AP French Language & Culture

Elisa Savoia
858 454 3081 ext 4503
AP French Language
Fall 2010
Welcome back to the study of French. Through learning to
communicate in a second (or third or fourth) language, you will
learn wonders about the world and yourselves. The World
Language Department at LJHS is committed to helping students
develop and maintain proficiency in a language other than English.
This class will follow the National Standards for Foreign Language
Learning as well as the California State Frameworks for Foreign
Language. We will work towards proficiency in the areas of
reading, writing, speaking, listening, and cultures. Coursework
will be in the context of the five C’s for foreign language
education: communication, cultures, connections, comparisons,
and communities. The class will be taught completely in French.
In this classroom, you will improve your listening, reading,
writing, and speaking skills in a foreign language. You will do this
through the study of grammar as well as various literary works.
You will be expected to access various primary sources that are
available online such as French newspapers, magazines, news
shows etc. You will be required to read, speak, and write
extensively in the target language. Through written and oral
discussion of various topics you will develop you writing and
improve your critical thinking skills in French. You will also be
required to complete oral presentations and various class projects.
You are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared.
There is no eating or drinking in class. Electronic gadgets such as
pagers, cell phones, I pods etc. are not allowed in class, these
objects will be confiscated. Learning a language requires a
positive and outgoing attitude. In order to achieve an optimum
learning environment you will show respect to yourselves and
others at all times.
Grades will be calculated by points. You will receive
points for every assignment. You will have homework every
night. This will include extensive reading and writing as well as
grammar. In addition you will be asked to access the internet on a
weekly basis in order to find authentic reading and listening
materials. AP-style assessments ie. Verb fill-ins, speaking prompts
etc will be given on a weekly basis. Your grades will be calculated
based on points, homework is usually worth 5 or 10 points, exams
are worth 50. 64 percent and below is an F
Your academic grade differs from your citizenship grade.
This will be based on classroom participation and decorum. This
class will adhere to LJHS Universal Tardy Policy available at:
www.ljhs.sandi.net/UTP?TardyPolicy.pdf In addition two
truancies will result in a U in citizenship. Work missed while on an
excused absence is due the first day back. Any quizzes or tests not
made up within a week’s time will become zeros. Extended time is
allowed for extended absences.
Cheating is not allowed; the first offense will result in a zero for the
assignment, Second offense results in a grade of F/U for the semester.
In order to receive a weighted grade for this class you must
take the AP Exam in May. An advanced placement French
Language course is the equivalent of a university-level second year
French course. Therefore, students should be prepared to spend at
least one hour per day out of class (including weekends) on
readings, preparation of projects and essays, reviewing for tests,
Because of advances in technology we have available to us
many primary sources available online. Students will be asked to
access these many resources on their own time. They are expected
to follow all school internet policies.
In addition we have available to us some excellent foreign
language films of outstanding artistic, linguistic, and cultural
value. Some of these films, because they are so current, authentic,
and commercially successful may contain obscenities in the
foreign language or in the subtitles, or other content that may be
considered questionable. Please visit the teacher’s website and
download the permission slip if you choose to give your student
permission to view these films.
Moments Littéraires
Hirsch, Bette G. & Thompson, Chantal P.
D. C. Heath and
Company 1992.
Bravo! 4th edition
Muyskens, Judith A et al
Heinle Thompson
Une fois pour toutes 2 edition
Sturges II, Hale, Cregg Nielsen, Linda & Herbst, Henry L.
Longman Publishing Group 1992
Various sources of reading materials such as short stories, plays,
poems, magazines, newspaper and internet articles.
Student name
Parent name
Student signature
Parent signature
First Semester
Unit 1
Famille & communauté
Grammar : Lesson 1 (Une fois pour toutes)
Regular present tense verbs
Irregular present tense verbs
The imperative
Formation of questions
The passive voice
Grammar : Lesson 2 (Une fois pour toutes)
Passé recent
Passé composé
Reading :
Le Petit Prince *
Le Petit Nicolas *
L’école des femmes *
Fables *
Oral :
Various discussions based on readings as well as
oral presentations from Bravo Vocabulary (Bravo!)
Faire des connaissances
Les invitations
Introduire soi-meme
Assesment: Interros from Une Fois pour toutes. Oral
presentations based on TheLittle Prince. Written compositions on
various topics stemming from the reading. Vocabulary quizzes
Unit 3
La vie contemporaine
The Future & the conditional (Une fois pour toutes)
Grammar :
Futur proche
Futur antérieur
Past conditional
Conditional phrases
Reading :
Prévert *
La Cantatrice Chauve *
Lettres persanes (24,30) *
Histoire d’un bon Bramin *
La Gloire de Mon Père *
Oral : (Bravo!)
Qu’est ce qu’on va faire ?
Assesment: Interros from Une Fois pour toutes. Oral
presentations about XVII century art & literature. Written
compositions on various topics stemming from the reading.
Unit 4
La quête de soi
The Subjunctive (Une fois pour toutes)
Grammar :
Agreement of tenses with the subjunctive
Si clauses
Reading :
Emile ou De l’éducation (extrait)
Le Mythe de Sysiphe
Prévert (Le désepoir …)
De quoi t’ennuies-tu, Eveline?
Mon oncle Jules
Oral: (Bravo!)
Express yourself
In my opinion
Assesment: Interros from Une Fois pur toutes. Oral
presentations about XVIII century art & literature. Written
compositions on various topics stemming from the reading.
Final Exam
Second Semester
Unit 1
Science et technologie
Pronouns, possesives, & demonstratives (Une fois
pour toutes)
Direct & indirect object pronouns
Reading :
Tous égaux face au web
La Tribu des Yetties
Oral: (Bravo!)
Life is not easy, how to complain
Unit 2
Le defies mondiaux
Relative pronouns and negative expressions (Une
fois pour toutes)
Simple relative pronouns
Oú, dont, quoi, et lequel
Negative expressions
Reading :
Demain, dès l’aube
Les faux beaux jours
Oral : (Bravo!)
Preferences, how to explain your preferences and desires
Unit 3
Grammar : Adjectives, adverbes, comparisons, & superlatives
(Une fois pour toutes)
Grammar : Prepositions & conjunctions, (Une fois pour toutes)
AP review
Reading :
Le pont Mirabeau
Oral : (Bravo!)
In conclusion, how to summarize
Unit 4
AP French language exam
ean Paul Sartre
Huis Clos
Students will write original novels
All students will be required to participate in a “French Salon”.
Students will take on the role of a literary character/author, write
their biography, write and record a 5 minute monologue that their
character would have feasibly delivered, and attend an evening
“salon” dressed as their character speaking only in French and
expressing the opinions for which their character was well-known.
All units include a series of assessments including homework,
quizzes, exams, essays, oral presentations, and individual and
group projects.