Teacher Copy

Best Cook of the Year
Teacher Copy
Assessment Task:
Best Cook of the Year
Level: Key Stage 3
Related Basic Competency (BC) Descriptors
Writing a variety of texts for different purposes with relevant and
generally adequate content
Writing a variety of texts using punctuation marks, and a range of
vocabulary and language patterns with some degree of appropriacy and
accuracy to convey meaning
Writing a variety of texts with adequate overall planning and
organization (including the use of cohesive devices and paragraphs, and
sequencing of ideas)
Writing a variety of texts using tone, style and register generally
appropriately with the help of cues
Time required: 45 minutes
Pre-assessment (5 minutes)
1. Explain the context of this task to the students.
2. Guide the class on what to include. They should try and write:
an introduction that gives the name of the dish and the reason(s) for
choosing it;
the steps for cooking the dish; and
an ending paragraph that contains one or more tips for making the
dish attractive.
3. Remind the students that you will be looking for these features in their
Did I include a good reason / some good reasons for choosing my dish?
Did I write the steps clearly?
Did I include one or more useful tips?
Did I write in sequence according to how I do the activity?
(This might mean using sequence words such as ‘first’, ‘then’, ‘after
that’ and ‘finally’)
Did I write an introduction and an ending paragraph?
Did I use suitable words?
Did I write sentences with clear meaning?
Best Cook of the Year
Teacher Copy
Did I make good attempts at spelling?
Did I use punctuation correctly?
Did I use neat and clear handwriting?
4. Tell the students that after they have finished their writing, they should use
the checklist on page 3 of the Student Copy to see if improvement can be
Assessment (40 minutes)
1. Ask the students to write in about 120 words. Encourage them to include
some detail and try to get them to link the sentences in some way.
2. Tell the students that they should write on pages 1 – 2 of the Student Copy.
They should work quietly at this. As they do this, you should rove around the
room and answer questions that they ask in relation to the context of this task,
what to include in the explanation and the checklist on page 3 of the Student
Copy. But you must not do any of the writing for them, nor must you change
their work in any way, e.g. correct spelling mistakes, tell them that a sentence
does not make sense.
3. Remember to ask each student to return the Student Copy (page 1 to page 3)
to you at the end of this task.
Best Cook of the Year
Teacher Copy
Assessment Task : Best Cook of the Year
The Cookery Club of your school is holding the Best Cook of the Year competition.
In the first round of the competition, each competitor is required to hand in a short
explanation of the dish to be prepared in about 120 words. The explanation should
an introduction that gives the name of the dish and the
reason(s) for choosing it;
the steps for cooking the dish; and
an ending paragraph that contains one or more tips for
making the dish attractive.
You want to join the competition. Write your explanation in the form provided below.
Best Cook of the Year
(First Round)
Best Cook of the Year
Teacher Copy
Best Cook of the Year
Teacher Copy
Checklist for the Assessment Task
See if you have done the following for the writing task.
If not, improve your work. Answer each question by putting a tick “” in the right
1. Did I include a good reason / some good reasons for
choosing my dish?
2. Did I write the steps clearly?
3. Did I include one or more useful tips?
4. Did I write in sequence according to how I do the
(This might mean using sequence words such as ‘first’,
‘then’, ‘after that’ and ‘finally’)
5. Did I write an introduction and an ending paragraph?
6. Did I use suitable words?
7. Did I write sentences with clear meaning?
8. Did I make good attempts at spelling?
9. Did I use punctuation correctly?
10. Did I use neat and clear handwriting?
Best Cook of the Year
Teacher Copy
Scoring Guide
Assessment Task: Best Cook of the Year
Writing a variety of texts for different purposes with relevant and generally
adequate content
a. Write the explanation with relevant content (e.g. reasons, steps, tips, etc.).
b. Write the explanation with some relevant content (e.g. reasons, steps, tips,
c. Write the explanation with mostly irrelevant content (e.g. reasons, steps,
tips, etc.).
Writing a variety of texts using punctuation marks, and a range of vocabulary
and language patterns with some degree of appropriacy and accuracy to convey
a. Use punctuation marks and a range of vocabulary and language patterns
with some mistakes.
b. Use punctuation marks and a range of vocabulary and language patterns
with many mistakes.
c. Use punctuation marks and a small range of vocabulary and language
patterns with many mistakes.
Writing a variety of texts with adequate overall planning and organization
(including the use of cohesive devices and paragraphs, and sequencing of ideas)
a. Reasonably logical sequence of ideas and appropriate use of cohesive
devices (e.g. when writing out the steps).
b. Reasonable sequence of most ideas and with most cohesive devices
correctly used (e.g. when writing out the steps).
c. Reasonable sequence of 1 or 2 ideas with 1 or 2 cohesive devices correctly
Writing a variety of texts using tone, style and register generally appropriately
with the help of cues
a. Appropriate use of tone, style and register.
b. Inappropriate use of tone, style and register.