RECYCLED WATER: TECHNICAL-ECONOMIC CHALLENGES FOR ITS INTEGRATION AS A SUSTAINABLE ALTERNATIVE RESOURCE V. Lazarova Lyonnaise des Eaux- CIRSEE, 38, rue du Président Wilson, 78230 Le Pecq, France E-mail: ABSTRACT Growing water scarcity, population growth, rapid urbanisation and the spread of megacities, increasing competition among users and growing concern for health and environment protection are the main trends that may seriously challenge the water industry in this new millennium. To manage and safeguard water resources for coming generations, integrated management of water resources is becoming the leading strategy worldwide. In this context, wastewater reuse is becoming a key factor for counteracting the negative quantitative and qualitative impacts between the anthropogenic and natural water cycles, for preventing any increase in pollution of natural freshwater resources and for providing low-cost alternative resources for human activities, and in this way integrating the two water cycles. The main purpose of this paper is to present and discuss the main socio-technical-economic challenges for developing water reuse, with emphasis on the choice of treatment trains, economics, water quality issues and the social value of recycled water. KEYWORDS Recycled water, wastewater reuse, treatment trains, economics, decentralised treatment, multiquality water production, public acceptance INTRODUCTION The increasing scarcity and pollution of freshwater resources create a monumental new challenge for water managers and policy makers: to satisfy increasing water demand from an ever-growing population, while protecting the environment and public health and avoiding sectoral, regional and international conflicts over water. In this context, wastewater reuse is becoming an essential factor for developing sound water and environment management policies. In arid and semi-arid regions, recycled water is a vital component, providing an alternative water resource, ensuring sustainability, reducing environmental pollution and protecting public health. In temperate regions, wastewater reuse contributes towards environmental protection and is an alternative resource for water crisis management in the event of drought. The new challenges for the water industry in successful implementation of wastewater reuse projects around the world are: innovative global water management; increasing the cost-efficiency of water reuse systems, including treatment processes, distribution networks and storage reservoirs; controlling water quality; educating and informing the public; reorganising institutional structures; and developing and enforcing new policies. Requirements for integrating wastewater reuse into the natural water cycle are appropriate treatment technologies, stringent quality control and a better understanding of the risks inherent to each type of reuse. These new requirements, which all concern the quality of the reclaimed water, make it necessary to combine wastewater and potable treatment techniques. There are now technical advances that make it possible to produce recycled wastewater of a quality suitable for almost all types of use. However, there are still economic constraints; for example, recycled water is not competitive compared to other resources. Water reuse will only be able to fulfil a major role in overall water management policy once the appropriate administrative, regulatory and financial mechanisms have been established. A flexible water management policy can ensure the competitiveness of reuse as: (1) a lowercost, drought-proof alternative resource available near the point of use, (2) a unique and inexpensive solution for pollution control, (3) a complementary resource for coastal areas, where discharges into the sea are irreversible, (4) a viable alternative to transporting natural resources over long distances, (5) a balancing factor in conflicts between different sectors' requirement, ensuring independence in water resources, (6) an important element for developing major urban and rural settlements, (7) a solution for restoring polluted resources and lost wetlands. DECENTRALISED APPROACH: AN INNOVATIVE SOLUTION TO WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND REUSE Decentralised wastewater management is a new and growing trend in Europe and the United States, where it has been developed in response to the new requirements of integrated resource management and sustainable development. The conventional centralised approach, which consists in the construction of large sewers and centralised treatment facilities, is not only an expensive solution for both small and large municipalities, but also has negative impacts on the environment. By definition, the decentralised wastewater concept requires the use of appropriate treatment and disposal technologies, taking into consideration the current and future needs of the community. This new solution makes it possible to address the needs of both sewered and unsewered areas in a more comprehensive, cost-effective and environmentally friendly way. The main advantages of this approach are as follows: watershed and water resource protection, avoiding transfer of wastewater on a large scale; greater flexibility and the ability to provide the most appropriate solution for specific site conditions, e.g. high population density, shallow bedrock or shallow aquifers, including the possibility to use individual septic tanks, shared or clustered treatment systems or even centralised systems where appropriate; a cost-effective option for rural areas and low-density communities, avoiding the expense of large sewerage systems and allowing for the use of low-tech extensive treatment processes; environmental protection combined with a cost-effective technical solution for urban and ecologically sensitive areas, by the use of advanced treatments in compact, covered buildings, including odour treatment, nutrient removal and disinfection; favouring wastewater reuse and recycling for various purposes near the point of use. The last two points are crucial for the development of water-scarce regions. Significant benefits and cost saving can be achieved, especially in unsewered areas. TECHNOLOGICAL ADVANCE AND TECHNICAL CHALLENGES FOR WATER REUSE There are numerous state-of-the-art technologies that can be used to make wastewater a competitive alternative resource to replace water from the natural environment. Reliable and effective treatments can be easily adapted to the specific needs of different uses. The inclusion of such systems into long and medium-term water planning is an indispensable condition for the successful development of wastewater reuse practices. The level of treatment is chosen according to standards, legal requirements and the type of reuse envisaged (Fig. 1). In this way, the same treatment objective can be met by using either intensive technologies or extensive technologies, which are similar to natural treatment processes. The final choice of process will depend on technical and economic considerations as well as local conditions (infrastructure, uses, available space, plant capacity, etc.). The concern for public health has led to the concept of “multibarriers”, essential to the production of ultra-pure water: each type of pollutant is targeted by different treatment techniques, which are carried out in succession. Fig. 1 Treatment levels required for the main water reuse applications The main technical challenges for the successful development of wastewater reuse projects are as follows: 1) Ensure high operational reliability, not only of treatment facilities but also of storage reservoirs and distribution networks, to guarantee good water quality at the point of use. A high level of sample conformity is required for all types of wastewater reuse, to minimise health risks and bacterial regrowth. 2) Improve treatment process design and integration to meet specific water quality requirements. Improvements are needed for greater economic efficiency and to minimise by-products. Innovation should be promoted to identify new combinations of treatments, including emerging advanced technologies, in order to improve operational reliability, salt removal and disinfection efficiency. Finally, satellite treatment facilities should be considered to improve water quality at the point of use at minimum cost. 3) Enhance water quality monitoring to demonstrate the compliance of recycled water with existing standards. Rational monitoring programs should be developed, as well as standardised, simple, low-cost analytical tools for monitoring pathogens. Advanced analytical tools developed for monitoring drinking water should be applied, to determine the occurrence of organic micropollutants and emerging pollutants (endocrine disrupters, drugs, etc). New research is needed to assess health risks. 4) Develop best practices for wastewater reuse to guarantee public health safety, decrease water losses and improve economic efficiency. As regards specific treatment requirements, a high rate of removal of suspended solids is essential to ensure that the subsequent processes are more effective. Particles are particularly troublesome for disinfecting pathogens, which cling to solid matter and are then more resistant to the action of disinfectants. For safe reuse of wastewater containing carbon and nitrogen pollutants as fertiliser for irrigation purposes, effective particle removal and disinfection are imperative. In almost all cases, secondary treatment is required to guarantee the reliability and effectiveness of the disinfection step. In this context, the choice biological treatment also plays a very important role. Extended aeration, for example, produces easily-disinfected effluents that high rate activated sludge. Membrane bioreactors are a very promising emerging technology, producing high quality and fully-disinfected effluent. With the increased concern for public health and environment protection, the choice of disinfection technologies is one of the critical steps in a treatment scheme. It must be stressed that treatment quality upstream of disinfection has a major impact on the dosage required to achieve a given disinfection level. If a stringent regulation must be met, disinfection cannot cope with water from a less efficient upstream treatment and often has to be coupled with tertiary filtration or some other advanced treatment process such as ultrafiltration or microfiltration. The increasing use of UV technologies in wastewater reuse schemes is largely attributable to low costs, as well as the absence of toxic by-products (Lazarova et al., 1999). Compared to chlorination, the other main advantages of UV technology are low maintenance requirements, ease of use, suitability for automation, and small foot print. Ozonation, and in particular the recent progress in ozone generation and other equipment, are not well known among technical experts and consultants because large scale experience has so far been limited. However, several recent studies described in the literature and R&D experimental results point to some applications when ozonation should also be considered as a promising treatment, would compete well with UV irradiation, and bring several other advantages (Lazarova et al., 1999). Membrane treatment is an efficient and reliable solution for producing high-quality recycled water (Adham et al., 1998). As a new application, the use of low-pressure membranes as a pretreatment to reverse osmosis is being investigated and implemented for indirect potable reuse in California, USA. MULTIQUALITY RECYCLED WATER PRODUCTION: THE WEST BASIN EXPERIENCE Another new concept developed for successful implementation of integrated resource management in urban and protected areas is the production of multiquality recycled water for different reuse purposes. With this approach, wastewater treatment costs are optimised by producing alternative water resources of different qualities for different reuse purposes. One of the largest water reclamation facilities in existence, in West Basin, California (in operation since 1995, final design capacity of 340,000 m3 d-1), is a good example. The West Basin Water Recycling Plant (WBWRP), located in El Segundo, California, is owned by West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD), a public agency providing wholesale water to local water utility companies and municipal water departments (17 cities and unincorporated areas of Southwest Los Angeles County). WBMWD has implemented a water recycling program that so far includes a pump station that pumps secondary effluent through a 4.5 km long force main to the Recycling Plant. Advanced tertiary and quaternary treatment (Fig. 2) is carried out to produce high quality recycled water. Reliable plant operation and guaranteed water quality are ensured by means of a private/public partnership with United Water Services, a subsidiary of Lyonnaise des Eaux. The WBWRP treats secondary effluent from the City of Los Angeles’ Hyperion WWTP and produces four types of recycled water. The first type meets Title 22 standards, referring to the California Code of Regulations for wastewater reuse. This type of recycled water is typically used for landscape irrigation and industries such as dye works and oil refineries. The processes used to treat the secondary effluent to Title 22 standards include coagulation, flocculation, filtration and chlorine disinfection. The water is further treated to a second type of water quality ammonia-free Title 22 effluent at two satellite nitrification plants, for use in refinery cooling towers Fig. 2. Multiquality recycled water production: main treatment train and reuse purpose in West Basin Water Recycling Plant, California The third type of water produced at the plant is distributed to the West Coast Basin Barrier, a series of wells that inject a blend of potable and recycled water into the groundwater basin to protect it from seawater intrusion. Barrier water must meet all drinking water standards. Reverse osmosis (RO) is used as a final treatment process after two types of pretreatment by conventional lime clarification and microfiltration (MF). Table 1. Annual average water quality data of the West Basin Reclamation plant Parameter Unit Turbidity PH TOC TSS BOD TDS NTU pH units mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L Influent Permitted Measured 5.4 6.7 20 10.6 30 14 30 27 - Title 22 Water Permitted Measured 2 1.8 6.9 20 1.2 1 1000 789 Barrier Water Permitted Measured 2 0.39 8 2 0.7 0.1 124 The fourth type of ultra-pure recycled water is MF/RO effluent, produced in a new satellite treatment plant for use as boiler water in the petroleum industry. Table 1 presents the average annual data for the influent and the final effluent water quality for the Title 22 and barrier treatment trains. The data clearly show the differences in water quality: the low TDS, TOC and turbidity values of the RO advanced treatment train are indicative of its high treatment efficiency. NEW CHALLENGES FOR RECYCLED WATER QUALITY The water quality issue has high impact on water reuse projects because of public perception, liability and public health concerns. Both conservative wastewater reuse standards and inadequately low legislative requirements can affect wastewater reuse development. Guidelines taking account of recent advances in scientific research rather than conservative standards would also need to take cultural and social habits, existing infrastructure and local conditions into consideration. Moreover, the development, application and enforcement of best reuse practices could be the critical step for rational use of recycled water and successful health and environment protection. In some cases and countries, wastewater reuse quality issues, especially for potable reuse purposes, are becoming a major national problem and a subject of controversy. However, unplanned, indirect potable reuse occurs in many European countries and parts of the United States, with less oversight, whenever discharged wastewater quality is subsequently lower and the wastewater percentage is higher. Moreover, in many emerging countries, natural resources used for water supply are heavily polluted with raw, untreated wastewater. The rational solution for wastewater reuse to augment potable water supply is to employ appropriate treatment lines and appropriate monitoring procedures developed for and applied to water resources and drinking water. Among the most important parameters are pathogens, trace organics and endocrine disrupters. High-purity recycled water with efficient removal of trace organics can be produced using the combination of low-pressure membrane pre-treatment (ultrafiltration or microfiltration) followed by reverse osmosis. This advanced treatment is applied in the West Basin Recycling Plant to produce recycled water for aquifer recharge. A number of R&D studies have demonstrated that with this membrane combination, up to 90% of trace organics can be removed from secondary effluents (Levine et al., 2000). The first stage of UF or MF treatment removes all the larger compounds from the influent and the RO unit remove the smaller compounds, such as base neutral organics and salts. ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL CONSTRAINTS A critical factor for the success of any water reclamation project is its affordability and financial viability. In general, lack of funding is the major impediment to adopting wastewater reuse. For this reason, the majority of water reuse projects have been developed with the help of subsidies and grants. Public/private partnerships would be another solution to establish appropriate financial plans, cut public sector deficits, promote investments and ensure better water resource management with efficient wastewater reuse. As a rule, wastewater reuse projects are under-valued and significant opportunities for beneficial reuse are lost. The main reason for this is that wastewater reuse is not considered an element in integrated water management that brings numerous monetary and non-monetary benefits compared to other solutions. The cost of wastewater reuse usually includes only the marginal cost of additional treatment, storage and distribution, excluding the cost of wastewater collection and treatment. The distribution of capital and O&M costs varies from one project to another and depends on the type of treatment train. These costs are also heavily influenced by local constraints: price of building land, distance between production site and consumers, need to install a dual distribution system or retrofitting. The latter two constraints are important, since in many projects the main capital investment concerns the distribution system and can amount to 70% of the overall cost depending on site-specific conditions. New systems involve less expense than retrofitting existing networks. Reported values range from 0.06 US$/m3 in Jubail, Saudi Arabia (Al-A’ama and Nakhla, 1995) to 0.14 and 0.36 US$/m3 in Israel, in the Dan Region and Jerusalem respectively (Shelef, 1991). Capital costs for tertiary filtration and disinfection or even for full Title 22 treatment (coagulation/flocculation, filtration and disinfection) do not exceed 30-40% of the investment for secondary treatment. Significantly higher costs are incurred for activated carbon filters (GAC) and reverse osmosis (RO) to produce high-purity water for urban, potable or industrial purposes. On the basis of experience in the USA, Israel and the Middle East, the life cycle cost for the treatment of raw sewage to produce recycled water suitable for unrestricted irrigation varies from 0.43 to 1.10 US$/m3 (Al-A’ama and Nakhla, 1995; Richard et al., 1995; Shelef, 1991). The additional life costs of Title 22 treatment, lime clarification/RO and MF/RO, based of the US experience, range between 0.23 and 0.75 US$/m3. The use of MF as a pretreatment before RO leads to a saving of 45% in life costs. The production of multiquality recycled water for various reuse purposes, and in particular the production of high-quality water for industrial purposes and aquifer recharge, contributes to faster payback from wastewater recycling facilities. In general, the sale price of recycled water for industries and urban users is higher than that charged to farmers; agricultural irrigation involves higher water demand and lower economic value, which is usually subsidised by local or national governments with only partial recovery of treatment and distribution costs. PUBLIC ACCEPTANCE AND EDUCATION The development of sustainable water recycling schemes must include an understanding of the social and cultural aspects of water reuse. The long-term objective is to promote expertise in ways to close the water cycle in local scale, and this in internationally different economic, social and cultural contexts. To accomplish this, it is necessary to extend traditional design and management activities to include: 1) Assessment of cross-cultural factor that facilitate or hinder water recycling schemes. 2) Dissemination of information to the public, by organising forums with local agencies, municipalities, water utilities and legislative officials from the earliest stage of any wastewater reuse program. This means developing descriptions of the proposed technologies, their performances, associated risks, costs and benefits to catchment-scale water conservation and sustainable development. 3) Development of public education programs (newsletters, school education programs, open houses and tours, meetings with stakeholders). The public’s knowledge and understanding of the safety and proper use of recycled water is a key component of any successful water reclamation program. 4) Establishment of new marketing approaches that treat recycled water as a new product for sale. Demonstrating the social value of wastewater reuse is an important challenge for the development of wastewater reuse projects in all countries: The main aims of wastewater reuse for developing countries are to ensure a vital or in some cases alternative resource for food production, and for health and environment protection. The last point is important. Poverty contributes very considerably to environmental degradation. In poverty-stricken areas, survival prevails over environmental protection, while the poor are the first victims of environmental degradation. For developed countries, wastewater reuse saves on the cost of mobilising new water resources, including desalination, and of wastewater treatment, which is in any case needed for social and environmental reasons. In some cases, the real problems arise from the political interpretation of water quality issues. According to several recent water quality studies, the recycled water produced in the United States from urban secondary effluents is better in terms of water quality than many natural surface waters. Moreover, epidemiological studies indicate no microbiological or toxicological risks in recycling treated wastewaters. Yet despite the rigorous scientific arguments, two new projects under development in Tampa, Florida and San Diego, California, have been stopped owing to strong opposition from politicians. The slogan they used, without regard to scientific results or cost/environment analysis, was “From toilet to tap” and it was very effective. Marketing is another key to the success of any water reuse project. Recycled water, after appropriate treatment, is a new marketable product. The first step towards developing a recycled water marketing strategy is to review the existing state-of-the-art terminology. The definitions of wastewater reuse, wastewater reclamation and wastewater recycling cause real confusion among potential consumers. Well-treated wastewater should no longer be considered as wastewater but as a new alternative water resource. This new resource could be named recycled water; it is safer and cleaner than many contaminated natural water resources. Finally, the successful development of multiquality reuse practices requires a pro-active marketing approach to convince potential consumers and win their willing participation. Compared to the existing water supply and wastewater treatment situation, the marketing challenges for wastewater reuse call for the latest innovative techniques in this area. CONCLUSIONS Water recycling is becoming the driving force in global water management. Numerous stateof-the-art technologies now exist that can make wastewater a comparable resource to water from the natural environment by the use of reliable, effective treatments that can be easily adapted to the specific needs of different uses. The inclusion of such systems in long- and medium-term water planning is an essential condition for the balance of the natural cycle and resource conservation in this new millennium. However, successful implementation of wastewater reuse systems requires the development of new concepts, tools and approaches to public education and the marketing of recycled water as a new product. Institutional reorganisation, new policies and new regulations are also required. Future studies are necessary to improve process operation and identify the most efficient and cost-competitive treatment line for each reuse purpose. BIBLIOGRAPHY Adham, S. S., Gagliardo, P.F., Trussell, R.R., Olivieri, A.W. 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