Coteaching Revisited- Redrawing the Blueprint

Developing an Inclusive Curriculum – 3xS worksheet
Triple S Worksheet
Name of Article/Piece of work
Co-teaching Revisited: Redrawing the Blueprint
Full Reference
Kloo, A. & Zigmond, N. (2008). Co-teaching Revisited: Redrawing the Blueprint. Preventing School Failure,
52(2), 12- 20.
Summary- Prepare a brief overview of the article or document
The special education should be an active member of co-teaching practice. Co-teaching involves one general
teacher and one special education teacher sharing the responsibility for planning, delivering and evaluating
instruction for a diverse group of students. The general classroom teacher understands structure, content and
pacing and the special education teacher identifies unique learning needs. These combined skills of the general
and special educator establish a strong co-teaching partnership. A special education teachers’ role is to TEACH
and SUPPORT not only students with IEPs but other students in the classroom with diverse learning needs
(styles and abilities.)
Significance- identify the major points/key ideas
2 major benefits of co-teaching: Students with disabilities are taught the general education curriculum by a
general education teacher and students with disabilities have greater access to the curriculum.
Other considerations for co-teaching: necessary support is provided to students with IEPs to ensure they
function successfully, reduce the student: teacher ratio will provide more opportunities for IEP students to
participate, will discourage singling out individual students and general education teachers reach a broader
mix of students with content.
Cannot just put two teachers in a classroom together and expect effective co-teaching practice.
Re-drawing the blueprint making more explicit expectations and procedures for the special education
teacher’s role in the partnership.
View co-teaching as a marriage or partnered dance.
Current co-teaching models: (links to Lecture/Tutorial 4 content)
One teaching
Station teaching
Parallel teaching
Alternative teaching
Team teaching
Co-teaching involving a general classroom teacher and a special education teacher should be parallel,
station or alternative.
Developing an Inclusive Curriculum – 3xS worksheet
Roles a special education teacher has in a...
Skill Based Classroom
Target the skills and strategies that a particular student needs to learn.
Express enthusiasm and optimism.
Adapt the instructional environment.
Create opportunities for small-group or individual, direct, intensive instruction.
Help student apply skills learned to content classes.
Content/Subject Classroom
Study the content.
Understand the big ideas.
Prioritize course objectives.
Plan with the general education teacher.
Observe the students in the class as they listen to instruction.
Rephrase, repeat, and redirect.
Teach your coteacher to do it all on his or her own.
So What- How does this information inform my teaching practice?
It is important as a future educator that I:
Develop effective partnerships with special education teachers, learning support teachers and other cohort
Use a variety of co-teaching models (5) by trial and error to identify which compliment my teaching style
and the students of my classroom.