited speaker/panelist. “Asymptomatic vs symptomatic UTI’s. Evidence based definitions, diagnosis, clinical
course, management, implications”. Mini-conference on genitourinary infections. Groton, CT. June 29, 2009.
Pamela Orr
Tuberculosis in the Fifth World: Narratives of Body and Spirit. Continuing Medical Education, University of
Winnipeg “Over 55” series, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 18, 2008.
Infectious Diseases in Canadian Aboriginal Children: How can Surveillance, Research and Evaluation inform
Public Health Programs?” presented at “Improving the health of Canadian aboriginal children workshop. Network
Environment for Aboriginal Health Research, Vancouver, British Columbia, November 20, 2008.
Update on TB Medications for Pharmacists. Winnipeg, Manitoba, December 8, 2008.
Mobilizing the Community. Aboriginal Tuberculosis Conference, The Pas, Manitoba, March 10, 2009.
History of Tuberculosis. Tuberculosis Conference, Thompson, Manitoba, March 2009.
Epidemiology of Vaccine Preventable Diseases in Canadian First Nations. BC Immunization Forum, Vancouver,
British Columbia, June 2009.
Infectious Diseases in Circumpolar Populations: What can we learn through the Lens of the Epidemiologic
Triangle? Global College, University of Winnipeg, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 9, 2009.
Rosanna Peeling
WHO’s Contribution to improved diagnostics for Tuberculosis, given at the US-Japan Meeting on Tuberculosis,
Baltimore, USA, July 2008.
Update on the Use of Rapid Syphilis Tests, given at the WHO regional orientation workshop on the use of rapid
syphilis tests, Lilongwe, Malawi, July 2008.
Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: Promises and Challenges, given at the UK-Singapore Meeting for bilateral
exchange, Singapore, Sept 2008.
Diagnostics for Infectious Diseases: Promises and Challenges, given at the UK-Thailand Meeting for bilateral
exchange, Bangkok, Thailand, Sept 2008.
Testing for STIs: an update on rapid syphilis tests given at the European Society for Sexually transmitted
Infections, Malta, Sept 2008.
Introduction of Rapid Syphilis Tests, given at the STI control program meeting, Guangzhou, China, Oct 2008.
Affordable, Accessible Diagnostics for the Developing World, given at the Annual Meeting of the American Society
for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, New Orleans, USA, Nov 2008.
Regulation and Evaluation of Diagnostics, given at the UK Academy of Medical Sciences, London, UK, Dec 2008.
Global Health Diagnostics: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly, given at the meeting of the Idealogy Club, Ottawa,
Canada, Oct 2008.
Priorities for the Evaluation of Dengue Tests, given at the WHO Dengue Workshop, Singapore, Feb 2009.
Positive Synergies between Health Systems and Global Health Initiatives, given at the Scientific and Technical
Advisory Meeting of the UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO Special Programme for Research and Training in
Tropical Diseases, Feb 2009.
New Paradigms on Research Priorities of Neglected Tropical Diseases of Poor and Vulnerable Populations, given
at the South and Southeast Regional meeting on Setting Research Priorities, New Delhi, India, Mar 2009.
Diagnostics Expectations for the Developing World, given at the Global Health Diagnostics Forum, Annecy,
France, Apr 2009.
Translational Research on Diagnostics for Patient Management and Disease Elimination, given at the World
Conference of Journalists, London, UK, Jun 2009.
A Laboratory Network for Pathogens, given at the International Health Regulations meeting, Geneva, Switzerland,
Jun 2009.
Translational Research for Diagnostics, given at the Canadian Association of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious
Disease meeting, Toronto, Canada, Jun 2009.
Pierre Plourde
Post Travel Infections and Prevention (CME presented to Manitoba Pharmaceutical Association membership in
Winnipeg) – September 25, 2008.
Eosinophilia in Refugees (CME presented to family physicians at Nine Circles in Winnipeg) – October 2, 2008.
Refugee Health Assessment (CME presented to family physicians at Mount Carmel Clinic in Winnipeg) – November
13, 2008.
Idiot’s Guide to Travel Vaccines (Concurrent Session Chair and Presenter at 8 th Canadian Immunization
Conference, Toronto) – November 30, 2008.
Assessment of Refugee Newcomers to Canada (Infectious Diseases CME presented to family physicians in
Winnipeg) – January 9, 2009.
Post Travel Illnesses (Symposium for Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Thunder Bay) – February 26, 2009.
Reaching VFR Travellers (CME presented to Manitoba Association of Asian Physicians in Winnipeg) – February 28,
CATMAT Update (Manitoba 7th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg) – April 23, 2009.
Favourite Travel Health Websites (Manitoba 7th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg) – April 23, 2009.
WRHA Post-Travel Clinic Stats (Manitoba 7th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg) – April 24, 2009.
Tropical Medicine is only Skin Deep - Tropical Dermatology (Manitoba 7th Annual Travel Health Conference,
Winnipeg) – April 24, 2009.
Reaching VFR Travellers (CME presented to family physicians in Brandon) – April 25, 2009.
Travel Vaccines (Concurrent Session presentation at Manitoba Family Physician Scientific Assembly, Winnipeg) –
April 30, 2009.
Pre-Travel Risk Assessment (Travel Health workshop at Manitoba Family Physician Scientific Assembly, Winnipeg)
– April 30, 2009.
STIs and Travel (Alberta Association of Travel Health Professionals Annual Conference, Banff) – May 8, 2009.
Hepatitis Prevention in Travellers (Alberta Association of Travel Health Professionals Annual Conference, Banff) –
May 8, 2009.
Envenomation (Alberta Association of Travel Health Professionals Annual Conference, Banff) – May 8, 2009.
Reaching VFR Travellers (CME presented to family physicians in Winnipeg) – June 4, 2009.
Frank Plummer
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
May 2009
June 2009
June 2009
June 2009
June 2009
June 2009
June 2009
Systems biology approach to understanding immunity to HIV. Annual Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation Grand Challenges in Global Health Conference. Bangkok.
The Importance of Science and Research in an Epidemic. Mannning Center for Building
Democracy Symposium on the Science Policy Interface. Winnipeg.
Systems biology approach to understanding immunity to HIV. 3rd Annual Collaborations
for AIDS Vaccine Discovery (CAVD) Conference, Seattle.
A systems biology approach to understanding resistance and susceptibility to HIV.
Susceptibility to Infection: New Discovery and Emerging Research Opportunities
symposium, Institute for Infectious Disease, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center,
Natural Resistance to HIV Infection: A Model of Immunity to Inform Vaccine
Development? 4th Annual Research Excellence Celebrations of Providence Health Care
Research Institute. Vancouver.
HIV Vaccine Development. CAPRA Infectious Diseases Symposium, Toronto.
HIV Vaccines 2009. Nigerians in Diaspora Organization World Congress, Winnipeg.
Building on Our Strengths. Science Day in Canada, Ottawa.
The Evolving Swine Influenza H1N1 Outbreak . 1st Canadian National Medical Student
Research Symposium. Winnipeg.
The Story of the National Microbiology Laboratory. Canadian Public Health Association
2009 Annual Conference, Winnipeg.
Economic Impact of the HIV Pandemic. University of Winnipeg Summer Institute on
Infectious Diseases, Winnipeg.
Influenza A H1N1 swine/human pandemic 2009: The Canadian Experience. University of
Winnipeg Summer Institute on Infectious Diseases, Winnipeg.
Influenza A H1N1 swine/human pandemic 2009: The Canadian Experience. 26 th
International Congress of Chemotherapy, Toronto.
Mobile Laboratory Support in Infectious Disease Outbreaks, 26th International Congress
of Chemotherapy, Toronto.
Allan Ronald
Lecture – International Congress of Chemotherapy – “Think Globally: Act Globally”. June 22, 2009.
Celebration and Farewell to Dean Tom Marrie, University of Alberta – Keynote Lecture “Sischillanean Challenges”.
Ethan Rubinstein
ECCMID , Helsinki Finland, May 16-19, 2009. Grand Rounds.
Staphylococcal Meeting, Hawaii March 4-7, 2009. Update on MRSA.
5th Forum on Respiratory Tract Infections: Sitges Barcelona, Spain Feb 5-7, 2009. RTI Update, Advance since
Alberto Severini
"Surveillance for human papillomavirus in Canada" Northern School of Medicine, Thunder Bay, ON, March 5,
“A Proposal for a National Proficiency Program for HPV Testing” National Molecular Microbiology Diagnostic Users
Group Annual Fall Meeting (NMG), Hamilton ON, October 21-21, 2008.
Meenu Sharma
Session G: Tuberculosis; oral presentation Evaluation of a real-time in-house methodology for Mycobacterium
tuberculosis detection assay from patient samples, CACMID/ICC, June 18-21, 2009 Toronto, Canada.
Chair breakout session - Tuberculosis: An infectious disease with major public health challenges, PHAC Forum,
Winnipeg. March 17-18, 2009.
Overview of the priorities and strategic activities of the NML Mycobacteriology program, PHAC research forum,
Winnipeg March 17-18, 2009.
Mycobacteriology Services and Polices: National Laboratory Perspective, CHICA (Community and Hospital
Infection Control Association), voluntary association of Infection Control Professionals (ICPs), Norwood Hotel,
Winnipeg Nov 7, 2008.
Molecular typing of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Social network enhanced contact tracing workshop, Winnipeg
Sept 29, 2008.
Stuart Skinner
May 12, 2009
November 14th, 2008
October 22nd, 2008
October 22nd, 2008
Haemophilus influenzae in Saskatchewan. Meeting of the Canadian Haemophilus
influenzae Interest Group, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Community Acquired Pneumonia – Short course therapy/early discharge.Rocky
Mountain/ACP Conference. Banff, AB.
Echinococcal Disease. Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority Community Health Status &
Surveillance Unit, Nurses Conference. Prince Albert, SK.
Update on HIV. Northern Inter-Tribal Health Authority Community Health Status &
Surveillance Unit, Nurses Conference. Prince Albert, SK.
Ute Stroher
Antiviral Approaches against Viral Haemorrhagic Fever Viruses. Robert-Koch Institut, Berlin, Germany. Aug 2008.
James Strong
“Reactivation of Dormant Ebola Virus through Stimulation of the Ras/MAPK Pathway” Rocky Mountain
Laboratories, Laboratory of Virology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of
Health, Hamilton, Montana, USA, January 19-21, 2009.
“From Bench Top to Bedside and Back: What’s a Pediatrician from Winnipeg doing in an Ebola outbreak?”
Presented to the Centenary Conference – 100th Anniversary of Children’s Hospital, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada,
June 4-6, 2009.
Paul Van Caeseele
Battling the enemy within: HPV vaccine and detection. MSMLT Annual Congress, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October
Seafood Poisoning: What’s in your sushi? Manitoba 7th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba,
April, 2009.
Travel clinics as GeoSentinel sites. Manitoba 7th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April
Diagnosing Influenza A H1N1. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba. June 23, 2009.
Hana Weingartl
University of Tokyo, March 2009: Nipah virus.
USDA-AAHL, Geelong, Australia: Henipaviruses.
WHO, Marrochydore, Geelong: Henipavirus vaccines; Experimental infection of swine with Ebola virus.
John Wylie
Social epidemiology of bloodborne and sexually-transmitted pathogens. Requested to present at a “Cocktails
Scientifique” workshop held as part of the Canadian Association for HIV research Annual conference, Vancouver,
BC. April, 2009 (national).
Sexual networks and STI transmission. Requested to present at a workshop held by the National Collaborating
Centre for Infectious Diseases in Whitehorse, Northwest Territories. March, 2009 (national).
Beyond the individual: social contextual methods to examine STI transmission. Requested to present at the
Public Health Agency of Canada Research Forum, Winnipeg, MB. March, 2009 (national).
MRSA surveillance in Manitoba. Requested to present to the Public Health Branch of Manitoba Health as a joint
presentation with the Manitoba Agriculture, Food and Rural Initiatives to discuss the zoonotic potential of MRSA in
Manitoba. January 2009 (provincial).
Identifying heterogeneity among injection drug users: a cluster analysis approach. December 2008. Invited by
Public Health Agency of Canada to provide presentation to provincial representatives involved in infectious
disease surveillance in street youth (National).
Xi Yang
Invited Talk: NKT, a cell knowing feedback. University of Calgary, Calgary, May 2009.
Invited Talk: IL-17 responses in chlamydial infection. Shandong University, Jinan, May 2009.
Invited Talk: Educate the immune system: start early. MICH International symposium, Winnipeg, April 2009.
Invited Talk: Preferential modulating of a DC subset by NKT. University of Saskatoon, Saskatoon, March 2009.
Invited Talk: Modulating effect of NKT on DC. Chongqing Symposium, Chongqing, Dec, 2008.
Invited Talk: NKT and DC interaction in infection. 1st QiLu International Symposium on experimental and
translational medicine. Jinan, Oct. 2008.
Invited Talk: NKT and DC interaction in infection. HeBei Northern University. Zhangjiakou, Oct. 2008.
Xiao-Jian Yao
Overcoming HIV-1 Vif’s blockage and inhibiting viral replication by an Apobec3G fusion protein. BIT’s 1st Annual
World Summit of Antivirals Conference. Kunming, China. July 20-22. 2008.
Characterization of An Efficient Avian Influenza H5N1 Virus Entry System for Virological and Antiviral studies.
Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Meeting: From Discovery to Frontlines. Winnipeg, Nov 7-8, 2008.
George Zhanel
“Antimicrobial resistant infections in Canada: What is the Canadian Antimicrobial Resistance Alliance (CARA) doing
? ” Presented at the Summer Retreat of the National Collaborating Centers Annual Meeting, Kelowna, British
Columbia, August 7, 2008.
“Infection control, vaccination, prudent antimicrobial use and developing new agents: Strategies to overcoming
antimicrobial resistant infections ” Presented at the Manitoba Association of Asian Physicians (MAAP) Annual
Meeting, Hecla Island, Manitoba, August 8, 2008.
“Treatment of antimicrobial resistant infections in 2008 ” Presented at Specialists rounds, SanDiego, California,
November 10, 2008.
“New antimicrobials for the treatment of resistant infections: Focus on Doripenem” ” Presented at Specialists
rounds, Los Angeles, California, November 11, 2008.
“Investigation treatments for infectious diseases ” Presented at Specialists rounds, Los Angeles, California,
November 12, 2008.
“Overview of antimicrobial resistant pathogens causing infectious diseases in the United States and Canada”
Presented at Specialists rounds, Los Angeles, California, November 13, 2008.
“Ceftobiprole: Review of its chemistry, mechanism of action/resistance, microbiology,
pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics, clinical trials, adverse effects and role in therapy ” Presented at Specialist
rounds, Calgary, Alberta, November 17, 2008.
“Antimicrobial resistant pathogens in Canada: Review of CANWARD 2007 ” Presented at Grand Rounds, Grey
Nuns Hospital, Edmonton, Alberta, November 18, 2008.
“Novel strategies for the treatment infectious diseases ” Presented at Specialist Rounds, Edmonton, Alberta,
November 18, 2008.
“Antimicrobial resistance and treatment of intraabdominal infections” Presented at Specialist Rounds, Toronto,
Ontario, November 22, 2008.
“Comparison of ceftobiprole to cefepime, ceftriaxone, cefotaxime and ceftazidime” Presented at a Specialist
marketing/sales meeting, Phoenix, Arizona, December 2, 2008.
“Strategies to limit the spread of resistant infections: Focus on prevention and novel therapeutics” Presented at
Infectious Diseases Rounds, St. Joseph’s hospital, Hamilton, Ontario, December 10, 2008.
“New antimicrobials for the treatment of resistant infections” Presented at Infectious Diseases Rounds, London
Health Sciences Center, London, Ontario, December 10, 2008.
“Current status of MRSA, VRE, ESBL, Clostridium difficile and MDR gram-negative bacilli in North America”
Presented at Infectious Diseases Rounds, North York Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, December 11, 2008.
“Management of skin soft tissue infections, respiratory infections and urinary tract infections in the days of
resistant pathogens” Presented at Infectious Diseases Rounds, Lakeridge Hospital, Oshawa, Ontario, December
11, 2008.
“Development of resistance with carbapenems and Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Focus on the mutant prevention
concentration (MPC) ” Presented at an Infectious Diseases Specialists meeting, New York City, New York, Jan 20,
“Antibiotic resistance in Canadian hospitals: Current status of MRSA, VRE, ESBL MDR gram-negative bacilli and
other pathogens” Presented at the annual meeting of Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacists (CSHP), Toronto,
Ontario, February 1, 2009.
“Vaccination, infection control, antimicrobial stewardship, probiotics, aggressive treatment of infectious diseases
and new antimicrobials as solutions to infections caused by antimicrobial resistant pathogens” Presented at an
Infectious Diseases/Microbiology Specialist meeting, UCLA, Los Angeles, California, March 25, 2009.
“A review of the carbapenems: What to do with the hospital formulary ?” Presented at an Infectious Diseases
Pharmacy meeting, Los Angeles, California, March 26, 2009.
“Molecular mechanisms of carbapenem resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Focus on porins, efflux and lactamases” Presented at a Specialist meeting, Ortho McNeil, Raritan, New Jersey, April 8, 2009.
“Treatment of infectious diseases in the surgical patient” Presented at the Annual University of Toronto Surgery
Meeting, Toronto, Ontario, April 17, 2009.
“Hot topics in infectious diseases: Management of MRSA and ESBLs” Presented at Medical Microbiology Grand
Rounds, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 20, 2009.
“Antibiotics on the horizon: Challenges for regulatory authorities” Presented at the Annual Canadian Association
of Professional Regulatory Affairs (CAPRA), Toronto, Ontario, April 21, 2009.
“Antimicrobial resistant infections: Current status of in-patient and out-patient infections and solutions to their
management” Presented at a Specialist Meeting, Sudbury, Ontario, April 31, 2009.
“New antimicrobials on the horizon ?” Annual Assembly of Manitoba Family Physicians, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May
2, 2009.
“Comparison of the carbapenems: Focus on doripenem”. Presented at a carbapenem teleconference, Winnipeg,
Manitoba, May 12, 2009.
“Comparison of the penicillin, cephalosporins and carbapenems: How to maximize bacterial killing and minimize
resistance development”. Presented at a specialist update, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 27, 2009.
“-lactam pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics: Minimizing resistance development in Pseudomonas
aeruginosa”. Presented at a specialist update, Phoenix, Arizona, May 28, 2009.
“How to minimize antimicrobial resistance development using antimicrobials”. Presented at a specialist update,
Louisville, Kentucky, June 11, 2009.