2005-1-19 R3
Simpson : Psychogenic dizziness — a clinical syndrome characterized by vague, persistent sensation of dizziness, subjective imbalance, lightheadedness, or fullness in the head without evidence of vestibular dysfuntion on NE or balance function tests.
Bath: 20~25% patients with chronic dizziness
psychogenic dizziness.
Jacob: Psychogenic dizziness is significant related to panic disorder with or without agoraphobia. Some related to hyperventilation.
Robichaud: Hyperventilation-induced nystagmus is significant related with retrocochlear pathology than with end-organ pathology.
Murphy: Mal de Debarquement syndrome (MDDS) — an imbalance or rocking sensation lasts for 6-12 months after prolonged exposure to motion (most commonly after a sea cruise or a long airplane flight).
Brandt: Phobic postural vertigo (PPV) — a somatoform disorder characterized by a chronic and subjective imbalance and short attacks of dizziness.
( ≧ 4 symptoms)
Symptoms develop abruptly and reached peak in 10`mins.
Palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate
Trembling or shaking
Sensations of shortness of breath or smothering
Feeling of choking
Chest pain or discomfort
Nausea or abdominal distress
Feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint
Derealization (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself)
Fear of losing control or going crazy
Fear of dying
Paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations)
Chills or hot flushes
Agoraphobia: Axiety about being in places or situation which escape might be difficult.
64% of dizzy patients need of psychological help. 8% had panic disorder.
Co-morbid dizziness and anxiety is 11%.
Psychoanalytical view: Psychic conflicts can manifest as somatic symptoms.
Psychogenic vertigo is often diagnosed as an anxiety concomitant, or an anxiety equivalent.
Conflicts or stress in the life
psychic defenses collapse
trigger regressive mechanisms
chronic dizziness
The onset of Phobic postural vertigo (PPV) coincided with psychological conflicts associated with the feelings of existential threat.
Bridges, empty rooms, the crowds
concomitant anxiety and autonomic symptoms
personality disorder, especially obsessional traits
Dizziness is either organic or psycogenic?
Categories of dizziness etiologies:
Syndromal vestibular disorders
Non-syndromal vestibular disorders
Subclinical vestibular disorders
No vestibular disorder
“Psychiatric dizziness”, on if it is part of a recognized psychiatric symptom complex, and cannot be explained by a vestibular disorder.
Psychological factors on vestibular function:
Attention, cognitive activities, mental stress, and hyperventilation
After hyperventilation, significant increase in body sway of normal individuals.
reductions in somatosensory input
Hyperventilation induced nystagmus in patients with vestibular disorders
Hyperventilation affects both affected nerve and central compensation.
Caution us: Hyperventilation-induced dizziness
not always psychogenic
Somatopsychic effects:
Can vestibular symptoms result in anxiety?
Space and motion discomfort
visual influence on balance
Autonomic anxiety symptoms, including sweating, dry mouth, hot flash.
Can a reduction of the symptoms/signs of vestibular dysfunction lead to a reduction in anxiety?
Vestibular rehabilitaion and cognitive behavior therapy can improve patients
with agoraphobia and vestibular dysfunction independently.
Treatment of Panic Disorder with and without Agoraphobia
Medication: anti-depressant (SSRI), anxiolytics(eg. Ativan, Xanax)
Education about physical and mental symptoms (cognitive restructuring)
Breathing retraining
Interoceptive exposure (repeated hyperventilation to produce physical symptoms); and real life (In-vivo) exposure to feared situations.
Bath AP, Walsh RM, Ranalli P, et al. Experience from a multidisciplinary “dizzy” clinic.
Am J Otology 2000;21:92–97.
Yardley L. Overview of psychological effects of chronic dizziness and balance disorders.
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Staab JP. Diagnosis and treatment of psychologic symptoms and psychiatric disorders in patients with dizziness and imbalance. Otolaryngol Clin N Am 2000;33:617–633.
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Jacob RG, Furman JM. Psychiatric consequences of vestibular dysfunction. Curr Opin
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Kapfhammer HP, Mayer C, Hock U, et al. Course of illness in phobic postural vertigo.
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Nagarkar AN, Gupta AK, Mann SB. Psychological findings in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo and psychogenic vertigo. J Otolaryngol 2000;29:154–158.
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Jacob RG, Whitney SL, Detweiler-Shostak G, Furman JM. Vestibular rehabilitation for patients with agoraphobia and vestibular dysfunction: a pilot study. J Anxiety Disord.
2001 Jan-Apr;15(1-2):131-46.