Interaction of anesthetics drugs: Pental Sodium and Norcuron FT-IR Spectroscopic study, X-ray powder diffraction and molecular calculations SEVGI HAMAN BAYARIa*, SEMRA İDEb, TANER AYERDENc a Department of Physics, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Education, 06800Beytepe, Ankara, TURKEY b Department of Physics Engineering, Hacettepe University, Faculty of Engineering, 06800 Beytepe, Ankara TURKEY c Ankara Numune Hospital, Department of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Altındağ, Ankara TURKEY Abstract: The mechanism of interaction of a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent norcuron (vecuronium bromide) and intravenous anesthetics thiopental sodium have been studied using FTIR spectroscopy, X-ray powder diffraction and molecular mechanic-quantum chemical calculation methods. The solid phase FTIR spectra of pental sodium, vecuronium bromide and their interacted compound have been recorded in the regions 4000–400 cm-1. The spectra were interpreted following full structure optimization calculation based on semi-empirical PM3 method and using scale factor yielding fairly good agreement between observed and calculated frequencies. The infrared spectra were also predicted from the calculated intensities. The changes observed in the some bands (wavenumber, shape) of interacted compound indicated that there is an interaction between two molecules. On the other hand, molecular interaction has been also obtained with bigger unit cell and different x-ray patterns. With the help of electric dipole calculations and spectroscopic studies, new structure and interaction mechanism have been predicted. Key-Words: pental sodium, vecuronium bromide, anesthetics drugs, FT-IR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, molecular calculation 1 Introduction Pental sodium (Thiopental sodium: 5-ethyldihydro5-(1-methylbuthly)-2-thioxao-4,6(1H,5H) pyrimi dinedione monosodium salt) is administered intravenously for the induction of general anesthesia and for the production of complete anesthesia of short duration and it is extremely rapidly taken up by the brain (Fig.1a). Other uses include the supplementation of regional anesthesia . H3C or low potency agents such as nitrous oxide, the control of convulsive states and as a hypnotic [1-3]. Vecuronium bromide (Fig.1b) is a non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent, chemically designed as the amino steroid [1-(3α, 17β-diacetoxy-2β piperidino-5α-androstan-16β-yl)-1 methyl piperi dinium bromide]. H3C O NH S H3C N Na O (a) (b) Fig.1. Chemical diagram of Pental Sodium (a) and Vecuronium bromide (b) Br ions are located on the positions around methyl connected N atom in the molecular structure [4]. Vecuronium bromide blocks the transmission process between the motor nerve-ending and striated muscle by binding competitively with acetylcholine to the nicotinic receptors located in the motor end-plate region of striated muscle. Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) interact with many different drugs including general anesthetics (vecuronium) is a no depolarizing neuromuscular blocking agent possessing all of the characteristic curariform pharmacological actions of this class of drugs [5, 6]. The interaction of drugs is of interest from theoretical and practical points of view because this bonding plays an important role in the drug carriers, adsorbents, etc. It is clear that, interactions depend on the structures of the molecules and the medium properties [7]. Thus their binding characteristics are primary determinants of their pharmacokinetic properties. Drug interactions with anesthetics are likely to occur, but are not well documented [8, 9]. To our knowledge, IR studies, molecular calculations and their interaction of these drugs have not been reported. In this work, the interaction between pental sodium and vecuronium bromide has been investigated by FT-IR, X-ray diffraction and molecular calculation methods. 2 Material and methods 2.1 Sample preparation 0.9% isotonic sodium clorur solutions of pental sodium and vecuronium bromide were mixed (1:1, w/w). Then, process of mixing under constant stirring was ended after two days. This was filtered and powder sample dried under vacuum 2.2 Spectroscopic measurements The FT-IR spectra of powder samples were recorded using Mattson 1000 spectrometer with the KBr technique, in the region 4000-400 cm-1 that was calibrated by polystyrene. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of each samples (starting compounds and interacted product) were recorded using a Philips PW 1140 manual spectrogonimeter employing CuK radiation. (=1.5418 Å) is over the range 2, 2-40o. 2.3 Theoretical calculations The molecular modeling studies were carried out using molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics methods as implemented in the HyperChem Version 7.5 [10] and ALCHEMY 2000 programs [11]. The lowest energy conformation obtained by the MM+ molecular mechanics method was further optimized at PM3 semi-empirical method. The harmonic frequencies of molecules were also computed. Infrared intensities were calculated for free molecules and interacted sample and compared to the experimental intensities. To calculate electric dipoles of molecules, ALCHEMY 2000 program was used. 3 Results and discussion 3.1 Molecular modeling and proposed interaction mechanism In order to find interaction site of pental sodium and vecuronium bromide, firstly, the molecular geometry were evaluated in a point of minimal energy. After single point energy minimization (41.344 kcal /mol for pental sodium and 25.362 kcal/mol for vecuronium), three dimensional most probable structures and their electric dipoles were obtained. Electric dipoles of pental sodium and vecuronium bromide may give some point of view for prediction about interacted sample. If Na+ ions remove from the pental sodium, electric dipole direction will change and will be through to the position of NH-C-S group. In the vecuronium, positive side of electric dipole indicates that the positions of two carbon atoms of steroid skeleton as molecular interaction points. According to Bachmann’s ostron synthesis [12], bromine and sodium ions are removing from the structure and their atomic positions will be connection point for remaining ionic parts of the starting compounds. In this reaction, thiopental is an ionic part of pental sodium without Na atom. According to this chemical reaction and known crystal and molecular structure of vecuronium bromide [14], the positions of four bromine ions around the nitrogen atom in the pyridine ring of vecuronium will probably be filled with sulfur ions of thiopental as seen in Fig. 2. Strong ionic interaction between N and four S atoms cause to very close positions of O=C-NH side in thiopental and C atoms of steroid skeleton of vecuronium. So, two possible hydrogen bonds can be constructed. Because of the chelate structure in the connection part, we can obtain more crystalline form of interacted sample than those of vecuronium bromide or pental sodium molecules. This expectation was also supported by our experimental observations. Geometric parameter values of interacted groups of free molecules should be changed in the proposed interacted structures. O S¯ S¯ CH3 O CH3 CH3 N N+ CH3 O H3C CH H O N S¯ S¯ O N H3C CH3 CH3 Fig.2. Predicted structure of interacted sample The distance between the O- of thiopental anion and the carbon atom of vecuronium less than the distance between the N- of thiopental anion and the carbon atom of vecuronium. Thiopental sodium has two possible donating entities (O and the N by its lone pair of electrons). The electrostatic potential surface of each molecules and interacted sample were also calculated. It is acceptable that the electrostatic surface area of two molecules can be the mathematical sum of their individual total surface areas. Strong electrostatic attraction at the mentioned centers between the two molecules when minimized together was found to result in an actual total surface area of less than the hypothetical sum. According to these theoretical results, we may suggest that there is an interaction between thiopental anion and vecuronium. 3.2 Infrared spectra The infrared spectra of the free drugs and the interacted sample are given in Fig. 3. IR spectrum of interacted sample indicated that some vibrations were changed with respect to the free molecules. The FT-IR spectrum of pental sodium showed the NH stretching band at 3223 cm-1 and the NH· · ·O band of the intra-molecular hydrogen bonding at 3427 cm-1 [13]. The carbonyl group appears at 1694 cm-1 as a strong absorbance. The band observed at 1613 cm-1 and the strong band at 1483 cm-1 are assigned to the (NH) and to the (C=N), respectively. The IR spectrum of pental sodium shows the other bands which assigned to the CH3, CH2, C-S and ring vibrations. Vecuronium molecule consists of acetoxy, steroid skeleton, piperidino and piperidinium parts. The assignments of the observed bands were made on the basis of PM3 calculation. The carbonylstretching mode generally lies within the range 1755–1730 cm-1. In the present investigation, weak peaks are observed in the infrared spectrum. it is due to the interaction between this group and steroid. We observed very strong bands at 3282, 1639,1604,1553 cm-1 and medium band at 1256 cm-1 in the IR spectrum of vecuronium. They are absent in the IR spectrum of interacted sample. We observed new bands of the IR spectrum of interacted sample. According to dipol moment and electrostatic surfaces and X-ray results, the tentative structure would be as follows: the carbon atom of vecuronium attached to the N-H part of thiopental; interaction between the oxygen atom of thiopental and the carbon atom of vecuronium and interaction between the S atom of thiopental and piperidinium nitrogen of vecuronium. The broad NH absorptions at 3265 and 3154 cm-1 show that nitrogen bond to the adjacent carbon atoms. The decreases in the vibration frequency of a particular band have been used as evidence for a particular site of a charge-transfer interaction [14]. We did not observed C=O stretching frequency of pental sodium in the IR spectrum of interacted sample. We observed medium band at 1736 cm-1 (belong to vecuronium). These wave number is somewhat lower, since the carbonyl oxygen is involved in intermolecular hydrogen bonding. The strong bands at 1483 cm-1 [(NH)] and 1613 cm-1 [(C=N)] absent in the IR spectrum of interacted sample. We observed new bands at 839 and 761 cm-1. The main contribution to these bands comes from S-N and C-S vibration. The IR bands of the C–O or the C–S in the complexed molecules are shifted in frequency. This indicates a decrease in the stretching force constant and favors coordination to the sulphur atom. The absorption frequencies assigned to the C–N stretches are shifted to higher frequencies. These shifts are expected if the oxygen or sulphur atoms are the donor centers. We also observed some changes at the frequencies of acetoxy group of vecuronium. This can be explained by intermolecular H bonding. (The all observed frequencies from the IR spectra of the pure drugs and interacted sample and the tentative assignments of bands are avilable from S.Bayarı) Fig. 3. The infrared spectra of a) vecuronium bromide b) pental sodium c) interacted sample 3.3 X-ray powder diffraction In order to examine the accuracy of the FTIR results, the powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) patterns were also obtained for these samples (Fig. 3) With the help of previous experimental results related with the molecular and crystal structure of vecuronium bromide, important and sharp peaks were indicated for vecuronium bromide with Miller indices [4]. It is not that the pattern of interacted sample is not a summation pattern of two anesthetic compounds. The some peaks corresponding to free compounds are absent due to presence of molecular interaction. The intensity peaks have been observed in the low theta range respect to the patterns of each compound. In low theta range (6-24 º), two main diffraction humps have been observed for pental sodium indicating crystallographic plane groups which have six membered ring with S and Na atoms. The effect of these two humps can be seen in the pattern of the interacted sample. It means that interaction will be along O=C-NH-S-Na atomic side in the pental sodium. Fig. 3. X-ray powder diffraction patterns of free drug molecules and interacted sample. On the other hand, (015) and (064) peaks indicate two important crystallographic plane, the effect of these peaks can be seen in the interaction result. First and third sharp peaks in the pattern of interacted sample are indicating their importance. Crystallographic projection along a axis was investigated and obtained which atoms are locating on these two planes. C6 and C7 atoms in the vecuronium bromide [4] were common atoms. It is clear that the other atoms were also locating on the same planes. But interactive effect of these carbon atoms were also obtained by another ways mentioned before. More intensive (first) peak in the top pattern shows more atoms located on the same plane, so more heterocyclic structure than that of the vecuronium bromide. The Bragg angle of this peak has been deviated from 9.8 to 7.2º and this result is an evidence for bigger unit cell expectation supporting more heterocyclic structure. Finally, these results are not sufficient to explain certain structure of the interacted sample. But we may give the most probable prediction as seen in Fig.2. 4 Conclusions This article has reported the infrared spectra, X-ray diffraction and molecular calculation results of free and interacted (in vitro) drugs (pental sodium and vecuronium bromide). The absence and occurs of some bands in the IR spectrum of interacted sample compare to free drugs spectra reveal that there may be a conformational change due to their interaction with the each other. In order to understand the interaction mechanisms of drugs, it is crucial to know its three-dimensional molecular structures. If molecular structure of a molecule is not known, theoretical calculations and modelling will be an important support to experimental studies. From calculated and spectroscopic results it could be concluded that there is an interaction between thiopental anion and vecuronium. References: [1] M.J. Mcleish, in: K. 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