Macbeth by William Shakespeare

Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Study Guide: Act I
Name _________________________________
Act I, Scenes 1 and 2
1. What is the meaning of “Fair is foul and foul is fair”?
2. What information is given in the introduction?
3. What description does the captain give to Duncan of the battle?
4. What punishment is pronounced upon the thane of Cawdor?
5. What reward is bestowed upon Macbeth?
Act I, Scene 3
1. What new evidence of supernatural power is given by the witches?
2. What three messages do the weird sisters bring to Macbeth?
3. What message do the weird sisters give Banquo?
Act I, Scene 4
1. What description of Cawdor and his death does Malcolm give?
2. What does the king mean by: “There’s no art… He was a gentleman…”? What is their influence
on the audience? What is Ironic about this?
3. What public announcement does Duncan make as to his successor on the throne?
4. What is the effect on Macbeth of the announcement?
5. Where does Duncan now plan to spend the night?
Act I, Scene 5
1. What are the contents of Macbeth’s letter to Lady Macbeth?
2. What is Lady Macbeth’s reaction to the prophecy that he would become king?
3. How does her soliloquy reveal her character?
4. Why does she bid him to leave all else to her?
Act I, Scene 6
1. What is the purpose of the comments of Duncan and Banquo on the situation and environment of
Macbeth’s castle?
2. What is ironic about the way Duncan and Lady Macbeth speak?
Act I, Scene 7
1. What state of mind does Macbeth’s soliloquy reveal?
2. What is Macbeth’s chief fault?
3. How does Lady Macbeth reproach him?
4. What plans for the murder of Duncan does Lady Macbeth propose?
5. What is the result of the great influence Lady Macbeth has over Macbeth?
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Study Guide: Act II
Name _________________________________
Act II, Scene 1
1. At what time do the events of Act II take place?
2. How does Banquo react against temptation as compared with Macbeth’s reaction?
3. What dream did Banquo have?
4. What proposition did Macbeth make to Banquo?
5. Did Banquo accept it?
6. Who rang the bell?
Act II, Scene 2
1. Why did not Lady Macbeth kill the king?
2. Why did Macbeth bring back the daggers to Lady Macbeth?
3. How does Lady Macbeth taunt Macbeth when he refused to return the daggers?
4. Who returned the daggers?
5. What did she say to soothe him?
6. Are Macbeth’s last words in this scene sincere?
Act II, Scene 3
1. What is the purpose of introducing the Porter scene?
2. Who now enters?
3. What is the condition of the Porter?
4. What is the effect of the news of Duncan’s murder of Macduff?
5. Why did Macbeth kill the grooms?
6. Was it wise or foolish?
Act II, Scene 4
1. Whom does Macduff charge with the murder of the king?
2. How much of his prophecy has been fulfilled?
3. Has he waited for “chance to crown him”?
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Study Guide: Act III
Name _________________________________
Act III, Scene 1
1. What is Banquo’s opinion of Macbeth’s conduct?
2. Knowing what he did, what was Banquo’s duty?
3. What does he say of the prediction of the weird sisters concerning himself and the prospect of its
being fulfilled?
4. What invitation does Macbeth give Banquo?
5. What was Macbeth’s reason for asking Banquo, “Ride you this afternoon?”
6. Why does he ask concerning Fleance?
7. Had Macbeth already been planning the murder of Banquo?
8. What arguments does Macbeth use to induce the murderers to kill Banquo?
9. What are his final instructions, especially with regard to Fleance?
Act III, Scene 2
1. What does Macbeth mean by : “We have scotched the snake…”?
2. What quick changes take place in Macbeth?
3. Does Macbeth tell Lady Macbeth his plans?
Act III, Scene 3
1. What do you infer as to who is the third murderer from the fact that the third murderer is
familiar with the plan, the palace, and the habits of Banquo?
2. Does the second murderer mistrust Macbeth?
3. What is the dramatic significance that Fleance escapes?
4. What is the meaning of the second murderer’s remark, “We have lost the best half of our affair”?
Act III, Scene 4
1. What does Macbeth mean by “Tis better thee without than he within”?
2. Why can’t Macbeth find a seat at the table?
3. What action does Lady Macbeth take?
4. What is significant that Macbeth “keeps a servant fee’d” in each subject’s house?
Act III, Scene 5
1. What does Hecate say is mortal’s chiefest enemy? Is it true in Macbeth’s case?
2. Is Scene 5 the work of Shakespeare? Why or why not?
Act III, Scene 6
1. What is the tone of Lennox’s remarks?
2. What evidence is there that changed begin to take place in Scotland?
3. What is the character of Macduff?
4. What is the nature of the information given in this scene?
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Study Guide: Act IV
Name _________________________________
Act IV, Scene 1
1. Where does this scene take place?
2. What is his tone of voice in speaking to the witches?
3. Who does the first apparition—an armed head—represent? What is its message?
4. Who does the second apparition represent? What is its message?
5. Who does the third apparition represent? What is its message?
6. How do they fulfill Hecate’s plan?
7. What information does Lennox bring?
8. Why is the murder here planned considered to be the climax of Macbeth’s crimes?
Act IV, Scene 2
1. How does Lady Macduff feel about her husband’s flight to England?
2. What is the effect of the conversation between Lady Macduff and her son?
3. What warning does a messenger bring?
4. Did she heed the warning?
5. What was the consequence?
Act IV, Scene 3
1. What is Macduff’s mission to Malcolm?
2. Why does Malcolm paint himself so evilly?
3. Is he assured that Macduff is trustworthy and loyal?
4. From where did Ross come and what message does he bring?
5. Does Ross lie to Macduff about Macduff’s family?
6. Does Macduff love his family?
7. Of whom are spoken the words, “He has no children”?
8. What do Malcolm and Macduff decide to do?
Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Study Guide: Act V
Name _________________________________
Act V, Scene 1
1. How has Lady Macbeth changed since the last time she was involved in the action of the play
(Act III, i)?
2. What is the doctor’s diagnosis of her condition, its causes, its nature?
3. Connect her present condition with that of the past and note the repetition of the words and
phrases of the past spoken under different circumstances. Where are they spoken before?
4. Has Macbeth been disturbed in his sleep because of his crimes?
Act V, Scene 2
1. What information is given in Scene 2 of English power?
2. What are Macbeth’s plans for defense?
3. What is said of Macbeth’s mental and emotional condition?
4. What is the significance of the closing words of Scene 2?
Act V, Scene 3
1. Upon what does Macbeth rely?
2. Is Hecate’s plan being fulfilled?
3. How does Macbeth treat his attendants? Explain “lily-livered” and “linen cheeks.”
4. Explain, “This push will cheer me ever, or disseat me now.”
5. Is there any pathos here? What is Macbeth’s punishment?
6. What is Macbeth’s description of a mind diseased? Its cure?
7. What change is seen in Macbeth in Scene 3?
Act V, Scene 4 and 5
1. What is the dramatic value of Scene 4?
2. What change is seen in Macbeth regarding his valor in Scene 5?
3. What is the effect on Macbeth of the news of Lady Macbeth’s death?
4. What causes his return to desperation and despair?
5. What lines in Scene 5 are lines among the best known in Shakespeare?
6. What is to be noted in lines 42, “I pull in resolution…”?
Act V, Scene 6 and 7
1. What is the value of the succession of short scenes?
2. What is the spirit of Malcolm’s troops?
3. Why is Macbeth allowed to be victor over young Siward?
Act V, Scene 8
1. What is the effect on the audience of this renewal of Macbeth’s bravery?
2. How does he conduct himself when he learns that the “juggling fiends” have betrayed him
3. How does Siward take the news of his son’s death?
4. Why does Macbeth die at Macduff’s rather than at Malcolm’s hand?
5. Does the audience witness the death of Macbeth?
6. How is the death made known?