DOC - Europa

Bruxelles, le 29 avril 2011
CALENDRIER du 2 au 8 mai 2011
(Susceptible de modifications en cours de semaine)
Activités des Institutions
Déplacements et visites
Lundi 2 mai
Energy Ministers informal meeting (0203/05, Budapest and Gödöllő)
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO and Mr Karel DE GUCHT
receive the Japanese Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr Takeaki
Ms Catherine ASHTON travels to New York (2-3/5)
Ms Viviane REDING receives Secretary General of the Council of
Europe, Mr. Thorbjørn JAGLAND
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA receives Mr. José VIÑALS, Financial
Counsellor and Director, Monetary and Capital Markets
Department, International Monetary Fund (Brussels)
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA receives Mr Uldis AUGULIS, Latvian
Minister of Transport (Brussels)
Mr Joaquín ALMUNIA participates in Policy Dialogue "Delivering
Public Services in the EU, What should count as State Aid?",
organised by the European Policy Center, EPC (Brussels)
Ms Neelie KROES and Mr John DALLI participate in meeting of
Steering Group on Active and Healthy Ageing European Innovation
Partnership, (Brussels)
Mr Olli REHN gives speech at a conference/high level panel on
European Financial Integration and Stability Report;
Mr Olli REHN receives representatives of the French Senate at
their annual seminar (Brussels)
Mr Andris PIEBALGS attends the meeting of Troika South African
Development Community of Namibia (Brussels)
Mr Andris PIEBALGS receives Mr Hans-Jürgen BEERFELTZ,
State Secretary for Economic Cooperation and Development of
M. Michel BARNIER participe à une table ronde dans le cadre de la
conférence "Renforcer les fondations des marchés financiers
stables et intégrées", organisée conjointement par la Commission
européenne et la Banque centrale européenne (Charlemagne,
M. Michel BARNIER rencontre les membres de la commission des
finances du Sénat français dans le cadre de leur conférence
annuelle (Bruxelles)
Ms Connie HEDEGAARD on official mission to Seoul (2-3 May)
and Hong-Kong (4 May): In Seoul: Participates in the Green
Growth Exhibition, meets with the Minister for Knowledge Economy
(CHOI Joong-kyung ), Minister of Enviroment (LEE Maanee) and
the Chairman of the Presindential Committee on Green Growth
(YOUNG Soogil); delivers a speech entitled "Low Carbon
Economies towards 2050" at Ewha Womans University and visits
LG Electronics solar cell production line. In Hong-Kong: Keynote
speech at the Consumer International 2011 World Congress "Empowering Tomorrow's Consumers", followed by a press
conference. Meeting with Mr Edward YAU, Secretary For the
Environment, Hong-Kong Government
Mr Štefan FÜLE on official visit to Jordan and Egypt (30/04–3/05)
Mr László ANDOR participates in the OECD Social Policy
Ministerial Meeting and to a debate session at Maison de l'Europe
(Paris, France)
Mardi 3 mai
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO attends the celebration of the
25th anniversary of Orfeu (Brussels)
Ms Viviane REDING receives Mr David MCKENNA, President of
Victim Support Europe
Ms Viviane REDING receives Mr Jean-Paul ARGON, Director
General of L'Oréal
Ms Viviane REDING delivers a speech on data protection at the
panel discussion "Transparent consumers in the online world: How
much data protection do we need" (Bavarian Representation,
Ms Neelie KROES delivers speech at launch ceremony of publicprivate partnership on the Internet of the Future (Brussels);
Ms Neelie KROES recieves Mr Piotr KOŁODZIEJCZYK, Polish
Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Interior and Administration
Mr Maroš ŠEFČOVIČ delivers a keynote speech at the European
Policy Centre (EPC) dialogue on 'A new strategic partnership
between the European Parliament and the European Commission'
Mr Andris PIEBALGS delivers a speech at the Opening Ceremony
of the Great Debate Le Monde (Paris, France)
M. Michel BARNIER reçoit M. Takeaki MATSUMOTO, Ministre des
Affaires étrangères Japonais
Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA receives the Financial Committee of the
Senate of France
Ms Máire GEOGHEGAN-QUINN receives Mr Simon COVENEY,
Irish Minister for Agriculture, Food and Marine
Mr László ANDOR participates in an Exchange of views with John
MONKS, Secretary General of the ETUC, on Social Strategy for
Europe (EP)
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM receives Mr. Daniel ENDRES, Director
of the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
Mercredi 4 mai
College meeting
Mme Viviane REDING reçoit Mme Ursula VON DER LEYEN,
Ministre fédéral du Travail et des Affaires sociales de l'Allemagne
Ms Viviane REDING receives Mr. Thomas HAMMARBERG,
Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner
Mr Antonio TAJANI will participate and deliver a speech in the
conference "Commercial and Industrial Policy in the EU" (Altiero
Spinelli Room, European Parliament, Brussels)
Mr Siim KALLAS gives keynote speech to the European Barge
Union's annual seminar (Brussels)
Ms Neelie KROES delivers opening speech to Future and
Emerging Technologies Conference 'Science beyond fiction'
organised by the Hungarian Presidency (Budapest, Hungary)
Mr Michel BARNIER receives Mr Eric ARCHAMBEAU, General
Partner at Wellington Partners
Mr Karel DE GUCHT visits Jakarta, Indonesia: meets with Ms Mari
Elka PANGESTU, Trade Minister of Indonesia
Mr Janusz LEWANDOWSKI receives a delegation of the
Subcommittee on European Union Issues of the Budget Committee
of the German Bundestag
Mr Johannes HAHN attends an OECD Conference on Regional
Innovation (Brussels)
Jeudi 5 mai
Mr Olli REHN visits Finland (5-6/5): attends ECB Governing
Council meeting and ECB International Conference (Helsinki,
Mr Karel DE GUCHT visits Jakarta, Indonesia: participates in EUASEAN Business Summit
Mr Štefan FÜLE participates in the EU-Moldova Cooperation
Council; hosts a dinner with Mr Vlad FILAT, Prime Minister of
Vendredi 6 mai
Mr José Manuel Durão BARROSO and Mr Antonio TAJANI attend
the "Study Days of the EPP Group in the European Parliament"
(Palermo, Italy)
Ms Catherine ASHTON participates at the EU-NATO meeting on
Ms Neelie KROES attends "Speak Up!", conference on freedom of
expression and media in the Western Balkans and Turkey
Mr Janez POTOČNIK visits Hungary: delivers a speech at the
opening session of the conference "In the shadow of industrial
catastrophes" (Kossuth Klub, Budapest)
Mr Andris PIEBALGS visits Republic of Guinea
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU visits Florence, Italy; attends the official
opening ceremony of the Festival of Europe in the presence of the
Mayor of Florence, Mr Matteo RENZI, followed by a press
conference; Official launch of the EC flagship initiative "Youth on
the Move" in Italy at the Youth on the Move pavilion together with
the EUI president Mr Josep BORRELL, the Mayor of Florence, Mr
Matteo RENZI and the two Youth on the Move ambassadors
Selene BIFFI and Paola ROMAGNANI (Youth on the Move tent at
Piazza della Signoria, Florence); meeting with the Vice-President of
the Tuscany region Ms Stella TARGETTI (tbc)
Mr Algirdas ŠEMETA delivers a speech at the Conference on "The
new VAT Strategy" (Milan)
Mr Karel DE GUCHT visits Jakarta, Indonesia: participates in the
ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting
Mr Johannes HAHN visits Austria: attends a conference in the light
of the Europe Day in Vienna and the 6th Austrian Waterway Day
Mrs Connie HEDEGAARD participates in Europa Konference
(Dansk Design Center, Copenhagen)
Mr Štefan FÜLE opens the Conference on Freedom of Expression,
and participates in the closing debate with the audience
(Charlemagne, Brussels)
Ms Cecilia MALMSTRÖM in Stockholm
Mr Dacian CIOLOŞ in Cluj, Romania (06-07/05): meeting with Mr
Valeriu TABARA, Romanian Minister for Agriculture and Rural
Development and with Mr. Sorin APOSTU, Mayor of Cluj- Napoca;
Press statement; Visit to the AGRARIA Fair (06); Visit of a farm in
Viisoara; Press conference in Cluj (07)
Samedi 7 mai
Mr Antonio TAJANI will participate and deliver a speech in a panel
on "The Future of Handcraft. A case study: the sustainable textile"
during the "Festival of the Europe" (Florence, Italy)
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU visits Florence: attends the awards
ceremony for best Comenius, Leonardo and Gruntvig projects in
Italy (Youth on the Move tent) (Florence) (tbc); attends the awards
ceremony for the best Youth in Action projects in Italy (Youth on
the Move tent) (Florence) (tbc); attends the Education to European
Integration event at the Rectorate of the University of Florence
(tbc); goes to the opera "AIDA" with the local authorities (Maggio
Musicale Theatre, Florence)
Dimanche 8 mai
Ms Androulla VASSILIOU visits Florence: meets 30 EU journalists
at the European University Institute (EUI); visit to the European
University Institute accompanied by its president Mr Josep
BORRELL; attends a reading event in the Youth on the Move tent
with 30 primary school children accompanied by their parents and
a reading event with secondary school pupils to the Medici Ricardi
Palace. Italian actor Marco NERI will accompany her together with
local authorities and Youth on the Move ambassadors; attends the
Concert for the 200th Anniversary of Franz Liszt's birth organized
by Hungary (Palazzo Vecchio, Florence)
Prévisions du mois de mai 2011
09-12/05 – European Parliament plenary session
12/05 – Extraordinary JHA Council
13/05 – Foreign Affairs Council
16/05 – Eurogroup
16-17/05 – Agriculture and Fisheries Council
17/05 – ECOFIN Council
18-19/05 - Territorial development informal meeting (Budapest and Gödöllő)
19/05 – EPSCO Council
19-20/05 - Education, Youth and Culture Council
20-21/05 – Cohesion informal meeting (Budapest and Gödöllő)
23/05 – General Affairs Council
23-24/05 - Foreign Affairs Council
27/05 - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Telecom)
27/05 – Eastern Partnership Summit (Budapest and Gödöllő)
29-31/05 – Agriculture informal meeting (Debrecen)
30-31/05 – Competitiveness Council
Prévisions du mois de juin 2011
05-05/06 – European Parliament plenary session
06-07/06 – EPSCO Council (Luxembourg)
09-10/06 – Justice and Home Affairs Council (Luxembourg)
10/06 - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Energy) (Luxembourg)
14/06 – Eurogroup (Luxembourg)
15/06 – ECOFIN (Luxembourg)
16/06 - Transport, Telecommunications and Energy Council (Transport) (Luxembourg)
17/06 – Environment Council (Luxembourg)
20/06 – General Affairs Council (Luxembourg)
20/06 – Foreign Affairs Council (Luxembourg)
22-23/06 – European Parliament mini plenary session (Brussels)
24/06 – European Council
27-28/06 – Agriculture and Fisheries Council (Luxembourg)
Permanence DG COMM le WE du 30 avril au 1 mai: Amelia Torres +32 (0) 498 980
Permanence RAPID – GSM: 0498/982 748
Service Audiovisuel, planning studio - tél: 02/295 21 23