CHEMICAL BONDING Chemical Bonds, Lewis Symbols and the Octet Rule Properties of materials can be understood in terms of their microscopic properties. Theses properties include (1) the connectivity between atoms and (2) the 3 dimensional shape of the molecule. In chemical bonds, electrons are shared or transferred Types of bonds: o Ionic ( electrostatic forces hold ions together, NaCl) o Covalent(electron sharing, CH4 o Metallic( nuclei surrounded by electrons, Na) Lewis Symbols Electrons involved in bonding are called valence electrons Valence electrons are found in incomplete, outermost shell of the atom Valence electrons are represented by unpaired dots on the 4 sides of a square around the elements symbol Atoms tend to gain , lose, or share electrons until they are surrounded by 8 valence electrons. This is the octet rule. An octet consists of full s and p subshells S2P6 is a noble gas configuration. Very stable Ionic Bonding Na(s) + ½ Cl2 NaCl(s) Hf= -410.9 kJ/mol The reaction is violently exothermic. We infer NaCl is more stable than its constituent elements. Why? Na loses an electron and Cl gains an electron. Both achieve a noble gas configuration. Energetics of Ionic Bonds The heat of formation of NaCl is exothermic Separation of NaCl to sodium and chloride ions is endothermic: NaCl Na+ + Cl- H =+788kJ/mol This is called the lattice energy The stability of an ionic compound comes from the attraction between ions of opposite charges. Specifically: E = k Q1Q2/ d where Q1, Q2 are the particle charges, d is the distance between their centers and k is a constant. Configuration of ions of representative elements Configuration can predict stable ion formation o Mg : [Ne] 3s2 o Mg+: [Ne} 3s1 not stable o Mg+2 : [Ne] stable o Cl : [Ne] 3s23p5 o Cl- : [Ne] 3s23p6= [Ar] stable Transition metal ions Lattice energies compensate for the loss of up to 3 electrons We typically encounter cations with 1+, 2+ and 3+ charges Most transition metals have more than 3 electrons beyond a noble gas core. Silver has a [Kr] 4d105s1 configuration. In forming Ag+ it loses the 5s electron, leaving a filled d shell. Obviously, not a noble gas configuration. The octet rule does have limitations. Polyatomic ions Formed when there is an overall charge on a covalently bonded compound SO4-, NO3Ion size Ionic size is important in determining lattice energy Generally, cations are smaller than the parent o Electron removed from most spatially extended orbital o Effective nuclear charge increase o Anions are larger than their parents Isoelectronic series have the same number of electrons As nuclear charge increases the ion becomes smaller O2- F-Na+Mg+2Al+3 Covalent bonding A chemical bond formed by the sharing of electrons Both atoms acquire a noble gas configuration Multiple bonds One shared pair is a single bond, 2 pair is a double bond, 3pair is a triple bond Bond lengths decrease from single to triple Bond polarity and electronegativity Usually, shared electrons are shared unequally. This results in partial charge son bonds In nonpolar covalent bonds the electrons are equally shared(Cl2) In polar covalent bonds, one atom exerts a greater attraction(HCl) Electronegativity The ability of an atom to attract an electron Related to ionization energy and electron affinity Electronegativity increases from left to right across a period and decreases down a group Differences in electronegativity result in bond polarity. Dipole moment is the quantitative measure of the magnitude of a dipole. Drawing Lewis Structures Add up all valence electrons on all atoms For an anion, add electrons For a cation, subtract electrons Identify the central atom Place the central atom in the middle and the other atoms around it. Place one bond(2 electrons) between each pair of atoms Complete the octet for all atoms except the central atom Put remaining electrons on the central atom. Formal charge It is possible to draw more than one Lewis structure with the octet rule obeyed. To determine which structure is best we use formal charge The formal charge is the charge that an atom,in a molecule, would have if all the atoms had the same electronegativity. To calculate formal charge o Assign all unshared electrons to the atom on which they are found o Assign half of the bonding electrons to each atom in a bond o The formal charge= the number of valence electrons minus the number of assigned electrons Consider CNo For carbon 4 valence electrons In the Lewis structure, there are 2 nonbonding electrons and 3 from the triple bond There are 5 electrons from the Lewis Formal charge= 4-5= -1 o For Nitrogen 5 valence electrons Lewis gives 2 nonbonding and 3 from the triple bond Formal charge= 5-5=0 Using formal charge o Preferred structure has the smallest formal charge on each atom o The most negative charge on the most electronegative atoms o Formal charges DO NOT REPRESENT REAL CHARGES on atoms. Resonance structures Resonance structures are attempts to represent a real structure that is a mix of extremes. Ozone has 2 identical bonds(experimentally) while the Lewis structure has a single and a double bond is used to represent resonance O3, NO3-, SO3 , NO2 and benzene Exceptions to the octet rule Molecules with an odd number of electrons: ClO2, NO , NO2 Molecules where one atom has less than an octet: compounds with boron or beryllium Molecules with more than an octet. The largest group. Atoms from the third period onward can accommodate more than 8 by using unfilled d subshells: PCl5 Covalent bond strength The energy required to break a bond is called bond enthalpy. When more than one bond is broken: CH4(g) C + 4H H= 1660 kJ/mol . The individual bond energy is ¼ H Bond enthalpy and Enthalpy of reaction Hrxn = bonds broken - bonds formed CH4 + Cl2 CH3Cl + HCl : In this reaction, one C-H and one Cl-Cl bond is broken and one H-Cl bond and one C-Cl bond is formed. Therefore, Hrxn = [ D(C-H) + D(Cl-Cl)] – [D(C-Cl) = D(H-Cl)] Bond enthalpy and bond length Bond length is the distance between atomic nuclei. As the number of bonds increases, the bond grows shorter and stronger. Note that the enthalpy of a double bond is not 2x single bond