Chemistry Coursepack





Table of Contents:


Chemistry Big Ideas

Periodic Tables

Element Symbols to Know

Metric Conversions

Element Densities

Polyatomic Ions

Atomic Orbitals

Electromagnetic Spectrum

Electronegativity Values

Solubility Curves

Solubility Rules

Acids, Bases, and pH

Activity Series

Project Grading Rubrics

News Notebook

Chemical Icosahedron

Chemistry Lab

Safety Contract

Lab Equipment

Lab Notebook and Journaling Guidelines

Guide to Formal Lab Report

Hydrate Lab

Aluminum Ornament Lab

Percent Yield of MgO Formal Lab Report Rubric

Defining Equilibrium Lab


Chemistry Syllabus

Physical Science Notes

My Message to You



The properties and interactions of matter are directly related to the properties and interactions of atoms and molecules.

The electron configuration of atoms can be used to predict several periodic trends related to chemical bonding.

The shapes and properties of molecules are dependent on the chemical bonding of shared electrons.

The mass of products created in a chemical reaction can be mathematically predicted from the mass of reactants consumed in the reaction.

The properties of solutions depend on temperature, the identity of solute, and the amount and identity of solvent.




Element Symbols to Know

You should know the ALL of the following elements and their symbols. Please take note of spelling, because that will be considered on your quizzes. The word origin is provided as a reference for the seemingly unusual symbols but you do not need to memorize the word origin.

Symbol Element

Ag silver (Latin: argentum)

Al aluminum

Ar argon

As arsenic

Au gold (Latin: aurum)

B boron

Ba barium

Be beryllium

Br bromine

C carbon

Ca calcium

Cl chlorine

Co cobalt

Cu copper (Latin: cuprum)

F fluorine

Fe iron (Latin: ferrum)

H hydrogen

He helium

Hg mercury (Latin: hydragyrum)

I iodine

K potassium (German: kalium)

Kr krypton

Li lithium


Mg magnesium


Mn manganese

N nitrogen

Na sodium (Latin: natrium)

Ne neon

Ni nickel


P oxygen phosphorus

Pb lead (Latin: plumbum)

Pt platinum

Ra radium

Rn radon

S sulfur

Se selenium

Si silicon

Sn tin (Latin: stannum)

Ti titanium

U uranium

W tungsten (German: wolfram)

Xe xenon

Zn zinc

Zr zirconium


Guide to the Metric System






(no prefix)


Symbol for Prefix k h da d

Example Units Fraction of the

Base unit kilogram (kg) kilometer (km)


100 hectometer (hm) hectoliter (hL) dekaliter (daL) dekagram (dag)

10 meter (m)

Liter (L) gram (g) decimeter (dm) deciliter (dL)




Milli- c m centimeter (cm) centigram (cg) milliliter (mL) milligram (mg)




610.68 centimeters = 6.1068 meters [decimal moved two places to the LEFT since the standard (meter) is two steps above “centi”]

379.8 kilograms = 379800 grams [decimal moved three places to the RIGHT since the standard (g) is three steps below “kilo”]

19.54 Liters = 19540 milliliters [decimal moved three places to the RIGHT since “milli” is three steps below the standard (L)]

Other Conversions


1.00 km = 0.621 miles

1 mile = 5280 feet

1 inch = 2.54 centimeters

1 meter = 1.094 yards


1.00 kg = 2.205 pounds

1 pound = 16 ounces

1 ounce = 28.35 grams

1 ton = 2000 pounds


1.00 L = 0.264 gallons

1 gallon = 4 quarts

1 quart = 2 pints

1 pint = 473.176 mL

Temperature Conversions:

ºCelsius = 5/9 x (ºF-32)

ºFahrenheit = (9/5 x ºC) + 32

Kelvin = ºC+273

ºCelsius = K-273


Densities of some common elements:

Density = mass  volume

Hydrogen 0.00008988 g/cm 3 or g/mL

Helium 0.0001785

Neon 0.0008999

Nitrogen 0.0012506

Oxygen 0.001429















Potassium 0.862

Sodium 0.971

Calcium 1.54

Magnesium 1.738

Phosphorus 1.82





Silicon 2.3296

Aluminum 2.698

Titanium 4.54















Mercury 13.5336

Uranium 18.95

Gold 19.292

Platinum 21.46


Ion Charges and Diatomic Molecules

Polyatomic Ions and Charges

Charge Formula

1+ NH



1- C

























OH -





































Hydrogen carbonate
















Charges of Common Metal Ions

Cadmium +2



+2, +3, +6

+2, +3, +6



+1, +2

+2, +3






+2, +4

+2, +3


+2, +4


Diatomic Molecules

Hydrogen gas

Nitrogen gas

Oxygen gas

Fluorine gas

Chlorine gas

Bromine liquid

Iodine solid I















Atomic Orbitals (s, p, d, f)

Energy of Atomic Orbitals



Electronegativity Values



Soluble Compounds:

Solid/Salt Symbols

Solubility Rules

Solubility in Water

Nitrates (NO




Ammonium (NH




Potassium K


Sodium Na


Carbonates (CO


) -2

Hydroxides (OH)


All nitrate compounds are soluble

All ammonium compounds are soluble

All potassium compounds are soluble

All sodium compounds are soluble







All lithium compounds are soluble









All acetate compounds are soluble



Br -1





) -2

Exceptions: Halide compounds with silver, lead, and mercury

Exceptions: BaSO





, PbSO



, SrSO


, CaSO






Insoluble Compounds (precipitates):

Solid/Salt Symbols Solubility in Water

Exceptions: Carbonates of Group 1 Metals and (NH


) +1

Oxides O


Phosphates (PO


) -3

Sulfides S


Exceptions: Hydroxides of Group 1 Metals and Ba(OH)




, Ca(OH)


(sparingly soluble)

Exceptions: Oxides of Group 1 Metals

Exceptions: Phosphates of Group 1 Metals and (NH


) +1

Exceptions: Sulfides of Group 1 Metals and (NH




Sulfites (SO




Exceptions: Sulfites of Group 1 Metals and (NH





Acids, Bases, and pH


Activity Series of Metals in Aqueous Solution


Chemistry News Notebook

DUE DATES: Completed News Notebooks are due at the beginning of class on each of the following dates:

1 st Quarter Notebook: Due Monday, October 11, 2010

2 nd

Quarter Notebook: Due Monday, December 13, 2010

3 rd

Quarter Notebook: Due Monday, February 28, 2011

4 th

Quarter Notebook: Due Monday, May 9, 2011

Late Policy: If not turned in on time, only 5% will be deducted if completed before 4:00 on due date. Every day late after the due date will result in 10% deducted per day.

REQUIREMENTS: News Notebooks are to be completed independently and outside of class. Each

News Notebook will be comprised of THREE science-related articles and a student summary/reflection.

For each article, students must: o Find a current article (no more than 1 year old) related to chemistry topics o Make sure article is at least 300 words long o Print article from the website o Read article! o Type a summary of the article (minimum of 5 sentences) and a personal reflection on the article (minimum of 5 sentences) o Print summary/reflection o Combine all three articles and all three summary/reflections into a notebook format

(including a cover page that includes student name, due date, and titles of the three articles)

Note: Extra Credit points will NOT be given for including additional articles, but extra credit points can be earned for outstanding creativity in the notebook’s creation.

IDEAS: The focus of the article must be related to a chemistry topic. Some topics include: chemical elements, molecules, chemical reactions, energy, chemical composition of matter, pharmaceuticals, and atmospheric gases. If you are unsure if your article meets the requirements, ask Miss Hinkhouse to review it by the Wednesday prior to the due date.

Good websites for articles:

Note: Newspaper and printed magazine articles are also acceptable as long as all other requirements are met.

Questions/Ideas to Ponder when reflecting on an article:

How does this article relate to your life?

What questions do you still have on this topic?

Do you agree or disagree with the article? Why?

How does the article relate to what you have already learned about science?


Grading Rubric for Chemistry News Notebook

Choice of


6 points

Summary of Article

9 points



9 points

Still a Goal

Article does not follow the stated requirements

Student simply copied a few sentences from the article to

“summarize” it

Reflection simply summarizes the article and does not include personal thoughts or opinions

On the Right Track

Article is only loosely tied to a chemistry concept


Article is not current


Article is less than 300 words long

Summary is well written and is at least 5 sentences long, but student did not describe the the article main ideas of

Meets Expectations

Focus of article is tightly linked to a chemistry concept


Article is less than 1 year old


Article is at least 300 words in length

Summary accurately describes the main idea(s) of the article in the students own words


Summary is at least 5 sentences in length

Reflection is well-done but is too short


Reflection does not relate to the main ideas of the article

Reflection is well-written and includes personal ideas, questions, and connections between the article, science, and the real world


Reflection is at least 5 sentences in length

Points Earned for Article 1:

Points Earned for Article 2:

Points Earned for Article 3:




News Notebook follows all other guidelines: ______/8

Total points earned for News Notebook: ______/80


News Notebook Example – by Miss Hinkhouse!

Making Environmentally Friendly Plastics

ScienceDaily (Apr. 21, 2008) — Every year, more than 30 billion water bottles are added to America's landfills, creating a mountainous environmental problem. But if research at Missouri University of Science and

Technology is successful, the plastic bottles of the future could literally disappear within four months of being discarded.

The Missouri S&T research team is constructing new breeds of biodegradable and bioavailable plastics in an effort to reduce the tons of plastic waste that ends up in the nation’s landfills each year. Bioavailable plastics contain substances that can be absorbed by living systems during their normal physiological functions. By combining and modifying a variety of bio-based, oil-based and natural polymers, the team seeks to create optimal blends that can be used to make agricultural films, bottles, biomedical and drug delivery devices, and more.

The team is working under the direction of Dr. K.B. Lee, professor of chemical engineering at Missouri

S&T, to improve the properties of the biodegradable plastics for real-life products. Although companies already sell biodegradable polymers, the products are often expensive, of poor quality or developed for specific applications. That’s why the team is investigating how bio-based fillers, such as starch and fibers, can be included to reduce the cost in a variety of commercial applications.

The group is also interested in incorporating glycerol – a major byproduct of the biodiesel process – in the new plastics. Some of the group’s new polymers incorporate renewable resources, such as polylactic acid, which is created by fermenting starch. The group is very interested in renewable resources because their research and development efforts are also focused on developing efficient and cost-effective biodiesel and corn ethanol processes.

“Different chemical and biological mechanisms are responsible for the degradation of polymers,” says

Mahin Shahlari, a chemical engineering Ph.D. student at Missouri S&T. “For example, it’s known that polylactic acid will degrade in 45 to 60 days if composted at temperatures between 122 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit.” As polylactic acid degrades, the material reacts with water to decompose into small molecules, which are then mineralized into water and carbon dioxide.

“In general, the main end products of polymer degradation are water and carbon dioxide,” Shahlari explains. “Polylatic acid has the potential of replacing the regular water bottles, and we anticipate that our research could be incorporated into that field too.

“We are not just molding and extruding commercially available biodegrable resins. We also are incorporating nanotechnology, supercritical fluid technology and graft copolymer compatibilization, most of which are developed and patented by our group.”

(FYI: The article was 412 words and underlined areas were phrases that I thought were the most important and therefore included in my summary.)

Summary- Although plastics can be recycled and reused, many people do not recycle so landfills have turned into mountains of plastic. A research team at Missouri University of Science and Technology is trying to change that predicament by creating new types of biodegradable plastics. These plastics would be created from bio-based, oil-based, and natural polymers that would degrade within four months of being discarded. Biodegradable plastics are already available but they are generally expensive and of low quality. The Missouri research group wants to focus on renewable resources that would be efficient and cost-effective so those mountains of plastic at landfills could break down into water and carbon dioxide.

Reflection- I try to do my part for the environment by recycling as much as I can and by drinking from re-usable containers. However, I do love the simplicity of plastic water bottles and the fact that they aren’t expensive like the reusable bottles. With today’s hectic lifestyle, nearly everything comes packaged in plastic for easy use and preservation. I know that plastics can leach chemicals into food and drink and that plastics are created from petroleum (a non-renewable resource), so it would be good if we could stop using plastics all together! However, since I don’t see that happening, I hope that chemists are able to effectively create and distribute biodegradable plastics


Chemical Icosahedron Rubric

Things to remember when making your icosahedron:

You need to type your information, cut it out, and glue it to each side of your icosahedron

The text needs to be large enough to read from some distance, but small enough to fit on one side of your icosahedron

Rather than just listing random information without a context, some information might need a title and/or label like-- Density: 8.599 g/cm


Discovery: 1798 by Hertha Emme in


You can earn extra credit if you decorate the triangles and use creativity to make your icosahedron look great!

Late Policy: If not turned in on time, only 5% will be deducted if completed before 4:00 on due date. Every day late after the due date will result in 10% deducted per day.


Icosahedron is constructed neat and strong

Icosahedron has a device and string to hang two feet from the ceiling



Information is typed and pasted onto each side _____/6

Text is easy to read from a medium distance



Information is presented on the correct portion (ex: top) _____/3

Information is appropriate for the chemical chosen


Chemical name and formula



Student’s name and class period _____/2

Main use of chemical

Main use of chemical

Main use of chemical






When, who, and where developed

State of matter (at room temp) and description of color, etc.

Toxicity (or lethal dose)

Molecule drawing





1. Random Fact (of your choosing)

2. Random Fact (of your choosing)

3. Random Fact (of your choosing)

4. Random Fact (of your choosing)

5. Random Fact (of your choosing)

6. Random Fact (of your choosing)








Molar mass


Melting point and boiling point




_____/3 Solubility in at least 2 solvents

Why you chose this chemical or why you like it _____/3

Total: _____/80


Chemistry Safety Contract

Purpose: Chemistry is a hands-on laboratory class. You will be doing many laboratory activities that require the use of hazardous chemicals. Safety in the science classroom is the #1 priority for students, teachers, and parents. To ensure a safe science classroom, a list of rules has been developed and provided to you in this student safety contract. These rules must be followed at all times. Two copies of the contract are provided. One copy must be signed by both you and a parent or guardian and returned to Miss Hinkhouse before you can participate in the laboratory. The second copy is to be kept in your science notebook as a constant reminder of the safety rules.

General Guidelines:

Always conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in the laboratory

Always wear goggles when specified

Always pull back long hair, remove dangling jewelry, and wear shoes that cover the entire foot (NO sandals!)

Always consider the chemicals or substances you are working with to be dangerous

Always report any accidents or injuries as soon as they happen, no matter how trivial they may seem

Always report damaged items immediately

Always deposit waste materials as instructed

Always clean up after yourself: wash the glassware you use and clean your workstation

Always wash your hands after completing the experiment for the day

Never perform unauthorized experiments

Never engage in pranks or horseplay

Never bring food or drinks into the lab

Never eat or drink anything in the lab

Never touch your face, eyes, or mouth when in the lab until after you have washed your hands

Never enter the storage rooms unless instructed to do so

Never sit on the lab tables

Never handle broken glass with your hand – if something breaks, get the teacher

Never use dirty, chipped, or cracked glassware

I, __________________________, (student’s name) have read and agree to follow all of the safety rules set forth in this contract. I realize that I must obey these rules to insure my own safety, and that of my fellow students and teacher. I will cooperate to the fullest extent with my teacher and fellow students to maintain a safe lab environment. I will also closely follow the oral and written instructions provided by the teacher. I am aware that any violation of this safety contract that results in unsafe conduct in the laboratory or misbehavior on my part, may result in being removed from the laboratory, detention, receiving a failing grade, and/or dismissal from the course.

____________________________ (signed) __________________________ (dated)

Dear Parent or Guardian: You should be aware of the safety instructions your son/daughter has received about working in the science laboratory. No student will be permitted to perform laboratory activities unless this contract is signed. Your signature indicates that you have read this contract and will instruct students to follow these rules and procedures in the laboratory.

____________________________ (signed) __________________________ (dated)




Graduated cylinder

Iron ring

Bunsen burner


Test tube

Test tube clamp

Glass stirring rod


Clay triangle

Watch glass

Wash bottle

Digital balance or digital scale

Lab Equipment

Erlenmeyer flask

Filter paper

Ring stand

Wire gauze

Flint lighter

Beaker tongs

Test tube tongs

Test tube rack



Evaporating dish

Spot plate or well plate

Hot plate


Lab Notebook and Journaling Guidelines

Part 1: Lab Notebook o Every page is numbered o First page is a Table of Contents as shown below:

Date Name of Lab Page Number o Each lab write-up should include the Title, Purpose, Materials, and Procedure o The procedure should be detailed enough that a chemistry student at another school could repeat the exact processes used in the lab o Exclude the five “dirty” words of lab reports: I YOU WE SOME IT

Part 2: Journal

The back half of your lab notebook will be used as a chemistry journal.

Procedure :

Almost every day, at the beginning of class, a journal question will be posted on the board. You are expected to enter the classroom, sit in your seat, write the question (and date!) in your notebook, and answer the question as thoroughly as possible. Not following this procedure could result in points deducted from your journal grade.

Grading :

Journals will be collected every one or two weeks. You will be given some advanced warning and told to mark a certain number of entries to be read (generally two per week).

Each entry will be worth THREE points:

1 point for answering the actual question

1 point for elaboration on the response (more than two short sentences!)

1 point for format (following the procedure, legible handwriting, and writing the date, question, and response)

Example :

Question: What do you think of when you hear the words Periodic Table?


August 16, 2010 What do you think of when you hear the words Periodic Table?

I love the Periodic Table! It makes me think of all of the elements that comprise everything in our universe. I am fascinated by the organizational structure of the table because so much information is packed into a seemingly simple table. I also love the element symbols and spelling words/names, like Hinkhouse, with the symbols. What’s not to love about Hydrogen, Indium,

Potassium, Holmium, Uranium, and Selenium?



Title of Lab

Due Date

Purpose : To describe guidelines for writing a formal lab report. (one sentence)

Materials :

• List • All

• Materials • Using

• Bullet • Points

Procedure :

1. Number each step.

2. Use descriptive command statements.

3. Do NOT use the “Five Dirty Words” of lab procedures (I, you, we, some, it).

4. Include every step of the procedure.

5. Be descriptive enough that a chemistry student in another school could repeat the procedure.

Data :

Organize Data In Tables

Conclusions :

Use sentences and paragraphs to answer conclusion questions given by Miss Hinkhouse.

You may use the dirty words (I, you, we) since this is a reflection rather than a procedure.

Other Important Points…

Formatting Guidelines:

Use 1-inch margins and size 12 Times New Roman font

Place name, title of lab, and due date in the top left (as shown above)

Late Policy:

If not turned at the beginning of class on the due date, only 5% will be deducted if completed before

4:00 on due date. Every day late after the due date will result in 10% deducted per day.

Rough Drafts:

Miss Hinkhouse will read and critique optional rough drafts turned in 3 school days before the due date

(example: If the final draft is due on a Friday you can submit a rough draft no later than Tuesday afternoon). This is optional but it generally earns students better scores on the final draft!


Hydrate Lab

Purpose: To experimentally determine the formula of a copper (II) sulfate hydrate. In general, this will be accomplished by:

 Heating a solid compound (use between 3 and 4 grams) to remove water trapped within its crystal structure.

 Comparing the final and initial masses to determine how much water was removed from the sample.

 Mathematically determining the formula for the hydrate.


Dehydration Procedure:

Dehydration Data:

Dehydration Calculations:


How many moles of dry CuSO


were in your original hydrate sample?


How many moles of water were in your original hydrate sample?


What is the formula and name for this hydrate? (approximate – your data isn’t perfect)


When calculating the formula of the CuSO


hydrate, what may have caused your molar ratio of solid : hydrate to not be a perfect, whole number ratio? (describe experimental and storage concerns)


Aluminum Ornaments Lab

When it’s time to decorate the Chem-is-tree Miss Hinkhouse will need your help!



Obtain a 4x4 inch square of aluminum sheeting a.

The edges are sharp so be careful!


Use steel wool to polish the silver side to a high shine a.

Put the square on top of a piece of scratch paper so you don’t “polish” onto the desk b.

Use some elbow grease to get the silver side to a high shine (don’t mess with the

“golden” side). The better the shine the better your ornament will be in the end! c.

Your hands will get dirty but you can wash them in the lab sink so don’t freak out!


Use strips of masking tape to cover both sides of the square a.

Slightly overlap the strips of tape to ensure no “seams” are open b.

Mark (on the tape) which side is the polished silver side! c.

Make sure your name is on the tape somewhere


Draw a design on the tape that you will cut out and have exposed for a chemical reaction a.

You could do a Christmas design like a tree, star, or angel but you don’t have to! b.

Be creative but don’t make it too intricate. The larger your design the better!


Use a scalpel or utility knife to cut out your design and expose the polished aluminum a.

Cut gently so you just go through the tape and don’t cut into the aluminum (this is difficult…) b.

Be careful with the blade – don’t cut yourself, the table, or anyone else (don’t even pretend!) c.

As you cut, carefully remove tape in the places you want exposed for the chemical reaction d.

Put the square in a safe place or leave it in the classroom on Miss Hinkhouse’s desk


Once everyone is done we will react the aluminum with a copper (II) sulfate solution!


Percent Yield of MgO

Formal Lab Report Rubric

State the purpose

List the materials


Use command statements

Use a numbered list of steps

List all steps that were used to gather data


Use descriptive and clear language

Insert a data table with titles and units

Clearly report all data collected

Calculations (Use the data to perform stoichiometric calculations)

Insert calculations using Microsoft Equation 3.0

Calculate Theoretical Yield

Calculate Percent Yield


How did you calculate the theoretical yield?

What was your actual yield?

What was your percent yield?

What could have caused your percent yield to not be 100%?

_____/2 points

_____/2 points

_____/3 points

_____/2 points

_____/2 points

_____/3 points

_____/2 points

_____/3 points

_____/2 points

_____/4 points

_____/4 points

_____/4 points

_____/3 points

_____/3 points

_____/6 points

_____/45 points total


Defining Equilibrium Lab

Purpose : To determine what is equal when a system is at equilibrium

Materials : Beaker or Erlenmeyer flask Graduated cylinder Two Straws

Procedure : Read through the entire procedure before beginning the experiment!


Measure exactly X mL of water and pour it into the beaker. Fill the graduated cylinder to exactly Y mL.

(you choose X and Y, just be sure to record volumes at the top of your data table)

With your partner, place a straw in each container so it reaches the bottom of the container. Then, cover the top end of the straw with your index finger and simultaneously transfer the water from the cylinder to the beaker, and from the beaker to the cylinder. Be careful to not spill any water and carefully count the number of transfers.

Record data in the table below. Show Miss Hinkhouse when you believe you have reached equilibrium .

Data :




BEAKER volume


GRAD. CYLINDER volume (mL)

Analysis :


What is the ratio of volumes in the beaker to the cylinder at equilibrium?


How can you tell when equilibrium is reached?


What is equal at equilibrium?


Does the transferring of water need to stop at equilibrium to preserve the equilibrium? Why or why not?


Chemistry Syllabus

Philosophy and Expectations:

Chemistry is the science that seeks to understand the behavior of matter by studying the behavior of atoms and molecules. This will not be a spectator class! You will need to participate in all areas of the course on a daily basis in order to meet expectations. Content will be learned through lectures and discussions, laboratory investigations and group projects. You will be required to commit yourself to working as a team member and putting forth your best effort towards acquiring the basic tools of scientific inquiry and understanding the content presented. It is my sincere hope that the class will prepare you for college and that you will find chemistry to be interesting, challenging and useful.

How Can You Succeed in Chemistry?

1. Take good notes in class, stay organized, and turn in your homework.

2. Come to class and be prepared (be ready for class when the bell rings!). Attendance is essential, but when you must miss class be sure to get yourself caught up with the material.

3. Ask questions when you do not understand something. As a high school student, I expect you to take initiative and come ask for help when you need it. I am available to help you both before and after school or you can call me or email me. (

4. In science class always remember the four Ps: Polite, Prompt, Prepared, and Productive.

5. Have fun! Whether you want to be a scientist or not, you will always do better in science if you have a good attitude and enjoy yourself.

Classroom Rules:

Be respectful of the classroom, classmates, and the teacher

Follow all directions the first time they are given and be in your seat and quiet by the bell

Do your own work and stay on task

Practice safe lab and classroom behavior (this includes sitting on chairs with all legs on the floor at all times and not touching things that do not belong to you)

Follow all other school rules and policies

No food or drink, except clear water


Non-verbal reminder (the "dirty look", etc.) and/or Verbal reminder

Discussion after class or during lunch

Discussion after school (aka: detention) and parent phone call

Required Class Supplies for EVERY DAY!

Three-ring binder with loose-leaf paper and sections for VIP (Very Important Papers), Notes, and Homework.

Proper writing utensils

Scientific Calculator

Lab Notebook and Chemistry Coursepack

Notice that food/drink, coats, bookbags, purses, cell phones, and MP3 players are not on the class supply list. If you are sent to your locker to return one of these items you will automatically receive an unexcused tardy.

Attendance and Presence:

 When you must miss class, it’s your responsibility to get the assignments and materials from the date of your absence. You are allowed one make up day for each day of the excused absence


(except for long-term projects with a set deadline). Unexcused absences will result in no credit for the work you missed or failed to turn in.

Please do not ask me questions about your absence during classtime – I have other students who need me to focus on the present class. You are welcome to come in the morning or schedule a time to meet with me to answer your questions, but it is your responsibility to do so.

Classtime is a valuable resource that I strive to use wisely and I expect students to do so as well.

While your presence in class will help you learn, I realize that you will occasionally need to leave the classroom. You must have your student planner and you will be given four restroom/locker passes per semester. You can earn 2 extra credit points for each unused pass at the end of the semester!

Grading (each quarter):


Big Quizzes:

Lab Reports and Projects:


95 - 100% = A 89 - 91% = B+

86 - 88% = B



80 - 82% = C+

77 - 79% = C 92 - 94% = A-

83 - 85% = B- 74 - 76% = C-



71 - 73% = D+

68 - 70% = D

65 - 67% = D-

0 - 64% = F

Homework Policy:

I expect you to finish homework and classwork assignments on time and completely (make an attempt at everything and ask questions if you don’t understand!). Chemistry is made up of a number of concepts that build upon each other so it is extremely important for you to complete work on time and therefore I do not accept late work . However, you will have ONE excused homework pass. Homework is usually due at the beginning of class therefore I will not answer questions on assignments right before class begins. If you have questions on the assignment send me an email or ask me before school starts!

Policy on Cheating:

You, the student, are expected to conduct yourself with integrity. When you cheat, or aid in someone else cheating, you violate a trust. If you are caught cheating, you may fail yourself from this class. If you are not caught, you probably will not be able to sleep at night.

Classroom Atmosphere:

You are expected to contribute to a positive learning environment by respecting the rights of other students to learn, respecting the right of the teacher to teach, and by accepting responsibility for your own learning. I believe that attitude is everything therefore you should make every attempt to leave bad moods and other issues at the door when you enter the classroom.


Physical Science Notes – For 1


Chemistry Test

CHAPTER 1 NOTES: hypothesis – an educated guess based on knowledge and observation independent variable – this is changed and this causes change in another variable dependent variable – this changes in response to the change in other variables constant

– a variable that does not change during the experiment is a control – the standard to which test results can be compared

Density - the ratio of an object’s mass to its volume D = mass/volume

 The density of pure water is 1.00 g/cm 3 or 1.00 g/mL

 Each metal on the Periodic Table of Elements has a specific density value –

 these values can be found in chemistry books and on the Internet

Substances that have a density of less than 1.00 g/mL will float on water


Matter – anything that has mass and takes up space (has volume) is matter a.

Pure substance – matter that always has exactly the same composition (ex: table salt, sugar). Every sample of a given substance has the same properties because a substance has a fixed, uniform composition. Examples : elements and compounds b.

Mixture – a material consisting of two or more substances. The properties of a mixture can vary because the composition of a mixture is not fixed.


Heterogeneous mixture – a combination of two or more substances that are not uniformly dispersed (often composed of more than one phase of matter that separate into layers)


Homogenous mixture – a combination of two or more substances that

ARE uniformly dispersed and do not separate into layers (often called solutions)

Physical Properties – any characteristic of a material that can be observed or measured without changing the composition of the substances in the material

Examples : color, size, mass, viscosity, conductivity, malleability, melting point, boiling point, density

Chemical Properties – a property of matter that describes a substance’s ability to participate in chemical reactions (and therefore change the composition of matter)

Examples: flammability and reactivity

Physical versus Chemical Changes

Physical Change – occurs when some of the properties of a material change, but the substances in the material remain the same (ex: heating butter, folding paper, braiding hair)

Some physical changes can be reversed while some cannot be reversed

(ex: cutting hair, slicing a tomato)

Chemical Change – occurs when a substance reacts and forms one or more new substances. (ex: baking a cake, burning paper, dying hair)

There are four common types of evidence for a chemical change


Color Change (jewelry tarnishes)


Production of a Gas (baking soda with vinegar makes carbon dioxide)



Formation of a Precipitate – any solid that forms and separates from a liquid mixture


Gain or loss of heat


Classifications of Matter – materials can be classified as solids, liquids, or gases based on whether their shapes and volumes are definite (will not change) or variable (changing). a.

Solid – the state of matter in which materials have a definite shape and volume.

- Atoms are packed close together and are arranged in a regular pattern. b.

Liquid – the state of matter in which a material has a definite volume but NOT a definite shape.

- Atoms are close together but their arrangement is more random than atoms in a solid. c.

Gas – the state of matter in which a material has neither a definite shape nor a definite volume.

- Atoms are not arranged in a regular pattern and are spread far apart.

Phase Changes – the reversible physical change that occurs when a substance changes from one state of matter to another. a. The temperature of a substance does not change during a phase change. b. During a phase change, energy is transferred between a substance and its surroundings. c.

Melting – the particles in solid absorb energy, overcome their forces of attraction, and it becomes a liquid d.

Freezing – the particles in a liquid releases energy, start moving more slowly, their forces of attraction become stronger, and it becomes a solid e.

Vaporization – the phase change in which a substance changes from a liquid into a gas.

The particles in a liquid absorb energy, overcome their forces of attraction, and it becomes a gas

There are two vaporization processes:


Evaporation – the process that changes a substance from a liquid to a gas at temperatures below the substance’s boiling point. Some particles near the surface of the water are moving fast enough to escape the liquid and become vapor.


Boiling – when a substance reaches its boiling point some molecules below the surface have enough kinetic energy to overcome the attraction of neighboring molecules. This causes bubbles of water vapor to rise through the liquid and be released. f.

Condensation – the phase change in which a substance changes from a gas to a liquid g.

Sublimation – the phase change in which a substance changes from a solid to a gas without changing to a liquid first h.

Deposition – the phase change when a gas changes directly into a solid without first changing to a liquid


Nucleus – a dense, positively charged mass located in the center of the atom (the plural of nucleus is nuclei).

Proton – a positively charged subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom. Each proton is assigned a charge of +1.

Electron – a negatively charged subatomic particle that is found in the space outside the nucleus. Each electron has a charge of -1.


Neutron – a subatomic particle that is found in the nucleus of an atom. It has a charge of 0 (uncharged) and has a mass almost exactly equal to that of a proton.

Atomic Number – the atoms of a specific element always have the same number of protons and this number is called the atomic number (ex: each oxygen atom has 8 protons, atomic number = 8). Atoms of different elements have different numbers of protons, therefore, different atomic numbers.

In a neutral atom, each positive charge is balanced by a negative charge so the atomic number of an element also equals the number of electrons in an atom.

Mass Number / Atomic Mass – the sum of the protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom. (Ex: an atom of Aluminum with 13 protons and 14 neutrons has a mass number of 27)

Isotopes – atoms of the same element that have different numbers of neutrons and different mass numbers. Isotopes of an element still have the same atomic number because the number of protons stays the same.

Energy levels – the possible energies that electrons in an atom can have.

Electron cloud – a visual model of the most likely locations for electrons in an atom. The cloud is denser at those locations where the probability of finding an electron is high.


The Periodic Table of Elements

Period : each row in the table of elements is a different period a.

Each new period has an additional energy level of electrons. b.

The first energy level can hold only 2 electrons, so only 2 elements are in the first period. c.

The second energy level can hold only 8 additional electrons, so only 8 elements are in the second period. d.

The third energy level can hold only 8 additional electrons, so only

8 elements are in the third period.

Group : each column on the periodic table is a different group

The elements within a group have similar properties.

Valence electron – an electron that is in the highest occupied energy level of an atom. a. These electrons play a key role in chemical reactions – atoms want to have a full outer energy level so they will gain or lose electrons to make this happen b. Properties vary across a period because the number of valence electrons increases from left to right c. Elements in a group have similar properties because they have the same number of valence electrons.

Element Characteristics

Metals – elements that are good conductors of electric current and heat

Most metals are malleable

Most metals are ductile – can be drawn into thin wires

Nonmetals – elements that are poor conductors of heat and electric current

Most are gases, but others are brittle solids

Metalloids – elements with properties that fall between those of metals and nonmetals

Ability to conduct electric current varies with temperature



Ion - an atom that has a net positive or negative electric charge (the number of electrons has changed so that it no longer equals the number of protons)

Cation - an ion with a positive charge. The name of the element does not change: Na


is a sodium cation

Anion - an ion with a negative charge. The name of the element is shortened, then the suffix


is added, so Cl


is the chloride anion and S


is the sulfide anion

Ionic bond - the force that holds cations and anions together.

Ionic bonds form between metals and nonmetals

Ionic bonds form when electrons are transferred from one atom to another

Covalent bond - a chemical bond in which two atoms (two non-metals!!!) share a pair of valence electrons


Chemical Reactions – when a substance undergoes a chemical change, a chemical reaction has taken place. a.

The Law of Conservation of Mass

– states that mass is neither created nor destroyed b.

A chemical reaction is written as Reactants

Products c.

Reactants – the substances that undergo change d.

Products – the new substances formed as a result of that change e.

Balancing Chemical Equations – this must be done to follow the Law of Conservation of



Write the reaction in symbol form.


Draw a line down from the arrow and, on each side, write the symbols of each of the atoms present.


Count and record the numbers of each atom present on each side of the arrow.


Use coefficients to increase the number of atoms until they are balanced –



Coefficients - the numbers that appear before the chemical formulas in a reaction.


Acid – a compound that produces hydronium ions (H




) when dissolved in water.

Some general properties of acids include sour taste, reactivity with metals, and ability to produce color change in indicators.

Base – a compound that produces hydroxide ions (OH


) when dissolved in water.

Some general properties of bases include bitter taste, slippery feel, and ability to produce color changes in indicators. pH – number scale from 0 to 14 to describe the concentration of hydronium ions in a solution.

A pH of 7 indicates a neutral solution. Acids have a pH less than 7. Bases have a pH greater than 7.


My Message to You

You are an intelligent, driven, and creative student. You must be; otherwise you wouldn’t be here. Your future holds unlimited possibility.

I am here to challenge you and expand your ability to think, learn, and comprehend.

I don’t expect you to love Chemistry or even science in general. I don’t expect you to like me. I don’t expect you to remember everything I will teach you.

However, I do expect you to put forth your best effort and keep up with the material. I expect you to be engaged in class rather than being a spectator. I expect you to ask questions and see me for help when you are struggling.

We will work together, as a class, and I will always try to help you learn. I won’t do the work for you, but I will organize as many chances as possible to help you understand concepts and prove your learning.

This is not a memorization class. You will be expected to prove an understanding of advanced concepts through quizzes, tests, lab reports, and projects. It won’t be easy and, at times, you will hate it.

However, you will have the support of your fellow students and a teacher who truly wants you to learn.

I set high expectations because you are more than capable of achieving them. I am truly excited to see what you can accomplish this year.

~Miss Hinkhouse

