Choose one of the three essay prompts:

Mrs. Loosle
English 11
The Crucible – Essay Time!
The time has come, my dear students, to write your essay on The Crucible! We are
going to go through the writing process one step at a time, and I will be here to assist
you throughout the process. You will be writing on a topic that I know is near and dear
to a teenager’s heart. So, now that you’re all done moaning about having to write an
essay , let’s begin!
1. Answer the essay prompt provided.
2. Prewriting: Create an outline. Your outline will be due on: Monday
September 30 (A Days) or Tuesday October 1 (B Days).
3. Drafting: Write a rough draft that is at least 2 typed pages. Due:
September 30/ October 1.
4. Proofreading: In class peer editing will take place on October 2/3.
5. Revising: Final Draft Due at the end of class (at least 2 ½ pages) :
October 2/3.
Essay Prompt
Preserving one’s reputation is a prevalent theme in The Crucible. Examine three characters in
detail who are concerned with their reputations. How does this affect how they act? How are
their situations similar or different? Is a good name more important than the truth?
Write a 5-paragraph essay that examines Arthur Miller’s view of reputation in The Crucible.
Use the attached outline form to guide you in writing your essay. The rough draft is required, and
your final essay must be typed in MLA format. You must include all the components outlined in
the rough draft.
(for turning in your final paper)
Hand this checklist in with your final paper. When you turn your final paper in
your will also hand in, in the following order, (1) this checklist, (2) your final paper,
(3) your filled out rubric, (4) your rough draft, (5) Bless-Address-Press peer editing
sheet, and (6) your outline.
Check off each item if it is completed. Make sure ALL items are checked off
before handing in your paper.
o I have completed my final paper
o I have included my rough draft
o I have included my outline
o I have filled out the rubric and written the grade I think I have earned
o I self-revised my own paper
o I have included my peer editing sheet
o I have stapled my paper and all other materials together
o I feel I have put enough effort into my paper and am proud of the
Your Rubric // Name:____________________ – Fill this rubric out to determine what grade you believe
you deserve.
- Essay has a strong thesis statement
- Clearly answers essay prompt
- Exceptionally clear focus throughout
- Rich details that support thesis
- Clear purpose
- Essay ideas are presented in a logical and well thought out order
- Paragraphs smoothly flow into each other
- Strong introduction that brings reader “into” the essay
- Conclusion neatly ties essay together and brings reader back to thesis
- There is strong evidence from the first draft that time was spent rewording and
reorganizing the essay to make it a stronger piece of writing
- There is evidence in the final draft that students used suggestions from peer editing
- Writing style makes the topic come “alive” (writing is engaging and exciting to
- Voice (tone, word choice, etc.) shows exceptionally strong sense of audience
and purpose
- Writing has few (if any) spelling errors
- Writer exhibits strong grammatical skills
- There is tense agreement, subject-verb agreement, etc. throughout essay
- Every paragraph provides evidence from The Crucible that supports their claim(s)
- Evidence is cited in proper MLA format- “Quote” (page #).
- Arguments are not simply stated; they are explained and defended.
Materials Provided
- All of the following are included: (1) the checklist, (2) your final paper, (3) your
filled out rubric, (4) your rough draft, (5) Bless-Address-Press peer editing sheet, and
(6) your outline.
Add up points you checked off above: _____
Next, divide the above number by 28, then multiply it by 100: __________  This is the grade you gave yourself.
Mrs. Loosle’s Rubric
- Essay has a strong thesis statement
- Clearly answers essay prompt
- Exceptionally clear focus throughout
- Rich details that support thesis
- Clear purpose
- Essay ideas are presented in a logical and well thought out order
- Paragraphs smoothly flow into each other
- Strong introduction that brings reader “into” the essay
- Conclusion neatly ties essay together and brings reader back to thesis
- There is strong evidence from the first draft that time was spent rewording and
reorganizing the essay to make it a stronger piece of writing
- There is evidence in the final draft that students used suggestions from peer editing
- Writing style makes the topic come “alive” (writing is engaging and exciting to
- Voice (tone, word choice, etc.) shows exceptionally strong sense of audience
and purpose
- Writing has few (if any) spelling errors
- Writer exhibits strong grammatical skills
- There is tense agreement, subject-verb agreement, etc. throughout essay
- Every paragraph provides evidence from The Crucible that supports their claim(s)
- Evidence is cited in proper MLA format
- Arguments are not simply stated; they are explained and defended.
Materials Provided
- All of the following are included: (1) the checklist, (2) your final paper, (3) your
filled out rubric, (4) your rough draft, (5) Bless-Address-Press peer editing sheet, and
(6) your outline.
Raw Score: _____ // Converted Score: __________  This is the score Mrs. Loosle gave you
Your Name
Last name 1
Teacher Name
Class Name
Date (Day-Month-Year)
Creative Title
Introduction Paragraph: In your own words, explain what reputation is. What role does reputation play
in The Crucible? Then write a thesis stating whether or not a good name is more important than the truth.
Be sure to cite the name of the work and author that the characters are taken from. Also state how the
three characters you have chosen are concerned with their reputation. How does this affect how they act?
Last Name 2
Body Paragraph 1: Explain how the character was concerned with reputation. How did this influence
his/her actions? What kind of a person did they become? How did other people come to view them?
Include a quote that shows that this character worried about reputation, then write two sentences explaining
your quote. Remember, “quote” (page #).
Body Paragraph 2: Explain how the character was concerned with reputation. How did this influence
his/her actions? What kind of a person did they become? How did other people come to view them?
Include a quote that shows that this character worried about reputation, then write two sentences explaining
your quote. Remember, “quote” (page #).
Body Paragraph 3: Explain how the character was concerned with reputation. How did this influence
his/her actions? What kind of a person did they become? How did other people come to view them?
Include a quote that shows that this character worried about reputation, then write two sentences explaining
your quote. Remember, “quote” (page #).
Conclusion Paragraph: Restate your thesis, then summarize your main points. End with the “So-What”
statement (Ok, I read your essay, but so what? Explain why what you’ve said throughout your essay is