Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 1. Introduction 1.1 Scope This document is the Retail Market Procedure for Fieldwork in Northern Ireland. The Procedure applies to all non-domestic metered sites and to domestic metered sites where an MPRN has been allocated. Procedure includes fieldwork requested by Suppliers or initiated by NIE T&D or customers or their authorised agents that may lead to readings or meter configuration or status changes. Fieldwork includes: Special reads Meter and communication equipment problem investigations and meter accuracy tests Work impacting the configuration of a customer connection such as: o Meter installation, exchange, re-programming and removal, including keypad meter re-configuration o Meter replacement as a result of faults or re-certification activity Work impacting the status of a customer connection such as: o De-energisations (other than temporary de-energisation e.g. for periods less than one day) o Re-energisations o Decommissioning and removal of supply Revenue Protection activities impacting the status or configuration of a customer connection The procedure covers: Fieldwork requests from Suppliers Cancellation of fieldwork requests The reporting to Suppliers of fieldwork initiated by a customer or their authorised agent or by NIE T&D that impacts the metering configuration or status of a customer connection (e.g. a change of MIC or a de-energisation) Fieldwork completion Requests by a Supplier for a keypad meter configuration change. Refer to MP NI 104 Readings Processing for transaction detail between the customer and the NIE T&D Excluded are: New connections, covered by MP NI 101 New Connections Scheduled reading, covered by MP NI 104 NHH Readings Processing Processing and distribution of readings resulting from Fieldwork, covered by NI MP 104, NHH Readings Processing Work performed on the network that does not impact the metering configuration or status of a customer connection Work performed on the customer site that does not impact the metering configuration or status of a customer connection (e.g. supply cabling or metering relocations) 106740147X1.0 Page 1 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork Procedures for initiation of fieldwork in response to customer requests Keypad tariff configuration changes not requiring a change of meter configuration - the Supplier should execute these directly with the customer Where fieldwork is required in response to a change of connection characteristics such as MIC then this process will be initiated by agreement by the customer or their authorised agent of the connection characteristics directly with NIE T&D. Refer to MP NI 108 Maintain Meter Point Data. 1.2 History of Changes Version 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 7.0 7.1 D0.1 D0.21 D0.3 A0.4 F0.9 X1.0 X1.1 106740147X1.0 Source of Change A149 A106/A134 A209 A053 A006/A263 A251 A324 CRID47 Description of Change Clarify use of message N131 where fieldwork not initiated using message N031 Clarification of use of message N131-R to reject fieldwork withdrawal request Clarify use of e-mail for manual communications Addition of section on fieldwork delivery times Addition of customer requested changes to meter functionality Clarify arrangements for making appointments. Appointments moved to section 2.1 from section 2.3 Clarify effective date of de-registration where decommissioning occurs Clarification that MV and LV are treated equivalently Clarification that a customer can request de-energisation as provided in their Connection Agreement Clarification of use of authorised agents Removal of requirement to specify T&D reference when cancelling fieldwork Removal of customer fieldwork initiation activities to Market Guide Removal of load profile derivation on the basis of meter configuration (profiles are determined from UoS tariff) Allowance of de-energisation request whilst a Change of Supplier is pending Extension to domestic sites Following internal NIE review Following SIG review Following SIG Agreement Pre approvals version Baseline issue including: Updates to charging arrangements for meter configuration changes Clarification on fieldwork validation for pending CoS Addition of K06 – forced keypad installation Clarification on chargeability for domestic special readings Additions: Removal of Pre – SEM arrangements Correction to meter read cycle allocation and removal for keypad fieldwork Page 2 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 1.3 Outstanding Issues This Procedure requires the following issues to be resolved: Following approval, definition of standard and non-standard meter configurations to be issued by NIE T&D using the Data Codes spreadsheet Following approval, confirmation of the circumstances where the Supplier should indicate that a site visit is required for a change of keypad meter configuration. These are required for changes to circuitry, for changes between certain other meter configurations requiring a different meter type and for changes where teleswitching is required to be installed or removed. 106740147X1.0 Page 3 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2. Procedure Description 2.1 Fieldwork Requests Supplier FIELDWORK – 1. Fieldwork Request Begin Request Fieldwork Receive Rejection NIE T&D N031 N131 Status = “A” Invalid Validate Request Valid 106740147X1.0 N131 Status = “R” Receive Acceptance NIE Initiate Fieldwork Advise Rejection Advise Acceptance Arrange Appointment And Schedule 3 Page 4 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.1.1 Step Fieldwork Request Activities Role Supplier Action Interface The Supplier should request fieldwork by sending a fieldwork request message to NIE T&D. N031 to NIE MRS The Supplier must indicate: The type of fieldwork required, selected from the agreed list (see section 2.1.2) If a change of metering configuration is required, the required metering configuration code (see section 2.1.3 for configurations that may be requested) Customer name Customer contact details if these have not previously been provided or differ from those previously provided Change of tenancy or legal entity for HV and EHV customers Existence of Supply Agreement1 Customer details if there is a change of tenancy or legal entity for HV and EHV customers The Supplier may indicate a required date. This date is provided for information purposes only and actual dates will be determined when the appointment is made. Second Tier Suppliers must request keypad meter configuration changes by sending a fieldwork request message to NIE T&D. For Second Tier Supplier initiated requests (other than de-energisation and re-energisation for non-payment and forced meter changes from credit to keypad for debt management ) for NHH Meter Points Suppliers should advise the customer or their authorised agent to contact NIE T&D the day following the request submission in order to arrange a fieldwork appointment or transact a keypad meter configuration change2. This is an interim requirement pending provision of an appointment booking system open to all Suppliers. NIE T&D NIE T&D will validate the fieldwork request (see section 2.1.4) and will inform the Supplier of the acceptance or rejection (with reasons) of the request. N131 to Supplier For Meter Points where connection is at HV or EHV then NIE T&D will ensure that there is a current Connection 1 A Supply Agreement includes supply by NIE Supply in accordance with a Special Agreement or the Public Electricity Supply Code For NHH requests other than de-energisation or re-energisation for non-payment it is recommended that the customer contact NIE T&D on the business day following the request. 2 106740147X1.0 Page 5 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork Step Role Action Interface Agreement prior to any energisation or meter work. Where there is not a Supply Agreement or there is no longer a Connection Agreement then NIE T&D is entitled the steps outlined in MP NI 108 Meter Point Data and initiate de-energisation. For HH Meter Points, NIE T&D will contact the customer or their authorised agent to finalise appointment details. NIE T&D For sites with HH or monthly metering NIE T&D will initiate the arrangement of an appointment with the customer or their authorised agent to complete the request. For de-energisation for non-payment and for re-energisation following de-energisation for non-payment an appointment is not required. For all other fieldwork requested by an STS, NIE T&D will arrange the appointment in response to a call from the customer or their authorised agent. Appointments will be made in line with the Fieldwork Delivery Times outlined in the Market Guide, MG NI 111. If the customer or their authorised agent does not make an appointment or it is not possible to schedule the work for a date acceptable to the customer or their authorised agent then the request may be cancelled. 106740147X1.0 Page 6 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.1.2 Fieldwork Requests The following table describes the types of fieldwork undertaken in response to Supplier requests: Code Description Comments M01 Change of Meter Configuration (NHH credit) Test Meter Accuracy Investigate Physical Metering Change of Meter Configuration (to HH Metering and Communications) Change from keypad to credit meter De-energise (other than non-payment) De-energise (for non-payment) Re-energise (other than non-payment) Re-energise (for non-payment) Change of key-pad meter configuration - call centre Change of key-pad meter configuration –site visit Includes Change of Supplier via N010 Supplier Request Yes Includes check meter installation Includes meter faults, damage and other problems Includes Change of Supplier via N010 Yes Yes Yes M02 M03 M04 M05 D01 D02 E01 E02 K01 K02 K03 K05 K06 S02 S04 Investigate keypad metering Change from credit to keypad meter Change from credit to keypad meter (forced) Special reading Special reading (dispute) Revenue protection activities Credit metered sites only Credit metered sites only Includes Change of Supplier No site visit required Site visits will be required where wiring is required (e.g. storage heating) and for specified other changes Includes meter faults, damage and other problems Debt management, no appointment required Includes Change of Supplier via N010 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Manually refer to RP Services NIE T&D may initiate fieldwork in cases other than when requested by a Supplier. These cases include work originating from requests by customers or their authorised agents and work initiated directly by NIE T&D. Refer to Market Guide MG NI 111 for guidance on customer requests and NIE T&D initiated fieldwork. 106740147X1.0 Page 7 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.1.3 Requestable Meter Configurations Meter Configurations that are available for use in the non-domestic and domestic markets are described in ‘Permitted Meter Tariff’ worksheet in the “NIE Message Specification – Data Codes” spreadsheet. Unrestricted meter configurations may not be requested. Meter Configurations are summarised in the ‘Meter Configurations’ worksheet in the “NIE Message Specification – Data Codes” spreadsheet. 2.1.4 Fieldwork Request Validation A fieldwork request will be rejected if: The Supplier is not registered to the Meter Point. This validation is waived if the Supplier is an Old Supplier and is requesting a special read. The Fieldwork is of a type that cannot be requested by a Supplier (see section 2.1.2). A de-energisation is requested for a domestic Meter Point. Where a customer requires de-energisation then the customer should apply directly to NIE T&D. Refer to MG NI 111 Customer Interfaces The request duplicates an existing request that is in progress Request required date is more than 40 days in the future A change of metering configuration is requested where a Change of Supplier registration request has been received and is pending completion 3. Where the registration request is a first CoS from NIE Supply, fieldwork requested by NIE Supply will not be trapped by the validation. A metering configuration is requested that may not be requested by the Supplier (see section 2.1.3) A metering configuration is requested that is incompatible with the connection characteristics (e.g. MIC) of the Meter Point. In this case the Supplier may be advised to request a configuration that meets both the Supplier tariff arrangements and NIE UoS tariff requirements. . A change of metering configuration is requested and there has been a previous change of metering configuration in the past twelve months. The Supplier may apply for the change request to be accepted on the basis of a material change in the recorded pattern of demand or the type or hours of business undertaken, or a change of tenancy. A change of metering configuration or an energisation is requested and the Supplier has not indicated that a Supply Agreement 4 exists with the customer. Where the Supplier has an agency agreement then for MV and LV connected customers this must include a clause to cover customer acceptance of NIE T&D Connection Conditions. For keypad metering a tariff configuration is requested that cannot be requested by the Supplier. Tariff configuration codes that are permitted for use will be agreed between NIE T&D and each Supplier. 3 4 De-energisation requests for safety reasons should be manually communicated to NIE T&D where a Change of Supplier is pending A Supply Agreement includes supply by NIE Supply in accordance with a Special Agreement or the Public Electricity Supply Code. 106740147X1.0 Page 8 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.1.5 For keypad metering a tariff configuration is requested that is inconsistent with a change of metering configuration For keypad metering a tariff configuration is requested that is associated with an unrestricted UoS tariff A change of keypad meter configuration is requested but the required meter configuration is the same as the current meter configuration. Fieldwork Charges The following table indicates the items of non-domestic fieldwork for which standard charges will be proposed. Code M02 M03 Description Test Meter Accuracy Investigate Physical Metering M04 Change of Meter Configuration (to HH Metering and Communications) New Connection De-energise (other than non-payment) De-energise (for non-payment) Re-energise (other than non-payment) Re-energise (for non-payment) Special reading Special reading (dispute) Revenue protection activities Change to MIC N01 D01 D02 E01 E02 S02 S04 Comments Includes check meter installation Includes meter faults, damage and other problems Includes Change of Supplier Includes Change of Supplier Includes Change of Supplier Refer to MP NI 108 Chargeable If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found To Supplier in all cases HH metering chargeable to Supplier If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier To Supplier in all cases If Supplier requested, including Change of Supplier, chargeable to Supplier To Supplier in all cases If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found Refer to Revenue Protection Code of Practice HH metering chargeable to Supplier The following table indicates the items of domestic fieldwork for which standard charges will be proposed. Code K03 Description Investigate Keypad Metering K06 M02 M03 Change from credit to keypad meter (forced) Test Meter Accuracy Investigate Physical Metering S02 Special reading S04 Special reading (dispute) 106740147X1.0 Comments Includes meter faults, damage and other problems Debt management, no appointment Chargeable If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found Includes check meter installation Includes meter faults, damage and other problems If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found To Supplier in all cases If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier excluding annual reads where valid CSSN codes are held by NIE T&D If Supplier requested, chargeable to Supplier if no problems are found Page 9 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork Revenue protection activities Refer to Revenue Protection Code of Practice Where fieldwork is chargeable to the Supplier on a transaction basis then: Charges will be levied as ‘ad-hoc’ items on a monthly basis through the UoS Bill Standard charges assume a single site visit Charges will be based on a published list of standard charges except in cases where special conditions occur in which cases charges will be agreed with the Supplier in advance of work completion. Special conditions giving rise to non-standard charges are normally not known until the first visit has been made and include: o HH communications are required that are not covered by the standard charges o Special equipment is required o Access cannot be obtained to the metering installation o Repeated visits are required for reasons outside of NIE T&D control. These reasons include safety of the customers installation or property, inability to obtain access, delays caused by third parties working at the customer site, requirements for special equipment o Non standard metering configurations Charges will be levied: o When the work is completed o When NIE T&D attend the site but cannot complete the work for reasons outside of NIE T&D control o When the customer or their authorised agent fails to keep an appointment arranged between NIE T&D and the customer or their authorised agent. 106740147X1.0 Page 10 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.2 Fieldwork Cancellation Supplier FIELDWORK – 2. Fieldwork Cancellation Request Cancellation Receive Rejection NIE T&D N031 Status = “W” Validate Request Valid 106740147X1.0 Invalid, Despatched Or Complete Receive Cancellation N131 Status = “X” Advise Rejection Advise Cancellation End Page 11 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.2.1 Step Fieldwork Cancellation Activities Role Action Supplier A Supplier may request cancellation of fieldwork by sending a fieldwork request message to NIE T&D. NIE T&D NIE T&D will validate the cancellation request and will reject it if: Fieldwork has been completed Fieldwork has been despatched and despite reasonable endeavours cannot be recalled Cancellation request cannot be matched to a fieldwork request made by the Supplier Interface N031 to NIE MRS If accepted NIE T&D will acknowledge the cancellation of the fieldwork to the Supplier. N131 to Supplier If the request is rejected because the MPRN is not found, is not energised or de-energised or the request cannot be matched to an outstanding fieldwork request made by the Supplier then NIE T&D will inform the Supplier of the rejection through a market message. N131 to Supplier If the request is rejected for other reasons than those above then NIE T&D will manually inform the Supplier by e-mail to a nominated address of the rejection of the cancellation request to the Supplier together with the reason(s). E-mail to Supplier NIE T&D may cancel requests in certain circumstances including: A Change of Supplier is completed and the New Supplier does not wish to proceed with work requested by an old Supplier Revenue Protection issues Safety issues Customer actions, or those or their authorised agent, prevent completion, including the failure to arrange an appointment by the required date Failure by the customer or their authorised agent to keep an appointment If NIE T&D initiates a cancellation it will acknowledge the cancellation of the fieldwork to the Supplier. 106740147X1.0 Page 12 of 16 N131 to Supplier Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.3 Fieldwork Completion Supplier FIELDWORK – 3. Fieldwork Completion Receive Advice of Delay Receive Advice of Non -Completion Receive Completion Advice Call Centre Update Keypad Tx. System Keypad Installation, Advise on-site change Nonand removal Completion dialogue NIE T&D Advise Reasons for Delay 106740147X1.0 Delay? N331 (HH meter) Advise Completion Tariff Change? Yes MP 106 UoS Billing No Yes 1 N131 Status = “C” No Perform Fieldwork Fieldwork Complete? Yes NHH Reads Obtained? Yes Page 13 of 16 MP 104 NHH Readings Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork 2.3.1 Step Fieldwork Completion Activities Role NIE T&D Action Interface For Supplier initiated fieldwork, NIE T&D will manually inform the Supplier by e-mail to a nominated address if the fieldwork cannot be completed or if completion will be delayed for any reason. Reasons for delay or non-completion may include: A Connection Agreement has not been concluded Customer or their authorised agent fails to contact NIE T&D to arrange an appointment Failure to keep an appointment by NIE T&D Failure to keep an appointment by the Customer or their authorised agent Outage is required for completion – not permitted by customer or their authorised agent Work not permitted by customer or their authorised agent Failure to obtain access to the customers metering or property Equipment was required that was not carried by the NIE T&D personnel attending the site Non-standard equipment was required to complete the work Safety or wiring issues; a list of these issues will be provided to the responsible person on site Delays caused by third parties, such as providers of telecommunication services or other contractors Inconsistencies between the fieldwork request and the connection characteristics or connection agreement are discovered. Fieldwork will be completed in accordance with applicable codes of Practice including: De-energisation Code of Practice Revenue Protection Code of Practice Keypad Meter When fieldwork is performed to install, remove or change a keypad meter, NIE T&D field staff will contact the NIE T&D Call Centre from the customer premise in order that the new meter configuration and supplier tariff is set-up for the new Supplier on the keypad transaction system. 106740147X1.0 Page 14 of 16 E-mail to Supplier Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork Step Role Action Interface When, as a result of a meter or switching fault, a transaction is executed to switch from tele-switching to clock-switching5 (or vice-versa) a site visit may be arranged (e.g. to remove the tele-switch). For keypad meter installations NIE T&D field staff will provide the new Premise Number Card to the customer. For keypad meter removals only NIE T&D will provide a report of credit remaining on the meter to the Supplier. For keypad meter replacements, credit will be transferred to the new meter Report to Supplier Whenever there is a change to, of or from a keypad meter configuration, NIE T&D will check that data in the key-pad transaction system is consistent with that held by NIE T&D in the market systems and take corrective action where this is not the case. Please refer to MP NI 104 Readings Processing for details of keypad meter readings processing and keypad meter configuration changes transacted by NIE T&D. NIE T&D Following completion, NIE T&D will provide a completion response to the Supplier when fieldwork has been requested using message N031. N131 to Supplier N122 to Supplier Where fieldwork is for the permanent removal of supply then the Supplier will be de-registered from the date that the supply is removed. Irrespective of how fieldwork is initiated, NIE T&D will inform Suppliers of all changes to meter configurations, energisation status or UoS Tariff. 5 NIE T&D will use message N131 to advise Suppliers of all changes to an energisation status excepting new connection energisations. N131 to Supplier Where an HH metering installation is completed or updated then message N331 is used. In cases where HH interval data is collected this will be handled through procedure MP NI 105 HH Data Processing. N331 to Supplier Where NHH meter readings are collected, including those from a keypad meter, then messages N300S, N306, N307 or N332 as appropriate to the request will be used. This is covered in more detail by MP NI 104, NHH Readings Processing. N300S, N306, N307 or N332 to Supplier Control transactions to switch from teleswitching to clock-switching can be executed via the NIE &D Call Centre 106740147X1.0 Page 15 of 16 Retail Market Procedure NI 103 – Fieldwork Step Role Action Interface If for any reason it is not possible to collect an actual reading on meter removal or de-energisation then readings will be estimated in accordance with MP NI 104. Where relevant, NIE T&D will update the UoS Tariff applicable to the Meter Point in accordance with any changes to the metering configuration or other connection characteristics. This is covered in more detail in Market Guide MG NI 106 UoS Billing. Wherever fieldwork is performed to install, exchange or remove a metering configuration, it will be an NIE T&D responsibility to ensure that the following data is consistently maintained: Meter data used in meter reading The meter configuration in the keypad transaction service, including the tariff configuration requested by the Supplier The meter configuration used in UoS billing, registration and data aggregation for settlement The installed on-site metering It is a supplier responsibility to ensure that meter configuration data is consistent with their customer billing arrangements 106740147X1.0 Page 16 of 16