Dizziness Information Talk

Tuesday, February 9 from 12:45-1:30 p.m. at Albany Parks and Recreation Senior Center
Dizziness (commonly referred to as vertigo) is a more prevalent problem than one might think.
As many as 35% of adults 40 years and older in the US have experienced dizziness of some
kind. Your chances of experiencing dizziness increases with age as 80% of adults 65 and older
have experienced the condition. Causes of dizziness range widely and include, but are not
limited to, changes in blood pressure, drug side effects, anxiety, vertebrobasilar insufficiency,
TMJ dysfunction, neck pain, central nervous system dysfunction, and vestibular
dysfunction. Using up-to-date evidence to guide treatment, skilled physical therapists are ideally
suited to helping you understand and treat some symptoms of dizziness. Come and learn about
the most recent evidence and treatment of dizziness/vertigo, and what physical therapy can do
for you!
Space is limited for this FREE workshop. Call the Albany Parks and Recreation Senior Center at
541-917-7760 to sign up today.