Report to Cabinet 17 February 2015 Portfolio Holder Presenting: Cabinet Member for Property, Finance and Commissioning Subject: EXCLUSIVITY AGREEMENT – LEISURE PARK Status: OPEN Ward(s): ALL Key Decision: No Key Decision / Ref: n/a Report of: Cabinet Member for Property, Finance and Commissioning Contact officer: Mike Bovis - Direct Line (01256) 845360 ext. 2360 or Appendices: None Papers relied on to None produce this report: 1 Executive Summary 1.1 This report seeks Cabinet approval to enter into an exclusivity agreement with the preferred development partner for the Leisure Park for a six month period. 1.2 The report does not commit the council to the Leisure Park redevelopment or to the appointment of the development partner at this stage. 1.3 A future report will be presented to Cabinet, for Member decision, after the exclusivity period which will detail the results of the work undertaken and present options for the way forward. 2 Recommendation 2.1 It is recommended that: 2.1.1 Cabinet approves the entering of an exclusivity agreement with NewRiver Retail REIT (NRR) and that the detailed terms are delegated to the Head of Resources in consultation with the Head of Governance and Commissioning and the Portfolio Holder for Property, Finance and Commissioning. 2.1.2 Cabinet also approves a budget carry forward of £70,000 to cover the external fees incurred during the Exclusivity Period PRIORITIES, IMPACTS AND RISKS 1 of 5 Contribution to Council Priorities This report accords with the council’s Budget and Policy Framework and directly supports the Council Plan priority/priorities of improving economic vitality and maintaining a reputation for quality arts and leisure. GLOSSARY OF TERMS Term Definition REIT Real Estate Investment Trust MAIN CONSIDERATIONS 3 Background 3.1 In October 2012 Cabinet, following an endorsement of the strategy by Community and Wellbeing OSCOM, agreed to a regeneration delivery strategy for the Leisure Park. 3.2 The basis of the strategy is to encourage regeneration of existing facilities and reinvestment into the Park by attracting new leisure uses. The provision of new uses should provide an opportunity to drive up overall visitor numbers to the Park and enhance expenditure on the Park generally, in turn, incentivising existing tenants to invest in current facilities. 3.3 The four principles of the strategy are set out below; 3.4 1. To seek innovative proposals from parties to create a regional leisure destination within the Council’s landholdings at the Leisure Park and encourage re-investment within existing facilities. 2. To enable the whole of the Leisure Park, to include Saunders Field, to be part of any regeneration proposal. 3. To secure a development partner to bring forward holistic development on the Park and offer that party a long term partnership to incentivise them to deliver. 4. To control and steer the nature of development through retention of the Park’s ownership and through a governance structure to manage the partnership. The whole Leisure Park site plus the land known as Saunders Field was included as part of the development opportunity. The previous Cabinet report recognised that any proposals for Saunders Field would be expected to be treated sensitively and have full regard to the land’s flood plain status, the impact on the River Loddon and the impact/ contribution to the green infrastructure of the surrounding area. 2 of 5 4 Development Partner Procurement 4.1 An OJEU contract notice was issued advising of the development partner opportunity in June 2013. This was accompanied by a comprehensive marketing campaign, which included adverts being placed in the key national property press (Estates Gazette and Property Week), a supporting marketing brochure and a dedicated web page were also produced. 4.2 52 expressions of interest were registered through the web site although many were by supporting consultants rather than developers; 2 compliant bids were received from potential development partners. 4.3 Following an evaluation of these bids in accordance with the Council’s agreed evaluation criteria both companies were selected to progress to the Stage 2 Detailed Submissions part of the procurement. This involved a dialogue process with each potential bidder. 4.4 At the conclusion of the process, it was decided to continue discussions with NewRiver Retail REIT (NRR) 4.5 The NRR proposal for Basingstoke Leisure Park is built around a concept of developing a broad mixture of complementary leisure uses in the shape of physical “zones” and these are currently envisaged to include; Entertainment, a Market Square, Outdoor, Sport/Adrenalin, Water based, Fitness, Health and Speciality and a Learning zone. Saunders Field would be designated as an ecology zone. The bidder proposes that upon practical completion of the development, it be granted a 250 year lease of the entire Park, to ensure a whole site approach to management. As freeholder, the council would receive a percentage of the total rent roll and the detail of this will be finalised during the exclusivity period. 5 Exclusivity Agreement 5.1 The Exclusivity Period is required to establish the detailed scheme proposals, including a refinement of the Leisure Park redevelopment masterplan, the terms of a development agreement and the detailed financial structure, before Members can be provided with a detailed report to consider whether or not to progress with the redevelopment and enter into a development agreement with the preferred development partner. 5.2 The Exclusivity Period will provide the bidder with recognition in the market enabling them to carry out more detailed discussions with potential operators around occupying new floor space built at the leisure park. The bidder would also engage with key stakeholders to test out the appropriateness of the refined scheme. 5.3 It will also enable the council and the bidder to further develop the financial structure and development appraisal, including the possibility of capped council funding for site assembly and to work on the detailed legal terms of a potential development agreement. 3 of 5 5.4 At the end of the Exclusivity Period, the content of the refined scheme and all of the implications (financial and non-financial) will be reported again to Cabinet for further consideration and a decision on whether to commit to a development agreement (assuming a viable scheme can be recommended). At the point of this next report, neither party will be under any obligation and the parties can cease discussions if either so decide.. 6 Options Analysis 6.1 The Council has two main options: (i) to continue to refine the existing proposals with NewRiver Retail REIT via an exclusivity agreement as recommended in this report; or (ii) to end the current development partner procurement process now and re-advertise. 6.2 Advice from the Council’s appointed leisure market specialists is that it would be unlikely to see an increased level of developer interest if it went back to market immediately. Their advice is that Council should not immediately take the opportunity back to market even if ultimately no agreement can be reached with the current bidder. In these circumstances the Council is advised to take stock and review its options including defining what it would be seeking from developers. 7 Corporate Implications 7.1 Financial Implications 7.1.1 Each party will be responsible for their own costs during the exclusivity period. 7.1.2 The Council is likely to incur legal and valuation consultancy costs associated with formulating a development agreement and evaluating the financial terms proposed by the developer. The Council’s costs can be met from the agreed and approved £90,000 budget for the Leisure Park redevelopment scheme in 2014/15. However, as most of the work on the agreement will now take place in 2015/16 a carry forward of £70,000 is requested to be approved. 7.1.3 The Council will need to ensure that detailed financial proposals refined during the exclusivity period comply with best consideration s123 requirements. 7.2 Risk Issues 7.2.1 There is a risk that the work undertaken during the exclusivity period could be abortive. 7.3 Equalities 7.3.1 None 7.4 Legal Implications 7.4.1 Under the proposals set out in this report, a legal exclusivity agreement would be completed and entered into by the council and the bidder. The period of the Exclusivity Period will be six months but this could be extended by mutual agreement if positive progress is still being made. 4 of 5 8 Comment from Portfolio Holder 8.1 I am pleased that after so many months work we are in a position to recommend entering into an exclusivity agreement with NewRiver Retail. The 6 months exclusivity period will enable the 2 parties to work together to establish if a compelling, deliverable and financially sound regeneration of the leisure park can be structured. The potential win for the borough and its residents is enormous in terms of new and improved leisure attractions, more jobs and more business and visitor numbers generally if we can succeed in our aspiration to make Basingstoke Leisure Park a regional magnet. I hope that the exciting potential our leisure park offers will be fully realised over the next 6 months. 9 Communication and Consultation 9.1 The outline Leisure Park redevelopment scheme proposals were presented by New River Retail to the Leader and Portfolio Holder mid 2014 and to the Leisure Park MAP on 4th September 2014. 9.2 Once the work has been concluded in the exclusivity period a further report will be taken to Cabinet via the appropriate Overview Committee. 10 Conclusion 10.1 The proposals from the preferred development partner, NewRiver Retail, have significant potential to discuss further on a non-commitment basis and it is recommended to enter into discussions and bring back a report and potentially a proposed development agreement to Cabinet in 6 months. Entering an exclusivity agreement enables the bidder to have more meaningful discussions with existing and potential scheme occupiers and will help ensure that the most robust proposal is worked up prior to future consideration by Cabinet. 5 of 5