U Beogradu će se, 10-16

The 5th Congress of
Balkan Geophysical Society
Geophysics at the Cross-Roads
International Conference and Technical Exhibition
10-16 May, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
Dear Colleagues,
Let me inform you that the 5th Congress of Balkan Geophysical Society, Geophysics
at the Cross-Roads (International Conference and Technical Exhibition), is held in
Belgrade (Serbia), 10-16 May 2009. The Congress is organized under patronage of
UNESCO and the City of Belgrade, hosted by Balkan Geophysical Society and
Association of Geophysicists of Serbia, in cooperation with EAGE, SEG and ENeRG.
Following societies are promoters of this event: AAPG, IUGS and IUGG. Co-organizers
of the event are: Congress Bureau of Serbia, Tourist Organization of Belgrade,
Cultural Heritage Preservation Institute of Belgrade, Institute for the Protection of
Cultural Monuments of Serbia, as well as the Institute for Nature Protection of Serbia.
The following ministries and institutions are supporting the event: Ministry of Energy
and Mining of Serbia, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Environmental Protection of
Serbia, Chamber of Commerce of Serbia and Secretariat of Energy of Vojvodina.
Technical Organizer is PANACOMP Agency, from Novi Sad.
The Congress is consisted of two standard parts: Technical Program and Technical
Exhibition (10-13 May), followed by the Side-event (14-16 May). Technical Program
will include: Distinguished lectures, Oral and poster presentations, Special
(thematic) sessions, Invited lectures (one invited lecture for each session) and Short
courses. At the Technical Exhibition, exhibitors are companies producing
equipment or software for petroleum industry, as well as related to renewable
energy. Publishing houses, scientific societies (EAGE, SEG, SPE, etc.) and
universities, will also participate. All details on the Congress are at:
www.AGSerbia.com, while extended abstracts (4 pages) are submitted to EAGE online (www.EAGE.nl).
Special attention will be directed to students and young geophysicists – Geo-Quiz will
be organized, as well as Career Center and Universities corner.
Participants will have opportunity to enjoy lecture and movie dedicated to Serbian
geophysicist, Milutin Milanković (within 130th Anniversary of his birth, celebrated
under UNESCO patronage). One of invited lectures will be related to geophysical
exploration at the Viminacium archaeological locality. Beside cultural heritage,
geoheritage will be also topic No 1, promoting potential geoparks in Serbia, at
Balkan region and more. Also, field excursions to geoparks in Serbia are planned
(Fruška Gora, Stara Planina, Đavolja Varoš).
This scientific meeting and technical exhibition will focus on the state of the art of
geophysical methods applied for hydrocarbon and geothermal resources, mineral
exploration, environmental, engineering and groundwater geophysics, cultural
heritage, as well as on the latest developments of geophysical instruments,
processing techniques and software. Special sessions related to geological storage of
CO2 (as a way of climate changes mitigation), HSE, education and journalism in the
geological problems are planned. The main geological problems include the ore and
petroleum research and exploration, the investigations for water ressources and
their rational use, the studies about the geonvironment and the protection of the
society and the cultural monuments, the attention to the geoheritage and
Asocijacija geofizičara Srbije
Dimitrija Avramovića 38
11030 Beograd
Tel/fax: +38111-2317005
Mob.: 063-7409741
E-mail: unabojan@eunet.rs
Matični broj: 17699032
PIB: 105473717
Br.računa: 205-129603-55,
Komercijalna banka
The 5th Congress of
Balkan Geophysical Society
Geophysics at the Cross-Roads
International Conference and Technical Exhibition
10-16 May, 2009, Belgrade, Serbia
Side-event Energy, Economy and Environment will be also organized (by ENeRG).
The world energy experts will come face to face with the top representatives of WB,
UNESCO, UNDP, UNEP, EC and EEA, and with ministers of energy and environment
from the Balkan countries. Geological storage CO2, an approach to mitigate climate
changes, will be on the hot agenda. This is one of the Congress aims – to contribute
towards achieving some of the UN Millenium Development Goals.
On behalf of Balkan Geophysical Society, you are cordially invited to take part in the
5th Congress of BGS as participant, exhibitor and/or sponsor. All mentioned
activities related to the Congress and Technical Exhibition offer numerous
opportunities to all three groups. Because of complex preparatory activities in order
to fulfil participants’, sponsors’ and exhibitors’ expectations, you are kindly asked to
send the application forms before March 1, 2009. For further information, please
visit the Conference website: www.AGSerbia.com.
Beside sponsorship arrangements, PANACOMP Agency is responsible for:
- receiving application forms and registration fees,
- receiving application forms and fees for Technical Exhibition,
- receiving sponsorships,
- hotel rooms reservation,
- shuttle-transport during the Congress,
- all information referring to the Congress,
- organizing social activities,
- organizing pre- and post-congress tours,
- receiving of application forms and fees for the Side-event at Mecavnik.
21000 NOVI SAD
Bulevar Cara Lazara 102, SERBIA
Telefon : +381 21 466075, 466076
Fax :
+381 21 466077
Email : info@panacomp.net
Contact : Ivanka Tasić, direktor
Looking forward to meeting you at the 5th Congress of BGS,
Sincerely Yours,
Prof dr Snežana Komatina-Petrovic, President
Balkan Geophysical Society
Asocijacija geofizičara Srbije
Dimitrija Avramovića 38
11030 Beograd
Tel/fax: +38111-2317005
Mob.: 063-7409741
E-mail: unabojan@eunet.rs
Matični broj: 17699032
PIB: 105473717
Br.računa: 205-129603-55,
Komercijalna banka