Skeletal & Muscular System Review Worksheet

Skeletal and Muscular System Review
Use your class notes, worksheets, and textbook to help you answer the following questions
1. What are the functions of the skeletal system?
Support & protect the body, movement (along with muscles), make blood cells, store fat & minerals
2. What connective tissue attaches bone to bone? ligaments
3. What connective tissue attaches muscle to bone? tendons
4. What tissue makes up the majority of a newborn baby's skeleton? cartilage
5. In what part of the bone are new blood cells made? Bone marrow
6. How can eating dairy products or dark green leafy vegetables help you maintain healthy bones?
Dairy products and dark green leafy vegetables are both good sources of calcium
7. How does exercise help maintain healthy bones? Exercise makes bones grow stronger & denser
8. Name the 4 layers of bone from OUTSIDE to CENTER
Outer membrane (periosteum); Compact Bone; Spongy Bone; Marrow
9. Give examples of where in the body you find the following types of joints:
a. pivot
b. hinge
c. ball and socket
d. fixed
e. sliding/gliding
a. pivot: neck between 1st & 2nd cervical vertebrae b. hinge: knee, elbow c. shoulder, hip d. fixed: skull
e. sliding/gliding: wrist, ankle
10. What shiny, white connective tissue provides shock absorption at the end of bones? cartilage
11. What do you call the place where two bones meet? joint
12. Name the 4 ingredients of bone water, minerals, living matter (cells), protein (collagen)
13. One function of the skeletal system is to protect your internal organs.
a. List the names of bones that protect organs
b. Tell which organ each bone protects
*Hint: You can include a group of bones working together to protect a group of organs
Skull protects brain, eyes, ears
Ribs, sternum and vertebra protect heart, lungs, liver, pancreas, stomach
Sternum protects heart
Pelvic Girdle protects intestines and reproductive organs
Vertebra protect spinal cord and nerves
14. Bone tissue is continuously breaking down old bone and building new bone.
a. Describe the process of how a bone heals itself after a fracture.
Stem cells turn into protein fibers which bridge the break, minerals are added until it is a strong, but
disorganized mesh, then it is remodeled back to normal structure. This takes about 3 months
b. Describe the process of how teeth are able to move through the bone in your jaws during
orthodontic treatment.
As wire pulls on teeth, the pressure of the tooth roots pushing against the bone causes the bone to
dissolve. New bone forms behind the tooth root to fill the space which the tooth has vacated.
15. Which type of muscle tires quickly during exercise? Skeletal muscle
16. Explain why skeletal muscles must work in pairs Muscle cells can only contract and pull, therefore
one muscle can only pull a bone in one direction. In order for the bone to return to its original position,
a partner muscle must contract and pull the bone in the opposite direction.
17. Name the three types of muscle tissue AND give examples of where in the body you find each type.
Cardiac muscle is found in the heart. Smooth muscle is found inside many internal organs. Skeletal
muscle is found in pairs around bones where the body needs to bend and flex.
18. Which type(s) of muscle tissue is(are) voluntary? (Under your conscious control) skeletal muscle
19. Which type(s) of muscle tissue is(are) involuntary? (Controlled automatically by your brain)
Cardiac and smooth muscle are both involuntary
20. Under a microscope each type of muscle tissue has a unique appearance.
Identify the following types of muscle tissue as cardiac, smooth or skeletal
21. When a person eats "meat", what type of tissue is the person eating? muscle
22. Which type of cell contains more mitochondria, a bone cell or a muscle cell? Give a reason for your
answer. A muscle cell contains more mitochondria than a bone cell. Mitochondria provide energy so the
more mitochondria each cell has the more energy it will have available to use. Muscles use more energy
than bones do, because muscles have to power movement of the body.
23. Name four muscles of the human body and give the location of each. Biceps front of upper arm,
Triceps back of upper arm, Masseter cheek, Gluteus maximus buttocks, Gastrocnemius calf