Transcript of the video with Dylan and Jane DOC



Department of Innovation, Industry & Regional Development


Video Transcript: Dylan and Jane

Dylan: Hi. Here at Nova we’re so busy trying to talk on the radio and trying to keep up to date with music, trying to keep things interesting on the internet, that we need someone else to tell everyone what we’re up to.

Luckily, we have an awesome Publicity Director who goes by the name of Miss Jane Elliot. Miss Jane.




Hi Dylan.

Hi. Why did you choose to get into this gig of publicity?

Well, ah, I found particularly at Nova it’s a very dynamic environment.

I love the spontaneity of radio, ah, and I love working with creative people like yourself.



What sort of training did you undergo?

Ah, well I undertook an Associate Diploma in Business Public

Relations, which gave me a lot of different skills in terms of business, but also specialising in writing and the public relations field. And one great thing about that course was that it taught me that there’s many different areas you can work in, from radio and TV, to corporate, to charity. So I found it a really versatile course, ah, and gave me a bit of insight into a lot of different fields.

Dylan: Thanks Miss Jane. I think you’d better get back to work now. This radio station won’t publicise itself!

So if you want an awesome job in an awesome place like this, all you need is awesome skills. To find out more, head to the Youth Central website.

Skills Victoria – Nova Radio
