ANIMAL BREEDING & GENETICS BOOKS 1. Khan, U. N. 1994. Genetic Improvement of Native Cattle through Crossbreeding and Introduction of Exotic Dairy Cattle In Pakistan. ISBN No.969-8040-08--0. Publisher: Pakistan Science Foundation, Islamabad.(106 pages). 2. Abdul Ghaffar and Farina, M. Khattak, 2000. Animal Breeding and Genetics (Course No. 790) a Text Book for MSc Livestock Management offered by Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad TRAINING MANUAL 1. Cheema, A. H., U. N. Khan and M.S.K. Rana.1988. Recent Developments in Animal Health and Production Research. Animal Sciences Institute/NARC Training Institute. National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. Pakistan. (106 pages). REFREED JOURNALS (INTERNATIONAL) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Ali, A., S.H. Raza, A. Ghaffar, 1990. Eating and rumination in relation to age of lactating buffaloes. Appl. Anim. Behav. Sci., 28: 273-279. Ghaffar, A. and H. Shimizu, 1992. Bias in parental age structure ascribed to nonoptimized selection across age classes in a dairy cattle population with overlapping generations. Anim. Sci. Technol.(Jpn). 63(9): 924-927. Shimizu, H. and Ghaffar, A., 1992. Truncation selection points in a population with overlapping generations. Anim. Sci. Technol.(Jpn) 63(11):1109 - 1114. Ghaffar, A. and H. Shimizu, 1993. Factors affecting the age structures and genetic responses to truncation selection schemes in a population with overlapping generations. AJAS 6(4):497-507. Ghaffar, A. and H. Shimizu, 1993. Numerical verification on the algorithms for truncation selection within or across the age classes in a population with overlapping generations. Anim. Sci. Technol. (Jpn) 64(8):771-779, 1993. Ghaffar, A., 1995. A deterministic model to evaluate the breeding schemes in a dairy cattle population with overlapping generations. J. Fac. Agr. Hokkaido Univ., 66, Pt. 2:163-239. Athar, I. H., M. A. Shah and U. N. Khan. 2000. Effect of various stabilizers on whey separation (syneresis) and quality of yoghurt. Pakist. J. Biol. Sci. 3: 13361338. Khan, U. N., A. Dahlin, H. Zafar, M. Saleem, M. Chaudhry and J. Philipsson. 1999. Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan: Genetic and environmental causes of variation in growth and reproduction traints, including their relationship with milk production traits, of Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan. British J. Anim. Sci. 68: 97-108. Dahlin A., U. N. Khan, H. Zafar, M. Saleem, M. Chaudhry and J. Philipsson, 1997. Genetic and environmental causes of variation in milk production traits of Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan. British J. Anim.Sci. 66: 307-318. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Naqvi A.N. and U. N. Khan, 1997. Heat Stress in Dairy Cattle. J. Science Tech. and Develop. (Pakistan)16(2):47-54. Dahlin A., U. N. Khan, H. Zafar, M. Saleem, M. Chaudhry and J. Philipsson, 1995. Population structure of the Sahiwal breed in Pakistan. British J. Anim. Sci. 60: 163-168. Ullah, N. and U. N. Khan, 1992. Multiple Ovulation and Embryo Transfer (MOET) - A Herd Model Programme. Pakist. J. Livestock Res. 2: 58. Naqvi, A. N., A. Ghaffar, U. N. Khan, M. A. Mirza and W. H. Pirzada, 1991. Heat tolerance and milk production in purebred and crossbred cows. Pakist. J. Agric. Res. 12: 66. Khan, U. N., L. L. Benyshek, M. D. Ahmad, M. Z. Chaudhary and S. M. Athar, 1989. Influence of age at first calving on milk production of native and crossbred dairy cows. Asian-Australasian J. Anim. Sci. (Korea). 2: 565. Khan, U. N., A. Ghaffar and M. Zakir, 1989. Performance of Friesian cows at Harichand Farm. Sarhad J. Agric. Sci. (Pakistan). 5: 129. Khan, U. N., L. L. Benyshek, M. D. Ahmad, M. Z. Chaudhary and S. M. Athar, 1988. Repeatability and heritability estimates for economic traits of native and crossbred dairy cattle. Pakist. J. Agric. Res.. 9: 575. Khan, U. N., L. L. Benyshek, M. D. Ahmad, M. Z. Chaudhary and S. M. Athar, 1987. Effect of season of calving on some economic traits of crossbred dairy cows. Pakistan J. Agri c. Sci. 24: 182. Naqvi, A. N., M. I. Bhatti and U. N. Khan, 1986. First lactation performance of Sahiwal, Australian Illawara Shorthorn and their crossbreds. J. Anim. Health & Prod. (Pakistan). 6: 157. Khan, U. N., A. N. Naqvi, S. K. Shah, M. A. Mirza and I. H. Athar, 1986. Comparative productive performance of Sahiwal, Australian Illawara Shorthorn and their crossbreds. J. Anim. Health & Prod. (Pakistan). 6: 165. Khan, U. N., L. L. Benyshek and M. Z. Chaudhary, 1986. Influence of climate on physiological norms of crossbred dairy cows during summer. J. Anim. Health & Prod. (Pakistan). 6: 191. Khan, U. N. and L. L. Benyshek, 1983. Relationship of scrotal circumference to production and performance traits in Limousin bulls. J. Anim. Sci. (Pakistan). 5: 15. Khan, U. N. and L. L. Benyshek, 1983. A genetic study of hip height, visual scores and performance traits in Angus and Polled Hereford bulls. J. Pakist. Agric. Sci.. 20: 193. Masud, T. and U. N. Khan. Effects of temperature on the growth patterns of wild strains of S. thermophilus and L. bulgaicus. Indian J. Dairy Sci. (Accepted). Masud, T., U.N. Khan and M. A. Shah. Studies on selection of starter culture for yoghurt making. Indian J. Dairy, Food & Home Sci. (Accepted). REFEREED JOURNALS (NATIONAL) 1. Ghaffar, A., M.D. Ahmad, Z. Ahmad, and M.A. Khan, 1984. Studies on the persistency of lactation in Tharparkar cows. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 21(3-4):152-161. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Zaheer Ahmad, M.D. Ahmad and A. Ghaffar, 1984. Studies on the factors affecting milk yield in Tharparkar cows. Pak. J. Agri. Sci. 21(34):198-206. Ghaffar, A., U.N. Khan, W. Ahmad and M. A. Mirza, 1989. Physiological response of Jersey cows to managemental regimes during summer. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. 10(3):295-301. Nawaz. M., M.A. Naqvi, A. Ghaffar and J.K. Jadoon, 1989. Performance of Rambouillet sheep at Jaba Sheep Farm. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. 10(2): 179-186. Khan, U.N., A. Ghaffar and M. Zakir, 1989. Performance of Friesian cows at Harichand Farm. Sarhad J. Agric. 5(2): 129-133. Nawaz, M., M.A. Naqvi., J.K. Jadoon and A. Ghaffar, 1990. Fleece weight of Rambouillet sheep with repeatability and heritability estimates. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. 10(2):187-191. Ghaffar, A., M.I. Khan, M.A. Mirza and W.H. Pirzada, 1991. Effect of year and season of calving on some traits of economic importance in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. 12(3): 217-221. Khan, M. A., Ghaffar, A., Tufail, M., Shafique, M., 1991. Correction factors for the standardization of lactation milk yield in Nili-Ravi buffaloes. Sarhad J. of Agric. 7(1): 27-34. Naqvi, A.N., A. Ghaffar, U.N. Khan, M.A. Mirza and W.H. Pirzada, 1991. Heat tolerance and milk production in purebred and crossbred cows. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. 12(1): 66-70. Pirzada, W.H., M.F. Khan and A. Ghaffar, 1993. Feeding of Non- Protein Nitrogen (NPN) liquid supplement to growing cattle calves. Pakistan J. Agric. Res. 14(4): 383-386. PROCEEDINGS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Khan, U.N., 2002. Future of Dairy Cattle in Pakistan. Proc. D-8 Seminar on Conservation of Farm Animal Genetic Resources. August 1-3, 2002. Hotel Holiday Inn, Islamabad, Jointly organized by Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan. Khan, U. N., 1999. An economic perspective of livestock and poultry sector in Pakistan. Proc. FAO Workshop on Implications of Economic Crisis on Livestock Industry. July 6-9, 1999, Bangkok. Thailand. Khan, U.N. 1998. Situation analysis and future role of buffaloes in production of food and work. Proc. 8th World Conference on Animal Production, June 28-July 4, 1998. Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea. Khan, U. N., 1996. Production of genetically superior sires for improvement of dairy buffaloes in Asia. Proc. 2nd Asian Buffalo Association Congress. October 8-12, 1996. Makati City, Philippines. Khan, U. N., A. Dahlin, A. Abbas and J.Philipsson, 1996. Present Status and problems in genetic improvement of Sahiwal cattle in Pakistan. Proc. 8th AAAP Animal Science Congress. October 13-18, 1996. Chiba/Tokyo, Japan. Khan, U. N., 1994. A critical review on buffalo research and development activities in Pakistan - Past performance and future strategies. Proc. 1st Asian Buffalo Association Congress. January 17-21, 1994. p. 49. Khon Kaen, Thailand. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Khan, U. N., A. Olsson and J. Philipsson, 1992. Sahiwal breed development in Pakistan. Proc. 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress. November 23-28, 1992. p. 171. Bangkok, Thailand. Ghaffar, A., M. A. Guirao, J. Ueda and H. Shimizu, 1991. Studies on the optimal proportion of imported young bulls to improve Hokkaido dairy cattle population. Annals of Japanese Society of Zootechnical Science No.84(B-20): 10. (in Japanese). Ghaffar, A. and H. Shimizu, 1992. Impact of truncation point on age structure and genetic response in a population with overlapping generations. In: Recent Advances in Animal Production, Proceedings of the 6th AAAP Animal Science Congress Vol.III. pp: 175, Bangkok, Thailand, 23-28 November, 1992. Ghaffar, A. and H. Shimizu, 1993. Numerical verification on the theory of selection across the age classes in a population with overlapping generations. In: Proceedings of VII World Conference on Animal Production Vol. 2:1-2, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, June 28- July 2, 1993. Ghaffar, A. and H. Shimizu, 1994. Prediction of long-term genetic responses to truncation selection in a population with overlapping generations. In: Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Vol. 18:278-281, Ontario, Canada, 7-12 August, 1994. Ghaffar, A., 1994. Mathematical development to optimize selection across age groups in a population with overlapping generations. In: Proceedings of the Regional Seminar on Small Ruminants held at NARC, Islamabad, Pakistan, November 1-3, 1994. Ghaffar, A., M. Anwar and M.Q. Khan, 1996. Socio-economic importance, production systems, research and development of small ruminants in Pakistan. In: Proceedings of an International workshop on Sustainable Control of Parasites in Small Ruminants, Bogor, Indonesia, 22-25 April, 1996. Khan, M. Q., A. Ghaffar, M. Anwar and M.A. Khan, 1996. Importance of parasites as a constraint on small ruminants production in Pakistan. In: Proceedings of an international workshop on Sustainable Control of Parasites in Small Ruminants from 22-25 April, 1996, Bogor, Indonesia. Ghulam M. and A. Ghaffar, 1997. The conservation of animal genetic resources in Pakistan: a practical forward way. In: proceedings of International Conference on Animal Production, NARC, Islamabad (Pakistan) December 2-3, 1997. Ghaffar A., Atiq-ur-Rehman, M. D. Ahmed, M. Q. Khan and M. I. Anjum, 2002. Peri-urban dairy systems in Pakistan: present status, prospects and future thrusts. Presented in First RCM meeting held at Vienna, Austria. Ghaffar A., I. H. Athar, 2002. Small scale milk production, collection and processing in Pakistan. Paper presented in FAO- China Regional Workshop at Tongshun Jianxu Province China from May 15-17, 2002 (in press). Ghaffar A. and M.A. Qureshi, 2002. Estimation of genetic parameters for Kajli Sheep. In proceedings of 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Montpellier, August 19-23, 2002. Communication No. 02-38. M.A. Qureshi and Ghaffar A., 2002. Performance of Kajli Sheep in Pakistan. 2. Influence of environment on reproduction traits. In proceedings of 7th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Montpellier, August 1923, 2002. Communication No. 08-36. OTHERS 1. 2. 3. Khan, U. N., 1995. Genetic improvement of native cattle in Islamabad district. Proc. National Seminar on Conservation of Livestock Breeds. December 26-28, 1995. NARC, Islamabad (jointly organized by FAO and Pakistan Agricultural Research Council). Khan, U. N. and I. H. Mirza, 1987. Crop-livestock Systems Research In Barani Areas of Pakistan. Proc. 18th Asian Rice Farming Systems Working Group Meeting. August 30 - September 4, 1987. NARC, Islamabad. (Proceedings by International Rice Research Institute, Philippines). Khan, U. N. and M. R. Raja, 1980. Crossbreeding between Australian Illawara Shorthorn and Sahiwal. Proc. Agric. Conf. Pakist. February 7-10, 1980. Quaid-iAzam University, Islamabad. Pakistan. POPULAR ARTICLES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Khan, U. N., 1994. Review on buffalo research and development activities in Pakistan -Past performance and future strategies. Asian Livestock (FAO). 19: 49. Khan, U. N., 1990. Performance of exotic dairy cattle under difficult environments. Asian Livestock (FAO). 15: 17. Khan, U. N., 1987. Dairy cattle breeding in Pakistan. J. Progressive Farming (Pakistan). 7: 35. Ghaffar, A., A. A. Asghar, and J. Iqbal, 1985. Ranking of buffalo bulls used at Livestock Experiment Station, Bahadurnagar. Fifth Annual Report Directorate of LPRI Bahadurnagar Okara,pp 59-60. Wajid H. P., R.N. Khan, and A. Ghaffar, 1989. Camel- An animal resource of Islamic World. S & T in the Islamic World, 7(2):67-80. Arshad, A., A. Ghaffar and A. G. Khan, 1990. Management of exotic dairy cattle in Pakistan. Progressive Farming 10(6): 37-41. Ashiq H.Cheema and A. Ghaffar, 1995. Yak husbandry in different countries: Pakistan. In: The Yak, FAO/RAP publication . pp191-193. Ghaffar A., 1998. Domestic Animal Diversity Information System (DAD-IS): A global approach for the conservation of Animal Genetic Resources (AnGR) AVN 10 (9):4-5. Khan U. N., A. Ghaffar, I.H. Mirza and W. Peterson, 2000. Organization Performance Assessment: Animal Sciences Institute, NARC Islamabad, Pakistan. Abdul Ghaffar and Farina, M. Khattak, 2000. Animal Breeding and Genetics (Course No. 790) a Text Book for MSc Livestock Management offered by Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad Abdul Ghaffar 2003 In the National Workshop on Farm Animal Genetic Resources: Development of Country Report at University of Agriculture Faisalabad.15-16 Jan 2003. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. Abdul Ghaffar, Nemat Ullah, Muhammad Qasim Khan and M.I Anjum 2003 Preliminary Results of Participatory Rural Apprisal and Economic Opportunity Survey Presented in Second RCM meeting at Asuncion, Paraguay. 21-25 Jul 2003. Abdul Ghaffar 2004 Genetic improvement of large ruminants. Issues and strategies Presented in a meeting of Dairy Sector improvement arranged by expert advisory cell. 06 Apr 2004. Abdul Ghaffar 2004 Mid Year Progress Report of Genetic Improvement of Buffaloes in Pakistan. Abdul Ghaffar 2004 Annual Progress Report of Genetic Improvement of Buffaloes in Pakistan. Abdul Ghaffar 2004 Annual Progress Report of Coordinated Research Program on Breeding of Large Ruminants Abdul Ghaffar 2005 Third Progress report of Integrated approach for improving small scale market oriented dairy systems in Pakistan: Economic opportunity survey and diagnostic and surveillance studies. Progress Reports Khan, U. N. 1998. Coordinated Research Project on Dairy Cattle Crossbreeding (ARP-II). Final Progress Report. Anim. sci. Instt., Nat. Agric. Res. Centre, Islamabad. Pakistan. Khan, U. N. 1994. Improved Cattle Production In Pothohar Area. Final Progress Report. Anim. Sci. Instt., Nat. Agric. Res. Centre, Islamabad. Pakistan. Khan, U. N. 1984. Crossbreeding between Australian Illawara Shorthorn and Sahiwal Cattle. Final Progress Report. Pakist. Agric. Res. Council, Islamabad. Pakistan. TECHNICAL BROCHURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Khan, U. N. 1996. Animal Production Institute - Activities and Achievements. National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad Khan, U. N. 1996. Crossbreeding of native cattle. Animal Production Institute, National Agricultural Research Centre, Islamabad. (Urdu language). Khan, U. N. and A. Zafar. 1978. Enhancement in production performance of livestock. Animal Husbandry Department Sindh. Hyderabad. (Urdu language). Consultancy Reports Khan, U. N. and M. I. Bhatti, 1999. The role and size of livestock sector in Afghanistan. The World Bank, Islamabad. Khan, U. N., 1997. Genetic improvement of cattle in Gilgit region. The Aga Khan Rural Support Programme, Gilgit, Northern Areas, Pakistan. ORGANIZATIONAL REVIEWS 1. U. N. Khan; A.Ghaffar, I.H.Mirza and W. Peterson, 2000. Organization Performance Assessment: Animal Sciences Institute. Joint publication of NARC and ISNAR. ABSTRACTS 1. 2. 3. 4. Abbas, A., S. Jalali and U. N. Khan, 1997. Histomorphological changes in vas deferens at pubertal stage in Nili-Ravi buffalo. 17th Pakist. Congr. Zoology. Univ. Punjab, Lahore. April 5-7, 1997. p. 36. Ahmed, W., U. N. Khan and S. K. Shah, 1986. Performance of Sahiwal, Australian Illawara Shorthorn and Crossbred cows. National Workshop on Dairy Cattle Crossbreeding and Maintenance of Exotic Dairy Cattle in Pakistan. NARC, Islamabad. July 13-15, 1986. p. 3-4. Khan, U. N., 1986. Performance of exotic dairy cattle in the tropical and subtropical countries. National Workshop on Dairy Cattle Crossbreeding and Maintenance of Exotic Dairy Cattle in Pakistan. NARC, Islamabad. July 13-15, 1986. p. 29-30. Khan, U. N., L. L. Benyshek and D. E. Little. 1982. Genetic relationships between scrotal measurements, semen characteristics and performance traits in Limousin bulls. American J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1, 1982): 46-47.