SUB-SPECIALTY: Neurology - Residency Programs

Outpatient/Inpatient Neurology Experience
Touro Infirmary
Goal: Neurology residents must progressively learn the principles of providing comprehensive, scientifically based and effective
outpatient care for patients with neurological disease. This goal can be attained utilizing six areas of specific competencies: patient
care, medical knowledge, interpersonal communication, practice based learning and improvement, professionalism and systems based
Overview of Objectives: The objectives of your learning will change as you develop in your career. You will expect to master
different skills at different points in your training. These have been identified in the grid provided at the end of this document.
Site Responsibilities: You will be expected to spend the majority of your time in the outpatient clinic setting. You will provide
hospital consultation as needed. At this site you will focus on providing neurology consultation to Obstetric- Gynecology and reading
EEG’s. You will begin to master the art of working both in an office setting with responsibilities of seeing inpatient consults. This
rotation will closely reproduce real life neurological practice. You will need to set up a time to review EEG’s with Dr. Olejniczak.
On the outpatient experience you will have three main focus- Headaches with Dr. Voigt and Neuromuscular with Dr. Sumner,
Gutierrez England and Santana. Multiple Sclerosis with Dr. Lovera and Gutierrez.
Touro: Clinics are held at 3700 St. Charles Avenue- fourth floor. Clinics begin at 8:30 am unless otherwise specified. Consults
will be done at Touro Infirmary
Clinics with Drs. Voigt and Gutierrez
Clinics with Drs. Voigt , Gutierrez
Wednesday Clinic with Drs. Gutierrez and Lovera
Dr. England’s EMG clinic
Articles to be read: Electromyography & Nerve Conduction Studies
Test to be taken: EMG & Neuromuscular and Headache cases on website
Articles and Test are located on the resident website
ROTATION EXPERIENCE: Outpatient Clinic Rotations
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY2) Patient Care
Gather essential and accurate information on patients with
subacute and chronic neurological symptoms.
Gather essential and accurate information about patients with
chronic neurological conditions/
neurodegenerative disorders(MS) , headaches and
neuromuscular disorders
Perform a extensive neurological examination and to be able
to summarize their findings and localize the lesion in the
central or peripheral nervous system
Formulate a differential diagnosis and management plan based
upon their neurological assessment
Identify and describe abnormalities seen in common
neurological disorders on radiographic testing
Demonstrate technical skills in performing lumbar punctures,
basic EMG studies
Teaching Methods
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical Case Conference
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Focused Record Review
Clinical Teaching
Clinical Experience
Performance Feedback
Clinical Case Conference
Clinical Teaching
Direct Patient Care
Clinical Case Conference
Clinical Teaching
Performance Feedback
Radiology Conference
Review of LP learning module
Staff and resident instruction and
Global ratings
Global ratings
Focused Record Review
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global rating of live performance
Global rating of live performance
Self and peer assessment
Case Logs
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Patient Care
To become proficient in managing neurology patients with
subacute neurological symptoms and conditions
To become proficient in managing patients with chronic
neurological conditions/neurodegenerative disorders and
common neurological problems, including headache,
dizziness, seizures, neuromuscular diseases and Multiple
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic
interventions based on patient information and preferences,
up-to-date scientific evidence and clinical judgment
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Patient Care
Develop supervisory skills regarding senior resident
responsibilities in clinic , including organization of dealing
with clinic emergencies, unscheduled patients, fair distribution
of workloads and supervision of junior residents
Screen patients for acute neurological disorder that may need
emergent intervention
Perform comprehensive assessment consultations
Teaching Methods
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Focused record review
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Global ratings
Focused record review
Teaching Methods
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
360 degree evaluation
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Global ratings
Direct Patient care
Performance Feedback
Global ratings
Performance feedback
Global ratings
Focused record review
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Medical Knowledge
Compare and contrast the medical and surgical approaches to
different neurological disease and explain the conditions under
which each would be most efficacious
Demonstrate the approach to assessing general neurological
symptoms and distinguish between different etiologies such as
metabolic, toxic, infections, or vascular
Describe the underlying pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria and
common treatment protocols for different neurological disorders
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Medical Knowledge
Understand the uses and risks of anticonvulsant drugs in the
treatment of acute and chronic epilepsy
Demonstrate and analytical thinking approach to a patient
presenting with weakness in order to distinguish whether the
lesion can be attributable to the central nervous system (brain or
spinal cord) or peripheral nervous system (nerve root, peripheral
nerve, neuromuscular junction or muscle) based upon assessment
of upper or lower motor neuron signs.
Demonstrate knowledge of relevant neuroanatomy and underlying
pathology found in multiple sclerosis, and epilepsy syndromes and
neuromuscular disease
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines and practice
parameters proposed by the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Reading list
Clinical rounds
Departmental conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines and practice
parameters proposed by the AAN
Didactic lectures
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
In-training examination
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines and practice
parameters proposed by the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of neuroanatomy
Clinical teaching
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
In-training examination
Review of neuroanatomy
Departmental conferences
Pathology lectures and brain cutting conference
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Focused record review
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Medical Knowledge
Describe the underlying pathophysiology, presenting signs and
symptoms and common treatment protocols for neurological
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic thinking approach to a
patient with new and recurring onset seizures.
Critically evaluate and judiciously apply the latest knowledge to
the care of patients
Develop an approach to investigating and verifying new
knowledge needed to care for patients
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
NEX exam
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Interpersonal and Communication
Demonstrate the ability to obtain, interpret and evaluate consultations from
other medical specialties and to provide consultants with a diagnostic and
management plan
Provide patients and their families explanations of neurological disorders and
treatment that is geared to their educational level, as well as respecting the
patient’s cultural, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Interpersonal and Communication
Work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team involved in the patient
care of neurological patients
Demonstrate effective communication with other physician or healthcare
providers with regards to patient’s current or change in neurologic status,
anticipated problem, therapeutic regimen and diagnostic tests to be reviewed
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Interpersonal and Communication
Clearly describe a diagnostic and/or a therapeutic plan to a patient and family
Teach junior residents and medical students effectively
Provide distressing news to patients and families clearly and compassionately
Develop effective strategies for interacting with “stressed” or angry patients
and or families
Listen and evaluate the contributions of other members of the healthcare team
Teaching Methods
Presentation to staff
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Direct patient care
Global rating
Patient surveys
Teaching Methods
Referral letters
Return letters to other
Sign-out rounds
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
360 assessments
Global ratings
Teaching Methods
Case Discussion
Direct patient care
Case Discussion
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Clinical Rounds
Direct patient care
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
360 degree evaluations
Global ratings
360 degree evaluations
Global ratings
Global ratings
Global ratings
360 degree evaluations
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY2) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Teaching Methods
Research clinical questions regarding their patient’s health problems
Electronic medical record
using information technology to access on-line medical information to Medline/OVID searches- patient centered
support their own education and to improve patient care and education Case presentations
Evaluate the clinical literature applying knowledge of epidemiology,
Teaching conferences including Grand Rounds
biostatistics, and research study design
Journal Clubs
Facilitate the learning of medical students
Role Modeling
Oral presentations
Patient Centered instruction
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Teaching Methods
Use appropriate computer databases and online educational materials
Electronic medical record
to assist in “real time” medical decision making
Medline/OVID searches- patient centered
Case presentations
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Teaching Methods
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical methods to the
Teaching conferences including Grand Rounds
appraisal of clinical studies and other information on diagnostic and
Journal Clubs
therapeutic effectiveness
Facilitate the learning of junior neurology residents, medical interns,
anesthesia interns and neurosurgery interns
Role Modeling
Oral presentations
Patient Centered instruction
Demonstrate and teach medical students to access medical information Electronic medical record
on their patient for record review as well as online information/medical Medline/OVID searches- patient centered
databases to assist in their evaluations of patients
Case presentations
Assessment Strategy
Self assessment
Global ratings
Global ratings of Journal
club performance
Peer Assessments
Assessment Strategy
Self assessment
Global ratings
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings of Journal
club performance
Evaluations of Grand
Rounds presentation
Peer assessment
360 degree evaluations
Global ratings
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Professionalism
Interact responsibly with patients, families and co-workers taking
into consideration age, disability, culture and gender issues
Demonstrate appropriate use of respect and confidentiality to all
involved parties
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Evaluate a patient’s capacity to make informed decisions and
factors that would limit patient autonomy
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Review of Fast Facts learning modules
Direct patient care
Ethics conferences
Direct patient care
Ethics conference
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Professionalism
Interact with administrative teams in a respectful manner
Responsible diligently to the needs of systems and families
Teaching Methods
Involvement with treatment teams
Assessment Strategy
Global rating
Global ratings/360’s
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Professionalism
Interact responsibly with patients, families and co-workers taking
into consideration age, disability, culture and gender issues
Demonstrate appropriate use of respect and confidentiality as well
as understanding the scope and limits of patient confidentiality
Discuss the differences of withdrawal of care, termination of care,
and non-initiation of care and assist patients and their families in
choosing these options in the appropriate clinical setting
Understand the scope and limits of living wills and DNR status
Global ratings
Global ratings
Global rating
Self assessment
Global ratings
Global ratings
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) System Based Practice
Identification and performance of appropriate preventive care measures for the
ault patient and the impact of preventive medicine on societal health;
Identification of psychosocial factors and their impact of care of progressive and
disabling neuromuscular disorders such as multiple sclerosis, ALS,hereditary
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) System Based Practice
Efficiently refer patients to appropriate allied health and social services to assist
in rehabilitation, long term management or home care assistance
Develop an understanding of cost-effective health care that does not impact
quality of care
Outpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) System Based Practice
Advocate for patients when dealing with resource allocation issues and complex
payer systems problems
Access quality allied health care and social services resources as they apply to
patients with neurological disorders/disabilities
Practice high quality cost effective medical care across all practice venues
Understand how their patient care and professional practices affect other health
professionals, organizations and society
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Review of evidence based medicine
and guidelines of the AAN and
Departmental conferences
Direct patient care
Clinical Rounds
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Focused Record Review
In-training examination
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Clinical rounds
Role modeling
Clinical teaching
Focused record review
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Focused record review
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global ratings
Focused record review
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global ratings
Self assessment
Focused record review
ROTATION EXPERIENCE: Inpatient Neurology Service with emphasis of the Obstetric patient and reading EEG’s for a hospital
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY2) Patient Care
Gather essential and accurate information about hospitalized
obstetric patients with acute neurological symptoms including
neurological emergencies (coma, mental status change, stroke,
and seizure)
Gather essential and accurate information about hospitalized
patients with acute neurological conditions necessitating
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY3) Patient Care
Perform a extensive neurological examination and to be able
to summarize their findings and localize the lesion in the
central or peripheral nervous system
Formulate a differential diagnosis and management plan based
upon their neurological assessment
Identify and describe abnormalities seen in common
neurological disorders on radiographic testing
Demonstrate technical skills in performing lumbar punctures
and ordering appropriate diagnostic studies
Teaching Methods
Assessment Strategy
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Global ratings
Focused Record Review
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical Case Conference
Global ratings
Focused Record Review
Teaching Methods
Clinical Teaching
Clinical Experience
Performance Feedback
Clinical Case Conference
Clinical Teaching
Direct Patient Care
Clinical Case Conference
Clinical Teaching
Performance Feedback
Radiology Conference
Review of LP learning module
Staff and resident instruction and
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global rating of live performance
Global rating of live performance
Self and peer assessment
Case Logs
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Patient Care
To become proficient in managing hospitalized patients with
acute neurological symptoms including neurological
emergencies in the context of obstetrical care(coma, mental
status change, stroke, and seizure)
To become proficient in managing hospitalized patients with
acute neurological conditions/ and common neurological
problems, including headache, dizziness, and sensory
Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic
interventions based on patient information and preferences,
up-to-date scientific evidence and clinical judgment
Develop supervisory skills regarding senior resident
responsibilities on the ward, including organization of on-call
schedules, fair distribution of workloads and supervision of
junior residents
Screen patients for acute stroke therapies quickly and
accurately and initiate thrombolytic therapy in the appropriate
setting based upon the history, NIH stroke scale and
neuroimaging findings.
Perform comprehensive assessment consultations
Teaching Methods
Assessment Strategy
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Global ratings
Focused record review
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Global ratings
Focused record review
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Clinical case conference
Global ratings
Focused record review
Direct Patient Care
Performance Feedback
Global ratings
NIH stroke scale online test
Direct Patient care
Performance Feedback
Global ratings
Performance feedback
Global ratings
360 degree evaluation
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Medical Knowledge
Compare and contrast the medical approaches to treatment of the
neurology of obstetrics care . Acquire knowledge concerning EEG
interpretation in the context of not knowing the patient.
Demonstrate the approach to assessing an acute change in mental
status and distinguish between different etiologies such as
metabolic, toxic, infections, or vascular
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Medical Knowledge
Describe the underlying pathophysiology, diagnostic criteria and
common treatment protocols for acute management of
neurological emergency in context of obstetrics patients
Understand the uses and risks of anticonvulsant drugs in the
treatment of acute epilepsy, acquire the skill of recognizing
epileptiform pattern.
Demonstrate and analytical thinking approach to a patient
presenting with acute weakness in order to distinguish whether the
lesion can be attributable to the central nervous system (brain or
spinal cord) or peripheral nervous system (nerve root, peripheral
nerve, neuromuscular junction or muscle) based upon assessment
of upper or lower motor neuron signs.
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Reading list
Clinical rounds
Departmental conferences
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
In-training examination
NIH stroke scale online test
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN Didactic lectures
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of neuroanatomy
Clinical teaching
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Focused record review
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Medical Knowledge
Describe the underlying pathophysiology, presenting signs and
symptoms and common treatment protocols for acute changes in
the context of pre- and post partum period.
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Medical Knowledge
Demonstrate an investigatory and analytic thinking approach to a
patient with new onset seizure, acute migraine, progressive
weakness, altered & mental status
Critically evaluate and judiciously apply the latest knowledge to
the care of patients
Develop an approach to investigating and verifying new
knowledge needed to care for patients
Describe the foundational principles and management of acute
status epilepticus or other neurological emergency
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
NIH stroke scale online test
NEX exam
Teaching Methods
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Departmental Conferences
Review of evidence based guidelines
and practice parameters proposed by
the AAN
Clinical teaching
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Global ratings
In-training examination
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Interpersonal and Communication
Demonstrate the ability to obtain, interpret and evaluate consultations from
other medical specialties and to provide consultants with a diagnostic and
management plan
Provide patients and their families explanations of neurological disorders
and treatment that is geared to their educational level, as well as respecting
the patient’s cultural, ethnic, religious and economic backgrounds
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Interpersonal and Communication
Work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team involved in the
inpatient care of neurological patients
Demonstrate effective communication within the team, with regards to
patient’s current or change in neurologic status, anticipated problem,
therapeutic regimen and diagnostic tests to be reviewed
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Interpersonal and Communication
Clearly describe a diagnostic and/or a therapeutic plan to a patient and
Teach junior residents and medical students effectively
Provide distressing news to patients and families clearly and
Develop effective strategies for interacting with “stressed” or angry
patients and or families
Listen and evaluate the contributions of other members of the healthcare
Teaching Methods
Clinical rounds
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Direct patient care
Global rating
Patient surveys
Teaching Methods
Clinical rounds
Clinical rounds
Sign-out rounds
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Self and Peer assessments
Self and Peer assessments
Teaching Methods
Clinical Rounds
Direct patient care
Clinical Rounds
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Clinical Rounds
Direct patient care
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
360 degree evaluations
Global ratings
360 degree evaluations
Global ratings
Global ratings
Global ratings
360 degree evaluations
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Teaching Methods
Research clinical questions regarding their patient’s health problems
Electronic medical record
using information technology to access on-line medical information to Medline/OVID searches- patient centered
support their own education and to improve patient care and education Case presentations
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Teaching Methods
Evaluate the clinical literature applying knowledge of epidemiology,
Teaching conferences including Grand
biostatistics, and research study design
Journal Clubs
Facilitate the learning of medical students
Role Modeling
Oral presentations
Patient Centered instruction
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Practice Based Learning and Improvement
Teaching Methods
Use appropriate computer databases and online educational materials
Electronic medical record
to assist in “real time” medical decision making
Medline/OVID searches- patient centered
Case presentations
Apply knowledge of study designs and statistical methods to the
Teaching conferences including Grand
appraisal of clinical studies and other information on diagnostic and
therapeutic effectiveness
Journal Clubs
Facilitate the learning of junior neurology residents, medical interns,
anesthesia interns and neurosurgery interns
Role Modeling
Oral presentations
Patient Centered instruction
Demonstrate and teach medical students to access medical information Electronic medical record
on their patient for record review as well as online information/medical Medline/OVID searches- patient centered
databases to assist in their evaluations of patients
Case presentations
Assessment Strategy
Self assessment
Global ratings
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings of Journal club
Peer Assessments
Assessment Strategy
Self assessment
Global ratings
Global ratings of Journal club
Evaluations of Grand Rounds
Peer assessment
360 degree evaluations
Global ratings
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) Professionalism
Interact responsibly with patients, families and co-workers taking
into consideration age, disability, culture and gender issues
Demonstrate appropriate use of the EMR in regards to patient
respect and confidentiality
Describe the differences of withdrawal of care, termination of
care, and non-initiation of care and assist patients and their
families in choosing these options in the appropriate clinical
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Review of Fast Facts learning modules
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) Professionalism
Interact responsibly with patients, families and co-workers taking
into consideration age, disability, culture and gender issues
Demonstrate appropriate use of the EMR in regards to patient
respect and confidentiality as well as understanding the scope and
limits of patient confidentiality
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Direct patient care
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Ethics conference
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) Professionalism
Evaluate a patient’s capacity to make informed decisions and
factors that would limit patient autonomy
Global ratings
Global rating
Self assessment
Global ratings
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 2) System Based Practice
Identification and performance of appropriate preventive care measures for
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
the adult patient and the impact of preventive medicine on societal health
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 3) System Based Practice
Develop an understanding of cost-effective health care that does not
impact quality of care
Inpatient Neurology Service (PGY 4) System Based Practice
Advocate for patients when dealing with resource allocation issues and
complex payer systems problems
Access quality allied health care and social services resources as they
apply to patients with neurological disorders/disabilities
Practice high quality cost effective medical care across all practice venues
Understand how their patient care and professional practices affect other
health professionals, organizations and society
Review of evidence based medicine and
Available guidelines
Departmental conferences and case
Focused Record Review
In-training examination
Teaching Methods
Role modeling
Clinical teaching
Focused record review
Assessment Strategy
Self assessment
Focused record review
Teaching Methods
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Rounds with case manager and SW
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Direct patient care
Clinical teaching
Assessment Strategy
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global ratings
Focused record review
Global ratings
Focused record review