
Faculty of Health & Social Science
School of Nursing & Midwifery
Area of Practice:
Module and Status:
Author/date of origin:
Author/date of review:
Time estimate:
Enable a Renal Patient to transfer between Renal
Renal Nursing Pathway
Foundation in Renal Care – NH282, NH283 & NH284
Cristina Osorio
Cristina Osorio - 2006
Knowledge required related to skill (should
Identify and discuss the treatment options
available to renal patients during the career of
their illness
Reflect on the ethical, patient choice and
professional implications of dialysis
withdrawal and renal palliative care
Discuss the multi-disciplinary planing support
for patient transfer
Supported by psycho-social literature outline
useful interventions to enable patient-centred
transfer between modalities
Demonstrate an understanding of patient
suitability to renal modalities
Practice descriptor, i.e. can demonstrate skill
used stating knowledge base and act
appropriately at this level:
Nurse ascertains patient views, feelings and
perceptions of quality of life on current renal
Information is documented and shared with
the multi-disciplinary team appropriately
Suitability of a new modality is discussed with
multi-disciplinary team
Nurse discusses and agrees with patient
preliminary activity such as a visit to the new
modality, education or information, meeting
the staff, etc
The nurse discusses with mentor appropriate
management of withdrawal of dialysis and
planning of renal palliative care
The patient’s concerns on practical issues
such as transport and storage space are
acknowledged and solutions negotiated
The nurse seeks feedback from the patient on
their understanding of the transfer process
The nurse involves carers and significant
others in the transfer process.
References supporting this skill:
Department of Health. 2004. The National Service Framework for Renal Services. DoH, London
Thomas, N. 2004. Advanced Renal Care. Oxford Blackwell Publishing, Oxford