Appendix S1: Size symmetry of competition among B. nigra genotypes and heterospecifics The pattern of size symmetry among competitors can be an indicator of competitive strategies. Size symmetric patterns, in which a plant’s size or biomass determines its competitive effect on its neighbor, tend to occur when plants follow a scramble strategy for below ground resources, since resource uptake can be determined by the size of the root system (von Wettberg & Weiner 2003). Size asymmetric patterns, in which competitive effect is independent of size, suggest plants are preempting resources (e.g. shading) or interfering with their competitor’s ability to acquire resources (e.g. through allelopathy) (Schenk 2006). We tested whether the competitive effect of each plant type (high sinigrin B. nigra, low sinigrin B. nigra, and heterospecifics) on each other type was size symmetric or asymmetric using competitive outcomes in the field setting from a previous experiment. Differences in size symmetry among the various interactions would provide preliminary evidence that alternative competitive strategies could underlie the intransitive network observed in this system. In a related species, patterns of size symmetry were accurate predictors of the strength of allelopathic inhibition (Lankau 2009b). However, this is not a direct test of competitive strategies, and so is presented as circumstantial evidence and as an inspiration for the hypotheses of our experimental study presented in the main paper. To evaluate asymmetries in pair-wise competitive interactions, we used data from a previously published field experiment, in which we created communities of each plant type (high sinigrin B. nigra, low sinigrin B.nigra, or a mixture of three heterospecific species, see (Lankau & Strauss 2007). Each community type was then invaded with each plant type. Each replicate plot consisted of 24 neighbor plants surrounding one invader. We counted the number of seeds produced by each species when acting as an invader in a patch of another species or genotype as a measure of its fitness, and measured the stem diameter of all neighbor plants near the end of the season. We then used species-specific allometric relationships between stem diameter and total biomass (R2 > 0.80 for all species) to predict biomass for all neighbor plants. We used these data to explore how the fitness of each invader was related to the summed biomass of the 24 neighbor plants with which they grew. We did this for all combinations of invader and community types, with the following exceptions. In order to have a large enough sample size to detect trends (N=21), we combined data from all three heterospecific species (N=7 for each combination of invader species and community type). Since heterospecific species produced different numbers of seeds, we divided the seed production of each individual by the species mean, and then combined the relativized data across all heterospecific species. Additionally, the fitness of B. nigra invaders did not differ between high and low sinigrin B. nigra communities. Therefore, for B. nigra invaders only, we combined both high and low sinigrin B. nigra communities, and tested whether competition between high or low sinigrin B. nigra invaders and general B. nigra communities was size symmetric or not. Because heterospecific fitness did differ when invading high vs. low sinigrin communities, we tested for size symmetry separately for high vs. low sinigrin B. nigra communities with heterospecific invaders. For all treatments except one (heterospecifics invading low B nigra communities), many plants did not survive to set seed. Therefore, we used zero inflated negative binomial (ZINB) models to relate community biomass to invader fitness. ZINB models are mixture models which simultaneously model two processes; one which only produces zero values, and one which produces integer values according to a negative binomial distribution. In this case, these submodels can be interpreted as survival and fecundity processes. One can then test whether one, both, or neither of these processes depends on a variable of interest; in this case, the biomass of the community. ZINB was the best supported model according to AIC weights among a set of candidate error distributions (Gaussian, poisson, negative binomial, zero inflated poisson). We used likelihood ratio tests to determine the significance of the community biomass effect separately for each process. For heterospecifics invading low sinigrin B. nigra communities, all invaders survived to set seed, so a generalized linear model with a negative binomial error distribution provided the best fit. Comparison of size symmetry of competition Intraspecific competition between B. nigra invaders and B nigra communities (transitions E and F in Fig. 1) was size symmetric, since B. nigra community biomass had a significant effect on the fitness of low sinigrin B. nigra invaders and a marginally significant effect on high sinigrin B. nigra invaders (Table A1). In contrast, high sinigrin B. nigra genotypes showed size asymmetric competition with heterospecifics (transitions A and B in Fig. 1), as community biomass had no significant effect on the fitness of high sinigrin B. nigra invaders in heterospecific communities or vice versa (Table A1). The biomass of the low sinigrin B. nigra community significantly affected the fitness of heterospecific invaders, indicating size-symmetry (transition C in Fig. 1) (Table A1); however, the biomass of the heterospecific community did not affect the fitness of low sinigrin B. nigra invaders, indicating size-asymmetry (transition D in Fig. 1). In general, community biomass only affected the fecundity component of the ZINB mixture models. However, for high sinigrin B. nigra invaders in heterospecific communities, increasing community biomass surprisingly and significantly increased invader survival. This positive relationship is not indicative of size–symmetric competition (which requires a significant negative relationship); but perhaps indicates facilitation, at least for early survival. As the analysis of size symmetry relationships comes with serious caveats, one must be cautious in their interpretation. First, this observational approach is not a direct test of competitive strategies, which would require experimental manipulations. Secondly, tests of sizesymmetry patterns are complicated by differences in statistical power. Since a finding of size asymmetry is in essence the lack of evidence for size symmetry, low statistical power could lead to erroneous conclusions of asymmetric patterns when the interaction is symmetric but too weak to detect with the given sample size. To reduce this potential bias, we combined plots of different types when previous findings suggested they behaved similarly (e.g. combining the three heterospecific invaders). While these results are necessarily preliminary, they do suggest that the three plant types may utilize different competitive strategies. For instance, competition between B. nigra genotypes was generally size symmetric, indicative of simple scramble competition for resources. This was also true for heterospecifics invading low sinigrin B. nigra communities. However, interactions between high sinigrin B. nigra genotypes and heterospecifics were size asymmetric, which is more suggestive of interference competition, such as might occur if high levels of sinigrin have allelopathic or anti-mycorrhizal effects. Somewhat surprisingly, low sinigrin B. nigra genotypes showed size asymmetric patterns when invading heterospecific communities. These differences in competitive strategies may play a role in driving the intransitive network of interactions between these three plant types. References Lankau R.A. & Strauss S.Y. (2007). Mutual feedbacks maintain both genetic and species diversity in a plant community. Science, 317, 1561-1563. Schenk H.J. (2006). Root competition: beyond resource depletion. Journal of Ecology, 94, 725739. von Wettberg E.J. & Weiner J. (2003). Larger Triticum aestivum plants do not preempt nutrientrich patches in a glasshouse experiment. Plant Ecology, 169, 85-92. Table S1. Log-likelihood ratios for ZINB models of invader fitness with versus without community biomass as an explanatory variable in the negative binomial sub-model, for each of the transitions outlined in Fig. 1. Bold values indicate that models including community biomass had a significantly higher likelihood (at P<0.05), indicating size-symmetric competition. Italicized values indicate a marginally significant effect (P<0.10). * Since high and low sinigrin B. nigra invaders did not differ in their response to the sinigrin level of B. nigra communities, data from high and low sinigrin B. nigra communities were combined for these transitions. Tests of size-symmetry Transition A. C. D. E. B. F. Invader Heterospecifc Heterospecifc Low Sinigrin Low Sinigrin High Sinigrin High Sinigrin Community High Sinigrin Low Sinigrin Heterospecific High Sinigrin* Heterospecific Low Sinigrin* LR 1.00 9.37 0.36 4.5 0.84 2.9 P 0.32 0.002 0.55 0.03 0.36 0.09 Symmetric? N Y N Y N Y Appendix S2: Analysis of abiotic soil factors among plant communities High sinigrin B. nigra Low sinigrin B. nigra Mixed heterospecific cation exchange capacity % organic matter NO3 2.48 0.09 10.60 1.07 15.40 0.56 463 18 1001 21 1030 27 6.58 0.04 16.23 0.29 2.42 0.07 10.50 2.59 15.00 0.58 440 23 993 11 1008 8 6.58 0.04 15.82 0.18 2.35 0.15 13.50 6.51 17.00 2.74 470 45 1023 14 1025 14 6.50 0.14 16.70 0.40 P K Mg Ca pH Means and standard errors for eight abiotic soil factors. NO3, P, K, Mg and Ca are presented as parts per million. Cation exchange capacity is in units of milliequivalients/100 grams. No measure differed significantly among the three types of plant communities.