minutes of regular meeting

October 8, 2013
The warrants for bills payable were reviewed and signed by the School Committee.
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Greg Jones, at 6:30 p.m. in the Community
Room located at the Quinn Elementary School. He noted that the meeting was being
videotaped for future broadcast over DCTV and is aired on Wednesday and Friday evenings.
Present were the following members: Mr. Oliveira, Dr. Schwartz, Mr. Nunes, Mr. Oliver, and
Mr. Jones. Student Representative Richard Chen was also in attendance.
Also present: Mrs. Riley, Dr. McHenry, Mr. Kiely, and Mrs. Boucher.
Visitors present: Ms. Lynch, Mr. Robidoux, Mr. Grimsey, Mr. Porter, Mrs. McHenry,
Ms. Maccini, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. Kavanaugh, Mrs. Maniglia, Mrs. Lally, Mrs. Oliveira,
Mr. Gallishaw, and Mr. David Tatelbaum.
The Committee participated in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Intruder Drill Information – Police Chief Timothy Lee
Police Chief Timothy Lee was present along with Deputy Chief Robert Szala, District Fire
Chief Arruda, and Police Officer Craig Pimental.
Chief Lee reviewed how important it is for the police department to work collaboratively with
the fire department and school department for the protection of all community members.
Chief Lee stated, “we need to be prepared to combat the national violence which is occurring
more and more frequently. The best practice is what is best for our town. I have been
studying this topic for the past couple of years. Tactics are being changed all the time. The
shooters are learning from each other. We have to stay ahead of the game. We have to
come up with a response plan to stop the attack.”
He reviewed two theories currently used throughout the country:
The Alice Plan – Alert, lockdown, inform, counter, and evacuate.
Get Out, Call out, hide out, keep out, take out
Chief Lee reported that the police are training now to face the threat of violence. Forty-nine
(49%) percent of attacks end before police arrive on scene. Fifty-six (56%) of the time, police
take the shooter out.
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Chief Lee was very pleased to report that the Police Department has made incredible
progress in the past few months by purchasing the program available through Mutual Link.
We are the first community in the area to have this up-to-date technology available.
Mr. Kiely stated that it is hoped that the funds requested for the physical security
improvements to our buildings will be appropriated at the Fall Town Meeting to be held on
October 15th.
Chief Lee emphasized that communication is immensely important. “We must practice our
plan together.” He would like to practice the plan while the schools are closed and then again
while the students and staff are in the schools. “We must be prepared. Police, fire, EMS,
and schools must work together.” Chief Lee stated that he is hopeful that attitudes have
changed and community members realize that this upgrade in security measures is so
Police Officer Craig Pimental addressed the Committee. He is the team leader of the regional
SWAT team. He stressed that having a plan is the best way to react. He looks forward to
working with the administrators and teachers in the development and execution of a plan.
Officer Pimental stressed, “the critical period of time is when you are alone until the time
police and fire department personnel arrive at the scene. We are trying to save lives.
Practice, practice, practice!”
Mr. Oliver thanked Chief Lee for the very helpful presentation. He inquired, “do we have a
timeline as to when the practice drills will be implemented?” Mrs. Riley responded that our
crisis planning is being reviewed. Mr. Kiely will be attending a FEMA workshop on October
22nd and 23rd and will provide us with assistance in revising our current crisis plan.
Mr. Oliver inquired as to how the information will be disseminated. Mrs. Riley stated that
every teacher has a copy of the crisis plan. Mr. Oliver stated that we will need to get the
plans for drills out to the parents.
Chief Lee stated that we have been working on site assessments. It has been shared with
the administration. “This is a long term project. We will have a plan but it will be a security
controlled document.”
Mr. Jones stated, “we need to convey to the public that live drills will be conducted in the
Chief Lee stated that the information will be made available to parents in advance.
Mr. Oliveira stated, “we need to have a plan for the plan. We need to look at our procedures
and make sure they are correct.”
Chief Lee stated that drills have been and will continue to be performed in empty buildings
prior to any drills in occupied school buildings. The first step was the agreement to have site
assessments performed on each school building. The second step was the communication
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October 8, 2013
information tool. The next step will be to get the plan rolling once the agreement has been
Mr. Nunes stated that he is firmly behind the plan. “The sooner the better.” His concern is
that students be made aware of what police officers look like in their uniforms.
Dr. Schwartz had no further questions only appreciation for the presentation.
Mr. Jones suggested that if anyone has specific questions or concerns to feel free to email
them to any School Committee member. It is important that this is a multi-step process.
Finance Committee Liaison to the School Committee, David Tatelbaum, addressed the
Committee. He has been concerned with the discussion that took place at the Finance
Committee meeting regarding the amount of capital needed to fund portions of this security
proposal. Some Fin Com members expressed concern on the expenditure of millions of
dollars on hardware and software on something that “may” happen when we have a huge
number of projects requiring funding that do not involve security. They asked how do we
justify this kind of expense. Mr. Tatelbaum asked Chief Lee to clarify the need for this
Chief Lee stated that there is no more important expenditure than to keep kids safe. As
Police Chief, we did a site evaluation of all buildings. We have a responsibility to protect our
students and staff as best we can. “I have to deal with what may happen.”
Mr. Jones stated that it is important to know that the first phase of expenditure will add
protection at all buildings. It is something we have to address. It is not an either or situation.
Mrs. Riley stated that as Superintendent the two top priorities are safety and student
Mr. Nunes moved, seconded by Dr. Schwartz to move the security improvement project to
the next step. The motion carried unanimously.
Dr. McHenry provided the Committee with an overview of the district’s performance on the
MCAS testing in the spring of 2013. The powerpoint presentation (see attached) highlighted
the district’s strengths in performance along with the challenges that need to be addressed.
As a result of the testing, both Dartmouth Middle School and the Joseph DeMello Elementary
School earned the designation of Level I. The testing also showed high achievement in
English Language Arts and improved growth in Math.
Dr. Schwartz asked for further clarification regarding Grade 10 Math scores. He stated that
he has heard from several parents that their children are finding the Math class too
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Mrs. Riley stated that students do not test into a Math class. “Our goal is to get as many
students as possible up to the level of Calculus. Algebra has been brought into the
curriculum at Grade 8. There is a misunderstanding on how students choose a Math class.”
Discussion continued relative to clarification on the test scores.
Dartmouth High School Student Richard Chen reported on the following activities taking
place at Dartmouth High School:
The PSAT tests will be administered to sophomores and juniors on October 16th.
Freshmen will be attending a bullying seminar on October 16th.
Seniors will be allowed to visit colleges on October 16th. Forty (40) students plan on
visiting UMass-Dartmouth. English teachers will be available to critique essays for
college admission packets.
The DHS Band and Colorguard recently placed first in a competition held at New
Bedford High School.
The following items were recommended by Superintendent Riley for the Committee’s
Potter School PTO Fundraising Proposal for 2013-2014
Permission for Dartmouth High School students to participate in the Environmental
Education Program at the AMC Highland Center, Bretton Woods, NH
Permission for Dartmouth High School students to participate in the Environmental
Club’s Annual Hiking Trip to Monadnock State Park
Permission for DHS Marching Band and Colorguard to compete at the USSBA
National Championships in E. Rutherford, NJ.
Mr. Nunes moved, seconded by Dr. Schwartz to approve all of the activities listed and
outlined above. The motion carried unanimously.
Mrs. Riley reminded Committee members that the annual MASC/MASS Joint
Conference will be held November 6-8 in Hyannis. Please notify Mrs. Boucher if you
plan to attend.
Mrs. Riley reported that Mr. Kiely was invited to attend a meeting with NSTAR relative
to upgrading the heating and hot water systems at the Middle, Potter, and DeMello
Schools. The cost of the project is $226,000 with an available incentive of $115,000.
Director of Maintenance Richard Ferreira has concerns particularly with the deadline
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for the completion of the project being the end of December. Mrs. Riley suggested
that next year may be a better timeframe for this project to be completed. Mr. Jones
stated that the school department would have to upfront the funds. We would need to
go before the Finance Committee, CIP Committee, and Select Board to get the money
Dr. Schwartz inquired as to the payback on the project. Mr. Kiely responded that the
payback period would be 18 months. He stated that “it is a good project but we want
to do it right. There is a possibility that the incentive money would not be available in
the future. There are no guarantees on incentives in the future. With the incentive
currently available, the net cost of this project to the school district would be
Mr. Tatelbaum suggested that the school department sign up for the project and have
it upgraded to reflect the work would be completed next summer. Mr. Kiely stated that
we have to commit now or we go in with other projects for consideration in the future.
It was suggested that our offer be put in writing to NSTAR.
Dr. Schwartz moved, seconded by Mr. Nunes to support the project offered by NSTAR
relative to the upgrading of heating and hot water systems at the Middle, Potter and
DeMello Schools and authorize the administration to negotiate with NSTAR for the
project to be completed during the summer when school is not in session. The motion
carried unanimously.
Mr. Jones reported that the Athletic Fields sub-committee will meet on Wednesday. A
new proposal by the Parks Department will be discussed. A decision will need to be
made in the near future. Mr. Jones reported that a good meeting was held with DYSA.
Mr. Jones reported that he has devised a new survey assessment tool for the
evaluation of School Committee meetings by Committee members. He requested
Committee members to review the document prior to its implementation at the next
Preparation for Town Meeting: Mr. Kiely reviewed the items contained in Article 6 (Capital
Planning) for consideration at the Fall Town Meeting to be held on October 15 th:
Physical Security Improvements – Phase 1 & 2:
Technology Infrastructure Improvements:
School Technology:
$ 79,859.
Interior & Exterior Painting – Multiple Schools:
Repointing/Waterproofing Bricks:
$ 60,000.
Classroom Furniture:
Snow Removal Equipment Replacement:
Athletic Field & Facility Maintenance
$ 68,000.
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Mr. Jones urged Committee members to be prepared to answer questions should they arise
at the Town Meeting. He stated that it is important for community members to know that the
recommendations for the security improvements are from experts in the field and make the
most sense for our district.
Mr. Nunes suggested that the technical questions regarding the security improvements
should be referred to Chief Lee.
Update on Bullying Prevention and Intervention Plans: Mrs. Riley reported that an
amendment on the Bullying Prevention policy is being developed. The new definition of a
perpetrator will be included as required by law. Attorney Lyons’ guidance has been
requested on this project. The student handbooks will be revised accordingly.
Mr. Nunes reported that DSMA will be hosting the annual home show on October 12th
beginning at 6:00 p.m. Admission is $8.00 for adults and $5.00 for students. The
Dartmouth High School band will perform at 8:15 p.m. Superintendent Riley will
distribute the awards.
Mr. Jones reported that a great 5K Race was held at Dartmouth High School over the
past weekend.
Mr. Jones reported that the Dartmouth Middle School will be conducting a bike rally on
Saturday, October 26th beginning at 9:30 a.m. Cost is $5.00 per person or $10.00 per
Student Representative Richard Chen reported that the next School Committee meeting will
take place on Monday, October 28th at 6:30 p.m. in the Dartmouth High School Media
Mr. Nunes moved, seconded by Dr. Schwartz to adjourn at 8:48 p.m. The motion carried
Respectfully submitted,
Ana C. Riley
Executive Session Minutes of the Dartmouth School Committee
September 24, 2013