Improving Patient Experience Committee Date: 29.11.13. Agenda No: Title of Document: Learning Disabilities Annual Report 2013 Report Author: David Feakes – Learning Disability Health Lead Lead Director: Zoe Packman, Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Professionals Summary: This report covers the period from 1st April 2012 to 31st March 2013 Recommendations: The Board is invited to: Agree the contents of the annual report Acknowledge the actions as highlighted Note the referral numbers NHS Constitution considerations: Copy available at Who have you engaged with in the production of this document: Patients Public Partners Patient Assembly Other please state Trust Committees please state Staff Outcomes of engagement: For staff to become fully engaged and integral to ensuring the actions are realised. Has an equality impact assessment form been completed? Not applicable for this document Key Risks: CQC Self Certification minimal risk of non compliance due to CRS go live and flagging system. 1 Learning Disabilities Annual Report for Croydon Health Services 1.0 BACKGROUND Croydon Health Service is committed to providing healthcare and support to people with learning disabilities and continued management of the health element of the Joint Community Learning Disability Team that provides services for adults with learning disabilities, living in and registered with a Croydon General Practitioner in order to maintain and develop independence, improve health and wellbeing and encourage full citizenship. The service comprises of the following disciplines:Community Learning Disability Nursing Clinical Psychology Speech & Language Therapy Physiotherapy Dietetics Acute Liaison Nursing Learning Disability Health Lead who manages the service The Learning Disability Team provides the above specialist community based services to people with a diagnosed learning disability as defined by the Department of Health, world health organisation and Valuing People white paper 2001: ‘Significant reduced ability to understand new or complex information to learning new skills; reduced ability to cope independently which starts before adulthood with lasting effects on development’ This is usually accompanied by an IQ of below 70. 2.0 ACTIVITY DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD. 2.1 POLICY AND PRACTICE DEVELOPMENT/ INFLUENCE Over the reporting period the following Trust wide work has been supported by various members of the team in order to develop policy and practice within the Trust and health services. Croydon University Hospital Carers Policy and Yellow Badge Scheme Carer Sleeper Chairs Specialist LD providers specialising arrangements for learning disabilities inpatients Planning visits to specific departments for patients with learning disabilities to reduce anxieties about equipment, room and procedure. Care Pathways for SLAM Mental Health Learning disabilities services Behavioural support care pathway Confidential Inquiry into premature deaths of people with learning disabilities (CIPOLD) action plan. 2 2.2 CLINICAL AUDIT The following audits have been undertaken in partnership with Croydon Safeguarding Children Board and NHS South West London: Croydon Borough / Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group Month of audit March 2013 March 2013 March 2013 2.3 Name of audit Learning Disability Hospital 10 case re-audit Challenging Behaviour Workgroup Audit Learning Disability CQUIN Audit MULTI-AGENCY WORKING Croydon Health Services NHS Trust provides the learning disability service in partnership with three organisations: Croydon Council Social Services Department Providing Care Management, social work and social care package funding South London and Maudsley (SLAM) Mental Health Learning Disabilities (MHLD) Providing specialist mental health services for people with learning disabilities with a dual diagnosis. Croydon Commissioning Group (CCG) Providing joint commissioning responsibility for learning disability services and service delivery developments, needs analysis and local support provider procurement and contracting. 2.4 2.5 TRAINING As part of the 2012/13 Learning Disability CQUIN, staff awareness training was a focus for the team and in particular the acute liaison nursing and learning disability health lead function. The target staff group were identified as, ‘clinical and non clinical patient facing’ which directly related to that of adult safeguarding, (n-=1214). The percentage of staff trained during the period of 2012/13 was 75% (n=911). Learning Disability awareness is now an integral part of the corporate induction for all staff commencing employment at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust. Learning Disability general and health awareness training is being developed for Doctors in General Practice within primary care to further develop screening, enhanced health checks more effective primary care prevention and early detection of health related issues for patients with learning disabilities. Referral demand was high during the period of 2012/13 with a specialism breakdown as follows:- 52 referrals were made via the SLAM care pathway for specialist clinical psychology for people with dual diagnosis of mental health and learning disabilities requiring therapeutic interventions such as CBT, Dementia screening for cognitive baseline function assessment, anxiety, depression, OCD and Post traumatic stress disorder. 67 referrals were received for people with challenging behaviour requiring a multi disciplinary approach for behaviour formulation and the design, implementation of behavioural support programmes with unpaid and paid carers. The majority (44%, n=29) of these referrals were made as a result of physical aggression to others. 3 36% (n=24) of the 67 referrals received lived with family members and therefore were classified as unpaid carers. The average episode of care length for people with challenging behaviour was 43 weeks due to the complexities of behaviours, dynamics of living environments, consistency of approach to behavioural support by family members/ or paid carers and life events during the episode of care. There were 319 referrals received to the other disciplines including specialist community nurses for health facilitation and support for primary health care access, speech and language therapy for dysphagia screening and communication support (can reduce behavioural referrals), physiotherapy and dietetics for obesity, underweight management and healthy eating choices/ training. Total referrals during 2012/13 = 438 2.6 Vacancy Rates During 2012/13, the team had two leavers, one part time clinical psychologist and one full time community learning disability nurse. Both posts were reappointed to and the team has remained at maximum staffing resources with safe staffing levels over the period. 2.7 Service Quality Review – ‘Big Health Check’ During the period, NHS London required the learning disability service to undertake a self assessment review of its service with patients, carers, partners and other providers in order to rate the service against set criteria. This was then validated with NHS London by submitting evidence and follow up meetings being held. During 2012/2013 the ‘Big Health Check’ resulted in the Croydon Health Services NHS Trust learning disability team being rated as the highest in London within the Traffic Light rating system. During 2013/14 the review will incorporate the local authority social services function. 3.0 3.1 GOVERNANCE ARRANGEMENTS The learning disability team is managed by and accountable to the integrated care board. The learning disability health lead is an active accountable member of the Nursing and Midwifery Board, Integrated Care Quality Board and Integrated Care Performance Board. 3.2 The learning disability health lead is an active member of the learning disability partnership board. This board is managed by Croydon Council and consists of carers, patients, professionals from all sectors, partners and commissioners. 4.0 4.1 RISK REGISTER There are currently no risks registered for this service on the corporate risk register. 5.0 5.1 NATIONAL GUIDANCE AFFECTING THE TRUST: In March of 2013, the Confidential Inquiry into Premature Deaths of People with Learning Disabilities (CIPOLD). This report highlighted key recommendations for all NHS Trusts to develop to prevent further deaths that are considered premature or avoidable. Croydon Health Services NHS Trust CIPOLD action plan was ratified by the Executive Management Board in August 2013. 4 6.0 KEY DEVELOPMENTS SINCE THE LAST BOARD REPORT: This report is the first annual report. 7.0 7.1 CQC ACTIONS AND PROGRESS The learning disability team is required to report on the self certification of learning disabilities which includes: flagging of people with learning disabilities being admitted to hospital, accessible information as required and reasonable adjustments made to patient care. 8.0 NEXT STEPS Action To implement the CIPOLD Action Plan CQC self certification Reasonable Adjustments (10 Case Audit) Timescale March 2014 March 2014 March 2014 Lead David Feakes David Feakes Susan Dunn (Acute Liaison) David Feakes Learning Disability Health Lead 28th October 2013 5